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Love of Freedom – Trump Critics Need to Learn American History

Posted on Monday, July 6, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

freedomWhat a festive July 4th we just saw – and most of us enjoyed, worries notwithstanding! From Maine to South Dakota, a quick survey suggests we saw more fireworks, and had more passion than in many years.  Americans love freedom and celebrated! Rightly so.  Our freedoms are hard-won and precious.

Still, every rose has its thorns.  Critics scratch at confidence, sniff at love of country, demean hope, and deride our president.  These days, if not toppling history – leaders like Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, Francis Scott Key, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson – they populate our media.

They might as well be dubbed anti-patriots. They tend to be historically uninformed, deconstructionist, unapologetically anti-American, and big on socialism.  With much of the Democratic Party, they disparage America’s past and trumpet socialism.  No coincidentally, they hate the President.

On July 4th, President Trump pulled out all stops. He delivered a rousing, patriotic speech, asking Americans to remember, appreciate, and defend hard-won liberties.  His speech was punctuated by the Blue Angels and delivered at Mount Rushmore.  As Americans smiled, national media spit vinegar.

The Washington Post said Trump’s concern for socialism, leftist ideology, and radical violence “exploits social divisions,” a “dark speech.”  One wonders where that newspaper was when dozens of cities were torn apart, hundreds of minority businesses destroyed, historic churches burned, and more than 700 police injured in putatively “peaceful protests.” That would seem a “dark” moment.  See:

Already in 2020, 116 police officers have died “in the line of duty” – a 41 percent jump from last year.  If one wants to speak of “new divisions,” statistical changes that reflect a need to restore “rule of law” and avoid “dark” events – that might be a better place to begin.

Lest anyone suggest Trump triggered socialism with increased police killings, history is clear – the exact opposite.  As police deaths have mounted, the number of deaths attributed to police – during an average 60 million encounters annually – has fallen from highs under Obama to lows under Trump.

Deaths attributed to police under Obama were 608 in 2012, 344 in 2013, 634 in 2014, and 848 in 2015, with 201 in 2016.  Under Trump, they fell to 139, 403, and 246 in three years, 327 this dystopian year.

To make sense of those numbers, think of it this way.  Annual fatalities from police under Obama averaged 527, under Trump 279.  Rule of law has been more peaceably enforced under Trump than under Obama.  That new darkness – rise of violent socialism – was not from Trump’s policing policies.

What else did the media have to say about the President’s patriotic speech?  CNN called his backdrop, Mount Rushmore, a “monument to two slaveowners” put on property “wrestled away from Native Americans.”  No doubt, they were thinking of Elizabeth Warren’s distant relatives.

One can imagine CNN cheering destruction of Mount Rushmore, the way Taliban terrorists cheered destruction of Buddhas carved into Afghan mountains.  Britain’s Guardian decried that as, “erasing all traces of a rich pre-Islamic past.”  How soon we forget revulsion with those who destroy history.

Another media trick is to conflate facts or blur lines – like calling Americans “anti-immigrant” who distinguish legal from illegal.  After Trump’s speech defending liberty, warning against violence, the Associated Press said he railed against “protestors who have pushed for racial justice.”  He did not.

The fault is triple.  They accuse Trump of opposing peaceful protests, which he did not.  They fail to validate what bothers many Americans – a rise of radical socialist violence.  And they fail to report penetration of the former by the latter, confirmed by law enforcement.  In short, they accuse Trump of racism, while ignoring anti-American socialist and anarchist violence.

Meantime, “activist reporters” at the New York Times – who forced out an editor for publishing Senator Cotton’s defense of law enforcement and legal use of the military –reported: “Trump Uses Mount Rushmore to Deliver Divisive Culture War Message.”  Where does one begin?  Perhaps history.

Mount Rushmore celebrates unifying Americans – George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.  Pointing out opposition to radical socialism is not divisive – in a free republic, premised on peaceful dispute resolution.

Finally, Trump did not author cultural divisions.  He inherited them.  He aims to restore free speech on campuses and Internet, free exercise of religion and conscience in community, business, school, military, and the public square. He supports historic rights to assemble, keep and bear arms, avoid unreasonable searches and seizures.  As Democrats push to federalize everything, he honors 10th Amendment rights “reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”  And he inherited the travesty of justice called the Obama Justice Department.

In the end, we have much to celebrate – freedoms to hold dear, with those who gave them.  The irony is the modern media’s blindness.  They do not see that the freedom they enjoy comes from people they dismiss, disparage, defame, and want to destroy.

