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President Trump’s Operation LeGend a Stark Contrast to Democrat Anti-Police Rhetoric

Posted on Tuesday, September 8, 2020
by AMAC, Andrew Mangione

LeGendIn his opening comments at a July 22 gathering in the East Room of the White House to announce the expansion of Operation LeGend, President Trump acknowledged that his first duty as President is to protect the American people. It is an obligation he described as “sacred”.

Operation LeGend is named after LeGend Taliferro, a four-year-old boy who was shot and killed while he slept in his family’s apartment in Kansas City in late June. Its purpose, as described by Attorney General William Barr is “classic crime fighting,” and the initiative focuses specifically on violent crime. Operation LeGend surged resources, including funds and hundreds of federal law enforcement agents from the FBI, ATF, DEA, U.S. Marshall Service, and the Department of Homeland Security to apprehend violent criminals.

This coordinated law enforcement effort was designed to work closely with state and local police agencies and was launched on July 8 in Kansas City. Its first expansion was to Chicago and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Chicago’s well-documented violence is punctuated by its 51 percent increase in homicides over 2019. Albuquerque is on track to break its 2019 record for homicides.

On July 29, Operation LeGend was expanded to Cleveland, Milwaukee, and Detroit. More federal agents were provided as well as financial resources that enabled these cities to hire additional police officers, state troopers and parole officers. These cities are under siege with Cleveland experiencing a 13 percent increase in homicides and a 35 percent increase in shootings. In Milwaukee, homicides have increased a staggering 85 percent and non-fatal shootings are up 64 percent. Meanwhile in Detroit, homicides have increased by almost 31 percent and non-fatal shootings increased over 53 percent.

In August, Operation LeGend was expanded again to include St. Louis, Memphis and Indianapolis, all cities seeing a dramatic rise in violent crime. St. Louis’ homicides are up nearly 34 percent while shootings have increased 13 percent. Memphis is in the midst of a 59 percent increase in homicides and saw gun-related crimes rise by 23 percent. The number of Indianapolis homicides increased by 51 percent and non-fatal shootings are up 34 percent.

The results have been outstanding. As of the third week of August, Operation LeGend has produced nearly 1,500 arrests of violent criminals across these nine cities, including the apprehension of 90 murder suspects. Of those arrested, more than 200 have been charged with federal crimes, including more than 100 charged with federal gun crimes. According to AG Barr, hundreds of high-powered weapons have been seized in the cities since Operation LeGend’s launch and subsequent expansion.

The operation’s approach to establish anti-crime task forces in these cities is working, and the collaboration between federal, local, and state agencies has thus far produced impressive results. President Trump was right to prioritize cities that are hit hardest by violent crime and leverage the resources of the federal government to make them safer so families and businesses there can thrive. Operation LeGend proves that additional investments both in law enforcement presence and funding combined with prudent, well-executed planning takes bad people off of the streets and increases public safety.

Now, contrast these successful actions with all of the “defund the police” rhetoric coming from Democrats and the far Left.

Andrew Mangione is Senior Vice President for AMAC’s advocacy affiliate, AMAC Action. He leads AMAC’s grassroots efforts, represents AMAC’s membership in Washington, D.C., and helps chart the association’s policy course. He also serves as a national spokesperson.

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4 years ago

Operation LeGend should INCLUDE ALL OF THE CRAZY PROGRESSIVELY COMMUNIST DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADERSHIP! … These people are much more dangerous to the American people than any gun toting crazy BECAUSE if allowed to run this country We the American People will suffer under Dominating Communist Dictatorship Servitude!!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Merge LE OPs into 1 unified operation for nationwide actions alone & counter Dems Defund LE mindset

Richard N
Richard N
4 years ago

Defund the DNC, BLM, and antifa!

4 years ago

About time. IMO, it should have been nipped in the bud – anarchy.

Lynda Wright Wingard
Lynda Wright Wingard
4 years ago

Thanks for this article. Even I watch Fox News everyday. Thanks for this complete description of this law.

Edward B. Irvin
Edward B. Irvin
4 years ago

It seems the president has to clean up the liberal Democrat cities on top of everything else.

4 years ago

Why can’t these socialist mayor’s be held legally responsible for all this carnage?

4 years ago

Good article with details: There needs to be emphasis every day until the election on the sharp contrast between rage mobs committing crimes and intimidating the public and protection of the public. Law and order is what the majority of citizens want.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

How do you achieve domestic tranquility?? Law and Order is a pretty good answer provided by a properly trained and equipped police force. The police also need the backup of Federal personnel from time to time to help with the dirty work particularly when it entails immigration,cross border drugs and human trafficking. People want to be and feel safe. DEFUND should be DEFEND.

