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Media Elites Fume Over Their Inability to Force-Feed Narratives to the American People

Posted on Friday, November 8, 2024
by Outside Contributor

American corporate media suffered a monumental rebuke Tuesday as Americans ignored them and elected Donald Trump as the nation’s next president. How have the outlets responded?

By calling for the government to censor their opposition, of course, and whining about how people aren’t listening to them anymore.

That’s been the theme on major network television shows as the dust settles on President-elect Donald Trump’s decisive victory over Vice President Kamala Harris, which will send him back to the White House on Jan. 20.

Here’s PBS’ White House news correspondent, Laura Barrón-López, saying on CNN that the reason Democrats lost so badly is in part because “there is an entire right-wing media ecosystem that doesn’t exist on the left and it does not exist in the center or mainstream.”

Wait, who is mainstream? Wouldn’t that be the guy who won one of the largest landslide victories in a presidential race in 40 years, Barrón-López?

Barrón-López also complained that these new media platforms were “reaching Americans where they are, regardless of age and demographic … whether it was misinformation or disinformation or propaganda.”

Oh, how terrible: reaching people where they are, regardless of their demographic.

It was notable that the CNN analysts and hosts in the segment all nodded along with her.

It gets worse.

CNN commentator Van Jones called for “regulation” of social media platforms.

How many CNN program hosts and hosts on other networks have worked directly for Democrat presidential administrations? They don’t seem to have a problem with that.

MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle delivered a salty monologue about how awful it is that Americans now get their information on the social media platform X rather than accept whatever narrative the traditional networks force-feed viewers.

“We have now let misinformation become the accepted information,” Rhule said, angrily. “It is washed over us. Elon Musk buys Twitter and then uses it almost exclusively to be a propaganda machine. And we’ve accepted it.”

Musk renamed Twitter as X in July 2023.

Using extremely online lingo, Rhule then said: “America has just decided that we’re going to f**k around and find out.”

For the most hysterical and tyrannical take of all, we turn to ABC’s “The View” co-host Sarah Haines, who said the real lesson of the election is that Congress should have stepped in and censored information on social media.

The first thing I’d like to note here is the tone of this message.

According to the ladies of “The View” and much of the left-wing commentariat, Trump and his Republican Party are literal fascists who want to end democracy. That was the last-minute pitch by the Harris-Walz campaign, which many in the media happily echoed and promoted—as they have for basically the last decade.

Here’s media darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., saying that we are entering an era of “authoritarianism and fascism.”

If Democrat politicians and their media allies truly believe that, one would think they’d all avoid saying right now on public platforms, “You know, the real problem is the government isn’t censoring people into silence.”

Maybe they’d even say, “Hey, it’s really important to protect the freedom of speech for all Americans, even the ones who disagree with us.”

But nope. Instead, they continue to demand that the government step in and make their opponents shut up.

What this says to me is that they don’t actually believe their nonsense about Trump being the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. Even after this election, they don’t actually think Trump or his supporters will step in and silence them, as they want to silence others.

Clearly, left-wing cultural elites have a kind of general comfort that in the end, they control government and institutions. What they apparently define as “fascism” is being prevented from using their power to control society.

Fascism is simply saying “Don’t tread on me” and meaning it.

My second big takeaway is that the Left’s postelection calls to “censor them, censor the fascists!” is a good indicator of what was at stake in this election and how much has changed since 2020. Musk’s decision to acquire Twitter has been entirely justified.

Until quite recently the Left didn’t just control the corporate, legacy media. They owned social media too. As the “Twitter Files” exposed, social media platforms coordinated with government agencies and corporate entities to censor and manipulate information.

Remember, in the weeks before the 2020 election, Twitter and Facebook literally suppressed and even blocked links to the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story, which turned out to be true.

Then something incredible happened. Musk stepped in and bought Twitter, now X. I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that Musk made a world-changing decision. It’s clear that many on the left knew this would begin a sea change.

By losing control of X to someone who merely wouldn’t censor the opposition, the Left lost the ability to control most of the information that reaches not just Americans but people the world over.

The remaining left-wing governments clearly see this as a threat and in many cases have tried to limit and in some cases outright shut down X or any platform that could be used to promote a message they don’t like.

Fortunately, here in America we have something called the First Amendment that protects the God-given right to free speech. But don’t think that will prevent leftist leaders from playing their hand to try to circumvent the Constitution.

