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Rep. Ilhan Omar Expects Biden to Veer Left If Elected and Have Only ‘Progressive Democrats’ in His Cabinet

Posted on Tuesday, October 27, 2020
by Outside Contributor

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) told Axios in an interview that aired Monday that she expects a liberal turn if Democratic nominee Joe Biden is elected president, adding that she wants all Cabinet positions filled with progressives.

Biden’s transition team has reportedly vetted a handful of Republicans for potential Cabinet positions. While this may reinforce Biden’s image as a unity candidate, it has fueled a backlash among the Democratic Party’s leftmost wing.

“I would say all of the Cabinet positions should be filled by progressive Democrats,” Omar told Axios. “We know that the policies we advocate for are most popular with the American people,” she added.

Asked why Biden is the nominee if he doesn’t support the most radical Democrat policies, Omar said it’s a question of there being a mismatch between policies people support and the leadership qualities they demand from a presidential candidate.

“I guess sometimes there’s a disconnect in the person that you might believe should lead and the policies you that you might believe should be implemented,” she said, citing strong exit poll support for Medicare for All during the Democratic primaries, even in places where Biden, not Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), was leading.

“And so that should signal to Joe Biden that these people trusted me to lead but these are the policies that they want me to lead on and, you know, act accordingly,” Omar said.

Biden ran as a moderate compared to some of his Democrat rivals in the primaries, like Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and has continued to cast himself as a centrist. During his first presidential debate against President Donald Trump, Biden made a point of rejecting the Green New Deal and instead touted his own clean energy plan, although a review of his campaign website references the controversial legislation as the underpinnings of his scheme.

Omar said the Democratic Party’s progressive wing would fight to try and make sure Biden’s policies are not too moderate for their liking.

“The president is only as successful as his collaboration is with Congress,” she said. “We will have a cohort of progressives that are very clear about their objectives for wanting the implementation of Medicare for All and a Green New Deal and raising the minimum wage and not allowing for fracking,” Omar said.

The Biden campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Omar’s remarks.

Her comments play into the view that however moderate of a candidate Biden may be, intra-party dynamics following a potential Biden win would pressure him to veer left. They also appear to reinforce the claim, expressed by Trump and his supporters, that Biden is a “Trojan horse for socialism.”

“He is, he’s a Trojan horse,” Trump said in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, ahead of the Democratic National Convention in August. “He has no clue, but the people around him are tough, and they’re smart,” Trump added, presumably alluding to much the same “cohort of progressives” Omar referred to in her remarks to Axios.

Vice President Mike Pence, at a rally in Boulder City, Nevada, in early October, said: “You know, when you look at their agenda it’s clear. I said this at Fort McHenry—Joe Biden would be nothing more than a Trojan horse for the radical left.”

Pence framed the choice in November’s election as one between traditional American values and radically progressive ones.

“It’s whether we’re going to chart a course based on our highest ideals of faith and family and freedom and patriotism and the American flag and the Constitution of the United States, or whether we’re going to abandon that path and allow the radical left and Joe Biden and the Democratic Party to take our nation somewhere it’s never been before,” Pence said.

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4 years ago

President Trump accurately described Biden as “He is, he’s a Trojan horse,” Trump said in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, ahead of the Democratic National Convention in August. “He has no clue, but the people around him are tough, and they’re smart,” Trump added, presumably alluding to much the same “cohort of progressives” Omar referred to in her remarks to Axios.” No one has to pressure Biden to do anything. He is a pathetic, worn out, old politician suffering from mid-stage dementia, so he will agree to whatever his handlers tell him to do. Biden can’t even remember who is running against. Just this weekend, he thought he was running against George W. Bush. His wife had to whisper Trump’s name to him to get him back on track. So really, Omar was laying out an accurate picture of where in the Democrat party the major players in a Biden / Harris or Harris / Biden administration would come from. The far left wing, pure socialist / communist majority that runs the Democrat party.

Anyone still foolish enough to think it honestly matters whether Biden or Harris has the figurehead position of president, should Biden actually win, is missing the real point. Our constitutional republic will cease to be should the Democrats win and we will quickly descend into morass of socialism and all that it entails. So get out and vote people, because the alternative is something many of us won’t long survive.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Dems want Great Depression 2 for the US & world & Police State America.
But they the Squad havent experienced riots LIVE

4 years ago

The likelihood of Biden appointing a conservative to his cabinet is null.

4 years ago

Just as Pelosi told Representatives to vote for Obamacare and then they could read it, Biden is telling the public that they must first elect him and then he will tell them how he stands on issues. No one knows if the leftist hard liners will have influence on him. Electing him would be like getting an Amazon Mystery Box ‼️?

Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
4 years ago

“…she wants all Cabinet positions filled with progressives.”

Hold on… Who is in charge here?

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

PUPPET, TROJAN HORSE,OR WHATEVER YOU CALL HIM. HE IS A TOOL AND AOC AND HER GANG HAVE NOT MADE ANY BONES ABOUT HIDEN BIDEN TO BECOME WHAT THEY WANT AND DO WHAT THEY WANT. I still believe that if Joe doesn’t follow the game plan he will become a “victim” of the 25th amendment of have a strange accident. Hello Kamala Mattress. Now you are talking cooperation. Things will move at warp speed. We still have until next Friday for all of the ballots to be tabulated. Trump has to win large. MAGA/A,KAF,KAG TRUMP/ PENCE 2020

Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
4 years ago

Into the streets.

4 years ago

Biden will not serve very long as president. The 25th amendment will be used. and Kamala Harris will be happy to do so and she’ll have plenty of cabinet support to do so.

Harris is in effect running for President and I honestly can’t think of a worse and more distateful person. In fact I think that she is hated more than Hillary Clinton and that takes some doing.

Fortunately they are going to get totally smoked in the election

4 years ago

Oh yes ! what a wonderful person, her and her three friends want so much for America, big government, regulations, higher taxes, riots, no jobs, no healthcare, no God, no guns, no oil or gas, crumbling cities no borders, handouts to all the lazy people, what more could we ask for !!!!!!!!
God Bless President Donald J. Trump !
God Bless America !
God Bless the NRA !
Save America, Vote Republican !

Roy Ruprecht
Roy Ruprecht
4 years ago

The majority of Americans are NOT progressive. Besides Biden don’t stand a chance in hell of winning.

4 years ago

I started calling myself a conservative because I believed too many republicans, following their own agenda to win re-election, were less interested in the constitution, our way of life and what is best for our country’s welfare. I think it tempered their desire to fight for what we wanted them to stand for. What amazes me is the dems have sold us out through slowly adding hot water to the cooking pot until their followers were cooked and served up on a plate, with whatever beans Hannibal Lector loved. Why did we not pay any attention to how our kids were being indoctrinated and their thinking process turn to mush. President Trump THANK YOU. We needed you to come riding up on your horse years ago.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

We need to send this refugee back to Somalia, and take Taliban-Tleib with her. America-hating Commies!

Matthew Gabor
Matthew Gabor
4 years ago

I am getting tired of The Left being called ” Progressives”! It comes from the word “Progress”! Why not change it to “Regressives”? As far as Ilhan Omar goes this shows what can happen in America when there is no vetting process. She came here as a refugee from Somalia. Instead of being grateful for the unique opportunities we have here she is instead contributing to the demise! “No good deed goes unpunished”! Omar then made the profane comment on video about impeaching President Trump! Then we have AOC. How can a person who was a Barmaid be qualified to be put in a position to change America for the worse? God Bless Justice ACB, President Trump and America!

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

So far, the riots, violence and “unrest” have been sponsored by the Left. If these clowns somehow win, they need to be shown what a real riot looks like. It works both ways, and I’m fed up with their tactics.

4 years ago

The odds of any of these idiots living if Biden is elected, is somewhere between zero and none.

4 years ago

Biden will continue to “fundamentally change America,” the Obama agenda. Only more extreme as the left dictates. Puppet Joe will have to go along.

Bob G
Bob G
4 years ago

I predict that in less than 2 years Biden will be deemed unable to continue as Pres due to dementia. Comrade Harris will be Pres and if the socialists keep the majority in the house and take over the Senate, Pelosi will be VP, Schumer speaker. The Supreme court will be increased to 13, the electoral college gone, leaving NY and Calif to decide who will be Pres, the second amendment will be challenged and law abiding citizens will be forced to surrender their guns leaving the Police and Felons with guns. Huge tax increases will follow to pay for all the socialist plans. How could we allow this to happen to our beautiful country????

4 years ago

Just remember no one has to concede for an election to end.

4 years ago

Radical progressive = communist.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
4 years ago

So AOC wants ALL cabinet positions filled by REGRESSIVES (progressives). Well, Allah will tell you and the other THREE STOOGES –thatwill NOT happen. Besides Santa Claus has already told YOU that YOU are getting anything for Christmas-Wait he did say YOU would get one thing –TERRIBLY DISAPPOINTED–but then, better YOU than US!!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
4 years ago

I strongly disagree- IT will be determined by Trump voters!!

