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Obama’s Shameful Legacy Plagues American Politics  

Posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2022
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


Arguably no president entered office with greater pomp and circumstance than Barack Obama. In 2008, political commentators compared him to a “god.” Supporters heralded his ascension to the White House as the coming of a new age in American politics. Even foreign leaders heaped praise on the one-term Senator. The hyperbole reached such a fevered pitch that he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize only nine months into his first term as president, for no achievement in particular.

Yet since Obama left office in 2016, a litany of scandals have emerged surrounding his presidency that confirm what conservatives long believed – the media’s rosy depiction of the 44th President’s tenure was far from reality. Despite the fact that Obama repeatedly labeled his own administration the most “scandal-free” in history, with time, it has become apparent that his legacy is in fact marred with some of the most serious political corruption scandals in history – many of which continue to plague our politics to this day.

  1. Hunter Biden

As far back as 2008, the Obama campaign recognized that Hunter Biden would be a problem. From 2000 to 2008, Hunter had a lucrative business lobbying Congress to add earmarks to legislation that would benefit his clients and make him wealthy in the process. While the White House purported that Hunter never invoked his father’s clout to close deals, one of his clients summed it up nicely in saying that Hunter had “a very strong last name that really paid off in terms of our lobbying efforts.”

After getting indirect pressure from the Obama campaign, Hunter closed the business, but then immediately started a new one that, by 2012, was conducting business with Chinese private-equity funds that had direct ties to the Chinese government. In 2013, he even joined his father on a flight to China to conduct business with foreign nationals. According to one report, several staff members were concerned about a potential conflict of interest with the Vice President.

Just this week, audio emerged in which Hunter is heard bragging that he can get his father to adopt any policy position he wants.

When Hunter expanded his business interests into Ukraine, then-State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki dismissed concerns because Hunter was a “private citizen.” In multiple interviews, several Obama officials said, at minimum, his work was “questionable.” Yet there’s no record of Barack Obama ever once taking any substantive steps to stop these “questionable” conflicts, although it is impossible to believe he was unaware of his own Vice President’s family training on access to the administration. Hunter’s questionable business dealings, combined with the shocking revelations from his laptop, all suggest that Obama had to know something was amiss with Hunter and chose to look the other way.

2. The Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton had access to some of the most highly-classified documents in the country. Yet, she knowingly put national security in jeopardy by keeping sensitive emails on a personal “homebrew” email server. Despite finding multiple Top Secret emails on her server, something she denied having possession of, the FBI declined to charge her.

Obama was asked multiple times about these emails and consistently claimed he found out about the server at “the same time everybody else learned it, through news reports.” Yet, according to the Inspector General’s report, Obama was one of over a dozen government officials who routinely communicated with Clinton via this server. In fact, one FBI disclosure found that Obama had even used a “pseudonym” for many of their conversations, behavior that strongly suggested he knew there was something wrong about Clinton’s emails.

3. The IRS Scandal

In 2010, Catherine Engelbrecht applied for tax-exempt status for two organizations, “True the Vote” and “King Street Patriots,” both dedicated to promoting the principles of the Tea Party movement. Then, over the next two years, she and her family faced unprecedented attacks and investigations by the federal government, including multiple audits of her business, an ATF investigation, and even audits of her and her husband. Her non-profit was one of the dozens of groups aggressively investigated by the IRS for no reason other than having “tea party” or “patriot” in their names.

When President Obama first responded to the allegations of IRS targeting, he dismissed it as “outrageous” and a naked partisan attack. Once a Congressional investigation provided irrefutable evidence, however, he begrudgingly permitted the resignation of Acting IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller, seemingly an admission of wrongdoing. Yet, when the architect of the scandal, Lois Lerner, pled the fifth before Congress, Obama made no attempt to press the issue. He essentially let her off the hook after she weaponized the IRS for political purposes, strongly suggesting it was done with the sanction of higher officials than Lois Learner. To this day, the IRS’s abuse of government power under President Obama has gone unpunished, even as it destroyed the lives of hundreds of law-abiding American citizens.

4. Steele dossier/Russia hoax

Much has been said about naked partisan bias demonstrated by the mainstream media and the intelligence community in regard to the “Trump-Russian Collusion Hoax.” Yet most of the accusations and statements explicitly omit the genesis of the aforementioned hoax. Where did the lying begin, and why didn’t anyone stop it?

