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President Trump’s Impact on Life, Mideast Peace, and the American Judiciary

Posted on Wednesday, September 16, 2020
by AMAC, Andrew Mangione

trumpWho knew how President Trump was going to govern when he was elected? Amongst his appeal to voters was his global business experience and the fact that he was not Hillary Clinton. Beyond him running as a Republican, he had not yet held public office and there was no ideological track record to document any policy decisions.

Who knew he would evolve into what some are calling the most pro-life president in history? It is hard to question that description when you consider some of his accomplishments supporting life: working to defund Planned Parenthood, requiring health insurers to disclose whether the plan covers abortion, clarifying that abortion is not a civil right and exempting private employers and educational institutions with sincerely held religious beliefs or morals against providing contraceptives or abortifacient drugs.

Who knew he possessed the statesmanship and foreign policy expertise to successfully negotiate historic Middle East peace pacts between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Israel and Bahrain, with the promise of more to come? Would you have used the words “Nobel Peace Prize nominee” and “Donald Trump” in the same sentence when he announced his candidacy for President in 2015? Be honest.

Perhaps the most significant impact President Trump has made domestically is his incredible remake of the American federal judiciary. While the Supreme Court is much higher profile than federal circuit courts, it only hears less than 2 percent of the several thousand cases it reviews each year. The U.S. Court of Appeals heard nearly 50,000 appeals across its 11 regions in 2019 (not counting the DC and Federal Circuits). In terms of maintaining the rule of law and upholding the Constitution, the U.S. Court of Appeals’ influence is immense.

President Trump’s remake of the court has been stunning. Over 200 federal judges have been nominated and confirmed. These judges, mostly under the age of 50, have the potential to reshape the courts for generations. This effort includes his two successful Supreme Court nominees, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh.

Now, a full one-quarter of all active federal circuit judges have been appointed by President Trump and he did this in just four years. We are already seeing movement at the U.S. Court of Appeals Second, Third, and Eleventh Circuits with the majority shifting from Democrat to Republican. The influential, and notoriously liberal, Ninth Circuit has been flipped with confirmed Trump judicial nominees.

President Trump believes that the judges he nominates for these courts put the Constitution above “political prejudices” and ideological biases and will do what “the law demands.” He also believes that this effort will stop activist judges from using nationwide injunctions “to block the policies of a democratically-elected President.”

Elections do indeed have consequences and President Trump’s important work with the judiciary only continues with his reelection. The Republicans face a challenge to retake the House, but if they are successful in holding both their Senate majority and the White House in November, the legacy-making rebuild of these critical courts will persist. And that is good news for Americans for generations to come.

Andrew Mangione is Senior Vice President for AMAC’s advocacy affiliate, AMAC Action. He leads AMAC’s grassroots efforts, represents AMAC’s membership in Washington, D.C., and helps chart the association’s policy course. He also serves as a national spokesperson.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Abraham Accords: from OT Genesis Bible, more nations to join, seed for 666 & Tribulation OT NT Bible
Super 2 for 2 for Peace in 1 year.

Rocket J. Squirrel
Rocket J. Squirrel
4 years ago

Relax and take a deep breath, Paulie. I read this article and you might have missed its point and most likely the motivating factor behind all of the vitriol aimed at the President and members of his administration. He is a political outsider who is demonstrating that you don’t have to come from the establishment to get elected and govern effectively. He broke the mold, and that scares the he** out of progressives/liberals/leftists/Democrats/Rinos, thus their hysterical, over-the-top reaction to everything he says and does. That said, he had absolutely no track record to determine how he would govern.

As for his past, he played both sides of the aisle throughout his career as a real estate developer and he was at one time a Democrat. He also supported abortion in the past. To me, this article points out how a political novice has achieved great things, including assuming the highest office in the land, in a short period of time and under extraordinarily hostile conditions, I might add.

As a fellow-AMAC member, I spend a lot of time on this site and enjoy reading the articles posted here. I also find most of your comments to be well written and mostly informed. But, Heaven forbid you read something that doesn’t pass your personal litmus test on authentic conservatism, Paulie! Your self-serving, arrogant attacks are both unnecessary and unproductive. Lighten up, Paulie, you’re better than that.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Isn’t it great to have a president who actually DOES something, not just talk about it? It had been law for years that the embassy was supposed to be in Jerusalem but both DIMMs and RINOs refused to move it! TRUMP ACTED!!! Same thing on the economy, religious freedom, and getting OUT of wars not into them.