Just Say NO to Crazy Joe
Just Say NO to Crazy Joe
4 years ago

It’s telling that a scant handful of spoiled brat, self-entitled left wing radical wing nuts (maybe a half dozen out of 535?) feel that they can dictate public policy to the entire nation, despite the wishes of at least half of the populace. Worst thing, they stand a good chance of succeeding if Crazy Joe is elected. He’ll be so confused, and so overwhelmed with truly momentous issues (like figuring out where the bathroom is, and remembering it from day to day) that the communists will slide anything and everything they can dream of past him without so much as any questions. And as I predicted earlier, Crazy Joe will probably only be in office for six months or so, less if he somehow grows a brain and a spine and pushes back against the extremists.

Patrice K
Patrice K
4 years ago

Someone said a long time ago that the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots. Instead of running away like liberals say they will(but never do), I would stay and fight for this country as best as I could. However if we don’t educate the children we will get the country we deserve and not what we want. Brain washing starts early.

4 years ago

I’m sure she’s right on this. Biden will put in socialist. Just another reason to pray that trump wins.

Just Say NO to Crazy Joe
Just Say NO to Crazy Joe
4 years ago

Felix, you left out one important voting bloc. There’s an awful lot of DEAD PEOPLE out there and they all vote democrat. I guess you could call them the true “silent majority”.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Idiot! Dictator is a dictator no matter the status! Leave the USA if you don’t enjoy the rights and privileges that you currently entitled to!!!! Go Trump Go!!

4 years ago

How many Americans are praying right now? I think this country’s spiritual temperature will determine the results of this election. Everything happens for a reason, like 9/11. I believe God was sending us a huge warning because of our moral decline for decades. Many people at that time were turning back to God. Our best example of the consequences of rejecting God’s ways is with what happened to Israel in the ‘Old Testament.’ Only when Israel had suffered enough they again called upon God to save them. This happened to Israel time and time again. We may not be so fortunate this time. We can only trust that God will be merciful and forgive our nation’s great sin and hear our prayers and help us. Things have gotten greatly out of hand with so much chaos and destruction. Let’s hope ‘The sound of the last trump’ wasn’t the last election. Keep praying.

4 years ago

Come on man – lying hiden biden, everybody knows your a dirty and corrupt 47 year failure…..say it ain’t so joe!
Interesting that your family,hunter and brother Jim are nowhere to be seen…..hmmmm can you say GUILTY of selling out America.

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Characterizing Biden as a Trojan horse for socialism is right on. One should go further by envisioning Biden as a Trojan horse’s ass for socialism. This extended view would seem to be closer to the truth.

Let’s hope that President Trump wins by a landslide with a super large majority of the electoral votes. A decisive win will relegate Biden/Harris to simple footnotes in history, which in itself is too lofty a place for them. Obscurity and irrelevance seem to be the most appropriate place for them to reside. Come next January when President Trump is again sworn in as president for ALL Americans, everyone will be muttering “Biden who?” and “Harris what?”

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
4 years ago

Biden has no control over his political life. He has been a bought and paid for puppet for all of his political career. Socialists would run a Biden administration completely. Our only hope for freedom is to reelect President Trump. His enemies are ours.

tony d willIiams
tony d willIiams
4 years ago

The early votes are in. Those that got caught up in the moment and had to vote while the emotions were high.
Some of the manipulators now believe that they are above the law, and only doing what the “I vote democrat no matter what” voters want. They are sure they now own our Constitutional Republic and in short order will be changing our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments to be 99% in their favor. Just look what a super majority of democrats did, and are doing to california. A conservative has as much chance of being on the ballot as a bowl of candy surviving a children’s party.
Now a lot of early voters are regretting their ballot decisions and want to know if they can change the votes they already turned in.

Just a couple reasons why our voting system requires great thought and consideration of the future of our country. I will never vote when my emotions are high in joy or anger.

We sit down, read, consider, talk and investigate. Then we fill out our sample ballot, set it aside. Then we recheck our choices. That is our method, there are as many more as there are voters.

Dave DDD
Dave DDD
4 years ago

If BIDEN wins, he will serve less than one month. They will get him to resign or they will use the 25th Amendment. Regardless, he is gone. Hello Venezuela, Cuba, the old USSR. Will it be a Civil War or Coup when that day comes?

4 years ago

Omar the tent maker needs to curl up on the couch in Minnesota and read a good book.

Carol Jean
Carol Jean
4 years ago

I shudder to think where the nation will “be taken” if Biden wins. Socialism.
Oh Ihan, you will not be president. You are an alien. And you didn’t consult me or the vast majority of U.S. citizens who don’t want your progressives running the country.

