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Outrageous Media Hypocrisy

Posted on Tuesday, December 29, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

MediaSometimes I wish Bill Buckley and Russel Kirk were alive – as they somehow found new phrases to describe crazy liberal behavior, when old ones lost their punch. To say media hypocrisy is “outrageous” is to say the obvious.  Needed is a more powerful way of describing the betrayal of public trust and increasing deception practiced by our “professional” press.

Standards seem to have gone out the window, as “journalism” becomes propaganda, pushing political agendas, dressing up activism as fact, seeking coordination to control the public mind, while deftly denying the big lies.

With rising audacity, artificial impartiality, and little accountability, modern digital and hold-in-your-hand media are embracing the power to deceive, mislead, and shape public opinion through insinuation, omission, and cause for doubt in established freedoms, institutions, traditions, and norms.

Critics sound off, but are undercut, shutdown, censored by powerful digital media and social media giants.  We know this is happening – having seen false stories elevated, insinuations sown, facts left unreported, inaccuracy championed, and the political process twisted by foreign and domestic actors.

Examples are legion, so common they no longer need citation.  The costly, prolonged, politically-driven, institution-damaging “Russia collusion” probe, ending in bland vindication; accelerated impeachment without due process, premised on an innocuous phone call; a presidential campaign surveilled, then a second upended by non-scrutiny of one candidate and vilification of the other.

We have seen what we think is everything – only there is more.  The “more” is what we should fear.  The “more” is organized, coordinated suppression of facts key to public decision-making, such as potential criminal behavior by the family of a candidate, objective review of a candidate’s mental capacity, and stories not written about life choices, organizational affiliations, personal allegations, character indictments, and policy contradictions in a leftist Democrat ticket.

Conversely, we see attacks launched with impunity at Republicans, indefensible narratives blaming a foreign-source virus and social unrest on a president, as both were propagated by Democrat governors, mayors, city councils, and street activists.

All this is prelude for what may come – unless those who believe in America’s freedoms, accountable institutions, free and fair elections, competition for truth in the marketplace of ideas, speak up.

The most recent “outrage” – where is Bill Buckley? – is a New York Times story which, rather jaw-droppingly, confirmed everything Trump argued about Communist China’s cover-up of COVID-19.  According to the paper, the truth is even more damning than Trump alleged.  See, e.g.,;; and

“Thousands of internal directives and reports reveal how Chinese officials stage-managed what appeared online in the early days of the outbreak.”  When the Chinese doctor who discovered this man-made virus died, China moved “to suppress inconvenient information” and “censors decided to double down,” lying to the world and “reclaiming the narrative.”  China “ordered news organizations not to issue push notifications alerting readers” to the doctor’s COVID-19 death, “told social platforms to gradually remove his name from trending topics pages.”

China “activated legions of fake online commentators to flood social sites with distracting chatter,” directing social media to “guide public opinion” while working to “conceal their identity, avoid crude patriotism and sarcastic praise …”  They were told to “be sleek and silent in achieving results.”

Here are layers of irony.  Not only was Trump right about China’s intentional, pervasive cover-up of false, immoral, unconscionable behavior, misleading their own people and the world about a pernicious, fast-spreading, deadly virus – one now circling the planet – but liberal media bashed a US President for saying the truth, making him villain not China.  Now, after the election, they decide to come clean –admitting China was devastatingly deceptive.

The “story within the story” is what causes a shudder.  Trump was right about China. Liberal media refused to credit him, instead blaming him.  Media waited until after the election to speak.  The kicker:  Before the election and now, how did Democrats, broadcast, cable, and social media behave?  How have they treated pro-freedom, pro-American, pro-Republican, pro-Trump facts, stories, opinions, and tweets?

Have they not – just as China did – worked “to suppress inconvenient information,” operated as “censors … to double down … reclaiming the narrative,” suppressing, omitting, manipulating time-sensitive information – on which Americans depend for decision-making, including for elections?

Did they not, like China’s state-controlled media, seek to “guide public opinion,” weigh what we saw, shape public “alerts,” “media platforms,” and “trending topics?”  Did they not work to defend, deceive and “conceal their identity” in ways “sleek and silent in achieving results?”

