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OPINION: America Took a ‘Left Turn’ When Joe Biden Took Office

Posted on Thursday, February 3, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

I believe in the choices our Founding Fathers gave us – foremost among them is the choice to live a peaceful, successful life unencumbered by socialist dictates.  But in the past year, we’ve seen a shameless effort to take that away from me—from us.  We’ve seen the efforts of what might be described as the beginning of a Bolshevik revolution orchestrated by the progressive socialist wing of the Democratic Party and emboldened by the election of like-minded lawmakers and a disgracefully acquiescent administration. 

Their first order of business, beginning moments after President Biden was inaugurated, was to shower us with a frenzy of accusations seemingly aimed at President Trump but obviously intended to silence we who champion independence rather than an all-powerful government. 

Let’s compare Mr. Trump’s accomplishments during his term in office with the escapades of his successor.  As AMAC News contributor Andrew Abbott summed it up in a report published last week, Mr. Biden “botched” the Afghanistan withdrawal, created a crisis at the border, triggered skyrocketing inflation, and established domestic policies that led to a crime wave.  Oh, I almost forgot; he also tried to foist a socialist spending package of enormous, bank-breaking proportions that focused on progressive budget-busting giveaways. 

President Trump, on the other hand, gave us the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, leaving Americans with more money in their pockets.  He secured our southern borders.  He negotiated international trade deals that focused on the needs of American workers.  And, as for the COVID pandemic, he tore down regulatory barriers, making it possible to develop and distribute life-saving vaccines quickly and efficiently.

The uproar over President Trump’s dismissal of Mr. Biden’s victory in the 2020 Presidential Election was and is an issue that is debatable, at best.  Consider the fact that President Biden now admits to one degree or another that elections in the U.S. can be rigged.  Nonetheless, he’s the Commander-in-Chief now.  Thus, the debate has turned into a comparison pitting the achievements – or embarrassments – of Mr. Biden versus the substantial legacy that President Trump left us.

The Left has fomented an avalanche of disgrace on President Trump.  Why?  Could it be the reason is they wish to downplay President Biden’s inability to control his reckless, thoughtless decisions?  He may not be a bad man, but he has proven himself to be an irresponsible man, the leader of a political party hell-bent on establishing powerful, long-lasting control in order to permanently destroy our American way of life.  Mr. Trump made our Mexican border secure; Mr. Biden opened the border.  Was it ineptitude on his part, or was it the desire of his socialist puppet masters seeking to bolster an influx of new – illegal – voters in order to ensure a transition that would end our democracy as we know it and to replace it with authoritarian socialism?

Some time ago, on May 18, 2020, a reader by the name of Gerald J. Boyum wrote a letter to the editor of the Fillmore County Journal in Minnesota.  I came across it while doing some research online back then and kept it because it made so much sense.  This is what Mr. Boyum wrote: 

“Why do Leftists hate America?  America is a massive refutation of their utopian fantasy, universal equality.  They compare America with their vision of a perfect country which has never existed.  Rather than change their false theories, they lash out at America and conservatives, including Trump.

“If we consider a ‘perfect’ country, it is not hard to find problems in America: racial prejudice, economic exploitation, and inequality, greed, etc.  However, countries do not exist in fantasyland; they exist in the real world.  However, the world that surrounds us is not too idyllic.  If we compare the US to its surroundings, America is the one that begins to resemble an idealized paradise.  Otherwise, why do so many foreign nationals risk life and limb to get to America?”

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7 months ago

Trump was forced by libs to Overthrow The US Govt.
They made him do it. The Hostages had no choice except to beat the hell out of those police at the Capitol.
God bless Red America’s Jesus, Donald Trump, our Messiah!

3 years ago

The United States was on a leftist path long before Biden stumbled into the White House. President Trump did a valiant job of pulling us back from most of what Obama had saddled us with, but of course the administrative state would not stand for it and acted accordingly. The infiltration of the socialist movement in this country goes all the way back to Woodrow Wilson. FDR greatly expanded it and then super-charged it during his 4 terms. LBJ put all the major demographic change pieces into place to set the table for the last phase that Obama openly ran on.