4 years ago

We have, in the past, taken the financial support of terrorist groups into the custody of the US government for the safety of the American people, so why not do the same for the despicable funding for Antifa and BLM terrorists? The Communist groups funding them are creating a very bad situation in the cities they are targeting and if allowed to continue, will come to YOUR city, too, and burn it to the ground. Just look at poor little Kenosha.

4 years ago

All the crazy rhetoric by the Leftist is an attempt to distract their real intentions. Stealing the 2020 elections. Stealing the elections is the only chance they have of winning and launching our country in to Socialism/Communism/Globalism. In a fair election they don’t have any chance. Take all of their accomplishments and put them in a pile and they don’t add up to President Trump’s first day in office. These New Democrats are not the same old do nothings of yesteryear. The New Democrats are hell bent on destroying our country. Just look at all that they are promoting.

Alicia Turned Republican
Alicia Turned Republican
4 years ago

Withdrawal of funds to the police departments is another ‘ploy’ of ‘Democrats/Communists’. Anarchy is a goal of the Communists. ‘MSNBC’ and ‘NBC’ are complicit in the propagation of ‘anti-police rhetoric’ and propaganda. The television networks for the most part; have painted a cheap ‘paint-by-number’ erroneous portrait. ‘Social Programs’ is part of the propaganda rhetoric. Shifting of police funds to ‘community social programs’ is touted by the Democrats/Communists. This is a major part of the ‘Communist Agenda’. Destroy ‘Law and Order’; then take over the country. It is an absolute crime what has been done to the police officer in this country.

4 years ago

Only one thing I want to happen in the USA// TRUMPTER wins in a landslide and watch out for ballot dumping by the liberal loonies known as the Pelosi hair do congress butt brains//

John A Bird
John A Bird
4 years ago

Operation Legend should include the arrest of all politicians, legislators, governors, mayors, schoolteachers, etc, utilizing the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Fourteenth Amendment grants the President the power to invoke mass arrests against all corrupt government officials who are engaged in aiding or supporting any “rebellion” against the United States.
These mass arrests can target judges, mayors, governors, members of Congress as well as state-level legislators.
In addition, the Fourteenth Amendment allows Trump to nullify members of Congress and Electoral College votes from states which are supporting censorship efforts to interfere with the elections.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Great job President Trump!

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

As with most of the things that President Trump does, it is the results that count. And more importantly, he is continuously making good on his promises to the American people which annoys the hell out of the Demsheviks. Keep up the good work, Mr. President!

4 years ago

From its inception July 18 to Sept 3,the Department of Justice announced that under Operation Legend, Federal officers have so far arrested more than 2,000 people, including 147 homicide suspects, as part of the sprawling, nationwide initiative to stem the tide of violent crime. Local and federal law enforcement officials have confiscated more than 544 firearms, seven kilos of fentanyl, 14 kilos of heroin, 12 kilos of cocaine, and 50 kilos of methamphetamine. Of the more than 2,000 suspects, 476 have been charged with federal offenses – most of them related either to firearms or drugs.

Message to liberal incompetent mayors who are incapable of maintaining law and order in your city. THIS IS HOW TO MAINTAIN IT!

And Mayor Lori Lightfoot would not attend the press briefing in Chicago on the status of the operation in her city….guess she was out getting her hair done.

Just imagine….a President who says he’s going to work to restore order in large cities…and then actually does it!! Amazing!

4 years ago

i would like to see the water cannon put to use RIOT control & fight fires at the same time thanks

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Like everything the socialist/dems say or do they ignore FACTS AND TRUTH, they are responsible for the covid deaths because they REFUSED to work with PRESIDENT TRUMP when the pandemic started and told thier mindless drones to do as they please, the same with the violence, they allowed it to happen, if blm does that include the innocent children murdered? Or only violent carreer criminals like george floyd?All the deaths and destruction are caused by the evil politics of socialism, “WE THE PEOPLE” NEED TO MAKE THEM PAY FOR THIER TREASON ON NOVEMBER THIRD, REMOVE EVERY DEMOCRAT AND INVESTIGATE INDITE AND SENTENCE EVERYONE OF THEM. VOTE

Hal Gregg Lemoyne
Hal Gregg Lemoyne
4 years ago

❤??CHRISTrumPence and all of our/his US TRUMPlican Lawmakers Successfully 2020USReelected Landslide
Amen & Amen??❤

4 years ago

This is the one instance where I appreciate MSM silence on President Trump’s efforts to enforce law and order. The left worries about martial law and “stormtroopers” invading the cities. Meanwhile, Operation LeGend moves forward, scooping up criminals and quietly making the point that anarchy has consequences.

4 years ago

Good article, but it is overpowered by the bombshell news yesterday that Trump lied to American people about virus in February. And for about a month , was led down garden path by China President Xi.

