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Obama Takes Over as Biden Falters

Posted on Wednesday, August 9, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By B.C. Brutus


With Joe Biden’s presidency collapsing around him, Barack Obama is growing increasingly active in the day-to-day political goings-on of Washington, asserting his control over the Democrat Party and attempting to salvage what’s left of his own legacy.

According to a Washington Post report last week, Obama met with Biden earlier this summer and warned that Trump is a “more formidable candidate” than most Democrats realize. The meeting was a clear sign of concern from the 44th president ahead of next year’s election, particularly as Biden faces stubbornly low poll numbers and mounting pressure from the probes into his family’s business dealings.

Politico also reported in June that Obama has been hosting a series of “informal, but lengthy private meetings with groups of next-generation House Democrats,” including progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Maxwell Frost (D-FL), as well as more moderate figures like Mike Sherrill (D-NJ) and Haley Stevens (D-MI). The sessions reflect an unusual level of interest from a former president in maintaining influence over key congressional leaders.

They also come after Obama was highly active in stumping for Democrat candidates ahead of the 2022 midterms last year. Many of those candidates enthusiastically embraced campaigning with Obama, but explicitly asked Biden to steer clear of their races.

Obama has also grown more vocal in the media in recent months after largely keeping a low public profile throughout the first two years of Biden’s presidency. During a wide-ranging interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in June, Obama offered his thoughts and advice on everything from the war in Ukraine to the indictments facing former President Donald Trump.

Taken together, these developments create the unavoidable impression that Obama is anxious to reassert himself and attempt to offset Biden’s failures – a notion that is perhaps unsurprising given the long history of Obama’s barely-concealed condescension toward his former vice president.

Even before Biden announced his candidacy for the 2020 Democrat nomination, it was clear that Obama had little faith in Biden. One anonymous source famously quoted Obama as warning Democrat leaders to “not underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.” There were also widespread reports that Obama considered replacing Biden with Hillary Clinton ahead of his 2012 re-election bid – rumors that were given more credence four years later when, according to Democrat insiders, Obama led a successful effort to dissuade Biden from running and backed Clinton instead.

More reports surfaced in 2019 that Obama again encouraged Biden not to run, with the 44th president telling another Democrat candidate that his two-time running mate “doesn’t have it.”

For someone who reportedly had such reservations, it must have been terrifying when Obama heard that Biden was declaring himself to be an “Obama-Biden Democrat.”

But after carefully avoiding any appearance of a Biden endorsement during the primary, Obama went full throttle in the final months of the general election campaign, holding massive fundraisers and filming multiple ads for Biden, even as Biden himself remained sequestered in the basement of his Delaware home.

Obama’s actions both before and after Biden became the Democrat nominee reflect the calculus of a leader determined to actively shape the direction of U.S. politics and policy. Obama’s decision to not endorse anyone in the primary can be seen as ploy to maintain his own influence over whoever ultimately ended up atop the Democrat ticket – and potentially the next president.

This became even more clear once Biden entered the White House. During one particularly telling interview just after the election, Obama told CBS News that he wished he “could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front man or front woman [to be POTUS], and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony.”

While Obama was describing his attitude toward his own presidency, it is hard not to wonder if the remark also reflects his approach to Biden’s presidency. It is no coincidence that Biden’s Cabinet and White House senior leadership are filled with former Obama officials, and that Obama so obviously overshadows Biden during events at which both men are present.

But just why is Obama so keen on keeping his hands on the levers of power?

One obvious answer is that Obama believes no one can do it better than him. Even the New York Times admitted in a 2012 profile that Obama’s own allies often criticized him as cocky and arrogant.

But there could also be another powerful motivation that has everything to do with the view that Biden’s tenure is “Obama’s third term” and the swirling corruption allegations engulfing the Biden White House.