The question is an open one, but sure as night follows day, we must defend free speech, open access to real information, end social media and media manipulation, or face a future that resembles China – not the America we grew up in.  If Bill Buckley or Russell Kirk were here, they would hatch a fitting phrase for the moment.  For me, it is just “outrageous media hypocrisy.”

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4 years ago

Almost like China, only our state-controlled press is Party- controlled as in Progressively Communist Democratic Party! … I listen to Dennis Prager on Conservative Radio and he always points out when a caller disagrees with him the caller CAN’T give ANY EXAMPLES of where Biden or even Obama did anything wonderful for the People. All they ever do is repeat the lies they constantly hear about President Trump like those lies are the Gospel truth. Liberals are SO STUPID and Braindead that they Can NEVER admit when they’re wrong! I won’t let them say anything without challenging them back and if they’re young they want to fight and if old they just go away mad. I WILL NEVER ACCEPT JACKASS JOE BIDEN AS MY PRESIDENT!!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

China runs Big Tech & Big Tech runs media, Blame China OK
Revoke Section 230
Bust up Big Tech once & for all.
Dont trust local media save for weather

Richard Dickson
Richard Dickson
4 years ago

Thank you! I can’t say that disagree with anything you write.

Unfortunately, not only is the left so bias against the right, I find that the right seems equally biased against the left. It appears that there is no media that is willing to speak the truth in love about all things, bringing out the good and revealing the bad on both sides.

There is no media that I completely trust as a news source at this moment. All are suspect. To me, that is sad.

Carole Garin
Carole Garin
4 years ago

Agree with all of this! I would recommend subscribing to the newspaper “The Epoch Times”, a weekly newspaper, which is going back to true journalism, meaning they don’t print something unless it is strictly fact. If it just opinion, then it is listed as such, not as fact.

Jay A.
Jay A.
4 years ago

C’mon Man! Hunter works hard for the cash, it takes big bucks for good crack & running with the Ho’s. C’mon!!

4 years ago

Schools must teach students how to think, including how to distinguish facts from opinions. Public schools are at the front of this battle. With public school teachers holding out for a return to classrooms after their pay and benefits suit them, they may sunset their power. Freedom faces counter culture communism: may the white hats win.

"Doc" Kozlowski
"Doc" Kozlowski
4 years ago

My old heart has long been broken. Nothing remains to be said. Our hard earned wisdom falls on the deaf ears of spoiled children…

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
4 years ago

Well, if the Gub-Mint can break up Ma-Bell- they should CERTAINLY take care of FaceBook(DISGRACEBOOK), Ya-Hoo, Micro-Soft(more like Mini-Hard), and the other excuses for media purveyors of Democrap propaganda!!

4 years ago

Good article, unfortunately half of America is brain dead and the other half seems to just not care. You tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth. Sad thing is our children have been brainwashed in school from preschool all the way up into college. Parent’s are not teaching their children about Patriotism any longer or the exceptionalism of the USA. To top it off, we have nothing but weak leaders. I’m afraid only God Almighty himself can help us now.

Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

This country is far off the rails in so many aspects, that only one thing can straighten it out.

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

This article is probably the single most important message that should be shared with every person who voted for Biden. It outlines the plot of the Marxist media to control the story of almost every controversial issue in our country. It is the story of how American news was stolen from our countrymen for the sake of Marxist ideology. It is truly a disgusting message of the rage we should all share about how misinformation can turn a freedom-loving country into one where hate and confusion rule the day. We have precious little time to make changes in the direction of honest discussion, or will have to face the fact that we will be ruled by deception from those who want power to control all of our lives.

4 years ago

Nothing the news people report can be believed! President Trump is the best president this nation has ever had. The way the media lied and twisted everything he said of did is proof of that. All of the social media and news stations must be ran by china just like all of the democrats.

Wayne Johnson
Wayne Johnson
4 years ago

The mass media has become the propaganda arm of the Democrats and complicit in said party’s treason. It sickens me to see this happening to our great nation. It is an abomination. May God preserve our republic. I pray that the churches would rise and be heard, but I hear virtually nothing.????????????????

