AMAC Exclusive-By Claire Brighn

With another Tax Day behind us, it’s worth our political representatives taking note of the degree to which Americans are unhappy with how much they’re taxed, and with the fact that their tax dollars almost always seem to result in more bureaucratic bloat and incompetence. According to the most recent Gallup historical data, 68% of Americans are none too pleased with the size and power of the federal government, with the number saying they are “very unsatisfied,” up a sizeable 14 points from 2020. 74% of voters also don’t agree with the way their tax dollars are spent – a figure that should concern Democrats after they just passed multiple trillion-dollar spending packages.
All of this should be a dire warning for Democrats inclined to back Biden’s 2023 budget, which proposes $73 trillion in spending and $58 trillion in taxes over the next decade, has 36 tax hikes built in, and is the next installment of Democrats’ far-left agenda to radically enlarge the scope and purview of the federal government. Biden’s budget also includes several major portions of the Build Back Better Act, but employs legislative workarounds to avoid detailing how much those initiatives would actually cost.
Survey after survey shows that Americans do not want the increase in their taxes that would result from passage of Biden’s budget. A recent Rasmussen poll shows 62% say they already believe they pay their fair share of taxes – the highest number ever recorded in this particular poll. But perhaps even more revealingly, a Trafalgar poll from last September showed that a whopping 72% of Americans turned their noses up at legislation that would increase taxes and national debt – which is exactly what Biden’s budget would do and what all of Democrats’ big spending legislation has done since the poll was taken.
Americans have good reason to be skeptical of Democrats’ spending plans. Because of growing deficits in Biden’s budget, the national debt would skyrocket from today’s $23.5 trillion to $39.5 trillion by the end of a decade – a $15 trillion jump translating into an unprecedented share of debt as portion of GDP. An Ipsos poll from July shows just 9% percent of Americans believe taxes are the solution to budget deficits, which also suggests that 9 in 10 Americans are likely opposed to an increase in their taxes to offset Democrat spending.
Those numbers likely have Democrats anxious given the tax proposals in Biden’s budget. One provision of the bill would raise the business tax rate to 28 percent, higher than in Communist China, destroying an estimated 159,000 jobs and reducing wages in the process. In Biden’s revenue proposal explanation, it ironically says this tax increase “can expand the progressivity of the tax system and help reduce income inequality.” Already, Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona said she won’t support such a measure, demonstrating that even some Democrats understand how harmful such policies would be to businesses and workers.
Biden’s budget also proposes roughly $43.5 billion in tax hikes on U.S. gas and oil production. Given that 70% of Americans already blame Biden for soaring gas prices, this tax hike looks to be another political dagger for Biden and vulnerable Democrats. Moreover, a HarrisX poll from last year showed that 58% of Americans were not willing to raise taxes to “address climate change” – the centerpiece of the radical left’s Green New Deal agenda. Biden’s budget would vigorously fund it, again putting Democrats from purple districts in a tough spot this fall.
Nearly all of the tax proposals in Biden’s budget are also in clear violation of his central campaign promise that no one making under $400,000 a year would pay a penny more in taxes. Taxes for the middle class would almost certainly increase under Democrats’ plan – something that voters clearly realize. Even back in September, a YouGov poll showed 55% believe the middle class would in fact end up paying more under Biden proposals.
As the economy continues to struggle under failed Democrat economic policies, taxes and government spending as a voter issue will likely only grow more important in coming months. A YouGov poll from earlier this month shows that 57% of voters already say taxes and government spending are “very important” to them. As inflation numbers worsen, that number is sure to increase.
How this might affect the November elections is perhaps most evident in a Fabrizio Lee poll showing that in almost all battleground states, voters prefer Trump on tax policy over Biden by roughly 19 points. Trump, for context, passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which delivered historic tax cuts. GDP soared and unemployment fell as a result.
While polls are only one measure of voter sentiment, other observations also point to Democrat vulnerability on tax policy – namely, the fact that Americans are already voting on the tax issue with their feet. According to the Tax Foundation, liberal New York and California came in 1st and 4th place for states with the highest state and local tax burden this year. Pair this with a recent report from the American Legislative Exchange Council showing that last year California and New York were among the top ten states for outbound migration, while Florida has one of the lowest tax burdens and was among the top ten states ten for inbound migration, and the picture that emerges is one of a country where people are rejecting higher taxes by moving out of tax-heavy states and into low-tax states.
Many Americans are no doubt still grumbling about the bill they had to pay to Uncle Sam this year, particularly with inflation and record-high gas prices now also eating into the paychecks of working families along with taxes. But if Joe Biden and his allies in Congress have their way, that number is set to increase exponentially thanks to Biden’s 2023 budget. But the massive tax bill Democrats are eagerly pushing for might come with an equally massive political price at the ballot box: Democrats’ congressional majorities. While the Left may be hoping to remake America through radical tax-and-spend schemes, all available evidence says such plans are a one-way ticket to being out of power for a long, long time.