In August 2016, according to CIA officials, President Barack Obama was briefed on the existence of the now-infamous “Steele dossier.” Yet, only a year later, Former CIA Director John Brennan would testify that “It wasn’t part of the corpus of intel information we had…it was not used in any way as a basis.” If it wasn’t verified or germane to the investigation, why was Obama “briefed” on it? Furthermore, under Obama, the intelligence community falsified surveillance applications, illegally entrapped, and even attempted to imprison Trump advisors and aides. In 2020, a bipartisan commission found that Obama’s handling of “Russia-gate” had “many flaws.”

Though Special Counsel John Durham has yet to release his anticipated report, the preliminary findings are damning for the Obama administration. As a direct result of his investigation, the American public now knows that much, if not all, of the “Russia-Trump collusion” narrative was a disinformation campaign engineered by the Clinton administration to undermine the legitimacy of the Trump presidency. In 2016, then-President Obama was directly briefed by CIA Director John Brennan that the Clinton campaign was doing this, yet made no effort to halt it. In fact, Obama seemed to enable the hoax by permitting the FBI to spy on Trump’s campaign, and later discussed prosecuting General Michael Flynn under the Logan Act (something completely unheard of) in the Oval Office.


If Obama were merely a private citizen, then revisiting his legacy would be a largely academic endeavor. Yet Obama was one of Biden’s most effective supporters during the 2020 election. He is currently on the campaign trail, stumping for other vulnerable Democrats, and will likely be a critical figure in Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign. Americans should ask: why is it that almost every major scandal currently consuming American politics leads back to Barack Obama?

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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2 years ago

The incredibly sad part of all of these revelations, is that NOBODY will ever be held accountable!

2 years ago

Well more evidence keeps cropping up but the DOJ continues to follow the directives of their handlers, persecuting the innocent and conservative while ignoring lawless of the ELITE. True justice is a joke until the guilty are arrested and tried. This is just wishful thinking at this time.

Lover of America
Lover of America
2 years ago

When Obama was up for reelection, I met a ‘man of color’ at a antique car show in deep East Texas. He told me he would NOT vote for Obama, as he would never trust a man who wouldn’t make eye contact when spoken to – the man was an ex-FBI agent…..

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Biden keeps scandals alive

2 years ago

Is Barack Obama STILL President because I think it’s really him pulling Jackass Joe Biden’s strings behind the scenes. After all, HE HATES AMERICA AT HIS VERY CORE!

2 years ago

Nothing will happen. There isn’t a legal venue in this country that dares try to touch this guy. Way too volatile as far as race, continued popularity, and an assurance that anyone who attempts will be summarily destroyed from many different angles. He’s another insider hack who gets away with anything, all within the country that his wife declared was the worst country on the planet and that she was ashamed to be from.

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A…..Exterminate all demonrats, commies, and nazis….It’s time for a new civil war against the leftie loonies!!!

William Hodge
William Hodge
2 years ago

Obama was just a fake, made up scam set against the US by George Soros. They both hate America and Americans and would do anything to harm us. Hopefully sometime before he dies he will spend time on a gallows atoning for his treason.

Steve M Weidert
Steve M Weidert
2 years ago

The jackass should have been nihilated long before coming a President. He is a disgrace to the entire World and has gotten away with, covered up so much crap, that he is a walking dictionary on TREASON. The O’Bummers, Clintons, Bidens, Harris’ need to be tried to the fullest extent of the law. There is no race….only right and wrong. If the analysts are saying this is too volatile, they need to be gagged or tried for treason as well. We need to take back this country and stop letting the court jesters dictate what is and will be.

2 years ago

As anyone with a brain knows full well the Democrat Party has been and remains a corrupt, fraud, graft taking, riddled with socialist /communist activist. No Democrat at any level of Government can be trusted to do what’s right for American and People and Nation. All in for money and power so they can have access to the money pot called Taxes. Quiz, Name one Republican Political Machine-like Daly in Chicago, St Louis, Boston and a number of other cities.

