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OPINION: Inflation Gains Momentum But Democrats Could Not Care Less

Posted on Tuesday, March 8, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, March 8 – Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath, promising not to do harm. It becomes clear with every position our leftist lawmakers – led by Joe Biden – that they take an oath of their own. It’s called the hypocritic oath. 

Take the vote in Congress last week when they voted against energy independence. 

The  American Independence from Russian Energy Act was introduced in the House four days after Putin invaded Ukraine, on February 28. It was blocked by House Democrats in a 221-202 vote on March 1. The Ukraine war was causing a spike in the price of crude oil from about $75 a pre-war barrel to prices that are already hovering at about $130 a barrel, and that likely will continue to increase in the coming weeks and months. And, now, President Biden says he will ban Russian oil imports, a move that could send the price of a barrel of oil “to $160 or even $200 a barrel,” according to ABC News.

Meanwhile, gasoline is soaring in price, but House Democrats apparently could care less. Neither did President Biden care when he directed the Interior Department to stop oil leases on public lands and waters. At the time, in January of 2021, the average national price for gasoline stood at $2.38. By January 2022, it will cost, on average, a buck more per gallon to fill your tank. It won’t be long before we see the cost of prices that some estimates say will be as high or higher than $7.00 per gallon.

That’s inflation of a special kind. 

The American Independence legislation would have authorized the Keystone XL pipeline and triggered an almost immediate increase in U.S. oil production. 

According to Kathleen Sgamma, president of the nonprofit Western Energy Alliance, by blocking the bill “from even being considered demonstrates how unserious [Democrats] are about truly addressing the crisis in Ukraine.”  Sgamma told the Epoch Times, “We have the energy resources to starve Putin of revenue and lower prices for Americans if the president would just take action within his power now. For example, the government is holding up hundreds of federal permits in the Permian Basin, America’s most prolific oil region. Most are ready to go but are being held up for more climate change analysis.”

The inflationary impact on the rising cost of petroleum certainly raises the price of gas at the pumps. But it also ups the overall costs of living even if you don’t own a car. It raises supply line costs which are passed on to each of us when we go out to purchase groceries and other necessities of life.

Here’s the most recent inflation analysis at the Trading Economics website: “The annual inflation rate in the U.S. accelerated to 7.5% in January of 2022, the highest since February of 1982 and well above market forecasts of 7.3%, as soaring energy costs, labor shortages, and supply disruptions coupled with strong demand weigh. Energy remained the biggest contributor (27% vs. 29.3% in December), with gasoline prices surging 40% (49.6% in December). Inflation accelerated for shelter (4.4% vs 4.1%); food (7% vs 6.3%), namely food at home (7.4% vs 6.5%); new vehicles (12.2% vs 11.8%); used cars and trucks (40.5% vs 37.3%); and medical care services (2.7% vs 2.5%). Excluding volatile energy and food categories, the CPI rose 6%, the most since August of 1982. On a monthly basis, consumer prices increased 0.6%, in line with forecasts. The January figure includes changes in seasonal adjustment factors with the bigger weight given to used cars and trucks and a smaller one for food away from home, but the calculations did not affect unadjusted data.” 

We’re not very likely to see the rate of inflation do a U-turn anytime soon, but even if the rate decreases sometime in the future, prices will undoubtedly remain at or near their newly established levels. In other words, the cost of living will remain at a new higher level virtually forever. 

As the experts at Kiplinger put it in a new report: “Strong inflation is continuing longer than the Federal Reserve expected, likely leading to a bigger Fed response at its next meeting on March 16. The Fed was originally planning on raising short-term interest rates just a quarter-point at its next meeting, but now there is a good chance it will have to do more in order to reassure financial markets that it is not falling behind in curbing inflation. While the inflation rate will likely come down quickly in the second half of 2022, the risk is that consumers’ and businesses’ expectations of large price increases could become baked into price and wage decisions, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

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2 years ago

To whoever wrote the headline — the correct phase Is “couldn’t care less”. If the Democrats could care less that means they do care some and they clearly do not. Absolute bottom of their priority list is the American people, i.e. they could not care less about them.