With the results of Tuesday’s election, that effort—at least here in the United States—is far more likely to be derailed. It was a stunning and total rebuke to any kind of censorship regime taking hold in America.

Perhaps now media across the board will have to go to the American people “where they are,” and won’t be able to pin their hopes on having the government swoop in and regulate the competition out of existence.

Maybe now some genuine confidence can be restored in journalism, albeit in a media landscape that looks far different from the one that’s hit a historic low point in trust.

The legacy media’s time has come. A new age is set to begin, and that’s a great thing for genuine democracy.

Jarrett Stepman is a columnist for The Daily Signal. He is also the author of “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.”

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Jarrett Stepman

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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4 months ago

What else would you expect as a reaction from the MSM, which is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. Did anyone honestly expect the MSM would take a moment to do some self-reflection and realize they had been simply pushing lies non-stop for decades? I didn’t. The MSM has been nothing but the mouthpiece of the Democrat Party going back decades.

I’ve watched more than a few clips over the last few days of the whining MSM all calling the public everything from stupid fools, unable to make the right decision to vote for the vacuous, empty suit they wanted as the next POTUS to starting the circular blame game with everyone from Biden to Harris to “some vast right-wing media complex” that has never existed in this country for the humiliating loss the Democrats just received. Everything but looking at themselves in the mirror and seeing they’ve been pushing whatever the DNC has been telling them to broadcast, each and every day of the week, non-stop for decades.

I’m sure in the next few days, the MSM will being talking about “an organized resistance” to the Trump administration. It’s what they do. Just like in 2016. They will start right back up with more anonymously sources stories, all of which are total BS and all coming from the DNC of course, about Trump this or Trump that and how whatever Trump is planning to do, it will lead to either a major depression or the complete destruction of the country, if he isn’t stopped. Just like they did over the last 9 years. The Left has only one playbook and they stick to it no matter what. Since virtually every member of the MSM is a very willing member of the Left, they will all go right back to what they’ve been doing for years.

The point I am making here is it is up the American people to see the MSM for what it is. It is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the Democrat Party, which is now fully Marxist. As such, the American people should ignore and disregard all the continuing lies that will be coming from the so-called MSM in the years to come. Be smart enough to see the MSM for what it is and disregard the garbage they spew.

4 months ago

Here’s media darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., saying that we are entering an era of “authoritarianism and fascism.” The Democrats are the authoritarian, lock-down and mandate loving, tax raising, anti-freedom, gun grabbing, socialist party. Who is she kidding ?

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

How come the Fake news hasn’t been harping about Communist harris going through a $Billion Dollars in Campaign Finance funds and ending up $20 Million in DEBT? Which means the dnc is $20 Million in the hole. She handled her Campaign Finance funds the way her and biden handled our Economy and National Debt, MORE DEBT. And of course they blame everyone else but themselves since that is what democrats do.

USN Retired
USN Retired
4 months ago

Leave this country “tex.” We Americans have no place for you and your like here.
Statements like “if we could regulate social media.” is what Communist say and do. Not free people.
Trump will fix it. WE will stop the attempted take over of our country by these socialist / communist “elites” with their propaganda on network news and the like. I only hope the uninformed (ignorant) “sheep” that believe the propaganda start waking up and seeing the truth. Socialism = Communism = BAD. Simple enough?

michael hess
michael hess
4 months ago

guess we are not as stupid as they thought we were. maybe people will stop paying attention to what comes out of the media’s arse now.

4 months ago

Thank you Mr. Musk for joining the battle to derail the obnoxious Media attempts to turn us into a controlled socialist dictatorship. The real fascists are the media and their leftist bosses and woke allies..

Elizabeth Misa
Elizabeth Misa
4 months ago

When all the MSM keep lying to us why would we continue to believe them and listen. Conservatives have other ways of finding the truth, that is what the left are crying about. They are so stupid that they can’t figure out why they are losing viewers!! Is it really the propaganda of the Democratic party or is it the CIA???? Plus, the American people are tired of being ruled with the boot on our necks!

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

The enlightened betters and elites who know what is best for the basket of deplorables are all shook up at the audacity of the little man voting for D. Trump , despite the orders to do otherwise. The audacity of it. Media pointing and leading in the right direction, instructing and prodding all for naught. Being nestled in the lie for so long and then faced with the truth must be painful ,now there will be rage.

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

Would you expect anything different from the Communist Main Stream Media. They have proven time and time again they can’t be trusted or believed just like the democrats. Their brainwashing is over.