4 years ago

if concerned about proper political education for children & up to young adults, facts not fiction look at tuttle see if it fits you and the children’s needs just sayin jimbo

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK, we can start by everyone who is fed up with the donkeybutts and cowardly repubs to register as INDEPENDANTS! We can run new candidates and SCARE the arrogent ,lying, self serving elitists, by showing them we DO NOT need these dirtbags, and that we have OTHER CHOICES for Public SERVANTS! and that “WE THE PEOPLE” are still the government, we can start with Trump, Pence, Cruz, Cotton, Collins and ANYONE WHO IS NOT a carreer politician, make it clear that We will not be OPPRESSED!

david g lawrence
david g lawrence
4 years ago

Important issues. Very well written.

Keith Hallam
Keith Hallam
4 years ago

Someone once said, “It’s a good thing for leaders that people don’t think.” That “someone” was Adolf Hitler. How appropriate for twenty-first-century America. Edward R. Murrow, a great journalist of the past- when journalism was still a legitimate, objective entity, wrote, “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” Sad but true that both these observations fit modern America perfectly.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

CHINAFLU was deliberately released, it was NOT a coincedence that it occurred just in time for the socialist/dems to implement the lockdowns and use them as an excuse to install thier “new” voting regulations and use mail in voting to stuff the ballott boxes with fake votes, being deliberate means they murdered AMERICANS in order to steal the election.

4 years ago

All the networks,ABC, CBS, NBC, MSDNC, and the CLINTON NEWS NETWORK OR THE COMMIE NEWS NETWORK CNN, all won’t to be the new PRAVDA of the commie states of America.

4 years ago

The major media in America is nothing more than a DNC house organ with lipstick smeared on its ugly snout. One of the Founders biggest fears was that a free people would be unable to govern and control itself in the long run. Their worst night mare has come to fruition in the form of the current political/special interest establishment i.e. The Swamp that has been steadily evolving since the 1950’s within the two political parties, academia, the public education system, organized labor and a garden full of financial, political and powerful single-interest lobbyists. The media has served as their “useful idiots” who have failed to realize that they will be the first ones thrown “under the bus” when ultimate control is attained. That is the basic Socialist/Communist playbook

4 years ago

I wonder just how we inform those that are involved with AMAC and Judicial Watch of this insanity?

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

The corrupt Big Tech/Media “platforms” need to be gone after, and I don’t mean in court.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

China, who started this mess, needs to be smacked down Big Time, once and for all, or we’ll all be speaking Mandarin.

4 years ago

Totally agree with the article. However, it is just more whining. How does AMAC suggest we change the media? I’ve tried emailing ABC, NBC, CBS, etc with no luck. They aren’t listening. If we only talk to each other, nothing will change. There must be a way to hold them accountable!

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Mr. Charles== I see that you do not like “Outrageous Media Hypocrisy.” How about “Atrocious Main Means Of Mass Communication’s Falsehoods?”
These people are of a mind set of the ‘National Enquirer.” Print the sensational. There is a high level of belief. Make the news- don’t report it. They will not report anything that is outside of their corporate mandate. Big Tech will continue to censor thought and expression. Others promote censorship by NOT REPORTING ISSUES. We have become an uninformed populace and only respond on a reflex basis.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
4 years ago

How about “Propagandalism”? The media tows “The Party” line, reciting whatever Progressive Socialists tell them. To combat the media, we need to be able to control the media deceits and lies with truthful media sources that are as accepted by the masses.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Truth! We rarely hear it from MSM! What a travesty! If only more would see it! Keep praying church! Our God is able!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

It’s too bad that there isn’t a way to block all of those false news that comes through. Too bad people fall for anything. Too bad people don’t have common sense. Too bad this has to happen in the first place. Argh!!!! I dislike being controlled, manipulating, or dictated to. Lord,

4 years ago

I stopped watching the major news networks long ago. When they speak, who knows if it is truth or fiction. It will take a long time before they gain the public’s trust again, which is very sad. Those of us in the midwest will not be easy to lead astray.
I prefer to find out national news from other resources, that are more reliable.

4 years ago

So how about the millions of Americans who tried (and keep trying) to deny the danger of COVID, refuse to wear masks, etc.? Were those people being paid by China as well? The woman in Trader Joes who screamed at employees, on the CCP payroll or what? Let’s investigate! Might even be some commenters here who are cashing checks from Beijing!