2 years ago

This admin lives in the present moment of power and greed and could careless about the future for this country, their children or grandchildren. Self centered, pompous politicians.

2 years ago

What are the Republicans doing to help. I do not hear a peep hardly from any of them ? I mean the party of austerity or are they like the party for the people ?

Will Smith
Will Smith
2 years ago

I think they are trying to raise 3.5 trillion off of the American people since they could not get the loan, and they don’t care who they hurt in the long run, as long as they are taken care of they could care less about the American people. I also belive this is Obama doin this. This was his plan from the beginning when he was president.

2 years ago

I disagree. I’m positive that democrats could NOT care any less about inflation, or Americans, at all.

2 years ago

I think you mean they could Not care less.

2 years ago

Couldn’t care less.

Albert W. Myles
Albert W. Myles
2 years ago

Why aren’t the Checks and Balances that we are supposed to have in this country being used to stop Biden and Congress from destroying America?

Elizabeth Misa
Elizabeth Misa
2 years ago

The 7.5 inflation is a lie by this regime because food and gas are not in their figures. And why is Jen lying about why the oil companies have no holds on them to start producing oil again??

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Listening to Biden blame Russia for the sharp rise in petroleum prices is both maddening and disheartening. The price of petroleum products has been going up significantly since Biden actively became president. Biden has decreased oil production and increased regulations to seriously hamper the activation of new oil leases. Every time Biden opens his mouth and refuses to take responsibility for our 40 year high inflation rate, we the American people are left holding the bag. People are having to make tough choices between food, medicine, and gas —- while the progressives are living in their futuristic green fantasy world.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Almost reminds me of the mid 70 era, Rationed gas , limited supply, and in a flash double the price overnight. Jimmy boy was the inflation puppet then. Now with the leftist initiative the green new deal , it’s definitely going to be $10-12 a gallon. And with supply chain issues and hostile countries we now depend on for all our crucial energy supplies we’re screwed. It’s what these leftist progressive socialist haters of our country love best, Destroy everyone and everything that they couldn’t care less about.

2 years ago

Sloppy Joe and Pothole Pete don’t give a hoot whether Americans are suffering or not. That was evident when Pothole Pete told everyone to stop complaining and buy an Electric car – He didn’t mention that they cost around 60K. I wonder if they have given any thought to how the US will provide electricity to charge these vehicles – probably coal, gas and oil Plants — Wind and sun won’t do it that’s for sure… or maybe you will have to carry a gas generator in your trunk.

2 years ago

I feel it like what can we do against inflation, it is how can we fight an issue created by White House.

Willy E
Willy E
2 years ago

It won’t matter much to the majority of people. 7 dollar a gallon or 70 dollar a gallon gasoline won’t make much difference when you are walking and paying a hundred bucks for a loaf of bread if you can find a baker. It’s all part of their plan to reduce population and put us back under a King.

PW Crabb
PW Crabb
2 years ago

Could care less. Could NOT care less. The distinction should be obvious. The correct usage also should be obvious.

2 years ago

In the title did you mean, democrats could not care less?

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Cut the FREE Gasoline and Jet Fuel the FASCIST liberals get at TAX PAYER EXPENSE.
Starting with DICTATOR Beijing biden PAYS FOR ALL FUEL he uses to go everywhere and the rest of his COMMUNIST party
uses. NO FREE RIDES on MILITARY FLIGHTS starting with SWAMP QUEEN pelosi and the rest of her TROLLS.
liberals Party.

Will Smith
Will Smith
2 years ago

Sounds like to me , obama is doin a Damm good job along with swamp Queen Pelosi on destroying this country the whole administration is based on lies, they need to be taken out of office for treason.

2 years ago

Apathetic voting during past years created thisRegime of criminal behavior among creaturesIn the swamp..we did this ourselves and nowWe will need to clean the mess up…onlyOur grandchildren can save us from theTyranny through proper reform and supportThe constitution and Reinforce faith amongWe the people…it will take a generation

2 years ago

Caring less can be laid at the feet of both parties……..the politicians are going to bring this country down

2 years ago

To whoever wrote the headline — the correct phase Is “couldn’t care less”. If the Democrats could care less that means they do care some and they clearly do not. Absolute bottom of their priority list is the American people, i.e. they could not care less about them.