4 months ago

This is a HUGE opportunity for the truth. All Trump’s people have to do is publish the actual financial malfeasance numbers form the past 4 years and the mainstream media will NEVER recover. Start with exactly how much federal money has been spent by the Biden administration on illegals. I doubt ANYONE has an idea of how much money we are talking about! Elon can publish the data on X, Joe Rogan can interview Trump or his designee..the news will be too big to EVER put the genie back in the bottle!!
After uncovering the illegal mess, move to all the green energy grants given out to companies going bankrupt. And how about grant money, like the 20 billion given to CA to help homeless, that Newsom’s government can’t even account for? That is tax dollars from every citizen in the US…wasted and gone.
VOTERS will never forgive the media or the Dems for lying to them.

4 months ago

According to the ladies of “The View” and much of the left-wing commentariat, Trump and his Republican Party are literal fascists who want to end democracy. Sore LOSERS!! Boo Hoo, poor babies, huh?? They probably loved dishing it out but it dosen’t taste so good when it is shoved back, right. Praise God for Donald Trump.

4 months ago

Fake news media, AOC, morons on the view. Bunch of pathetic losers.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Talk about throwing stones in glass houses? Not to mention all the COVID BS they threw at us, what about three years of “disinformation” about Biden they called “cheap fake”? They want to imprison Trump in NY but where’s the indictments for Cuomo for murdering thousands of old people he intentionally exposed to COVID? The media needs to fade away…

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

Where is the Outrage from Fake news Main Stream Media for Hollywood calling Americans Klansman of the KKK the day after the election? Hollywood who is Controlled by Communist China and push Loser WOKE propaganda with everything they make is Commie Correct and political in every movie and show they make.
Hollywood is as corrupt as the democrats.

4 months ago

Perhaps the recent Washington Posts’ refusal to endorse Kamala is an indicator of their acknowledgement of their defeat and acceptance that going forward they they will have to do real journalism as envisioned by our founding fathers if they want to become relevant and stay in business. Of course it will take a real change of course in the teaching of the leftist colleges which is hard to imagine. Stay tuned!

4 months ago

The media has just been slapped in the face with the realization of their irrelevance.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
4 months ago

As I have been saying for so many years, Leftist ideology and the Leftist agenda are, and have always been, based on lies, misinformation, and deception. The greatest enemies of the Left are truth, facts, and reality. And the last four years of hard-core Leftist policies have brought some serious reality to all of us, with this, the most corrupt, criminal, treasonous, and incompetent administration in this nation’s history. People have woken up to reality and they are not happy with our current state of affairs. What should scare everyone, however, is just how many people have not woken up and voted for four more years of the same – or worse. We are very close to losing this nation forever; there is a sickness that has come over our nation, and if we do not soon find a cure, we are doomed.

4 months ago

As always, these media elites are out of touch with the people. You know, the ones that they have nothing but disdain for; not one of them has a lick of self awareness.

4 months ago

These ALWAYS ANGRY, AMERICA-HATING, HATE-DRIVEN, SOCIALIST LEFTISTS got their insane agendas, evil philosophies, perverted Woke ideas (and their A$$es) handed to them last Tuesday. Thank you dear Lord.
And because Americans have over-wheedlingly spoke, with a LOUD VOICE, the Left’s America-destroying, censoring, Cancel Culture, Woke-ism, gender-mutilation, and all their other Bull $hit is on life support, and very soon to FLATLINE.

4 months ago

I guess Ocasio-Cortes must really know she could be circling the drain now. It’s confusing to observe and to listen to her messaging to her constituents, as they are, necessarily, so incredibly stupid, that it’s hard to patch in to their train of, uh… “thought”…

4 months ago

As far as I am concerned the media are a bunch of Lilly livered sap suckers. That includes them all—-the TV, Newspapers, etc…

4 months ago

This is why the Democrats failed! They shoved this liberal nonsense and suppression of free speech down the people throats for four years and now say there going to resist the will of the people to move on from their stupid and nonsensical policies. Hey Dems, you lost so shut up and start listening instead of insisting that your ideas and policies are better. They are not.