Here is my bet:   Not one reporter in 100 could name any of the 50,000 American casualties from the Revolutionary War, Bunker Hill to Yorktown.  Nor any of 20,000 in The War of 1812, about which Theodore Roosevelt wrote a definitive naval history.

Those who dismiss us as rubes could not tell you 655,000 fell in the Civil War, including 49,000 Blacks in the Union Army.  They could not tell you what Joshua Chamberlain did at Gettysburg (held line by bayonet at Little Roundtop, saving the Union), or about Lincoln’s famous letter to Lydia Bixby (who lost five sons), or where Grant split the confederacy (Vicksburg, 1863).

Two-to-one, they could not name three WWI battlefields, or recall US casualties in that war (320,000).  They are unlikely to recall that 16 million Americans defended freedom in WWII – or that America saved the world again, defeating fascism with one million US casualties, 405,000 dead.

Nor could they detail the Berlin blockade, Korean or Vietnam Wars, first Gulf War, conflicts in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, or elsewhere.  Most barely know Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, brought the Soviet killing machine to its knees, and in the process freed 400,000,000 human souls.

All this matters, because it offers the real backdrop, bigger even than Mount Rushmore.  Freedom is not free, nor easy to secure.  It never has been.  That is why we celebrate Independence Day, and those who made it possible.  That is why the President reminded us to be vigilant, recommit ourselves to freedom.  What we have is hard-won and precious.  May we never forget it.

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4 years ago

Bravo! Well said!

4 years ago

His best speech ever. Too bad that NBC ran a silly game show instead of showing the President of the United States?

4 years ago

We cannot know the future. However, it is possible that extremes the rioters are displaying will bring more understanding of what would happen if they can take over. Fully understood, I think this revolution will be rejected by the majority of voters.

Dean Brittain
Dean Brittain
4 years ago

Great article. I saw both speeches in their entirety. Loved both. Not one improper statement in either one

4 years ago

No, freedom is not free! … Just ask Cubans or Venezuelans? … in Socialism/Communism, the people are in servitude to the ruling politicians and are forever to do so. And I’m getting awful tired of “white” people being accused of being “racist” because you justifiably criticize any African American. The so-called Democratic Party has gone nuts with the help of colluding media. We MUST ELECT President Trump for another term or I feel We the People will become We the Slaves!!!

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

Excellent article. When the media isn’t intentionally, outright lying to further the leftist agenda, they’re opining out of sheer ignorance. What little U.S. history that is taught today in K thru 12, as well as at colleges and universities, is complete revisionist trash. The marxists chickens that began infiltrating education, media and politics in the 60s have come home to roost. The sad state of mandated, purposefully induced historical ignorance.

4 years ago

Well said. Coming from a military family the price of freedom is high and many do not know that. God bless our military, our President and the USA.

Patrick Bauer
Patrick Bauer
4 years ago

Excellent. Well said.

4 years ago

Im really surprised President Trump wasn’t criticized for defending the 2nd Amendment. I watched the speech in its entirety and was very moved by President Trump’s conviction and love for our country and citizens. It must be their hatred of having a President that does what he says and says what he does and doesn’t hide out at night signing Executive Orders to give our country and our liberties away.
Maybe this post won’t get censored away.

4 years ago

What a great weekend to salute the USA by The President
The article was great – How can we promote this real news to all , especially the children thru age 40
Again limited coverage by the FAKE not-even-news outlets, what a kick in the rear to America by them