Claire Brighn is the pen name of a conservative researcher and writer with previous domestic and foreign policy experience in the Executive Branch.
Dems are out canvasing cemeteries registering new voters as we speak.
Add Inflation, energy, food prices alone will Kill Dems
All i can ay here is if the people stay away from the polls like the last two election the we get what e ask for ,,,GET OUT AND VOTE INSTEAD OF SITTING ON YOUR ASS AT HOME THINKING WE GOT THIS ,,,,
Here’s the deal: It doesn’t matter. There is only ONE PARTY no matter whom you voted for! There are WAY more globalists in D.C. than those that are not. I think we would be flabbergasted if we knew the number. But, we shouldn’t be. The NWO has been a long time (over 100 years) in setting it up. Here’s the long and short of it:
Harris will be removed BY THE DEMS. Obiden will nominate Obozo. He will quickly be confirmed and installed. Obiden will then be removed by Article 25 or forced to resign due to info linking him to international corruption. Obozo will take the reins and pardon Obiden. Seeing that Obiden’s programmable digital currency will be in place, he (Obozo) will then turn America over to the NWO. Don’t even think to counter with “B-b-b-b-but Obozo can only serve 2 terms”. That’s Constitutional. The Constitution has been fundamentally dead as soon as the flurries of executive orders started flying with the Obozo administration. The ONE thing the Founding Fathers neglected was a check & balance on EOs. All of this will transpire (probably) after January, 2023 — when the programmable digital currency is in full force. Why? Because it’s crucial for the NWO. This video will just TOUCH on how bad it’s going to get.
I think this is what the Dems voted for so they are happy with it..
It’s called ‘green new deal’. The administration couldn’t get it through congress legitimately so they’re doing it through the back door. That said, there must be one helluva black hole between elite liberal democrats arrogance and the reality that most American taxpayers face daily. Two classes of people now: the above-the-law elite (pelosi, clintons, schumers, and the rest of us who only pay taxes. Well…three: the morons who vote for these sobs.
As much as I would like to agree that the expected “Red Wave” in November is a shoo-in, the elephant in the room is being ignored. It is now known without question, due to many forensic investigations into the voting in November 2020, that massive fraud of numerous types was used to steal the election. The Communists – er, I mean the Democrats – and their Deep State masters know what is waiting for them should a fair and legitimate election be held come November, so they are doing everything they can to ensure that a fair and legitimate election is NOT what we are going to have. And the feckless Republicans have done precious little to stop this. With the future of not just this nation, not just Western Civilization, but the concept of anything called “freedom” for the entire world hanging in the balance, if someone with the power and authority to do something to prevent the theft of the election doesn’t step forward soon and get to work, we are lost – forever.
What do ya say , we just let the DEMOCRATs go on their merry way of self destructing themselves ? Why correct them ? We should stop pointing out their errors . Lets just keep ourselves in line and be ready for the November general election , when we can just vote those crazies out of office . Also, resolve yourself to vote in the Primary elections . Primaries give us the opportunity to vote our own crazies out of the GOP nomination and also give us an opportunity to install some real Republicans in November . Republican Congress critters such as Adam Kinzinger and Liz Chaney are phony Republicans and are closely related to the Democrat way of thinking . They are clasic RINOs. Liz Chaney is polling around 12% and has practically been removed from the Republican party of Wyoming . But she wants to stay . Kinzinger thinks he can challenge Trump in 2024 . RINOs ( Republicans In Name Only ) are so very destructive to the Republican Party. Primary elections force RINOs to get exposed . And give us , the people , an opportunity to get rid of them . Once we clean up the Republican Party , we can go on to massive victories in the General election in November .
Bobby Piton has been going public with the evidence of voter fraud and so has others, the media is just not letting that information get out. Hopefully enough will get out before the elections and hopefully enough will be done to make this a year of fair elections
Unless Republicans can GUARANTEE that these Democratic Communists WON’T CHEAT AGAIN, you can just forget about it!!! . . . What is that old saying about “History Repeats Itself”???
Just this morning the Biden administration announced that all infrastructure spending will now have to adhere to additional progressive ESG standards before anything can go forward. This translates into literally years of additional delays for everything. Further eroding our economy and making us less competitive on the global stage.
As for tax policy, the Biden administration’s proposals will make the United States the highest taxed and least competitive country of the G20. Further weakening the country over the long run, as companies will accelerate their movement to more tax friendly countries. Which of course benefits chiefly China. Every day the Biden administration and the Democrats push the United States closer to becoming the next Venezuela, while the American people sit on their hands waiting for the next election.
