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Old Democrats in 2024

Posted on Friday, July 5, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Listening to Old Democrats talk, center-left liberals, many disoriented, some wishfully projecting old JFK or Truman values on their left-lurching modern Democrat party is like watching someone visit the site of their old home, imagining it there, when it is not.

Putting aside their reflexive dislike for Donald Trump, you learn by listening. Shining a light on what these old Democrats wish, what they imagine is not there but is, can be helpful.

What old Democrats hope is that their party’s leadership is not as radical as the media reports, not as openly hostile to Christian and Jewish faiths, ordinary education, peaceful campuses, traditional values, free markets, and the Bill of Rights – as it seems they are.

What old Democrats want to believe is that the center-left and far-left media are accurate and that the risk to democracy is not from the left, but from the constitutionalists on the right.

They want to believe that the threat to normal, stable, traditional life comes from zealous freedom-lovers, what Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan might call populists, those who favor what modern Democrats oppose.

What old Democrats are intent on not seeing, want passionately not to believe is not so, is that the party they call home has been corrupted, that their White House, Justice, State, Homeland, and Defense Departments, US Senate, many governorships, state legislatures, elected judgeships, and prosecutors, are somehow not responsible for all the chaos.

They want to imagine integrity across our voting system is not happening or not the fault of those in charge, that the millions of illegal aliens set to vote in November without identification, coordinated by “New American” offices in 18 states, sudden voting rights for tens of thousands of illegals married to Americans, is justified to stop Donald Trump.

They want to believe that the jump from 1.2 percent inflation in January 2021 to nine percent in August 2022, still at 3.6 percent and rising, comes from something other than modern Democrat fiscal irresponsibility, and killing American energy independence.

They want to imagine that Democrat spending of eight trillion dollars over revenues collected, interest at a 22-year high, making everything unaffordable, and 90 anti-energy regulations, are all irrelevant.

They want to think the horrifying withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving 100,000 US allies to die at Taliban and ISIS hands, is moral – running from and paying terrorists defensible.

They want to think giving tens of billions to Iran will stop their nuclear and terror ambitions, and appease a fanatical, ruthless, ideology-driven government, funder of Hamas, and Hezbollah.

They imagine profound foreign policy failures by the Modern Democrats, from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea to Venezuela, Mexico, and the world, are all bad luck.

Old Democrats want desperately to think the nation is, to parrot a friend, “not at war,” just having “policy” disagreements, Modern Democrats just having a bad day, no one’s fault.

Actually, none of the old Democrat’s fictional hopes are true. The Modern Democrat party has betrayed them, and sown lawlessness. They have seeded demoralization of the police, release of felons, ending bail, unprosecuted crimes, unprecedented drug trafficking and overdoses, politicization of local prosecutorial and judicial courts, illegal alien-driven homelessness, crime, impact on schools, hospitals, housing, and civil order.

The Modern Democrat party is at odds with old Democrat values, pushing lawlessness on campuses, 35 trillion in debt, unaffordable everything, confusing kids on gender and sexuality, transgenderism, assaulting girls’ privacy, dignity, and safety, eviscerating Title 9, boldly chilling speech by arresting parents for speaking up and jailing pro-life protesters.

The Modern Democrat party is really – for all intents  – the anti-old Democrat values party, making modern Republicans the last best hope for maintaining normalcy, some semblance of values old Democrats have long held, keeper of America’s flicking flame.

If we could take a poll of veterans in graves across the country, Republicans plus old Wilsonian, FDR, Truman, and JFK Democrats, they would all resent Modern Democrats.

In short, the nation is at war with itself, with old Democrats and traditional Republicans having far more in common than they admit. The foundations of American society are cracking, radical, so-called progressive Democrats delegitimizing institutions, traditions, rights, and the rule of law, Supreme Court to citizen voting, and police to the impartial administration of laws.

When one party uses words from the French revolutionary Robespierre, calling half the nation “enemies of the people,” mimics a man who literally destroyed churches, imprisoned and killed his opponents, something is very wrong.

When one party delegitimizes families, morality, the Jewish and Christian faiths, patriotic traditions, biology, states’ rights, individual liberties, and on and on, the nation is at risk. Modern Democrats tend toward a historically indefensible, non-American, non-rule-of-law set of outcomes, driven by well-financed, disruptive leftists, whose apparent aim is chaos, perhaps to justify the use of force and further centralizing of power, and less liberty.

Not to put too fine a point on it, centralized, unaccountable, anti-liberty powerholders are inherently corrupt – have always been – and corruption unchecked grows. Our founders knew it, we do, and in their hearts, old Democrats do. They just wish it were not so.  Their moment of truth, alas, is coming – November 2024.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
8 months ago

They will still vote for whomever the DNC puts on the ballot.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
8 months ago

The so-called “Democrat Party,” never any friend to this nation or its citizens (for those who are unaware, it was created solely for the purpose of perpetuating slavery), long ago morphed into The New Communist Party of the USA. Today’s Democrat Party can be described as the home of corruption, criminality, treason, hate, racism, and antisemitism. Those who do not recognize or accept this are either liars or in self-denial because it is as clear as can be.

carol exposito
carol exposito
8 months ago

Unfortunately, you can’t cure stupid! I have one of those blind, stupid old fools living next door to me. She’s more concerned about a woman’s ability to get an abortion than she is about our very survival. (She’s 74!) How stupid can you be???

