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Obama’s Generals and the Coup Against President Trump 

Posted on Monday, October 28, 2024
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

Kamala Harris stood there at the podium with the Seal of the Vice-President in front of her residence at the Naval Observatory.  

It was a very unusual location. As was the “urgent” nature of her announcement which had been trumpeted across the media. 

Was she going to resign and be replaced by Gavin Newsom? Had Biden decided to vacate the Oval Office and make her President before the election? No. 

Harris stood there in front of an entrance that looks very similar to the entrance to the West Wing, behind an emblem that looks almost exactly like the Great Seal of the President, to call Donald J. Trump a fascist. Again. 

Despite being told at the Convention, which confirmed her anointing as her party’s candidate without one American having voted for her as the nominee, that this was to be a campaign of “joy” and #vibes, despite all the giggling “interviews” on heavy political shows like the “Call Her Daddy” podcast and Oprah, Kamala’s message has rapidly reverted to the refrain we have become so familiar with over the last nine years. From Hillary to Biden, to Maddow and Scarborough: “He’s Hitler!” “He’s a threat to Democracy!” “He’ll be a dictator!” So much for joyous vibes. 

Without wanting to sound overly cynical and inured to the mendacity of the Democrats, such behavior is only to be expected from the likes of career politicians for whom lying comes as easily as breathing. 

Hillary doesn’t even blink as she still says today that the Russians “stole” the 2016 election from her, the “best candidate.” Joe Biden still maintains that he knew nothing about his son’s business dealing with shady characters from Ukraine, China, and elsewhere, despite the fact that we now have photographs of then VP Biden hanging out with Hunter’s “business associates.” 

And Kamala? Well, pick a topic – from fracking to the 2nd Amendment, or the border crisis and Biden’s health – that she hasn’t said whatever it takes for the purposes of political expediency. They’re politicians. They lie. Even if it means putting another target on the back of the leader of the opposition who their supporters have already tried to kill on multiple occasions. 

But what about members of our military, what about Generals who took an oath to the Constitution? Can they say whatever it takes as long as it serves the interests of the political party they now favor, even if they worked for President Trump in the past? 

Mark Milley was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the most senior officer in the United States. Despite his seniority over all those in uniform, the CJC is – according to the statute that created the position after WWII – not in the chain of command between the Commander in Chief and our forces. He simply acts as an advisor to the President on matters military. Despite that clearly circumscribed roll, Milley ordered regional US commanders not to obey President Trump. Worse than even that, whilst still in uniform, General Milley covertly informed his counterpart in Beijing that if President Trump were planning military action against Communist China, he, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, would forewarn Beijing. In other words, the most senior officer of the US military was acting as an asset for our number one global advisory. And he wasn’t alone. 

John Kelly professes to be a Marine. He’s no Marine. I’ve worked with and for thousands of Marines, and what he did as President Trump’s White House Chief of Staff is the antithesis of all the Corps stands for and is a desecration of the oath he took as a Marine, and then again as a civilian Presidential Appointee. 

Here I am not referring to his anger issues or petty vindictiveness. Getting physical with the President’s daughter and his former campaign manager, or having the Secret Service ban me from visiting the White House because I’m “too close” to the President, speaks to his not being a real man, not his disdain for the Constitution and the will of the people. 

No. I’m talking about him deliberately sabotaging the President’s orders again and again, the numerous instances we now have eye-witness accounts of showing that the former General was told to execute a task on behalf of the man chosen by 64 million Americans but decided instead to ignore those commands and achieving subvert. 

Why would a former General, now serving the highest elected official in the land be a seditionist? Why would a man elected by no one think he had the right to decide the course of the nation? 

One partial explanation is that John Kelly is the worst of the worst of Obama’s generals, the cadre of military professionals who have decided that they are political actors first and above all else.  

I saw the formation of this dangerous subversive class firsthand when I was a professor for the Defense Department teaching colonels and one-stars at National Defense University, officers climbing up the system to flag rank, who idolized the likes of David Petraeus and who were driven to appease their political masters. 

I’ll never forget the session with a group of senior colonels telling me that they believed the number one threat to the nation was “climate change” simply because they knew that’s what the then Commander in Chief, Barack Obama, wanted to hear from them.  