As AMAC Newsline reported earlier this year, the Biden family corruption probes are also likely to implicate Obama as well. A House Oversight Committee report released in April revealed that associates of Hunter Biden visited the White House more than 80 times during Obama’s tenure – meaning that Obama either knew something wasn’t right and did nothing, or the Biden family carried out their corrupt business deals for years, in Obama’s White House no less, while Obama was none the wiser.

There is also a direct link between Biden’s corruption and Obama’s own abuses of power. Through his blatant lies about Obamacare and the Benghazi debacle, Obama asserted a president’s “right to lie” that Biden has enthusiastically embraced. Moreover, it was Obama’s weaponization of the government against conservatives – most infamously the Lois Lerner IRS scandal – that paved the way for Biden to persecute his own political enemies, including Donald Trump.

As Biden’s legacy collapses, then, so too does Obama’s, and along with it the political fortunes of the Democrat Party. From this perspective, Obama may feel he has no choice but to try to step in to stop the complete destruction of his brand and image.

B.C. Brutus is the pen name of a writer with previous experience in the legislative and executive branches.

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Gerald Hallman
Gerald Hallman
1 year ago

Finally fully out in the open of the string puller of the Biden fiasco.

1 year ago

He’s been running the show since they stole the election. He’s got a place one the one world government platform so he needs to make sure things get done right( in his small head)

1 year ago

Obama has always been running the show. Biden was just the puppet.

1 year ago

Seemingly George Soros and Hussein Obama are becoming the Puppet Masters of the World

Nancy Norvell
Nancy Norvell
1 year ago

Obama has run Bidens stolen presidency from the start! His goal has always been to destroy the United States as founded: he boasted after his 2008 election that he was just days away from transforming America! Obama is both a Communist & an Islamist— he hates America!Read Jamie Glasov’s new book:
”Barack Obama’sTrue Legacy: How He Transformed America”. There’s a chapter from a Communist college of Obama’s that’s a real eye-opener!!!

Norman Streeter
Norman Streeter
1 year ago

Obama is the single worst thing that ever happened to this country.

1 year ago

The modern day democrat party, is the Great American Disaster.
Simply no way around that.
clinton, obama, biden and each and every one of their minion.

1 year ago

O has been a very bad president for America and still is. Ole Joe couldn’t run an ice cream store.
Comparing O to Joe there is none. Comparing O to Trump. Trump wins hands down when it comes to keeping America America. O hates America he has shown that in his foreign policy and even with his domestic plans. O care being one of them. Between O and Joe they have had almost 12 years to destroy America and in the name of climate change and the war in the Ukraine and they are almost there.
Of course O knew about ole Joe’s dealings with the Ukraine, Russia, China, Roemenië, Kazakhstan. Ole Joe bragged about how he handled the firing of a prosecutor in the Ukraine. He was bribing the Ukrainian government with our tax dollars and getting rich of it himself. The man has no conscious and no soul and O is standing right next to him.

1 year ago

It’s scary when you think about it. Especially when you “know” Conservatives either don’t care or don’t have the guts to do something about this BU#$%^IT. Trump is no saint and made his share of mistakes, some of his own creation, more from following what turned out to be really bad advice/poor choice of advisors. But 1. Our Country was in the BEST PLACE it’s been in our life times. 2. Basically, the World was at PEACE. I say, Peace because though we are in Afghanistan and Iraq, the “action ” was minimal (0 losses in Afghanistan in years?) And Iraq was also minimal action. Guaranteed that we wouldn’t have lost 13 service members and 85 billion dollars in equipment, if 2020 had been up and up.

Debbie Sakraida
Debbie Sakraida
1 year ago

This is insane. If the president couldn’t handle the job, then the next person in line is a vice president well that just goes to show that nobody has confidence in her and that she is in capable of doing the job. Obama should not be up there dictating what our country should do or not do he is not the president United States, nor will he ever be and we need to come against that that is wrong.