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
4 years ago

Let’s change the language from Democrat to legislate-from-the-bench and Republican to originalist-Constitutionalist.

4 years ago

What has Joe Biden accomplished in his 47 years of political service since you are obviously an expert on research?

4 years ago

What an excellent summary of the President’s accomplishments. This should be republished as a campaign brochure. We need 4 more years. Contemplating what would happen if the senate goes to the democrats is frightening. We should be so busy promoting life and liberty that we don’t have time to think of a blue sweep. If it happens, we will survive. BUT it should not be because we didn’t tell the story over and over again. I was heartened to see that in Sitka, Alaska last week the public space was filled with black and blue balloons, the American flag and the Salvation Army flag together with a big sign which simply said “The Holy Bible is the truth.”

4 years ago

Great story. Without Amac membership, I might not have even known about this. Thank you

John A Bird
John A Bird
4 years ago

President Trump has been a God send for America/Americans! Had hillary won the election this nation would have been transformed and we would be under the OWO/NWO with no Constitution, Bill of Rights, Rule of Law, Sovereignty, or Freedoms. Under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, President Trump has the right to arrest and imprison the mayors, governors, politicians (democraps & rinos) and state legislators for insurrection. They have backed and allowed the terrorists, looting, burning, and unlawful acts, this nonsense needs to stop!

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago


4 years ago

Democrats are losing there grip on ability to use lawfare to get their way. So now they will go insane in an attempt to sew up the elected bodies. Courts they will simply ignore when this occurs.

4 years ago

Well stated.

4 years ago

Just look at his accomplishments and then consider the demeaning way the mainstream media covers his daily affairs, choosing to concentrate on any barely conceivable error or conflation of anything he says in such a manner that if one relied on the stream of suppositions that they pass off the news of the day, one would think he was a hopeless bumbling idiot instead of the effective, loquacious active and sensitive leader he has proven himself to be. He increases his value each day he serves. He and his wife must have the patience of Job to withstand all the negative harrangues of his detractors. Their wailing increasingly falls on deaf ears as people come to realize he is not the person the left wants him to be.

4 years ago

You surprise me, Paul. You generally made good sense.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

We now need to work on flipplng state and local courts and politics to further strengthen our rights and freedoms to MAGA, “WE THE PEOPLE” are the government and WE need to start acting like it and MAKE our CIVIL SERVANTS do the jobs they were elected to do.

4 years ago

Simply stated. Great man and President. Loves America and it’s people

4 years ago

Trump is the best president this country has ever had.If the people and Washington got behind him like they did Reagan he would make the America great again.

John Hunt
John Hunt
4 years ago

If BH Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize, DJ Trump deserves 3 or 4 that he has actually earned.

4 years ago

I can’t believe that you PaulE would make a comment like this. You have always have excellent comments until this one. I am really shock.

Lois Keel
Lois Keel
4 years ago

I worry that seniors will believe he’s not going to keep Social Security funded. Our “swing state” needs to hear about that and his healthcare provisions. I’m sure we’re not alone. Heard ABC Town Hall re: healthcare and know it & Social Security needs to be played up to counter Democratic ads.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
4 years ago

this is awesome the way the president did this.

Rex Croson
Rex Croson
4 years ago

Who would have thought President Trump could do so very much as he has. The accomplishments are beyond all expectations, no other president in my lifetime has done so much for peace in this world as he has. This country needs to support him and Mike Pence for another four years. And lets see the great thangs to be done then.

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
4 years ago

I’m sorry, I’m scared. Haven’t seen anything like this Pres in my lifetime. He scares me, but I’ll vote for him. He maybe crazy, but he’s the only sane/adult person in the room surrounded by kids that just collect paychecks and get nothing done. He still scares me, but it’s cool, I just never meant a politiction that followed up on his promises. Really scary, ain’t it? Having somebody actually doing their job. See why I’m scared.

4 years ago

Your petty comments are a disservice to actual conservatives, PaulE.