As for Petraeus, the “model” of a modern general, I’m not sure what the exact qualifications were for his being an exemplar, unless having an affair with the journalist writing your biography and leaking classified documents to her is the stirring model meant to replace the likes of Patton or Eisenhower. And as for Kelly-like pettiness, I will never forget my former CIA-Station Chief friend who told me about the time the then-CIA Director bawled out his wife after a reception at the Station Chief’s residence because she had the wrong type of sweetener for Petraeus’ coffee. Ah, yes, where would we be without Ajaxes like these? 

Are Milley and Kelly and the rest of Obama’s generals just motivated by ego? In the case of the fake-Marine Kelly, it seems there’s another reason: filthy lucre. 

President Trump wants to secure the border again as he did when he was already the Chief Executive because he knows we cannot survive as a nation if Kamala Harris – the border czar – decides to let in another 20 million illegals should she become the President. 

Interestingly, one of the many beltway bandit boards John Kelly has been appointed to after leaving the White House was the company that received a $320 million No-Bid contract from the Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security to house illegals in the US. Seems more open borders would be bad for America but most profitable for John Kelly and his new paymasters. 

Yes, there is a threat to democracy in our Republic. But it doesn’t come from the 45th President of the United States. It comes from politicians who have no allegiance to the American people or to the truth. And the threat comes from serving and former generals who spat on the oath they took when they were commissioned and believe who the people choose as their President is irrelevant. 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is the host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website. He is a regular contributor for the Association for Mature American Citizens (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Obamites have only one goal and it is not the security and the prosperity of the country. Anyone voting for them is signing the death sentence for the country as they know it.

4 months ago

Thank you Sir for your enlightening article. We can only hope and pray the voters will see the sign of God of who HE choose to save us and word peace, by saving Trump from the assassin’s bullets. We badly need God’s intervention and HE gave us the sign by saving Trump and if we betray him, then that’s going to lead us to our own demise. May the Holy Spirit bless all voters to vote Trump before it is too late for our Republic to survive.

4 months ago

Obama, Biden, and Harris, three anti-America turds.

4 months ago

These generals need to be charged and made an example of for the rest of the military leadership! Start with Milley and his treasonous behavior! These guys are way to full of themselves – bust them and take their lucrative retirement! Let’s finally start holding people accountable in that cesspool called DC!

sick of the stupid
sick of the stupid
4 months ago

This tell me one thing what treasonous acts the rest of our governmental agencies are commiting. When Trump wins he needs to clean house.

4 months ago

Trump was right the “danger” is “within” in America. From Biden Harris and generals on down. The rhetoric coming from Harris and of course Biden the past 5 years I should say since 2008 cannot be described. It would take a book as large as War and Peace. And they will never give up or admit to all the plotting they have done to eliminate Trump and his supporters. They have lied and plotted and now it has come down to name calling all people that support Trump. Calling all of them Nazis. Including Jews, Muslims, Blacks,Latinos, and those unfortunate survivors of concentration camps, families of those soldiers that died by the guns of the Nazis. These people should be apologized to by our VP. By Biden. Every supporter of Trump who have been wounded by Harris and Walz by this name calling. The effect of this will long hang around. Harris is dividing this country day after day. VOTE TRUMP VANCE. We need sanity, peace, a safe country back. Where love and tolerance for every human being stands number 1.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Do not trust your government. “51 intelligence officers, former and current”, proves that… Once again art imitates life: “1984” “Atlas Shrugged” now its “5 Days in May”!

4 months ago

She has no plan, she has no platform to bring to the people and she simply cannot answer a direct question. And yet, sadly there are millions of people who will blindly go to the Polls like a scene from the Stepford Wives and cast their vote as they have been told by BO and the Main Stream Media the DemocRATS control.

A. R. McCahan, COL (USA-Ret), Gainesville, GA
A. R. McCahan, COL (USA-Ret), Gainesville, GA
4 months ago

I enjoin everyone who reads this expose to do the same thing I did when voting first opened in Georgia, “VOTE THE BIBLE!”…

4 months ago

The figureheads on the left have oratory recitation skills only. They are neither intellectually nor ethically equipped to govern. Regardless of who wins, the “Left-Lurching-Leadership” is not equipped to lead.

4 months ago

I have been asking the question about the purging of field grade officers from our military between 2008-2016 over and over again. There is no information on it, nobody knows or wants to say. I’d wager the number of conservative officers that low life fired would shock you.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
4 months ago

Fascists accrue power to the central government, placing sole control in one person or a cabal. TRUMP decentralized government by farming it out to the state and local governments. WHO demanded that nurses, doctors, and service personnel be fired when they refused the “vaccine?” Who shut down churches but left bordellos and casinos open? Who censored conservative speech? It sure WAS NOT Trump!