John Gerstle
John Gerstle
2 years ago

Let us not forget the Obama/Clinton betrayal and abandonment of our people at Benghazi and the lies and clumsy coverup that followed. What a couple of cowards.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

While at same time COMMITTING TREASON EVERY DAY since 1-20-21.
Yet, they blame everybody else for their TREASONOUS ACTS.
Then lets add how High Gasoline and EVERY thing else was under LOSER Hussein Obama.
Now, DICTATOR Beijing biden continues RACIST, AMERICAN HATER TERRORIST LOVER Hussein Obama policies 2.0 but on a scale that INFLATION, FUEL, CRIME, BORDER SECURITY, MEDICAL, FOOD and UTILITIES COST are ALL OUTRAGEOUS because of COMMUNIST Policies made by DICTATOR Beijing biden and FASCIST Enviro-Mental LOSERS.
Meanwhile, SWAMP QUEEN pelosi cheers on drag queens saying that’s what AMERICA is about.
So the FASTER Hussein Obama, HILLDOG Clinton, DICTATOR Beijing biden, COMMUNIST harris, SWAMP QUEEN pelosi, and CRYING schumer are PROSECUTED for TREASON and EXECUTED then the UNITED STATES of AMERICA will be RESTORED as she was FOUNDED by our FOUNDING FATHERS and the U.S. CONSTITUTION.

2 years ago

And he’s still there. The ghost president behind Biden.

2 years ago

The BEST and most practical response to this is to have the SWAMP and the bureaucracy totally and permanently drained and eliminated. Arresting Barry, while (along with a lengthy prison term) the most appropriate remedy here, isn’t practical. But if the GOP gets back into power, reform the DOJ, privatize the USPS, clean house at the State Department, and eliminate the Depr. of Education & IRS for starters. The GOP should state plainly that from 2008 to 2016 there were so many scandals that such moves are not only necessary, but vital to restoring faith in our institutions. Again, it may not send Barry to the pokey, but if nothing else, it will chafe his ass so much because his legacy is negatively impacted.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Barry O, like Slow Joe, was called a “uniter.” But like Joe, his first actions were to take racist actions! Eric Holder, another crook, refused to sign off on charges against the 2 Black Panthers who were at a polling station carrying billy clubs, thus letting them go even though they had been found guilty. Then Barry called the police actions against his rich buddy “Skip” Gates “stupid” even though neither the cops nor the 911 caller even mentioned Gates’ race BUT Gates made a big deal out of being black!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Here’s an update for you from the U.S. Energy Dept.
DICTATOR Beijing biden has CUT ALL PRODUCTION of FUEL, OIL, COAL, and NATURAL GAS for rest of 2022, and has CUT PRODUCTION to ZERO for 2023.
NO BS. Report released 6-14-22.
The Report for rest of 2022 is BLEAK according to the Short Term Energy Report released 6-14-22.
Don’t take my word for it. DO your HOMEWORK and READ REPORTS for yourself.
Right now, SWAMP QUEEN pelosi is Pushing a Bill that WILL RAISE Gasoline to $14/gal. by August 2022.
Instead of doing their Job they WASTE TAX PAYERS MONEY on a ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL PHONY WITCH HUNT for Jan 6. Instead of IMPEACHING DICTATOR Beijing biden and COMMUNIST harris for TREASON.

David L
David L
2 years ago

Obama was a master of divide and conquer which has hurt our government and our lives greatly. My eyes were opened during the Trump administration just how corrupt and dishonest our government has become. The FBI, CIA, IRS, etc. are not to be trusted and are used against citizens for their political beliefs. I am very disappointed but we must continue to hold onto hope of a rebirth of freedom and liberty. Never give up. Winston Churchill did not give up during the darkest times. Neither did George Washington give up during the Revolutionary War when the going was tough. Please have faith and keep out attitudes right.

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

His attention to “fundamentally transforming” America is relentless, as is the moles aligned with him infesting the White House and government at large. I don’t intend for the values and principles for which the “Greatest Generation” endured unspeakable hardships, fought off and overcame the greatest political, economic and military threats perpetrated by evil individuals and their followers to be abandoned by a clever community organizer and his pathetic group of wannabe influencers and power-grabbers. Even he admitted what a doofus his VP is and always has been. If you wore the uniform, swore an oath and saluted the flag, don’t give up on the Republic and let it fall negligently into the hands of those who have done nothing to preserve, protect and defend it—especially those who have otherwise accomplished nothing of value with their time on this planet.