1 year ago

Said he wanted a 3rd term behind the scenes

1 year ago

By now its plain to see that Obama has been running things all along and this really is "Obummers" third term. Why do you think Biden keeps saying if he keeps talking hes going to get in trouble? Trouble from who Joe, you are president, who is going to give you trouble? Could it be Obamas ear piece and basement statements are true, that he really is using Biden as a figurehead and hes running things in the background? Consider Bidens administration, all Obama people and Obama choices. No, I dont believe Biden is calling the shots, Its Obamas third term ( against the Constitution but Obummer did state the Constitution was in his way) and hes in the basement running things. Biden has been screwing up and getting in Obamas way so hes come out of the basement to take over and control things. Obama telegraphed his intentions and what was to come in that interview. Against our election laws and our Constitution, this is Obama`s third term making him a dangerous man in DC and as he stated ” Fundamentally changing America “!

1 year ago

Obama has been running started day one with all his hate America politics!!!!!

1 year ago

The Democrat party is the federal government version of the mafia. Obama and Bidens are 2 of the biggest cancers that have destroyed our Democratic Republic, the government needs to be stripped and downsized of most of its powers. The powers need to be returned to the states like intended in the constitution.

1 year ago

Excuse the unintended pun but please don’t whitewash Obama’s intentions. Obama wanted to change America permanently and Trump interfered with those plans so they must destroy Trump.
This is the O’Biden administration. So what else is new?
The liberals ruin everything they touch.
Trump 2024!

1 year ago

I blame everyone who voted demonrat and kept voting year after year for these murdering communist elitists, who always hated America and its people .. Everyone knew this even if it was voter fraud .. the people are sheep and It is the people who let this happen.

1 year ago

Pull the curtain back at the White House, and there’s Obama.

1 year ago

Well! He always wanted a third term to continue his unlawful work. And we just let him March right on in and dismantle the Constitution. That was his main objective!

1 year ago

Obama will be remembered for Obamacare in all its iterations. He undermined Biden because he never wanted to be out-shown. But he is responsible for indicating to some voters that Biden was expert in foreign affairs. This assignment enabled the lucrative scheme to make sure Biden could gather foreign money which meant he owed the payers future favors. Proving that Biden was bribed may be impossible if his speech about withholding US payment of aide would be withheld if Ukraine prosecutor was not fired is not enough. He was on the record bragging about that before he was elected president..

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

To rerun for 3rd term via Joe

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Yep, finally out in public, which is ILLEGAL!.

1 year ago

You don’t “take over” what you never gave up. Obammy has been “in control” since right after its 1st inauguration and has been ever since.
Do you really think that the democraps have given a senile pedo any kind of power? Get real. Obozo has been calling the shots all along. If you didn’t see this before, you weren’t paying attention. Wake the hell up.

1 year ago

They fall together, they hang together, Obama has even more dirt in his closet than the Bidens and Clintons combined! A real investigation into these three crime families could get the Democrat “Party” Communist Crime Syndicate banned, and prosecuted under the RICO Act once and for all!

1 year ago

and just like NObama said, he will “fundamentally change the u.s.a.”

1 year ago

We all know this is Ovomitts 3rd term. If Michelle gets elected this already over the edge country is doomed. Sickening.

1 year ago

This has been a proxy election all along, Biden was elected as a front man while Obama during his term even said if he could he would be in a third term, why is everyone surprised. This tells me that whatever they have planned for this country is in place and not even the courts will stop it, of coarse they’re using the Trump indictments as a scapegoat sorta speak.

Ryan Michaels
Ryan Michaels
1 year ago

Biden has been Obama’s puppet from the beginning. Biden was NEVER FIT TO LEAD.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

If you were on Truth Social, you would have found out that Hussein Obama is really Barry Sotero, a foreign national, when he registered at his university. His daughter, Mahala, sold him out and put his registration card of Truth Social. He should never have been president and now, he should be thrown in jail and that’s where Biden should also be. That evil DOJ, should be putting the handcuffs on Joe, or at least writing up the paperwork, but he won’t do it, and neither will the FBI despite all the evidence against him and the Obamas. They are evil, evil people.