Paula Cohen
Paula Cohen
4 years ago

I am, frankly, very, very afraid for this country. Everywhere I turn I see, hear, and read bald-faced lies, intimidation, violence, canceling, name-calling, obsessive hatred and obliteration of the past, destruction of property, and half of the country screaming with joy as they move left, left, left, left, left… I have no idea how this will end or when. I only know that I have little faith in a correction anytime in the near future, and at the age of 71, I’m actually pleased that I may not be around to see the United States descend into a totalitarian failure like Russia or a brutal dictatorship like China.

I never wanted children and have occasionally wondered if I had made a mistake. What the US has become in the last 12 years has cured me of that regret. Now I’m thrilled that I never had children, and don’t have to worry about their futures or those of any grandchildren. My parents were of the “greatest” generation, and we — the “boomers” — are to blame for what the world has sunk into now. As President Trump likes to say: “so SAD!”

Linda K
Linda K
4 years ago

If they get away with stealing this election, there’s not much law abiding citizens can do to reverse the course we’re heading towards. It has to stop there. Unfortunately, it looks like most republican politicians were just using president Trump to get themselves re-elected and have no intention of helping him. It’s up to us. Demand that your representatives stand up for democracy by making sure the election is not stolen by the Democrats. 80 million people voted for Biden?!!! Only an idiot would believe that.

Charles Radliff
Charles Radliff
4 years ago

Hypocrisy is a big deal. Jesus had no more scathing rebuke of the Pharisees than when he called them hypocrites over and over, as recorded in Matthew 23 (the seven “Woes”). Jesus identified them as sons of the devil (John 8:44). It seems the principal weapon in the arsenal of the Left is hypocrisy. That’s why I say, Devil, thy name is Liberalism. I noticed also that suppression came up a lot in this article. What came to mind is Romans 1:18-“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.”

Bill Beckham
Bill Beckham
4 years ago

I knew that journalism was a lost cause when during the Obama presidency, the press had nothing but praise for the President and when Trump became president, the press did a full 180 and could not say a good thing about him. It was so obvious.

Gary Brooks
Gary Brooks
4 years ago

Agree with this well placed article. The reliance on various news outlets is very important in order to keep the American Citizen informed in many ways. An unbiased media that reports unfiltered news allows the public to not only see the facts, but make sound decisions in many areas of their lives. When reporting is biased or non factual, then the population is unable to make an informed decision that may end up having negative consequences. For instance, the general elections withholding important information on the Biden family issues. This is dangerous and there must be a balance to maintain free press and hold accountable those news outlets who betray the American people by withholding factual news or false reporting that does not allow for the public to make sound decisions. Without an informed people, tyranny is just around the corner.

4 years ago

they all belong to the “if I only had a brain” party

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

Josef Goebbels told Hitler that he needs to keep telling the same lies to the German ‘folks’ and eventually they will THINK it’s the truth.
All these “jerknolists” keep spitting what the commie professors taught them in college. And stupid parents paid dear tuition rates to have their
kids converted to communism ! ! ! THIS is the crap you now have. Lies Inc.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
4 years ago

America has got to, slowly but surely, stop doing business with Communist China. PERIOD!

Matthew Gabor
Matthew Gabor
4 years ago

Looking at the “Bigger Picture” America has become the very same type of country that people have fled from since the 1600s! I do not know how we are going to do it but we Conservatives have to take America back or form a new country! We have seen people that are fed up with Leftist California leaving the state. People are leaving the High Tax High Crime Communist State of Illinois. People are leaving Socialist New York City. While it is not easy for everyone to pack up and move, throughout history people have made huge sacrifices for what they believe in. I want to thank all the nameless Americans who sacrificed before me to make America the greatest country in history. Keep praying as God is in control!

4 years ago

Free speech seems to be a thing of the past. I just read that the media are essential workers and need to go ahead of most of us in line for the COVID vaccine. This is so they can keep us appraised of the virus-really. Is this true? Most of the media have been lying and censoring factual information totally throughout the Trump Presidency. . What idiots are moving them up? I hate liars. The lying middle class Joe Biden is as corrupt as it goes. He doesn’t know what is up-if so why didn’t he fix it in his 47 years. The fake news will continue to protect him. Whatever media is with holding factual information from the American people and some of this can lead to riots and other criminal activity-these people need to be thrown in jail

4 years ago

Why don’t you inquire about the photo of Obama, Fauci, and the female in the background (either Pelosi or Hillary Clinton) when Obama gave 5 million to keep working on the virus in Wahun?