4 months ago

Why can’t We the People go straight to the root of the problem and arrest Obama for treason and sedition?
Even though he is acting like he is, he is NOT the president. It seems to me that as just a a man posing as a citizen, he is not supposed to be calling the shots and running this country into the ground. Accroding to his grandmother, he was born in Kenya and never should have been qualified as president.
Am I the only one who does research??
I would love for someone explain to me why he can’t be arrested, charged with treason and sedition and pay the price for those charges. It seems that is the only way we can save this country at this point.
He is nothing but a druggie that George Soros found, groomed and somehow convinced the American democrat morons (who do no research to know what and who they are voting for) to vote for the “first black American president”.
Now Obama is trying to convince the still stupid democrats to vote for a sleazy bimbo who can’t form a complete sentence without her bluetooth earrings. Oh, and she is trying to pass herself off as black as well. Well check out her parents, they are Hindu. Kamala is a Hindu name, no way is she black.
C’mon people, ask questions, do research, know who and what you are voting for.

4 months ago

In hindsight, Trump did NOT pick the best people to have around him in 2016-2020. I HOPE he does a MUCH better job, and listens to Mr. Gorka and other faithful America loving patriots. He will not be able to clean house while deflecting even more anti-Trump rhetoric which will start on about November 10th. Let’s just hope that THIS time if we are lucky enough to sweep both houses of Congress, that they don’t waste the first 2 years like last time.

4 months ago

this why we need fighters not politicians in the military

4 months ago

The first requirements to be a demoncrat is to be hateful and evil.

Jim Wharry
Jim Wharry
4 months ago

Lying is the one thing the democrats are good at, even though they make no sense.

4 months ago

Milley can be easily recalled back to active duty by President Trump and court marshaled for treason. It’s that simple.

John Shipway
John Shipway
4 months ago

Everyone needs to simply take a breath and assess our VAST trove of generals. FIrst, compare the number of 4 star generals we have now with the number we had at the height of WW2. Also make the same comparison with three stars and two star generals. Use your favorite search engine and you will find their growth mimics that of the rest of our bureaucracy. Itt’s unreal. Also always remember that NONE of todays US general has ever actually won a conflict. Iraq? We won that? Afghanistan? We won that? Heck, go way back to Korea and Viet Nam. Two more losing efforts.
Not only do we have a crap ton more generals now than at any time in our history but that massive gathering are all,…………..LOSERS. General Milley for example has never stood victorious over anything but a massive plate of high calorie food it appears. For examples of our wonderful military leaders check out the “wisdom” that spews from the likes of former General Keane who is a regular for some reason at Fox News. Has the man ever gotten a single thing right? Im still waiting almost 3 years later for Ukraine to “take” Crimea in two to three weeks. Im also wondering what that is making craters in Ukraine when good ole General Keane insisted Russia was out of munitions back in early summer of 2022.
Milley? The man can sure give a cheap buffet hell and has a full plate of fruit salad on his chest, but how that moron became a general says everything about the state of our nation. Like Milley, the rest of our military is laughable. For goodness sake, we are accepting recruitment applications from trannies and sub 70 IQ kids. An army of perverted morons is not something we can in any way be proud of and will do nothing but further our track record of being deplorable losers.
This country needs a good ass whipping and should we manage to come out intact from that ass whipping perhaps we can use logic and honor when forced to remake our defensive personnel from top to bottom.

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

obama and his loser WOKE generals are definitely anti-American. They gut our military and turn it into the Pink Gay Brigade. The WHOLE World LAUGHING at US. Just as the WHOLE World laughed at US for the 8 years of obama who took money from our Military to support his Terrorist buddies in Iran by giving them $Billions of CASH loaded on several U.S. Military transport planes and even bows down to his Terrorist and Communist China buddies. A Total Dishonor against our REAL American Soldiers who Believe in the United States of America and the U.S. Constitution.

4 months ago

Those individuals (generals) sold their souls to the devil when they violated their oath & went political!! They are all “pussies” & traitors !! The last good general we had was Swartzkoph who led from the front!!

Allen J. Frankel
Allen J. Frankel
4 months ago

Mark Milley has very clearly committed Treason, and should have been convicted and then sent to Jail.

