AMAC Exclusive

Often as a legislative recess approaches, lawmakers who had before been staunchly opposed to particular legislation suddenly fold, and bitter divisions over controversial bills miraculously melt away amid the longing for a days’ or weeks’ long hiatus from Washington. The phenomenon is referred to as “smelling jet fumes” and, for better or for worse, it is one of the most powerful drivers of legislative action in the modern Congress. The debate over Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill has again shown this to be the case, with more than a dozen Republicans voting with Democrats to advance the legislation as Senators anxiously await their traditional August recess. But over the weekend, one Senator, Bill Hagerty of Tennessee, remained firm as the sole individual blocking expedited passage of the bill, marking a courageous stand for conservatives everywhere opposed to Biden’s unprecedented spending binge.
The standoff between Hagerty and the rest of the Senate began last Thursday following the release of a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score that found that the infrastructure bill would increase the national debt by $256 billion. Previously, proponents of the bill on both sides of the political aisle had assured skeptical Republicans that the legislation’s $550 billion in new spending would be completely paid for by re-allocating unused funds from other areas of the budget and would not add any unpaid-for spending. The CBO’s analysis undercuts that assertion, something that Hagerty cited as a primary reason for his opposition to the bill.
Under Senate rules, all 100 Senators must agree to move forward on a bill in order to limit debate on the legislation. The motion to dispense with debate is usually accomplished through what is known as a unanimous consent agreement, whereby Senators simply have to withhold objection in order for the motion to pass. In this case, Hagerty alone objected, forcing the Senate to open the floor for debate, and stalling passage of the bill.
“I was asked consent to expedite the process and pass [the infrastructure bill]” Hagerty said in a written statement. “I could not, in good conscience, allow that to happen at this hour – especially when the objective of the majority is to hurry up and pass this bill so that they can move quickly to their $3.5 trillion tax-and-spend spree designed to implement the Green New Deal and increase Americans’ dependence on the government, so I objected.”
Former President Donald Trump, who has spoken out against passage of the infrastructure bill, tipped his hat to Haggerty in a statement on Sunday, writing, “Congratulations to Senator Bill Hagerty in remaining true to ‘AMERICA FIRST!’”
Yet Hagerty’s opposition, which forced the Senate to convene both days this weekend, did not win him any friends among the cadre of Republicans hoping to quickly pass the bill, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Democrats were even more irked, with Senator Chris Coons of Delaware reportedly interrupting an interview to accuse Hagerty of holding up debate on the bill.
But Hagerty was not backing down, despite the admonishments of Democrats and even some Republicans. “I wasn’t elected by the people of Tennessee to be the most popular person in the Senate,” Hagerty said. “I was elected to stand up for their interests.”
Hagerty has also voiced a concern shared by many Republicans (and also recently reported by AMAC Newsline) that passage of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill will simply clear the way for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to ram through Biden’s $3.5 trillion social welfare bill under the budget reconciliation process, which only needs a simple majority to pass.
All indications point to those fears being well-founded as the infrastructure bill nears final passage. On Sunday, despite the fact that Schumer and several other Democrat Senators have repeatedly claimed that they wanted to consider amendments to the infrastructure bill, Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema, an alleged moderate who led the coalition of Senators that crafted the legislation, blocked Hagerty from introducing a set of amendments. Hagerty responded that the move revealed “[Democrats’] true intention” of quickly moving to passage of the $3.5 trillion bill, which Hagerty has called “a socialist debt bomb.”
Hagerty has repeatedly emphasized that he is not opposed to moving forward on amendments to the infrastructure bill, but Schumer has thus far refused to bring any amendment to the floor for debate unless Hagerty withdraws his opposition to moving forward on the overall bill. “It’s obvious that Senator Schumer is staging this in a way to put additional pressure on people,” Hagerty said. “He doesn’t care about good infrastructure. Clearly, if he did, he’d allow the amendment process to go forward.” Previously, Schumer had planned on bringing forward less than 25 amendments of the more than 150 that were filed.
Hagerty’s procedural delay tactics are unlikely to prevent final passage of the bill, which is expected sometime on Tuesday. However, his opposition has provided fresh opportunity to highlight flaws in the legislation and refocused the national spotlight on Democrats’ overtly partisan legislation that is soon to follow.