Joann M Evjen
Joann M Evjen
4 years ago

I think President Trump is doing a great job. I cannot figure out what the “left” is talking about. His 20,000 lies etc. No proof. Most people that I talk to who “hate” President Trump say that he is a womanizer, and they don’t like his tweets, and he is a bully, and he’s arrogant, and I ask, well do you like what he’s doing with China, with NAFTA, with the Middle East, with Jerusalem, with the economy, with pro life? I get crickets!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Nobel was started by an extremely wealthy group of weapons manufacturers who made even more money starting wars!  Today it is run by the One World Elite using Communism to achieve their desire of world dominion!!  Their “Peace Prize” is utter trash only loved by the left – Communists!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Currency Act 1760 forced Pound on Colonies – First Inflation & Unemployment ever!  1776 – Revolution kicked-out Bank Of England.  1791 – 20 year Compact with Bank of England.  1811 – kicked-out Bank of England again – War of 1812.  1835 to 2020 – Socialists (Communists) try to change the United States of America into the United Socialist States of America.  2016 – Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Know what your Children are being taught in School!  It is your RIGHT and DUTY to KNOW!!   

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, find an alternative to Public Education.  It destroys individual thinking!!  Charter and Parochial Schools can be OK but Home Education is best although it may require lifestyle changes.  EACH OF US MUST CHOOSE!  “IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN…”

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

In spite of Media Brainwashing, the only goal of Marxism is Communism and the natural goal of both Socialism and Liberalism is Communism!  We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution lead by the Democrats!!!  Become a Counter- Revolutionary!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

4 years ago

The right man,at the right time for the right job.

4 years ago

Let’s go America, it’s time the Silent Majority of Real Citizens supports this President and returns Our Country to what the Forefathers imagined and not a failed socialist democrat controlled disaster!
We need a LANDSLIDE VIctory, nothing less!

Franklyn A Cowles
Franklyn A Cowles
4 years ago

I had pretty much given up hope for this country . I was born in Truman era and was indoctrinated to respect the flag and America . Then came Vietnam and all the protests along with Hanoi Jane ,I found this disgusting and realized the war effort was run very badly . Things needed change . Unfortunately they all went down hill . It’s like Mom and Dad retired and the kids took over. Un fortunately the Kids were a bunch of spoiled greedy little bastards and stole or sold everything they could until Mr Regan showed up . But by then they had sold out to the globalists and decline kept happening . Then America Real America woke up and finally had a hero to stand for US yes US in the USA . Pres Trump has done more for US in the USA than any president in the last 60 years . Thanks for the opportunity to say so .

4 years ago

Pelosi says that the President just worked on the peace deal as a “distraction.” A “distraction” of what – his other fabulous accomplishments?

4 years ago

We knew, when voting for Donald Trump, that we would be getting a businessman into the White House. But what amazed me is how quickly he turned a flat recovery into a very vibrant economy. The Obama administration, inept in the effort to get us back on track, just about bankrupted me and my small business. I escaped above water, but I had to row very, very fast.

President Trump has left his mark in so many facets of this America—lowering taxes, rolling back onerous regulations, raising incomes, space initiatives, moving our embassy in Israel, the Veterans, drug pricing, criminal justice reform, the unemployment rate, stopping Iran and Isis, right to try, renegotiating trade deals, bringing home manufacturing, dealing with China’s enormous IP theft, meeting Kim Jong-Un, the courts, the military, making us energy independent…

Whew! I’d like to know where he gets the energy!! President Trump certainly deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

Now, fence-dwellers, compare that to Joe Biden… Yawn….

4 years ago

The UAE and Bahraine agreements were remarkable accomplishments of statesmanship. Iran has got to be totally aghast.
The “palestinians” ( I’ve never really understood who they are) drastically need a competent public relations campaign in the
US so that we can understand what they want and why they think they deserve it. They have wasted decades requiring that we
guess who they are and what they want. It their problem. Not mine. These people are thugs, killers and bombers with no
concept of how to communicate. Another bomb ? I don’t think so.

4 years ago

The left is shocked that their hundreds of years of cronyism, obeying lobbyists and special interests, running as moderates and governing as
socialists, ruining our education system, disrespect for the middle class, and pre-election platitudes to the black community have all been wiped
out by a business man in three years. If your future was as guaranteed as a DC swamp creature, you’d be shocked too. I expect libs to be
jumping off the tops of DC buildings on Nov 4.

SNAP and EBT Accepted here sign. SNAP and Food Stamps provide nutrition benefits for the budgets of disadvantaged families. Ft. Wayne - Circa November 2021: SNAP and EBT Accepted here sign.
Drug and medical costs - healthcare. Pills spilling out of a medicine cup onto hundred dollar bills, with a hundred dollar bill rolled up in a pill bottle, a concept showing the cost of healthcare.
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 28: U.S. President Donald Trump takes a question from a reporter before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump spoke about his contentious Oval Office meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.

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