4 months ago

Get rid of the subversive generals–FAST!! Evermore knowledge of Obama’s treachery. I have suspected a long time that Obama is the shadow President behind Biden & Kamala. I say he is looking for a 4th term as our America-destroying President!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

Been a coup since Trump took office

David Goodwin
David Goodwin
4 months ago

WOW. What a bunch BACK STABERS

4 months ago

Obama is and was the biggest pot stirrer and trouble maker the United States has ever seen. He hates a country that made him. Privileged all of his life. Another awful and powerful RICH man.

4 months ago

Absolute disrespect of our President of the United States of America, no matter who it is!!

Phil Fetzer
Phil Fetzer
4 months ago

Amongst me and my diverse group of friends (all of us are former military) we again discussed this very issue yesterday, regarding Mattis, Milley, and Kelly as Chief of Staff to Trump. What I’ve all along wondered, was who proposed to Trump to ring Kelly in? What happened to that person after the fiasco of bringing in Kelly? Can Gorka provide answers?

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
4 months ago

I always figured it was bidens army,but this article reminded me that king obama is still the skunk that causes everything that is happening,mostly bad,including the big stink in the leftist side of the isle.A kammy win would be another obama tragedy for AMERICA.

4 months ago

plotting against the president is treason

Gary Mayberry
Gary Mayberry
4 months ago

Is it legal for her to make a political speech standing behind her seal of the Vice president. Is that not a violation of the “Hatch Act” that prohibits such of that on the federal property with the vice presidential seal on her pulpit when she is not speaking as the VP?

Fred Oliver
Fred Oliver
4 months ago

In the article, Sebastian talked about General Milley being an asset to China, “our number one global advisory.” I am sure Sebastian meant China, our number one global adversary. I consider Milley’s actions as traitorous to our country!

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
4 months ago

What a sad state of affairs we have ☹️

Richard Barnhart
Richard Barnhart
4 months ago

What is not being said here is the real purpose that this debauchery is being allowed or tolerated.
Barrack Hussein Obama!! Is the chief operating officer from the deep state organization! Whom are the elitists driving this machine and we are kept clueless by their secrecy. The generals are merely diversionary. The politicians inclusive of Pelosi, Schumer are just camouflage. The real objective is destruction of the United States, its free enterprise and the American Way! To abolish the familial congeniality of God, family and country (loyalty,trust, patriotism). It stands in the way of the elitist objectives (more money thru larger piece of the pie).
It’s called the “Great Reset”! Many of the players in this article are clueless, probably even its author. Besides the control of the money profit, that control also brings subjugation of the population. Control of the money with the subjugation will effect a control the populations because they will not be able to trade anything including the basics of Food, shelter, health and security of well being!
Most of the world populations are third world poor, some of the European countries and free enterprise types will be easily exploited and controlled. The greatest existential threat to the plan is the United States of America!
Their incomes and wages are high compared to the majority of nations. Bring their wage down and raise the poor up. Make wage even and less across the board and the elitists put more in their purses this is the new market and profit of the wealthy.
American families and patriotism under attack is orchestrated with a purpose as well as the dollar being attacked. We are only now beginning to seen it. The gold standard first and then the silver standard second finally no standard at all! Are long term goals and are above to come to fruition unless we the world stands and stops it now!!!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
4 months ago

I’m glad those “generals” are no longer in charge. PUTZS.

4 months ago

The only generals that would side with Satan are traitors to FATHER GOD and to our nation, they should and will receive the justice of a traitor!

4 months ago

In Obama’s 8 years he did an amazing job of creating the “DEEP STATE” and expanding the Federal Government. I don’t think Trump was aware of how loyal they were to their Obama master. He also did a terrible job of choosing his appointments. Wray and Barr are two examples. He needs to do much better in his next term “cleaning house” and making good supportive choices in his agencies.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
4 months ago

Komrade kacklin’ kammy and good ol’ beijing biden are both everything they’re trying to say Donal Trump is. If Trump was what they say, then why didn’t it all present itself during his first four years in office? It didn’t, simply because he’s not what they’re trying to claim he is. They are the ones who are trying to destroy our country and the threat to our democracy. Anyone with half a brain can see this.

4 months ago

Milley and Kelly are true scumbags like Obama and Harris.