1 year ago

Wonder how much Obama has profited from dementia Joe and sons foreign dealings?Barack Hussein Obama is pretty wealthy after his stint in the White House don’t you think? Wonder if there’s any DA’s or AG’s that would dive into that possibility!?

1 year ago

Obama never left. He wanted his 3rd term, he got it by endorsing liar criminal family mafia Biden. Obama will do whatever he can??? He already has been. He just underestimated Trump and Trump’s followers MAGA., and the fact that Trump is protected by prayer. The whole democrat party is one big corrupt, criminal and destructive communist organization. The sooner God clears them out, the better. AND the sooner the American public repents and turns to God and puts Him back as Lord and King, the sooner the cleaning can begin.

1 year ago

Yep, this is indeed Barrack’s 3rd term and just like the first two he is not serving the people but rather his own whims and wants to destroy America. His beloved DNC is the most corrupt system in America! They will lie, cheat, steal, to hurt/destroy OUR AMERICA in any manner they can, and her people, while allowing ILLEGAL ALIENS TO INVADE America by the millions and provide housing, food, money, and in some states the right to vote! Yet we the aged will end up with no Social Security but that’s a totally different subject. Barrack should be physically banned from Washington and the DNC dismantled and totally destroyed! We have had ENOUGH!!!

1 year ago

that was the all along! they think we common sense republicans don’t know anything – President Trump has opened our eyes – thank goodness! can’t wait till he is back in office. Trump has proved himself time and time again to be a great leader. get rid of the sleezey dumso

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Obama has as unfinished business and will not go away voluntarily Unless the magician stuffs him back into the hat

Barbara Gelderman
Barbara Gelderman
1 year ago

Biden and Obama both need to be gone

1 year ago

I’m sorry, but I didn’t vote for Obama or Biden. I have a huge issue with a proxy stepping in to run the country – regardless of his former presidency withstanding. Rule of law is gone in this country.

1 year ago

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation (Obama-Nation of desolation), spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place
Obama is definitely the puppet master … thought it is ironic the similarity of abomination and Obama Nation … just saying

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
1 year ago

When was Obama not the actual president during this, his third term?

Terry Serbus
Terry Serbus
1 year ago

Let’s put all also in jail connected to 21-23 COVID scam?

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

Personally, I don’t think Obama is the real power behind the throne! He has someone pulling HIS strings–Soros? But he at least can talk coherently and fall back on his (half) blackness!

1 year ago

Very obvious, he is satan, walking amongst us.

1 year ago

“…while Obama was none the wiser…” I don’t believe that for a minute, he is smart enough to know what’s going on under his nose.

NancyAnn carens
NancyAnn carens
1 year ago

Obama will have a 4th term and a 5th term when Michelle becomes President!?

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

Fienstien, biden, fetterman, and so many other democrats are just plain r***.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Two Democratic Shylock’s and look how far we taxpayers have fallen. Open you minds people.

1 year ago

GEEZ, I would think Obama would appreciate that Jack*ss Joe would definitely claim the title of “WORST PRESIDENT EVER” and most people would forget about him! I guess he frets that he couldn’t completely “Transform” America as he desired (the Communist Bastard)! His EGO just can’t have Jackass Joe surpass him as WORST PRESIDENT EVER!

Pat Tomasello
Pat Tomasello
1 year ago

Obama has been in charge the whole time. He was seen in an interview describing just how he would have a third term. Obviously, he was successful. Now most likely going for his fourth term.

1 year ago

How true! It underscores that the Biden presidency is nothing more than Obama’s third term.

John White
John White
1 year ago

Obama has had the strings since January 2021! Biden is just his puppet. Everybody is scared to say it!

Dan Sherwood
Dan Sherwood
1 year ago

As soon as the dems have totally circumvented the constitution and eliminated the 2024 bipartisan elections, we will all be forced to pledge our lives to King Barry and the new world order.

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