4 years ago

Tapes yesterday from Woodward have Trump talking about knowledge of coronavirus & how dangerous it is. He lied to American citizens & even to Fox news. He should resign now & hopefully allow time for Republicans to come up with a good candidate for POTUS. Did Pence know also ? Did Trump tell CDC, his Generals, Congress & Senate. He made a very poor judgement call if he really believes that citizens cannot take the truth.

4 years ago

Woodward tapes yesterday very disturbing to me. Here is quote (from CNN) from Abraham Lincoln “A leader must make whatever horror exists concrete. Only then will people be able to break it apart”. The 16th POTUS nailed it & now the 45th has failed to tell us the truth. I will never believe his FAKE NEWS comments again.

4 years ago

“According to AG Barr, hundreds of high-powered weapons have been seized in the cities since Operation LeGend’s launch and subsequent expansion”. I don’t think that there’s a single pro-2nd Amendment supporter out there that would argue with this type of weapons confiscation. What would make some (many) liberals’ heads explode would be for those weapons to be auctioned off and the money be used to “re-fund” the police.

Shelley Teal
Shelley Teal
4 years ago

I agree with R.j. – why can’t Mayors of the cities being decimated by violence and anarchy be held accountable for the damage they’ve allowed in their own cities. After destruction in Milwaukee the Mayor had the nerve to ask for Federal funds to help restore the city!!!! They didn’t want Federal help to stop the carnage so they shouldn’t be given other financial assistance to help fix the mess that they’ve allowed.

John Proust
John Proust
4 years ago

First of all, it is some far-Left wingers that want to defund the policy – not the Democrats as a whole. Secondly, what gives you the idea the Operation LeGend is responsible for those arrests. The police and mayors of those cities have increased their policing to try and overcome the increases in crime. They along with help from Operation LeGend have accomplished a lot – it’s mostly the police, however. Before you start boasting you should have some proof.

David Campbell
David Campbell
4 years ago

Short term, this is good. Long term, maybe not so much. Part of the goal of the left is to undermine federalism and concentrate power in the federal government. If the federal government has to keep stepping in when leftist governors and mayors (purposely) fail, this moves things in that direction. Looks like a win win situation for the bad guys.

Mickie Enders
Mickie Enders
4 years ago

Rather than Defund the police, there should be additional funds given to provide classes on communication and deescalation of potentially deadly scenarios!

4 years ago

NOW to PROSECCUTE GOV’s and MAYORS for what they did not do. Bigtime.
And Prosecute CUOMO for the Older folk Homes death rates. Due to his STUPID
INEXCUSABLE treatment of those people.

Any Mayor, Gov that allowed all these riots and damage should be held accountable!!
Fired first, then pay the consequences for their not doing their job.
IF we did that – you bet – We would be fired and probably prosecuted.
WHY shouldn’t they – YES!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Keep the Trump Movement growing!  It is the rebirth of the American Revolution!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Big Tech and The Media believe they rule America!  The believe they can tell us what to say and do!  Show Big Tech and the Media they are wrong and we are a FREE PEOPLE!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Joe Biden is the perfect Communist Candidate!  He is incapable of thinking for himself!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

THE Democrat (Communist) REVOLUTION” is the revolution against God!!! Join the TRUMP Movement!!! Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution!!  There are no excuses for riots and looting.  They are ALWAYS criminal!!!  The Democrat Ticket is THE Communists Ticket!!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Jim P.
Jim P.
4 years ago

Too bad we can’t pass a law that stipulates only legal immigrants who escaped from socialist/communist hellholes are allowed to run for office to counteract native born Americans not being taught actual history in school. They are taught to hate their own country BY THEIR OWN COUNTRYMEN!!!

4 years ago

The Democratic leadership of these communities are terrible. Their primary job in case they don’t know it, is to ensure the safety of its citizens-they are not doing it, thus they should be kicked the heck out of office ASAP. Remove their personal security as well and see how they like it.. Didn’t GS et al. finance BLM with millions of dollars? Anyone of the GS et al. financed terrorist organization that gets caught killing, injuring, destroying property, setting fires, should be arrested, jailed for a very long time and or kicked the heck out of our country. No time for debates or convoluted lawyer logic. If you want to kill a snake, you must cut its head off. Let’s go after their financial leaders and do the same to them. The talking time is over. An eye for an eye from now on. We didn’t fight for our country to have it destroyed, and our wonderful flag burned by these idiots.

4 years ago

Why do people keep re-electing politicians like Maxime Waters (?) ?