In addition, Hagerty’s resistance has become a powerful symbol of holding firm to conservative principles even amid pressure from within the Republican establishment. Such actions are sure to energize conservatives across the country who are hungry for leaders who will not compromise on core values in the interest of appearing “bipartisan.” Looking ahead to next year, if Republicans wish to retake Congress, more GOP hopefuls may do well to follow Hagerty’s example, lest voters view them as no stronger on the issues than their Democratic counterparts.
Need more like him in House & Senate overall dump the Dems & RINOs
Praise be to a man of courage in sea of cowards ! Pray God others will follow his example.
god bless and protect AMERICA !!
well done senator Hagerty… I wonder how long it will take him to bail out of his decision!
You made Tennessee and all other Freedom lovers proud, Bill. Fighting Communists is often a lonely job, but you did it.
I think the dirty Democrats have run Demacratic candidates calling themselves Republicans to get elected to further screw Americans
Rand Paul had it right this week when he said it’s time to stand up and say a resounding no. No to crazy spending, no to mask mandates, no to close downs and no to politicians telling us their employers what to do. Hagerty is a man among mice and a pleasant surprise for the residents of TN. Marsha Blackburn, who has never met a camera she didn’t preen in front of, would do well to follow suit.
Let’s each one now their head and pray to God that bill will be defeated. Remember, there is a God in heaven who is still on His throne.
Considering that Hagerty and Blackburn replaced the two most liberal Republican senators of all time in the great state of Tennessee; I’m proud of my Tennessee friends!
There are alternatives to just sitting on our backsides and waiting for the next election.
As a native Tennessean, accept my thanks and appreciation for standing up for US citizens against reckless, expensive waste in the Infrastructure Bill. No Amnesty!
And here we see the problem….senators and representatives clinging to their selfish desires and not doing what is right for the nation…..JUST ONE! No wonder our representatives are a failure….when only ONE stands forth and seeks the right thing done. Contact your reps and senators, shame them for the wusses they truly are, as they cave to taking a vacation rather than doing what they were elected to do. When I was a working stiff and the company needed me for important reasons, many of us would forgo our vacations to tackle the problem, knowing we would still get that time off, but later…and knowing we were a team working to help our company survive. This has been the real plague in our congress…..people who have been there too long, for the wrong reasons, who care little for the people who sent them to Washington (and the states as well) to carry out the constitutional mandate and do their due diligence. Instead they fall to personal agenda, greedy power base building and kingdom building. They have all the perks and no one holds their feet to the fire, and only the few, (in this case ONE) practice what they preach. Don’t expect any of them to face the facts, vote their conscience and be statesmen/women. They are polititians first, selfish power mongers second, with being a true servant of the people a sad third or forth on their agenda. It was bad twenty years ago, worse now…..and no end seems to be in sight. The louder the people protest and complain, the weaker the response… it is just words…..empty, useless rhetoric……no one trusts them. No one with a brain believes them.
I’m grateful for the list of Rinos – I get solicitations from every Republican in Amerca, seems like. But I’m not spreading my money around. The Congressmen and Senators the put America First will get my money.
Didn’t win any friends ? I think Mr. Hagerty won the best friend anyone could have , when you stand for righteousness, and that is God.
Thank You, Mr. Hagerty and May God continue to Bless and give you strength.
Thank you Senator for holding the line, at least until given opportunity to consider all ammendments and you confident the bill is truly “bipartisan”.
Sent an email to Senator Hagerty thanking him for looking out for American Citizens!
Everybody needs to actively call,email and tweet these office holders.
Just tell them it’s America First!
This so-called Infrastructure Bill is over 2700 pages . Anything coming out of the Beltway with 2700 pages is bound to be absolutely loaded with pork barrel looting and special interest goodies and favoritism. God bless any true statesman or woman, regardless of party, who stands in front of the runaway taxpayer robbery getaway vehicle. We need a wholesale house cleaning in Congress of both parties. The Congressional incumbent re-election rates since 1964 have been 82% for the House and 96% for the Senate. That is political incest pure and simple……
He is right and why won’t others join him?