2 years ago

This admin lives in the present moment of power and greed and could careless about the future for this country, their children or grandchildren. Self centered, pompous politicians.

2 years ago

What are the Republicans doing to help. I do not hear a peep hardly from any of them ? I mean the party of austerity or are they like the party for the people ?

Will Smith
Will Smith
2 years ago

I think they are trying to raise 3.5 trillion off of the American people since they could not get the loan, and they don’t care who they hurt in the long run, as long as they are taken care of they could care less about the American people. I also belive this is Obama doin this. This was his plan from the beginning when he was president.

2 years ago

I disagree. I’m positive that democrats could NOT care any less about inflation, or Americans, at all.

2 years ago

I think you mean they could Not care less.

2 years ago

Couldn’t care less.

Albert W. Myles
Albert W. Myles
2 years ago

Why aren’t the Checks and Balances that we are supposed to have in this country being used to stop Biden and Congress from destroying America?

Elizabeth Misa
Elizabeth Misa
2 years ago

The 7.5 inflation is a lie by this regime because food and gas are not in their figures. And why is Jen lying about why the oil companies have no holds on them to start producing oil again??

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Listening to Biden blame Russia for the sharp rise in petroleum prices is both maddening and disheartening. The price of petroleum products has been going up significantly since Biden actively became president. Biden has decreased oil production and increased regulations to seriously hamper the activation of new oil leases. Every time Biden opens his mouth and refuses to take responsibility for our 40 year high inflation rate, we the American people are left holding the bag. People are having to make tough choices between food, medicine, and gas —- while the progressives are living in their futuristic green fantasy world.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Almost reminds me of the mid 70 era, Rationed gas , limited supply, and in a flash double the price overnight. Jimmy boy was the inflation puppet then. Now with the leftist initiative the green new deal , it’s definitely going to be $10-12 a gallon. And with supply chain issues and hostile countries we now depend on for all our crucial energy supplies we’re screwed. It’s what these leftist progressive socialist haters of our country love best, Destroy everyone and everything that they couldn’t care less about.

2 years ago

Sloppy Joe and Pothole Pete don’t give a hoot whether Americans are suffering or not. That was evident when Pothole Pete told everyone to stop complaining and buy an Electric car – He didn’t mention that they cost around 60K. I wonder if they have given any thought to how the US will provide electricity to charge these vehicles – probably coal, gas and oil Plants — Wind and sun won’t do it that’s for sure… or maybe you will have to carry a gas generator in your trunk.

2 years ago

I feel it like what can we do against inflation, it is how can we fight an issue created by White House.

Willy E
Willy E
2 years ago

It won’t matter much to the majority of people. 7 dollar a gallon or 70 dollar a gallon gasoline won’t make much difference when you are walking and paying a hundred bucks for a loaf of bread if you can find a baker. It’s all part of their plan to reduce population and put us back under a King.

PW Crabb
PW Crabb
2 years ago

Could care less. Could NOT care less. The distinction should be obvious. The correct usage also should be obvious.

2 years ago

In the title did you mean, democrats could not care less?

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Cut the FREE Gasoline and Jet Fuel the FASCIST liberals get at TAX PAYER EXPENSE.
Starting with DICTATOR Beijing biden PAYS FOR ALL FUEL he uses to go everywhere and the rest of his COMMUNIST party
uses. NO FREE RIDES on MILITARY FLIGHTS starting with SWAMP QUEEN pelosi and the rest of her TROLLS.
liberals Party.

Will Smith
Will Smith
2 years ago

Sounds like to me , obama is doin a Damm good job along with swamp Queen Pelosi on destroying this country the whole administration is based on lies, they need to be taken out of office for treason.

2 years ago

Apathetic voting during past years created thisRegime of criminal behavior among creaturesIn the swamp..we did this ourselves and nowWe will need to clean the mess up…onlyOur grandchildren can save us from theTyranny through proper reform and supportThe constitution and Reinforce faith amongWe the people…it will take a generation

2 years ago

Caring less can be laid at the feet of both parties……..the politicians are going to bring this country down

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