Arizona Don
Arizona Don
4 years ago

There is little doubt President Trump will go down in history as far and away the best president we have ever had. Which is fitting since he follows a president who history will show as the WORST president America ever had, Obama! Every “real” American that loves this country knows both of those facts already. Ronald Reagan was extremely good for America and got her back on track after Carters missteps and failures. The difference between Carter and Obama was/is Carter loved America and was/is a very nice person (and still does) but was way over his head and unqualified for the presidency. We know that now we did not then at least at first. Whereas Obama’s goal and the goal of his supporters was, and still is, “a fundamental transformation.” Has anyone ever asked what America was going to transformed into or even what happens to the original after a fundamental transformation?  While considering that remember Obama did not like the current constitution. He thought it to restrictive on the executive branch (him). Consequently, he usurped power from other parts of government.  President Trump is getting America back on track after Obama, the wuhan coronavirus, and a terrible murder of George Floyd which brought us massive riots and looting to the tune of billions of dollars. For anyone who asks why that is an excellent question when BLM ignore hundreds of useless murders weekly in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and now New York. However many businesses destroyed during these so called demonstrations (really riots and looting) will never return. The riots and looting are an extension of the socialist democrat effort to destroy our constitutional Representative Republic and free enterprise economic system (a coup d’etat if you will). Anyone paying attention knows that. Trump has declared his all out support for law enforcement why did/do we not know these so called democrats were going to be against law enforcement. That is the way it is with everything else. So they now are calling for defunding law enforcement. What an absolutely stupid thing to do.  
Even Reagan can not compare to the successes President Trump has accomplished for America and ALL Americans and in such a short time. However, most obviously the black population.  Not because of but in spite of the so called democrat obstructionists. People like your average communist who today poses as a democrat here in America! They are in reality socialist of some kind and no longer hide it. Either communists, marxist or fascists but they call themselves democrats. Some may not even realize it because of the propaganda in our universities and the main stream media. All of those regimes, communist, fascist and marxism have an oppressive/depressive base of socialism. However one question lingers that needs to be answered; when was socialism ever successful? And when did it ever lead to success and economic prosperity for a nation or the people of the nation?  Who can answer, with proof, that question?

E. Fletcher
E. Fletcher
4 years ago

MAGA. If president Trump invented a cure for cancer, our mentally impaired media would claim it was the wrong thing to do. I’m so afraid we are heading for another civil war. This time it won’t be North vs. South. It’ll be Black vs. White.

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

Revisionist history should have not part in public education. Seeing the entire picture will assure the American public that we will not repeat the same mistakes. It is wonderful to see the thoughtful approach by the President to the American future by reminding us of the past…and in an unfiltered manner. The fake news folks just don’t get it….they look at the glass as half empty, then they lie to their viewers day-after-day about how bad life is in the country. They have not, as the article says, do not understand history. All the people in the fake news media and their followers need to leave the United States and realize this is still the best country in the world.

Press ONE for English
Press ONE for English
4 years ago

Most simply put, the problem with the left is this. They see us living relatively happily, safely and peacefully while they are living in conditions that for one reason or another make them miserable. Instead of emulating us and trying to join in the benefits we are enjoying, it is their goal to make us as miserable as they are. Instead of finding common, unifying elements they seek out and inflate even the tiniest of differences between the peoples of this nation, and blow those differences up into major points of contention. They for the most part have no inkling that they are being manipulated by people who, should they come into power, will make sure the very malcontents and social parasites who supported them will be the first on the trains to the gulags.

4 years ago

President Trump did a terrific job at Mount Rushmore in conveying the stark difference between the values that helped build and shape this country into the bastion of personal liberty that it is and those whose only motivating factor is to tear it all down and build a global Marxist Utopia. It’s essentially a contest between fighting to maintain our hard won freedoms and liberties or sitting back and surrendering it all to the Marxist led mob.
This contest is NOT just playing out here in the United States, but all across Europe, Canada, Asia and South America. Look at what is happening in places like Toronto, Paris, London, Berlin, etc. This goes well beyond the general lack of American history or even world history, as groups like BLM and INTIFA are global Marxist organizations. This is a fight by Marxists for global domination and so far only one side is really fighting in this war. That needs to change and it needs to change soon or the consequences for freedom everywhere will be severe.
The identical same tactics are being utilized by these Marxists organizations all across the globe. Funded and supported by not only like-minded countries (China is pushing this hard as it will help them expand their global goals faster), but also numerous individuals who fully embrace the ideology and seek to personally benefit financially in such a new world order. Statues being toppled. Violent protests and riots, with countless millions in personal and property damage being allowed to occur, as police under the control of so-called “liberal” (closet Socialists) politicians, are ordered to stand down. CHOP-like take-overs being staged in cities around the world, again with feckless liberals ordering their police to stand down, while people are assaulted or killed in the name of “social or racial justice”. Legislation being advocated to try and appease “the mob”, which will only succeed in creating further societal instability, are all being pushed by those who view the masses as nothing more than cattle to be herded and managed. This is NOT just about the United States. Although eliminating the United States as the last, best hope of freedom and liberty is certainly number one on the Marxist agenda. It is about the destruction of freedom everywhere and replacing it with a global Marxist world order, with China being the lone economic and military super-power.