4 years ago

We are divided among at least 2 groups. The enlightened and the ignorant. The ignorant are not dumb.
They just do not want to think. Thus they are another victim class which is the holy grail of the dims.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
4 years ago

America is desperate to hear Conservative Voices and the truth they have to share! Few people are aware of how many innocent people are languishing in prisons, falsely charged with crimes they never committed, but they KNOW too much, have SEEN too much, and have objected to the Agendas they have evidence of. So they are made to appear as liars, felons, and nuts, and if that doesn’t work, they simply disappear or commit suicide. Others who attempt to blow the whistle are treated to the same consequences, which is why so few are willing to speak out. We are in DIRE need of of a TRULY Conservative, Mainstream News Outlet.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
4 years ago

One has to question the “timing” of the China virus release. The original virus was found in a cave in bats, the virus was taken to the lab in Wuhan and according to a female head virologist there it had some “tweaking” done as in manipulation, as in possibly weaponizing the virus. Then “somehow” the virus was released to the China civilian population JUST BEFORE the Chinese New Year which annually sees tens to hundreds of thousands of Chinese traveling across the world to visit family…..then the Chinese with the help of the WHO claimed the virus couldnt be spread from human to human and was “not a problem”. SOMEHOW President Trump, as usual not trusting the CCP called for an unpopular travel ban… action DEEPLY criticized at the time but one that saved tens of thousand of lives among the elderly and or frail in this country…..but the timing of the release seems to me to indicate an act of biological warfare and the female lead virologist that had to flee China came out as late as September I believe to again state her claims about the virus only to be completely removed from the public discourse by the media and perhaps the hidden string pullers in our government……perhaps under pressure from Chinese “spies” that are known to be rampant in this country in government, business, education…….we were attacked and should respond. How do you respond to a country that has now killed hundreds of thousands of American Citizens? I would suggest revisiting the MacArthur approach he mentioned to the (Democrat), President at the time, Harry Truman…….who fired him for the suggestion. God help us if Biden gets into office…..he has been bought by our most dire enemy.

Therese Brezin
Therese Brezin
4 years ago

Am I allowed to ask why I have to verify that I’m not a robot several times within this same discussion? Just because I comment on more than one post? Do we all have to do this all the time? It gets kind of old after 3 or more times when I want to reply.

4 years ago

Talk is cheap, the good people of America need to band together and take our country back – NOW!!

4 years ago

This is WAY BEYOND hypocrisy! I’d venture to say it’s treasonous! The CORRUPT, leftist billionaire owned, beholden to China, media, openly censored (blocked) factual stories to protect Biden. A significant number of Biden voters polled after learning about the China/Ukraine corruption, said they would not have voted for Biden had they known. THAT was enough by itself to throw the election to Biden. The CORRUPT MEDIA IS PUBLIC ENEMY #1 IMHO! It’s staggering to watch how CORRUPT the courts, social media, print media, TV & cable networks, and BOTH political parties have become! I have 0 trust in any of them!

4 years ago

Our media is a propoganda machine bought out by the Chi-Coms, big tech, much of corporate america, and big money
(Gates, Soros, Bloomberg, et al). That is a formidable force. Watch carefully how quickly these players move their
personnel, capital, and investments out of the US that they are selling out. For some reason , they are not happy with
where they are. I wonder why ? They know that when communism becomes reality here they will be the annointed
class and can stamp out the d@mned middle class they abhor.

4 years ago

Can I invest in the Sequoyah softwear and the Dominion machines that were used to rig our election ?
What riches will be made by these owners as they continue to hand out the fake results the dims want.

4 years ago

JOE BIDEN is a fool and CHINA is so HAPPY!!!

Back to school. Image of teacher s desk with a pile of textbooks and apple
Flag of Maine USA state on a textured background. Concept collage.
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 5: Jayanta Bhattacharya, U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, speaks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Capitol Hill on March 5, 2025 in Washington, DC. A Stanford University professor, Bhattacharya spoke out about shutdowns and vaccine policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
EL PASO, TEXAS - JANUARY 31: Seen from an aerial view, Texas National Guard troops stop immigrants trying to pass through razor wire after crossing the border into El Paso, Texas from El Paso, Texas. Those who managed to get through the wire were then allowed to proceed for further processing by U.S. Border Patrol agents. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

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