Birds of feather, flock together

4 months ago

Milley and Kelly should both be arrested, tried, and convicted of treason. Then the military should post a lottery of qualified gun owners to become part of the firing squad. That lottery would draw MILLIONS of American hunters, and target shooters who love this country, but hate what these cowards have done to it!

4 months ago

Good work Dr. Gorka. Definitely not making any friends in the DC Cesspool idiocy with this one.
So the words and pieces of the plans of the domestic invasion aren’t looking good for us. If true, we’ve got one of a week ahead of us. Especially as the seniors of our families, the younger ones are more blind than ever before to understand the evil we’re about to get into.
I hope there’s a national unity that comes from their evil deeds ahead, and we can come together to defend the country. It’s of course, the one’s trained to defend and protect those around us that should stand up and lead. The enemy within has been preparing, staging, training, probing, and more for some time. They are within the gates, and more are ready for support. When they hit, many expect the power and communication to go down 1st.
Then the real havoc comes. If true that they’re planning to start on or before the election is done, don’t you believe that the DC Cesspool idiocy must shout out about it before it hits?
If they don’t know, wth is wrong with them if it hits? Or, does it only prove the facts of their corruption even more?
I know this, we as a nation need God’s Revival to His Church Body that leads to His Great Awakening. God help us please ????.

4 months ago

FBI documentation proves that It was Killary Clinton who paid Glenn Simpson CEO of Fusion GPS, thru a Russian spy, Igor Danchenko over $12 million for Russian disinformation on Trump. And the Clinton organization also paid a British spy, Christopher Steele, millions to make up a fake dossier against Trump. Liberals call it, “opposition research”, but it’s basically all fabricated made up lies about their political opponent. So, now we have at least two foreign countries messing around in our election process. And there were other countries also. So, who did the colluding?? They framed Trump. These people will lie, cheat and steal to destroy someone, to gain power!

4 months ago

Dishonoring your country, your oath, your country men & women, or the uniform, should come with a public stripping of all metals and stripes, any retirement benefits rescinded, along with a dishonorable discharge and be incarcerated. Start at the top and work down. Then do the same to any politician that does the same. Check their bank statements for unlawful or fraudulent gain. Prosecute any individual or entity, foreign or domestic, for criminal or deceptive acts that undermine our constitution or rule of law. And shut down any media that does not identify their programming as Opinion based (for example CNN can’t be called a news station without showing fact based reporting). They must identify opinion from fact in real time, plus the source of the facts. Hasn’t the MSM done enough damage?

4 months ago

Are you having anxiety issues, before the election? I haven’t felt very well and feel fear..

4 months ago

As a retired Marine officer mindful of the unique attributes general officer selection requires, I assumed the Kelly – Trump dustup was an unfortunate conflict of goal clarity combined with the mercurial nature of those atop the food chain. After reading Gorka’s article I feel like I need a shower. If the article is true, our best and brightest have devolved to the lowliest. And the souls of our deceased brothers and sisters from the Abbey Gate debacle and countless other political/military misadventures can never rest in peace.

Jonathan Marcy
Jonathan Marcy
4 months ago

Tenth paragraph, next to last sentence. I’m pretty sure he meant to say “adversary” not “advisory.” Sonebody needs to find a better proofreader.

4 months ago

Very well written article,,,,,,

John Warren
John Warren
3 months ago

I am a veteran. I am sick of these Flag Officers like Kelly, Milley and many others. The entire current JCOS must be purged along with the senior civilian bureucrats.
I think Pete Hegseth will clean house and our military back on track to being focused on combat readiness instead DEI and WOKE.
When you remove a cancer, you have to make sure you get all the malignant cells. That means a bunch of Generals and Admirals are going to have to be canned.

3 months ago

If EVERYONE spent more time working TOGETHER just think what could be accomplished. If everyone claimed to follow God’s command to love one another as He loves us, WOW! Just think what could be accomplished. BUT EVERYONE has to embrace it. The criticism and “bad mouthing” has to stop. AND no one can claim to do it better than another. AND a sin is still a sin in th eeyes of the LORD. No one sin is greater than another. The greatest sin is to reject God.
“Lip service” does not “cut it.”

4 months ago

is it powers to be or her daddy pushing her buttons or better the puppet master pushing her buttons

Drug and medical costs - healthcare. Pills spilling out of a medicine cup onto hundred dollar bills, with a hundred dollar bill rolled up in a pill bottle, a concept showing the cost of healthcare.
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President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.
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