Sam Why can't we just all be Americans?
Sam Why can't we just all be Americans?
4 years ago


4 years ago

Personally I’m concerned. It’s looking like “We the People” will have to do whatever necessary to take our cities/country back. Probably will not be pretty. Don’t want to go that route, but I once swore an oath to protect and defend this country from enemies foreign and domestic. Didn’t see an expiration date. Sad very sad state of affairs!

4 years ago

Nothing wrong with going to Mt Rushmore, but do not agree with spending taxpayer dollars on fireworks. And were all fireworks USA made ?? I assume that the majority of fireworks came from China….and not good to give them our money just to blow up

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

There are so many things the resistors ignore in order to vent their embarrassment for themselves and their media.

Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

As usual the NY times, and the Amazon (Washington) post and the rest of the left wing media showed
their writers lack of historical knowledge. Those of us who know history, need to demand that it is taught
the way it happened without the,left wing revisions and ideology.

4 years ago

Can govenors/mayors shut down voting booths? That’ll be next.

4 years ago

Great Article. My heart pounds with joy that I AM AN AMERICAN!

4 years ago

Mr.Charles articles are always “Spot ON”. But the question that I pose is how do we get the word out to the other “Silent Majority” outside of AMAC? Some of these folks ONLY read the biased newspaper, or watch the 6:00pm “fake news” on TV. These are the Americans that will help us MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN by electing President Trump!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

May the REAL Americans rise up and take back our beloved USA! the fake ones can leave!!

Arizona Don
Arizona Don
4 years ago

There is no freedom(s) where socialism is any part of the government. There cannot be. That includes communism, fascism and marxism. Even in modifications of those kinds of government. China is an example of a communist state who has added some quasi free enterprise but still controls everything and allows no individual freedoms. Russia is another. Check with any resident of Hong Kong right now! Each of those systems are based on socialism. How can there be freedoms where government collects all reward for labor and redistributes it? According to its values and desires. Socialism is a system where private ownership of property is not allowed? How can there be freedom where government owns and controls everything even life? Where even speech is restricted? There cannot be any liberates whatsoever.  Why is it not possible for the young to see that for it is proven fact. Regardless of what university professors tell our children. These college educated children believe these indoctrinated professors even before they believe their own parents or grandparents.  I personally know first hand all about that fact.  
YES, it is true, freedom is not free instead it us usually quite costly but worth the cost. The young of today do not realize that fact for they have not had to contribute in any way. Perhaps that is THEIR problem regarding understanding. Things one receives without payment means less then those things that must be paid for out of ones own pocket.  Where freedom is lost it is usually at least several generations before it can be reestablished.  That reestablishment usually takes a war and many lives are lost. Millions have died establishing and maintaining the freedoms here in the United States of America. It now appears many more will sacrifice life to maintain those freedoms in the coming future.  In any case rest assured America will never become a socialist country without another war! Another war we the people lose and losing in not something we will ever do. And the difference here, over other countries, is we are heavily armed and somewhat prepared because our constitution covers such occurrences and we already went through that “twice” with the most powerful military in the world! 

4 years ago

This is an uncharacteristically good article from AMAC.
I agree with every point. ??

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Live as an American. Stop being Brainwashed: 1) Stop watching the mainstream news;  2) Stop watching mainstream Entertainment;  3) Stop sending your Children to Public School; 4) Stop watching any and all Sports that either does not have Our National Anthem and/or insults our Country via protests as kneeling. We are all being brainwashed.

4 years ago

We already know that CNN has been given money from China for their adds. So we can see they are influenced by China. Their propaganda writing proves that! That goes the same for The New York Time, and the Washington Post! PROPAGANDA to separate Americans, to help destroy us. We as Americans need to see that and stop reading their papers.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Decide to be free!  Take our Country BACK: RED – Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

4 years ago

Time for the Americans, the contributors to the Country and Freedom to make it loud and clear we will not tolerate this thuggery. If you cannot engage in discussion to resolve problem, then damaging people and place will get you a new home. Jail!

Bob L.
Bob L.
4 years ago

Clueless – that’s what a bunch of college age people were in a segment on One America News this morning when asked when the U.S. gained independence. The answers ranged from “I don’t know” to 1979 to some time in the 1700’s with other answers scattered all over in between.
What students are being instructed in these days appears to be social justice, White privilege/racism, and the merits of socialism. There needs to be an immediate purge of socialist/globalist idealism from classrooms, entertainment, media, and political offices. The forces of evil have gained decades of a head start and freedom is all but lost at his point in time.

4 years ago

Never forget !!!