God bless Mr. Hagerty. Just goes to show what kind of “so called” leaders we have in the rest of them.
The Commiecrats can always depend on the RINO’s to stand with them and they know it. Any republican who votes for this nightmare deserves the punishment reserved for traitors to their country.
All most of these Republican Senators see is that NOT passing this bill, as truly bad as it is for the country and its long-term future, is it is standing in the way of their summer vacations. Classic swamp mentality. This should be a learning experience for most Americans, as to how self-centered and stupid most career politicians really are, but I fear most Americans won’t get it. Instead most will likely just focus on the fact that one Senator had the strength and principles to stand up for America versus just himself and leave it at that. Ignoring the larger issue.
Washington is badly broken where most politicians will pass just about anything, just so they can say “we got something done”. The massive problems in this bill have been known for weeks, yet the RINO contingent just sees their planned vacations being impacted if they don’t pass it fast. Is this really the kind of representation any of you want in Washington?
What a sad representation to the people of America, to have this evil Infrastructure is written to desolve the rights of humanity..typiclal of Communism
God Bless Senator Hagerty! To bad all of the Republicans do not have the guts to stand against this wasteful spending and ruining America!
Senator Bill Hagerty is a real true American, he is standing up for the hard working American taxpayer. We can expect the left leaning Demonrats to destroy America, but, we expect more from the Republican Senators, only a half wit low life would consider voting to give any life to the budget boondoggle, you can’t put out a fire by throwing gas on it. If you are lucky enough to have a Republican Senator, but, they were dumb enough to give this crap any life you need to let them know that will remember this the next election, I will not give any money to the Republicans at the national level because they will not hold the RINO’S Feet to the fire.
The RINO Republicans of both the House and Senate, people like Liz Cheney, Bill Cassidy, and about a dozen more are not only aiding the Demonrats to destroy the Republicans, they are giving them Ammunition.
Remember these low life’s RINO’S when they run for re-election.
God please save America !!!!!!!!!
Good for Mr Hagerty- someone who is not willing to spend his great great grandchilden into the poor house. This is what we elected our senators and congressmen and women to stand against. I agree – “God Bless Mr Hagerty” – for standing up.
Bill Hagerty deserves the kudos. How is it that Bill Hagerty is unfamiliar to most of us? What is his apparent risk? Bill Hagerty,at this time, is not running for reelection in 2022. Bill Hagerty has cojones! If he is not running for reelection, we would hope that he will pass on his newly found passion and conscience to his successors. This bill will pass to the house. Thank You for your efforts.
If you can’t see what Biden’s spending is doing in regard to inflation, you just aren’t paying attention or you are so rich you don’t care. Inflation is simply a way for government to raise your taxes and give the politicos and their backers a fiscal advantage over the people. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!!!
All this capitalization is driven by the harsh reality that nobody is willing to inflict a financial shock to the system and risk Government shutdown and restrictions on the debt ceiling. These sellouts at The Federal level are literally just kicking the can and deferring the correction that will ultimately need to come at some point.
Unfortunately, as we are now seeing clearly, these financial concessions and political trade offs come at the cost of our personal liberties and loss of American Sovereignty to the Global Financial Elite Class.
So proud of our TN Senator Haggerty. Finally 1Senator is fighting for we the people. Feels good.
So good Mr Hagerty stood up for the American people.
Haggerty’s the only Republican senator who’s doing his job!!
God bless him!
Too many of our so called loyal Republicans are no longer loyal to the American people.
Those who go alongside the Demoncrats don’t have to worry cause they get paid handsomely for doing so while the rest of America is taxed to death and can’t afford food or shelter.
Are they going to pay for my new electric driven car if this new green deal is passed?