8 months ago

RBC, your article reminded me more about the youth vs, parents, that rebellion against our parents wisdom because they were ancient and out of date with current reality. Some youth finally realized that our parents knew what they were talking about, thus gaining wisdom, experience and knowledge. Others continued in their way and became established doing what they wanted no matter what the consequences. Like the old Demos, unless they break their mold and wake up, they will allow the youth to continue to destroy this nation with its recklessness. This November election is crucial, there will be either a reprieve or dire consequences.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Twenty years ago, if you said there were Marxists in the Democrat Party, they’d say it was “conspiracy theory”. Not so wild now, huh? Coincidentally, two weeks ago, calling Joe “senile” was “cheap fake”…

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
8 months ago

The average Democrat supporter is ignorant and crazy, He/she is so brainwashed that he/she thinks the threat of carbon dioxide and fossil fuels are an existential threat to mankind, while a nuclear war is nothing to worry about. Tragically, the average supporters of Marxist Democrats are mentally and emotionally living an illusion filled with evil Trump supporters and kind Biden champions, The average defenders of Biden are mentally and emotionally overgrown children who never want to grow up. Tragically, they live in “Never, Never Land.”

8 months ago

I am without sympathy for these robots because we live in an era of instant access to information. These automata will vote dem in November. If they succeed in reelecting sniffy my earnest hope is to hear their wailing cries when their precious pensions go bust and they cant travel anymore due to green restrictions. These people willfully choose to be agnostic about their party.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
8 months ago

Nancy Pelosi is an old democrat who is the exemplar of all the ugly things that Mr. Charles catalogues in his article. Church Schumer and Joseph Biden are also old democrats who exemplify all the evil things catalogued above. Anyone who supports the Democratic Party is either a baby killer, a communist, a member of the drug trafficking, human trafficking, or pornography industries, or just too lazy or stupid to see the reality in front of their faces. May God have mercy upon us because if the Democrats remain in power, this country is doomed.

8 months ago

We must admit a fact of truth; the Democrats chose the appropriate animal to represent them: A Jackass! A very stubborn animal too!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

As you stated RBC — corruption unchecked grows. Well , it is like some other things that will grow if unchecked that are not good for the health — so ways to stop corruption –like a good dose of Integrity — in all of the systems that need it provides for a move in the right direction. People who go around imagining things as you described the old Democrats doing can only do that for so long before they are going to become a genuine nuisance and. then should. dealt with accordingly , maybe letting them know they are being ignored could help — if they don’t imagine being told that — I reckon it could help their outlook .To be in tune with the reality of how the Country is functioning, how it should function, to recognize — basically right from wrong – that is on the way for those old Democrats come November election .This Constitutional Republic ,this United States of America needs realistic , intelligent people operating the various systems — based on principles like Honor , Honesty, Integrity, Courage and Loyalty. In the spirit of the principles that define the Reagan Conservative way of thinking, with respect for Truth and Liberty . To do the best we can , with what we have for the betterment of the Nation to defend freedom from the foreign and domestic enemies of freedom. Keeping in mind how the Founders had respect for God , and respect for doing what is right There is much to do in order to set things right again , and that is o.k. , it will help in using the imagination in a good , intelligent , productive way help with the reality of having stability in the Country restored.

8 months ago

No fool like a stubborn old fool still standing by their parents’ loyalty to FDR.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
7 months ago

I used to be able to vote strictly for any candidate I believed to be the best person for the job regardless of their political party affiliation. In the past couple of decades, with Progressives taking complete control of the Democrat Party, I no longer feel I can vote for any Democrat because they must toe the party line or be condemned by the Democrat Party. It is a shame what has happened to the Democrat Party.

Calvin Grubbs
Calvin Grubbs
8 months ago

I cannot comprehend why the young people would be voting for their vintage democratic slave masters?
The Democratic leadership is all 80 year old white people , why would a 21-year-old vote for an 81-year-old. What happened to the new generation of Democrats? There must not be any.

Larry Barton
Larry Barton
8 months ago

All the reasons above are the result of the political elite controlling our government, the very reason we MUST impose term limits, if not by codifying into law, then at the ballot box, which REQUIRES We the People to take back control of our government.

8 months ago

This is truly a constitutional crisis. Most of the media should be drawn and quartered for their complicity in this debacle. I’ve become a believer in conspiracy theories bout the deep state. It is no longer a theory. If Trump is jailed, and that is a real possibility, who will step up to challenge the status quo?

Joanne4 justice
Joanne4 justice
8 months ago

Old Dems are in La La Lsnd of fantasy and denial.

8 months ago

Sure, my lying eyes and ears only fabricated a phony view of a frail, lying old man who hallucinating that he was really not running the country into the ground! THE WORST PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY!

Judith Gregory
Judith Gregory
8 months ago

Bravo! Robert Charles states in detail exactly what’s wrong with our country and politicians today. It blows my mind that more people refuse to see any of that. An old adage I heard 30+ years ago is, “Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is already made up”. Sadly, I have 2 adult children whose minds are made up, but try to rationalize and justify the left way of thinking!
However, everything that’s going on right now, and will worsen in the future is all clearly spelled out in the Scriptures. So, I say to everyone, be prepared and pray that Jesus returns soon, for those who are prepared, to be ushered out of this mayhem to a far better place! God have mercy on us, especially those who are at the crux of all the insanity that is going on.
At, and in the end, God will be the final judge!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

Old democrats should face the facts Out with the old in with the new Scary

Pat R
Pat R
8 months ago

Let’s hope the old Democrats will realize in order to re-educate the new Democrats they must vote this time, not for straight party, but for someone other than Biden because of the wreck he and his administration have made of our country in less than four years.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

The DC Estd is Old & fossilized since day 1

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