Bill T
Bill T
3 years ago

Hillary and Nancy basically told everyone that Biden was going to be our next president, they were absolutely sure if it and blatantly told everyone exactly that. They were I’m sure positive that the FIX was in! And being the lying, cheating, power hungry progressive socialist leftists that they are it’s no wonder we’re in the sad state of ruin right now, it’s only going to get WAY WORSE!! Hold on and prepare yourselves for the guaranteed DISASTER that’s just around the corner.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

” OPINION: America Took a ‘Left Turn’ When Joe Biden Took Office.” The writer of this story titled it correctly, Biden ” took ” office, he was NOT elected into office in any legal manner whatsoever, i.e. the election was rigged & as mentioned in this article, he almost admits it…The other controversy that’s been going around for a while now is; Why didn’t Trump step in & STOP it all, knowing full well what the DNC, the Democrats themselves, Deep State players & the Foreign Interference actors were doing?
After a close to a full year of non-stop violence across the nations Democrat controlled cities in a reelection year for his 2nd term, is it possible Trump didn’t dare over step his bounds with respect to using the Military or National Guard for that matter to any great extent to quell things down?
I believe the Democrats were counting on this very little discussed factoid & to cement their commitment in getting rid of Trump once & for all, Pelosi & company created the so-called INSURRECTION at the Capital Building on 1/6/20 figuring this would ” seal the deal. ” In reality it didn’t work & Trump went on to win the 2020 Presidential Election in a ” landslide victory ” on Nov. 3, 2020, however on the Nov 4, 2020 between the hours of 1 & 5 am, Biden found those votes in all those ( 6 ) Key Swing States & he secured the ” Steal of the Century. ”
We find ourselves where we are as a nation because a rigged election was ALLOWED to stand & we find ourselves going through the exact same corruption being dealt to us as happens in most any other Marxist driven, socialist nation on this earth. The final solution is to go full blown Communism, i.e. the nations of China & N. Korea are the 1st that come to mind here…
Never forget, Trump won…
Bill… :~)

3 years ago

The United States was on a leftist path long before Biden stumbled into the White House. President Trump did a valiant job of pulling us back from most of what Obama had saddled us with, but of course the administrative state would not stand for it and acted accordingly. The infiltration of the socialist movement in this country goes all the way back to Woodrow Wilson. FDR greatly expanded it and then super-charged it during his 4 terms. LBJ put all the major demographic change pieces into place to set the table for the last phase that Obama openly ran on.

Bill T
Bill T
3 years ago

Hillary and Nancy basically told everyone that Biden was going to be our next president, they were absolutely sure if it and blatantly told everyone exactly that. They were I’m sure positive that the FIX was in! And being the lying, cheating, power hungry progressive socialist leftists that they are it’s no wonder we’re in the sad state of ruin right now, it’s only going to get WAY WORSE!! Hold on and prepare yourselves for the guaranteed DISASTER that’s just around the corner.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

” OPINION: America Took a ‘Left Turn’ When Joe Biden Took Office.” The writer of this story titled it correctly, Biden ” took ” office, he was NOT elected into office in any legal manner whatsoever, i.e. the election was rigged & as mentioned in this article, he almost admits it…The other controversy that’s been going around for a while now is; Why didn’t Trump step in & STOP it all, knowing full well what the DNC, the Democrats themselves, Deep State players & the Foreign Interference actors were doing?
After a close to a full year of non-stop violence across the nations Democrat controlled cities in a reelection year for his 2nd term, is it possible Trump didn’t dare over step his bounds with respect to using the Military or National Guard for that matter to any great extent to quell things down?
I believe the Democrats were counting on this very little discussed factoid & to cement their commitment in getting rid of Trump once & for all, Pelosi & company created the so-called INSURRECTION at the Capital Building on 1/6/20 figuring this would ” seal the deal. ” In reality it didn’t work & Trump went on to win the 2020 Presidential Election in a ” landslide victory ” on Nov. 3, 2020, however on the Nov 4, 2020 between the hours of 1 & 5 am, Biden found those votes in all those ( 6 ) Key Swing States & he secured the ” Steal of the Century. ”
We find ourselves where we are as a nation because a rigged election was ALLOWED to stand & we find ourselves going through the exact same corruption being dealt to us as happens in most any other Marxist driven, socialist nation on this earth. The final solution is to go full blown Communism, i.e. the nations of China & N. Korea are the 1st that come to mind here…
Never forget, Trump won…
Bill… :~)

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