Well if there is one thing we know it is that democrats cannot stop taxing. They love new taxes.
Even if they did not need new taxes they woudl create new taxes. they are completely incapable of reducing costs. they can not many a budget and they will not control spending.
Instead you hear democrat governors and presidents saying: “pay your fair share”. well that is a two sided street. our share may be taxes. but the governments share is to control spending and reduce costs. If governemnt is not doing their part then why should we be doing ours?
Its up to each individual voter to vote in person on Primary election day, only way we know our vote is counted. We need to quit “relying” on government on everything in our lives, we need to make our voices heard by voting..not repeating sayings or expect the government to correct all our problems.
The Biden Administration has increased our deficit by around 7 trillion dollars in a little over a year. Money is being printed and thrown around like we are playing with extra Monopoly money from extra various game sets. The problem is that the money game for the US is real, not imaginary. Our economy is on the verge of going into a recession added to the high inflation. The Biden administration is actively collapsing our economy, and there aren’t enough taxes that can be raised to make our economy healthy again. Hopefully, our midterm elections will be honest, and sanity will once again help us save our country.
… the only thing which will save Joe Biden, election rigging. Only certain people (e.g., weirdos; feminists; criminals; LGBTQ) vote for democrats. If they want to get elected, Democrats have no viable choice, but rig our elections, or gerrymander our districts.
Get out and vote people, in huge numbers in 2022. We will take back the House if people show up. Don’t fall victim to the people who say we can’t win because of voter fraud in 2020. Hogwash. Many of them are leftists wanting you to be disgruntled and not show up to vote or vote for some third party loser. House elections are very small so it is much harder for the Rat’s to cheat. I’m not saying they won’t, they will, they have been for decades. Nothing new there, but with larger enough numbers we will win bigly. We are already winning elections across the country. But you must show up. Please vote in 2022. It is the only way to stop the madness. KAG
biden trying to compensate for his own shrinkage.
I will not vote for anybody that will raise taxes.
Pretend we are 12 points BEHIND. Don’t fall for rosy forecasts and then get beat at the last minute. Stay engaged.
Wake up America, Comrade Joe is helping the Chinese. By printing and spending large volumes of cash Joey is devaluing our dollar, and by doing so he’s helping China’s currency overtake ours and becoming the world’s currency. You think it’s bad now, wait until China’s currency becomes the currency in which business is conducted worldwide.
The Communist Democrats need to be removed from office and all that have committed Treason against this country need to be imprisoned.
God help the USA
Vote Republican- and do your research!
But yet they continue to plow forward. Are they really that d*mn dumb?
The Dems are betting that they’ll have enough of a new voter base thanks to the lack of border enforcement, particularly on our southern border. They don’t care about losing a few elections if it means they can destroy this Republic in the process.
I hope they sink to the bottom of the tank!
WHY hasn’t DICTATOR Beijing biden PAID his share in TAXES?
WHY hasn’t DICTATOR Beijing biden DONATED his salary to Charities like PRESIDENT TRUMP did ALL 4 years?
WHY hasn’t HUNTER PAID his share in TAXES?
WHY hasn’t COMMUNIST harris PAID her share in TAXES?
WHY hasn’t SWAMP QUEEN pelosi PAID her share in TAXES?
WHY hasn’t ANY Democrat PAID their share in TAXES?
Because they are CROOKS and CRIMINALS.
The broken people of America (which is comprised of the majority of DemonRats) are clumps of cells. It has not been determined exactly when or if they have evolved beyond the amorphous mass of cellular material. Seeing as human males and females, mother, fathers, boys and girls, and God Himself are nonexistent in their “lives”, it is highly unlikely that cogent thought is possible (from the blobs of undifferentiated mater).
This presented is not my own belief, rather are facts presented by the clumps.
So, my point is, why would an actual human even vote for an amorphous blob?
The resurrection of the TEA ( Taxed Enough Already) Party. Funny how it only appears when the democrats are in power.
….just make sure there are poll watchers in place with lawyers available on speed dial
NOTHING will change unless the integrity of our elections is “assured & reassured”…. Remember, they stole the last election. They did; and you better believe they WILL try to again.
Why wouldn’t they? There have been “NO” CONSEQUENCES TO THEM resulting from their THEFT !
I live in the worst state in the union for taxing people to death NJ. the average homeowner pays $9,600.00 in taxes every year and gets little in return except excuses and bs. yet the stupid voters keep on voting dumbocrats in office. last poll shows 65% of people over the age of 65 plan on leaving this over taxed state because they cannot afford to live here. i saw a poll last month that said NJ was the 49th worst state to retire in. way to go dumbocrats keep giving our tax dollars to illegals, people that dont want to work and useless govt employees that get jobs via knowing someone and make mega bucks and dont do their jobs. we need elected people who do what the people want and not their personal plans and become millionares off us tax payers. Wake up people get these dumbocrats out office before its too late.