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

“Americans should ask: why is it that almost every major scandal currently consuming American politics leads back to Barack Obama?”
The answer is because soetoro is an America hating traitor with undeniable connections to the cia. Nothing has changed. barry soetoro is still a key puppet master in this tyrannical, illegitimate regime’s anti-American policies. Of course, he’s a middleman puppeteer; as his strings have also been pulled by the nwo globalists for a long, long time…and that isn’t hyperbole.

2 years ago

Barry is a black supremacist and a racist. He enjoyed the company of racists, anti-Semites and proud domestic terrorists, Reverend Wright, Louis Farrakhan and Bill Ayers. He was the most unqualified person to ever be elected president. How this guy is even relevant amazes me. But not really because if you are a biracial Rat and the media loves you they will run interference and get you elected. The guy is pure evil. KAG

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

President Ronald Reagan was a great president and the only good one we have had since him was President Donald J. Trump, that’s 1 out of the last 6, the losers were both Bush’s. Clinton, Obama, and this Laying Socialist Joe Biden.
God Save America!

John Burtis
John Burtis
2 years ago

As a retired cop, I was most disturbed by the Fast and Furious scandal, where the now dreaded “assault weapons” ended up in the hands of drug cartels with U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry being killed with weapons supplied by the U.S. government because two of the weapons linked to Fast and Furious were found at the murder scene.

During the Fast and Furious investigation, nearly 2,000 firearms were illegally purchased for $1.5 million, according to the DOJ Inspector General’s report. Hundreds of guns were later recovered in the United States and Mexico.

The DOJ can’t point to a single instance of a major boss the operation took down. The House Oversight Committee voted in favor of holding Holder in contempt of Congress following their Fast and Furious investigation. Eric Holder obstructed many investigations during his tenure and even described himself as Obama’s wingman in 2013.

This is the beginning of the unmasking of the proverbial “Swamp”, wherein Democrat solons began to actively work against the governed.  

June D.
June D.
2 years ago

When does the truth for all the lies that he and the Biden family going to feel the heat on their head. .Let ‘s clean house of all the swamp. Need clean water in D.C. with a leader.

2 years ago

The obamanation is still running things. Don’t be fooled. Biden is a demented dottering old fool. Very easy to control in most cases.

Patrick McClurkin
Patrick McClurkin
2 years ago

No sugar coating oscuma here! I remember back in the summer of 08 I got into several verbal altercations trying to convince everyone I met that oscuma was REALLY BAD NEWS! I had done some research and was appalled at what I found, and was also totally amazed that the media conspired to completely cover up his sordid past! He was the con artist in chief, a complete empty suit! To this day I still feel sad and angry that so many of my fellow citizens were conned and duped by a demon from hell!!

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Now Biden is implying that he may invoke war powers. The excuse today is to increase gas supply which should reduce prices. Yet his policies from his first day in office have been an effort to get rid of oil and gas. In the process, regulations have discouraged refining and led to closing refineries. The man who does not know what he is doing is trying to cover his tracks.

James R Powers
James R Powers
2 years ago

BO will prove to be one of the worst presidents our country has ever had. You forgot to mention the bad legal precedent set in bankruptcy law by interfering in the General Motors case. That was unforgivable. There are others.

2 years ago

Lest we forget that Obama was a blatant racist who’s first inclination was to publicly blame the “white guy” before any facts were known. Before Obama took office something like 85% of the country though race relations were good. After Barrack, the number fell into something like the low 60s. Barrack was educated and raised to be a race baiter and he used that during his presidency to start dividing the country, Obama is one of the core reasons for the racial issues now dividing this country.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
2 years ago

Obama is nothing but an empty suit Marxist. Here is a man who said the United States Constitution is a document of negative liberties, since it places too many restrictions on government power (largely why it was written and enacted fyi). Here is a so- called environmentalist who warns of the dangers of “climate change, “ yet buys a multi-million dollar mansion on Nantucket, complete with the largest underground propane tank on the island. Here is a man who rails against capitalism, yet has amassed a fortune of $500 million. Give him credit though. He did say he would fundamentally transform America and was true to his word, as we are moving rapidly to his ( and other leftists) dreams of a socialist utopia.