Bonnie Jean
Bonnie Jean
4 years ago

It was a good article. An important reminder of all that we have to lose with this next election. The vast majority of media is poorly educated and being fed a steady diet of the lies of the left. Our education system is, in my opinion, no longer education. It is 100% indoctrination from K-12 and even more so on college campuses. Some of us saw it begin, perhaps the first warning was when they removed prayer from schools. Following that, our society began to erode, not just from that one thing… but from everything that seemed to have its start during the 60’s. We reap what we sow. We have allowed things that we once thought unimaginable. Sexual immorality, no moral values in our education, no debate in schools or the public, abortion even of the babies already born (which like it or not is infanticide)… all of these things and many more have eroded away all that made America, America. Soon, if we do not stop it with radical, non-violent changes… we will no longer be free. And this is the time. Now, not tomorrow. We must speak out. We must share the truth. Not with violence, but in calm tones and simple things that anyone can understand. Or America will cease to exist.

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
4 years ago

Now we see why the communists and socialists push diversity so much. Diversity divides. A divided nation is easier to destroy by pitting the various factions against one another. They want to destroy our nation and rebuild it from the ashes into a communist dictatorship with them at the top. Communism and socialism are just new terms for tyranny and despotism.

Steve Krueger
Steve Krueger
4 years ago

The Free Press will hound him forever . The “Woke”Americans I have a simple plan GET OUT !! They will be welcomed with open arms by their comrades in gulags and wet markets . Happy Independence Day America!!

4 years ago

The entire event at Mount Rushmore was what we citizens needed to end a wonderful celebration of our nation. The presence of the President and his lovely wife, his speech and the outstanding fireworks made me feel so proud to be an American.
If the dissent that is displayed in this country at present was displayed at a company…the dissenter would be shown the door…Well, we should show all of the dissenters especially the rioters, THE DOOR. God bless America, a nation under God!

Deacon William Cunningham
Deacon William Cunningham
4 years ago

When I attended the Million Dollar Round Table convention over a quarter century ago, the Table hosted (I think I remember) a “Newsweek Panel” of reporters from that left-leaning publication. They talked about economy, politics, etc. When the meeting was over I told my partner, “these guys are anarchists. They make their money by inciting people to stir up trouble. They don’t care who wins an election; they are working against the country.” I haven’t seen any reason to change my opinion since then. The media has gotten worse.

4 years ago

The message of President Trump on July 3rd was one that uplifts our nation and shares the victories and heroes that made our country great and powerful. I feel he is doing a great job in spite of the opposition by the Democratic party and the push of Antifa and other far left groups as BLM. In this country of over 330 million people, there is a small fraction of protesters and anarchists who are trying to overrun our nation with their threats and violence. May we be strong and support our President and re-elect him to rebuild the confidence of our country.

Rosemary Freskos
Rosemary Freskos
4 years ago

How helpless we feel knowing that the legacy media has lost the power it once had to tell the truth to the public without partisan lies. What will it take for those who used to be journalists to rise from their swamp of ignorance? Lets hope our Universities and Schools of Higher Learning will be able to recruit teachers who have not been indoctrinated with Socialist, Liberal ideologies that have affected education for the past 60 or so years.
One more thing… How about bringing back the Military Draft program requiring all youths, including gang members and their ilk to learn moral and social values?

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

I am a Vietnam veteran and proud, we served our country despite the strong opposition from the socialist/dems, who sided with the enemy because they want to bring that form of government here, I can relate to how hard PRESIDENT TRUMP has to work to keep AMERICA GREAT, We won all the battles but “lost”the war because the political party that controlled our country at the time(DEMOCRATS) worked against us and the enemy could drag it out because they did not CARE how many people died, we need to win in NOVEMBER for all the AMERICANS THAT SERVED AND SACRIFICED FOR OUR FREEDOM, TO DO OTHERWISE WOULD DISRESPECT THIER HONORABLE SACRIFICES. GOD BIESS AMERICA AND PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!!!!

4 years ago

JFK would be turning over in his grave to see the way the media has handled the “news”! He was not and never would be a Socialist! I believe that if he was alive today, he would be a Republican! The media reminds me of the “Mean Girls” of the movie with the same name! Of course, the ability to inflict damage is much greater, given the platform and coverage they wield! Give them as much rope as they need, and they will eventually hang themselves! Such a disgrace to the USA!

gene lewis
gene lewis
4 years ago

What a wonderful article??? Thought provoking, as well as Patriotic & challenging ?✝️???