4 months ago

Despite the glaringly evident Mandate from this huge landslide of an election the Left doesn’t want the majority will to prevail or care in the least what we so obviously want. In their minds (oxymoron there) only what they want counts and they believe they should not be criticized for any lie, threat and dirty tactic they have employed to suit their own purposes at our expense. They are doubling down yet again to “resist ” the will of the people. It is high time we disenfranchise every part of the Left we can. Watch NEWSMAX instead of CNN or MSNBC. Contribute to Conservative causes. Learn the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights and teach our “educated” college grads what they don’t know. Etc. ad infinitum!

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
4 months ago

Pretty stupid for these people who consider themselves the intellectual elite to think that we would totally forget how good a president Trump was in his term. How could they possibly think we would believe one word of their horrific rampages against him??? They cannot stand it that he loves this county and the people in it and wants to make life better for all because they are all haters of anything that resembles reality! I hope these evil people do not ever get control of this country again!

Janet Scaruffi
Janet Scaruffi
4 months ago

Our Nation prayed—- GOD replied. HE is in control—-satan is raging…. just saying….. that also rhymes . GOD bless America and keep our elected leaders and country safe. Amy

4 months ago

Harris would have lost by even greater numbers if regulations were in place to criminalize the lame stream media for half truths and lies.
Most of the leftist media reporting was taking snippet comments out of context to make Trump and other conservative politicians look bad. How many times did the left promote the lie that Trump meant fine people in White Supremacist groups when the full context was clear Trump referred to fine people on both sides of the statue issue, remove due to the negativity associated or leave for historical reasons. The US does not claim to be a perfect union, as the US Constitution states “in order to form a MORE perfect union”. Ignoring our past injustices by tearing down statues instead of using them as teaching tools, could very well ensure we repeat those mistakes.
No need to sugar coat the past and certainly no reason to delete it.

4 months ago

The government needs to form a committee to “fact check” the media outlets and ban the biggest liars from press conferences in the future until they get some integrity.

4 months ago

I am so enjoying these post-election reflections. HEY ! That rhymed !!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
4 months ago

The people of this country said enough is enough we need a better government we need a better life here and the Dems just do not know how to help the people of this country just lies and there friends the media giving us more lies none care about us they found out that the people of this country are not stupid we needed President Trump back and for sure we will have a better country when he takes office next year. I was mad that Harris brought out all those celebs thinking that would make a difference it did not change my mind and I am sure others thought the same.

James Popielarz
James Popielarz
4 months ago

No AOC….learn your history. We just voted a fascist out of office.

4 months ago

Wait for the screams to intensify. It’s being reported that Elon Musk just bought Fox News.

4 months ago

I will not defile my house with the MSM. Stopped watching / listening over 30 years ago and have never regretted the decision!

4 months ago

It certainly wasn’t from a lack of effort that they couldn’t convince America to believe the lies. They did get the more simple minded.

4 months ago

“Harris would’ve won “if we could regulate social media.”
Translated it means if we could only use the government to suppress the truth, we would have won.

4 months ago

Well, well, well. Kamala won’t have an opportunity to use her “swipe of my pen” rhetoric we all saw on YouTube and Twitter (X)
She may have ruined many an innocent person and their lives in California with the way she used her magic pen when she abused her authority, but she’ll NEVER have the opportunity to use that pen on the entire U. S. A.
She really was pushing all her communist narratives and her true inner self was there for everyone to see.
????God Bless America????

4 months ago


Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
4 months ago

I don’t really need ‘to join the discussion’. These folks need to read the first amendment! Pretty simple actually. Maybe NOW Americans will turn OFF their drivel! HOORAY!

4 months ago

When TV ads by the drug companies are no longer allowed, mainstream media will no longer exist.

4 months ago

So they think they’re suppose to be successful at force feeding lies, deception and fake news?? Tell them NO, we have woken from our Slumber!!! Truth is all we want, no more BS. Thank you, goodn

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

Why hasn’t the Fake Mainstream Media reported that the U.S. Defense Department is Funding over 9,000 Military-Research Weapons Projects in our colleges and universities that Benefit Communist China to use against US? Professor/s paid $Million’s and then join the Communist China Military Academy. This is a Major Breach in National Security. Especially since Communist China WILL use these weapons against OUR Soldiers.

federal student aid website
caregiver helping senior; credit for caring act
Harvard university
Demonstrators listen to the speaking program during an "Our Bodies, Our Sports" rally for the 50th anniversary of Title IX at Freedom Plaza on June 23, 2022 in Washington, DC. The rally, organized by multiple athletic women's groups was held to call on U.S. President Joe Biden to put restrictions on transgender females and "advocate to keep women's sports female."

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