Gen. Patton
Gen. Patton
2 years ago

Well said Steve, he is a Marxist propped up by our Marxist corrupt media, owned by China. The Democrats are crooks, that will sell out our country. MAGA 2024

T Smith
T Smith
2 years ago

How about Operation Fast and Furious? I’ll lay odds that any other president would have been impeached for that.

2 years ago

Former president Obama is a symptom not a cause. Hes a symptom of the laziness and robotic mechanicalness of a large swathe of American voters. In the era of the internet, too few bothered to research him. Had they done so they would’ve found a one trick pony, that trick being an ability to lie convincingly and endearingly. The man was raised by marxists and as glen beck said years ago, never had any sort of pivot point. Had he been a unifier instead of a community organizer he mightve done much good but that was never his game.

2 years ago

Donald Trump calling Washington D.C. the swamp was actually an under statement of how bad it is.

Vince Murphy
Vince Murphy
2 years ago

I would love to share this article on Facebook but would rather it was fixed first. In the paragraph starting with “Though Special Counsel” would you please correct by replacing “administration” with “campaign”. Thank you.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
2 years ago

Sadly, no one gets to WDC other than through election or appointment. Even more sad is the fact that the voters have limited opportunity to correct their mistakes when they do not pay attention to who and what they are voting for.

2 years ago

the fact that he was a commie was apparent during campaign, b ut our wonderful media declined to report it.

2 years ago

He is still running the country!

James carlyle
James carlyle
2 years ago

Obama is an ideological FarLeft phoney who has misrepresented himself his entire life and continues to do so. When POTUS he disparaged our country throughout the world in no unmistakable terms.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
2 years ago

The bitterness of people who have enjoyed all the perqs of white privilege and white supremacy, most notably, the freedom of speech that, inordinately, pays millions. Yet, how unrepresentative they are and they can’t (or won’t) solve the basic problems of their own making.

2 years ago

Violence is his middle name; he likes it. Obama is a true phony. He likes to stir the pot and start trouble. Divide is what he is good at. SAD……….

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Obama had a great opportunity as the first black President to bring people of all races together and to influence the young blacks to excel with all their potential. But Obama’s agenda didn’t allow a way to accomplish this. His appointees and his speeches only stirred up old wounds. One of the worst examples that Obama left the country is the idea that you can ignore the laws that you don’t agree with.

Joanne4 justice.
Joanne4 justice.
2 years ago

Mine eyes are open-, Obama and his
Wicked Socialist Comrades have indeed sold their souls to the devil AND Mr Soros for POWER CONTROL AND large sums of $$$$$$$ ! They have adopted THE most scumbag radical, progressive ,subversive people into their hateful party , their goal is to destroy America; the facts speak for themselves ! No need to lie / and or falsely blame others for the toxicity in what is left of our beloved country , and American government !!!!!!!!! FOR THE PEOPLE , BY THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA !
Please God help us all!

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

Biden’s Press Secretary announced today that her boss intends on running in 2024.
Traditionally, an announcement such as this isn’t usually made until this exact 1time next year. So, why so early?
My guess would be that Obama wants any possible contenders especially any within his own Party to know that he is not done yet with using Biden to destroy America. And, that he doesn’t trust Harris enough to competently follow his directives…not that Biden is any better but he is a lump of clay that is easily moldable. Whereas Harris, has her own secret agenda….the same as Hillary does.

2 years ago

obummer is in his third term. obiden is his puppet.

2 years ago

Accountable? Prosecute!!!

2 years ago

A vote for a Democrat is a vote against America!!

Dick B
Dick B
2 years ago

I am aghast that one with the purported credentials of “Andrew Abbott” would even accept that Biden will have an active 2024 reelection campaign.

Ray Busch
Ray Busch
2 years ago

Lets not forget that Obama along with Holder started the ” We hate cops ” crusade that resulted in the deaths of countless law enforcement officers

Anthony Dellisola
Anthony Dellisola
2 years ago

You left out the Benghazi scandal that Obama was ultimately responsible for. Overall he should never have been allowed to be President since he was not of American born parents. But because he was black it was overlooked. Overall he was a terrible President that didn’t defend our country, he really hated the country when he said he’d like to see every American be in the same poverty as a third world nation. The Noble Peace Prize should be taken back.

Rush Glick
Rush Glick
2 years ago

If Biden does, indeed, actually mount a re-election campaign in 2024, Obama will be seated next to him with his hand up his back and providing the voice.

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