4 years ago

God help the U.S.A. if Biden/Harris and the SQUAD along with all the other LIBS get elected. WE NEED TRUMP MORE THAN EVER TO FINISH DRAINING THE SWAMP. GET RID OF ALL THE SEWAGE FOR GOOD. GOD BLESS TRUMP/PENCE 2020

4 years ago

well the good news is we may not have to worry about Ilhan if the people in her district wake up. And I still don’t understand how she is not being removed from office for the lies she’s told about marrying her brother, her sending funds to her husband’s company, etc. If I did that I would not be in my house I would be in the big house.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago


4 years ago

Rep. Ilhan Omar is so awful, I don’t know what to say. She hates the American people and everything American. She must go back to Somalia; why is she in the United States? Former VP Joe Biden is now a, “Useful Idiot.”

4 years ago

Why is this Muslim terrorist Ilham giving any advice? She should already be in jail for campaign finance fraud and for un-American sctivities. She should be dismissed from congress immediately! She is not a true American citizen nor are the other whore members of the squad!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Why are the oldest responses on top? I notice that it is mostly the same people on top and new responses get buried, the newest responses should be first, that way we ALL get our say, also I am getting annoyed with this reCAPTCHA robot that blocks our posts, this is how twitter and facebook censure our free speech.

4 years ago

l just ran the Bible codes yhis morning and it Clearly shows that “Trump Wins” in twenty anf it clearly shows “Biden Loses”! God knows whats going on and is giving the American people the chance to repent and turn to Him.
California will continue to see God’s wrath until they repent or be destroyed! God is not playing games with America but hiving the people the chance to repent of their wicked ways. California will have great tribulation, very destructive earthquakes, etc. if they do not repent of pedofilia homosexuality, abortion etc. Repentance is absolutely necessary or California is doomed!

Nobody’s business
Nobody’s business
4 years ago

Prepare for the civil war coming. People with brains will not put up with a socialist agenda. The only ones that want socialism are the people that do not want to work or own their own businesses and homes. There isn’t enough money to provide what the socialist democrat party want to give away even if they confiscate what people own. If you take away from people what is theirs they will not work, hence no more money.

4 years ago

That ought to be enough to
Scare you out of electing Joe Biden

Dino Deplorable"chump"
Dino Deplorable"chump"
4 years ago

If these”entities”that are the so called squad don’t like AMERICA the way its been for two hundred plus years they should go to to a country that would love their”make AMERICA sick”agenda.There are still a lot of AMERICANS out here that still think that the country will recover from the”nonobama”years with our current AMERICAN President and even with absolutely zero help from the dense oc RATS.

4 years ago

Whatever happens with election: Pressure your Senators & Congressman to do the right things for America. The Legislative Branch must stand up for their voters & quit bending for their party. And then, I do not have an answer how you stop POTUS from using Executive Orders to do what he wants done & does not get passed by Legislative Branch.

4 years ago

WHY IS SHE STILL HERE? Shouldnt she have been convicted, incarcerated for her lies and activities? Joe biden is a vessel and all the venom and hate from this woman and her cohorts will fill that vessel and then their buddy kamala will slide right in thd then the destruction of America as you and your family knew it will cease to exist. ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES! Dont make a a bad choice this go around? Turn out everyone and remove this blight on our country.

4 years ago

Hey, wasn’t she the one who married her brother so he could rip off the American taxpayers for freebies. The above 4 idiots do not represent this Vet. They are anti American and I just can’t imagine who in the world voted them in office. America does not need traitors representing them. If Biden has all the answers how come he didn’t do anything as VP for 8 years? I bet most people can’t ID anything he did in 50 years except lie and sell out America.

Beverly Necessary
Beverly Necessary
4 years ago

I hope Voters make a BIG turnout for Trump. Hopefully so big that there is no question about a winner. Because if biden wins our country is in for BIG changes. I hope Voters are listening to what they are say because progressive are telling you what they plan to do. Please help us America.

4 years ago

If only we could see into the souls of these angry, unhappy, malicious creatures to get to the root of their malignant hatred. What planet did they come from to hate what is so fine and good? Words like “trader” and “treasonous” are all that come to mind whenever I hear them speak. Nothing they say has any connection or relevance to what our country is or needs now. The squad is quite literally useless. They are taking up space in our government that should and could be filled by people with gratitude in their hearts and real ideas for the good of our people and our future. Their hatred hurts me so deeply because they’re turning good, albeit somewhat ignorant people, away from truth and into haters. Just pray and vote and pray some more and hope that their political careers are nearly over.

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

Pray to God that the immorals will not take charge of our Nation. This is the time when hearts and minds must be changed.

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Feb. 2. 2025:USAID is the U. S. government agency that administers foreign aid and development assistance.

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