Frank Cicero
Frank Cicero
4 years ago

I applaud President Trump for his skill at business & economics; but, he could learn a little from Benjamin Franklin. 
A ‘wordsmith’ by trade Benjamin Franklin left us a wealth of quotes to guide us in managing our Republic. 
I offer just a few:
“When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the End of Our Republic!”
“Any society that will give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose BOTH!”
“Make yourselves SHEEP and the WOLVES will EAT YOU!” 
“As to Jesus of Nazareth… I think the system of Morals & His Religion… the best the world ever saw or is likely to see.”

John P Latimer
John P Latimer
4 years ago

Day after day, my heart breaks a little more for the USA as I read and watch the news and what is happening in our great country! The anti American forces have been working overtime to destroy everything we have stood for since our founding. My hope is, and I pray God will grant us another chance to turn back these tides of destruction before it is too late! The constant beating of the drums by the Left’s demonstrations, rioting and endless attacks on President Trump and shouts of racism are wearing thin on people that still have patriotism, love of God and love of our country in their hearts. I believe they have awakened a sleeping giant, the silent majority, and that we will prevail in November! I also believe the Left is going to do everything possible to steal the election and we will have to be super vigilant to assure that does not happen!

Scott Davis
Scott Davis
4 years ago

We are Americans, or we are something else.
When people add a name in front of American, and it doesn’t matter what they put in front of it, they put that ahead of what we are.
Sure, I’m a Christian man. Skin color should not matter. My history has no bearing on my origin. The division that has grown in our country has grown from the past, that quite frankly, we have nothing to do with. It’s a manufactured division for political power.
Our historic warning to all future generations of Americans from our 1st POTUS during his Farewell Address is lost with the addition of names like African, Senior, Conservative, Christian, or Anything else before the what must be held as 1st, AMERICAN.
God help us to bridge the division of darkness created by evils within our nation and elsewhere.

joe p
joe p
4 years ago

Excellent article. We last saw this level of “peaceful” violence during the leftist campaign to end the Vietnam war against a Communist/Totalitarian Statist regime in North Vietnam. They won then, and now these same “peacefully” violent people are powerful bureaucrats in government and teaching our kids the same promises and lies in Universities. Their politics have not changed. They have sharpened their knives and perfected their methods to change the world from freedom, to dependence on them in a Socialist, or Communist government; actually a “dictatorship of the proletariat” (nothing new, we have seen that before). This guarantees (so they think) their endless power and wealth at the expense of the masses of mindless workers.
Trump has awaken those masses, half of which still have a mind intact. Trumps re-election and Democrat Party defeat is the fulcrum of the teetering state of our democracy and Constitutional Republic form of government. Come November 3rd, we will know which way the balance has shifted. I pray our citizens will make the right choice.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Stand up for America!!  The NFL has decided to play the “Black Anthem” (whatever that means) and to allow people to insult our Country by kneeling for our National Anthem!!  Get the NFL’s ATTENTION!!  Refuse to watch all NFL Games until they play and Stand-For our National Anthem!!!  We can live without the NFL!  We will not live without PRIDE IN OUR COUNTRY!!! 

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
4 years ago

Daniel 2:28 “But there is a God in heaven….” He has blessed this country beyond measure. Keep praying for a great revival and awakening to sweep America, and make her a Godly nation once again.

4 years ago

I think reporters ignore their history lessons, if they are taught any, in favor of stirring up fear,violence and hatred. Too many are intent on being self important and influencing someone else. Power corrupts and we certainly have an overabundance of that at present. We need more reporters with integrity, intelligence and moral and ethical fortitude. The attitude of disrespect toward leaders and others is disgusting and needs to change. Cannot watch when they start with their rude yelling over each other and absolute childish behavior.

Stephen I. Mayo
Stephen I. Mayo
4 years ago

Thank you Mr. Charles. Great reminder that our American patriotism is full-bodied and real; not a formulaic mantra but a whole fabric of history founded in the blood of our dutiful and often brave American ancestors. Said as a son of a liberator of the Philippines and a son-in-law of a liberator of nothing less than the entire continent of Europe.

Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Rep. James Comer (R-KY) participates in a panel discussion at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord National Resort Hotel And Convention Center on February 20, 2025 in Oxon Hill, Maryland.
Shiri, Ariel and Kfir Bibas, who are believed to have been killed while in captivity under the terror group Hamas in Gaza.
Flag of Arlington County in Virginia, USA. Flag of Arlington County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA
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