Lincoln Sorensen
Lincoln Sorensen
4 years ago

Why is it that this is the only venue providing this information? This country will never be brought back from it’s ultimate demise until all the money is removed from politics. Lobbyists need to be banned. Then campaign money needs to be eliminated. With all the various ways to communicate available now for free, there is no need for campaigns to cost one cent. Restrict campaigns to 6 month duration. State your platform on any and all social media for free. Eliminate all parties and with that elimination, their pacs. All candidates will be independent. One debate per month, for a total of 6. Each candidate will submit an itemized expense account for their trip to participate in the debate, to the speaker of the house and if approved, it will be forwarded to the treasury for reimbursement. We the people have been allowing our elected employees to run ungoverned for decades and they have taken advantage of that. They have passed laws which benefit only themselves. Voting will never bring us back from the brink of destruction. They are the ones who make the laws, so we will never get the above listed changes made by virtue of the current process. Only a massive march of Washington D C with the purpose of physically removing every last body currently occupying the swamp and closing it forever will get the job done. There is no modern reason for our elected employees to occupy offices in D C. They can communicate and vote on laws with todays modern technology. Our elected employees need to remain within their districts, attend bi-weekly town hall meetings and instead of canned speeches to constituents, they need to listen to an appointed mouthpiece advise them what concerns the constituents in prioritized order. then every other week follow up for progress reports on those issues. So many laws they have passed in their favor need to be rescinded immediately when D C is shut down. Special elections after 6 months of campaigning in all 50 states will replace the current dregs and we the people will then commence to better direct our elected employees. How we the people allowed lobbying is beyond me. Any time someone with favors in hand solicits the ear of someone who has the power of the vote, it is not good for the majority. Glaring example: No dental coverage included in medicare, a government medical program designed for seniors, a group who we all know require more dental care that younger people. The VA, another government run medical program for veterans. There are 72 VA facilities around the country. Every one has an in house dental clinic. No veteran gets dental care unless they are classified to be 100% disabled. We should all be able to agree that good dental hygiene precludes other medical issues, not to mention better quality of life. So, why did our elected employees exclude dental coverage from the only two medical programs run by our elected employees? Did we elect employees that as a group they were so stupid back then to not know that good dental hygiene would be cost effective? No?? Well then, who would benefit from that exclusion? There is a large number of seniors and veterans with a large number of whom cannot afford to pay for dental procedures out of their pocket. So, they suffer and when the poor dental hygiene triggers other medical issues that are covered they see their doctor. When one leaves a doctors office what do they always carry with them? You guessed it….. a prescription or several. So, I ask again, who would benefit from excluding dental coverage to seniors and veterans??????? Again, you guessed it….Big Pharma. They have the largest army of lobbyists and could care less about the health and quality of life of our seniors and veterans.It is time to get physical in D C!!!!!!!!

4 years ago

Thank you Mr. Mangione for this article of fact information. Had no idea President Trump put this “Operationk LeGand” into effect until I read your article here. This needs to be out in the public to read!

4 years ago

Legend Taliferro. What a beautiful name for what I’m sure was a beautiful person. I want a t shirt with this name and wait for
someone to ask me whose name this is. I want to tell this story. What a fabulous gesture by the president to honor this baby.
I’m so grateful that my wife and I nor any of our children or grandchildren live in any of the third world hellholes mentioned in
this article. Most of our nation is approaching total collapse while our president is apparently the only person who cares.
Thankfully, Trump has methods to address crime in places where local government has collapsed. His action has transferred
new power to the presidency as we now see that we are nation that cannot take care of ourselves locally. We all know if any
state or local government fails to do its job or if any major business or industry fails to act properly, the federal government will
do it thus gaining more power because we the people gave the power away due to our own lack of action.

4 years ago

Bottom line is that the death of George Floyd and Covid have handed this president a November landslide.
And the media gave it to him.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

In the coming election, “mark my words,” all hell will rain down upon all factions of communists. I’m not from NY, but, this will include Vito Cuomo ( the wanna’ be mafioso ) and Willie Wilhelm AKA “Bill” Deblasio. May God have “mercy (?)” on their wretched souls. The silent majority in the blue states will awaken in force. Game over for the communist clowns. The circus is over for them.

4 years ago

Interesting that Trump says downplaying something is not lying to America citizens. It is also interesting how many Republicans are defending Trump for holding back information, including Mitch Mcconnell ….who is in middle of important vote on stimulus bill. We are divided nation!

4 years ago

Wasn’t aware of Operation LeGend but so pleased to learn about it! Hope it continues to expand! And the lawless mayors, “prosecuting” attorneys and other officials who are operating in dereliction of their oath of office and aiding and abetting violent crime should not be exempted from this round up of criminals. They should be immediately arrested and held responsible for their part in the destruction of property and lives harmed.

4 years ago

Antifa and blm should be declared terrorist organizations and pursued immediately. They are at war with order and are attempting to overthrow the united states government and install marxist principles. YOU WANT THAT? you know what to do. get to it.

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