I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what you believe, I don’t care who you voted for. When we go to the grocery store, the gas station, pay the electric bill, the natural gas bill, the water bill you are being screwed to the max. We are all on an equal playing field. We are indirectly taxed by these increased prices. Hope you don’t need a new car, furniture, clothes for the kids because you are going to need much more money than you probably have. Thanks joeblow for making our lives miserable. Who is voting democrats back into office at midterms so they can jack these prices even higher? Yes I am angry at you.
One issue I never see discussed is what happens to that debt bill when interest is back to Jimmy Carter’s 21%…Actually, this will be far worse than Carter’s idiocy because it’s deliberate destruction of our dollar..
If the Democrat Party couldn’t tax and spend they’d die! It’s a sick joke for us to be discussing this idiotic waste of our tax dollars and the Democrat’s inexorable greed to find ways to tax everything they can. Several years ago in Maryland, our one party Democratic state came up with a “rain tax”! The overriding outcry by the electorate forced them to abandon this asinine rip off on the taxpayers of the state!
A snowball in a pizza oven has a better chance of surviving than Biden has for being elected. And I am not concerned about any future chance at Biden winning a second POTUS term. The problem is now that the Nation is in a “devil you do, devil you don’t” dilemma as regards getting him our/removed from office immediately. Strange as it seems, Camel Hairs could actually do more damage to this Nation than did Biden. American citizens are going to have to reject the Democrat Party’s morphing into a political mafia in a Communist political coat.
We have Biden’s pledge that no one making less than $400,000 a year will see an increase in taxes! Surely Biden will keep this campaign promise! Of course the additional prices we will pay for goods and services because businesses need more revenue to pay the extra taxes will NOT be considered a TAX!
Go for it Dems, everyone of you that backed this dementia patient for the last year can lose your job in Nov. Everyone rich, poor and in between feels your tax increases on the ‘rich’. Those of us that voted against Joe, knew this was going to happen, the rest of the voters now understand what we were saying, when we said we all will pay for tax hikes, no matter how little we make, it is call inflation and the poor get screwed the most. You stupid idiots better learn from your mistakes or eat beans and dog food, and live in your new electric vehicle you better buy, you wanted this, you own this. FjB
Here Biden ( Y ) have at it Phaq face.
here they always think that raising taxes will fix the problem but it never does when will the Democrats finally get it neither their heads the Americans are done paying for everybody else’s stuff
On the national debt, the number currently is $30.4 trillion, not $23.5 trillion. Search “debt clock” for real-time data.
Most of us here already know that democrats are intent on taxing citizens and businesses so they can spend the money on programs we don’t support. Not only does it fund their pet projects, but it also prevents you from spending that money on things you need or want, such as rent, gasoline, and a night out at the movies. In addition, those who populate these bloated government departments get cushy jobs and pensions, so a smaller portion of allocated funds actually go to those programs.
Every level of hierarchy that money passes through diminishes the amount available for these projects. So, the next time you vote, remember that a portion of every dollar the government takes away from you robs you a little bit more of the freedom you cherish to do what you want with your own hard-earned money. When will you declare that enough is enough?!
The only thing that ca tank all dem’s in Nov is a legal election otherwise all bets are off!
The UNLAWFUL are in office and running the show! Become a poll watcher. We The People Are The Government and Sovereign! Vote!
Polls? . . . Democrats don’t worry about Polls when they’ve learned “how to win by cheating!” . . . And I’m not convinced that Republicans have addressed or corrected this issue? . . . Are you?
If you still need a reason to vote out Democrats, just go shopping, fill the car up, or ask your grandkids what they learned in school today…
Democrats tanked in November: couldn’t happen to a better bunch! I wonder if they will understand why?
Before anybody gets too confident that Socialist/Communist Democrats will tank in November had better think back to the 2020 presidential election as well as take note of the words of Josef Stalin who said:(and I paraphrase) Those who vote decide nothing; those who count the votes decide everything. To play on the words of Yogi Berra: 2024 could be a 2020 “DeJa’Vu all over again.”
Inflation is out of control. A recession is just around the corner. And Dems figure more tax increases will be a good idea. Idiots!
Don’t know how the author figures that the democrats are going to tank ? It’s pretty hard to lose, when the system is rigged.
Dems are out canvasing cemeteries registering new voters as we speak.
Add Inflation, energy, food prices alone will Kill Dems
All i can ay here is if the people stay away from the polls like the last two election the we get what e ask for ,,,GET OUT AND VOTE INSTEAD OF SITTING ON YOUR ASS AT HOME THINKING WE GOT THIS ,,,,