I think not!
good for hagerty-glad he’s got the
balls to stand up for this
Way to go Haggerty
Amac Newsline… Shame on you for NOT listing the ( 18 ) REPUBLICANS that voted for the FAUX ” Infrastructure bill “… A bipartisan vote at 69-30? It should have been 69-48…
I’ll show a couple of them here, Roy Blunt i.e. RINO, Lisa Murkowski, i.e. RINO, Bob Portman, i.e. RINO plus ( 15 ) more… This exemplifies what Trump was up against his entire 1st term as POTUS, a completely divided House. Not a one of those ( 18 ) were ever for America First, therefore all of them need to go…This is why the Republican Party is totally & utterly a BROKEN party with very few exceptions…Once again those same SILENT voices that NEVER supported Donald J. Trump…
Actions speak louder than words & these actions are DEAFENING… :~(
Bill on the Hill… :~)
Way to go Haggerty! We need more like him. Reminds me of Jimmy Stuart in Mr. Smith goes to Washington! Stand firm for what is RIGHT not what is POPULAR!
Thank you Haggerty. Now if the rest of the “so called republicans” did what they were voted in to do!! Instead they turn belly up and roll over and vote for things the public that elected them to fight against.
Stay STRONG SENATOR HAGERTY! You’re a modern day David taking the right stand against a Goliath of socialist officials in the House! Praying for your continued wisdom, courage
How is this putting a spotlight on flaws in the legislation when the media never talks about it? The only people who see the information are the ones who already know it’s horrible.
Bless you Bill Haggerty. Why isn’t everyone against this pork laden bill? What really upsets me are all the items in this bill that make up a totalitarian wish list. Why aren’t any of these covered in the media. Such as (starting around p. 1065 of this 2700 page monstrosity) the installation of breath monitors in ALL new cars to prevent drunk driving, and cameras and scanners to assess your mental state!! This is big brother on steroids. Take some time to read this. America, we are in big trouble.
If only we had ‘representatives’ in DC who truly represented ‘We the People’ what a wonderful country it would be! God Bless America and keep us safe from our ‘enemies’
Thank God for Haggerty, it’s way past time to purge the wolf in sheep clothing so call Republicans that continue to promise constitutional values only to jump on board at the last minute with the socialist and Marxist. Term limits is the answer to rid Washington of career politicians who screw future generations with unresolveable debt just to line there pockets. Why are there so many millionaire so called public servants when the job only pays $120,000 to $200,000 a year. ANYBODY LISTENING?
Mitch McConnell has worked so hard along with Lindsey Graham ,behind the scene, to give Biden a victory, now they’ll go for the big one, including the biggest tax increases in the history of our Country.
Senator Hagerty is courageous and wise enough to understand the implications of this bill. This bill should be picked apart and the pork barrel legislation and the portions furthering the political agenda of the illegal, treasonous faction that seized power thru election fraud, thrown out. This bill is a disaster. Thanks for your stance, Sen. Hagerty!
Thanks AMAC for this article, and thank you Senator Bill Hagerty (Tenn) for taking this stand. We cannot continue to increase our National Debt. I am sure it helps that Hagerty is not running for reelection in 2022 & does not have to bend to powers in Republican Party. We need more independent Senators in Washington.
All I say is I regret voting for Senator Graham in 2020 and I can’t wait for President Trump to come back. And Senator Haggerty I applaud him for standing his ground.
What is wrong with these elected officials that think it’s ok to commit to spending $4.6 trillion of our money? We can tear apart the junk that is in these bills as being far left socialist wishes too, but just the enormity of the spend alone should frighten every one of us….
I will donate as much as posable to replace every senator Democrat, Libertarian or Republican that votes for this Bill. We are all watching.
Good for Hagerty. I was born and raised in ND and am so disappointed to see both ND senators on the list. I really thought they were smarter than to vote for something this awful. I would like to see the reasoning, if any, behind all these RINO’s votes. No more money from me to support any of them.
I just called Mr. Haggerty’s office to leave the message that I am so proud of his courage to stand up and say “no” to a bill that was not good for his country and its fine people. More ought to call him and perhaps we should call those who represent out states who voted yes to tell them how proud we are of Sen. Haggerty and how we hope they will be as courageous!
98% of all these congress people don’t care at all about you or I. I can count on ONE hand the congress people who act as they should- the rest are “useful(useless?)idiots”. Once these “elected ones” get in their offices, they find a buffet of treasures at their beckon call. It’s like winning the lottery Jackpot. Our needs and wants are soon forgotten- even the best of intentions are overwhelmed by all the perks and freebees. TWO terms max for all offices would help reduce this.