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Lost Cause – Polls Savage Biden

Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Let’s try a mental exercise – a game where we use a parallel universe to understand our own universe.  Let me ask you a series of questions; let your answers reveal Democrat prospects in 2022. 

The backdrop for this game is national polls, a slew of them – all remarkable in what they say about President Biden and the Democratic Party.  Biden may not be in uninterrupted freefall, but he could be. Democrats may not be the defunct Whigs, but they are on that course.

Start with Biden.  Imagine you have children and are going out to dinner, need a babysitter.  If you do, then you have, and know what I mean. 

You want someone you can trust, need to trust, the job is a big one, very important – not rocket science, but got to trust them.  At what level of trust would you be comfortable?  To be sure that your children are safe, 95 percent trust?  90 percent? 80 percent?  Below that, it gets iffy, right?

Okay, now, let’s imagine you have your babysitter, head for the restaurant, but you are wondering.  Is he or she sharp enough to remember to turn off the stove?  Stay quiet when the kids are in bed?  Remember to lock the front door?  Beyond trust, how sharp is he or she?

Then you begin thinking, as appetizers come, will they be able to keep peace among the kids, exercise good judgment, keep unity in the house?  Will he or she care when the kids need help?

As the main course comes, you wonder, will they be a good role model?  Will they be gentle but firm, administering discipline with care, without indifference, wise use of authority? 

The pasta is good, but your mind is only half on conversation, wondering.  If anything goes wrong, will they be one of those who denies responsibility, or owns up, is responsible? 

As dessert comes, you are only half wondering now, is he or she honest? Are drawers with special things untouched, cash in the jar fine, will they be honest about how the kids behaved?

By the time you are headed home, satisfied with meal and evening, thoughts turn to expectations, and you expect all to be well, trustfully upheld. All is good, you hope.

But here is the thing, at what level of confidence did you answer those questions to yourself?  At what level of confidence are you content?  What percentage of trust must you have for peace?

What level of sharpness and peace-making among kids, caring if needed, 100 percent right?  How about the percentage chance he is a good role model? Keeps authority, owns up, is honest?

Likelihood is, for each of those questions, when you were picking a babysitter – or doctor, lawyer, financial advisor, insurance broker, car mechanic, carpenter, plumber, employer, or employee, you asked some version of those questions.  Percentage you wanted? 100 percent.

Now, we turn to Mr. Biden, who has been entrusted with our nation’s welfare, solvency to decency, employment and education to safety in homes, at borders, national security to the economy.

What do the polls say?  What they say is shocking.  This month, only 73 percent of Democrats think Biden is mentally sharp, 43 percent of Independents, nine percent of Republicans. That would nix a babysitter right there, would it not?  Likely to leave a burner on, the door unlocked. See, e.g., Biden Loses Ground With the Public on Issues, Personal Traits and Job Approval; Biden’s leadership is threatened by his loyalty to the hard left.

Then only 80 percent of Democrats think he takes responsibility, 49 percent of Independents, 13 percent of Republicans.  There goes accountability.  And for a good role model? Same numbers.

How about caring for the needs of ordinary people, like your kids – or you?  Well, 84, 54, 18 percent – not great, not if the person to be cared for is you, your family, your solvency, future, life.

How about honest, well – 81, 51, 14 percent.  You better check the cookie jar, jewelry case, liquor cabinet, long-distance phone bill.  If that few think he is 100 percent honest, have a concern.

Hoping the place is not chaos when you get home, how about unity, keeping the peace, understanding people, making it work, chaos averted?  Democrats, Independents, and Republicans put confidence in his unity-building below par. 

On unity, only 55 percent of Democrats think he has it in him, 34 percent of Independents, eight percent of Republicans.  Where does that leave you?  The place is going to be a mess!

Here is the bottom line on Biden.  If you were choosing babysitters, you would not choose him, ever.  He has not got sharpness, intent to take responsibility, serve as a role model, care about people consistently, assure honesty, or keep unity.

In a nutshell, he is a mess, and now – most America, after Afghanistan, open border, overspending, inflation, pleasing China, pushing Marxist CRT, dissing parents, is coming to see.  If he would not be trustworthy as a babysitter, how can we trust him with the Presidency? 

On the Democratic Party, polls are similar for good reason.  Unlike the independent thinking of average Americans, Democrats are goosestepping behind Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi, unless they are way off on the left, pushing the end of capitalism, no freedom, or Israel.

No, the Democratic Party is lost, caught in the wicked winds of leftism, unchecked by character or reference to their own – often noble – history. These winds are driving them far off course. 

This is also what happened to the Whigs, founded in 1834, lost on a sea of political perversion, lifted and drowned by hatred of Jackson, gone by 1854.  In that year, so-called “Conscience Whigs” joined the Republican Party, which soon thereafter nominated Lincoln. 

In short, Biden and the Democrats may think they are on a “slow boat to China,” but they are off the list of trusted leaders – and if national polls are right, maybe on the fast boat to obscurity.  Metaphors and analogies can be inapt, or accurate.  This game is not going Biden’s way.  Hard to see him as a dogcatcher, let alone a babysitter.  As President, he is a loss, and most know it.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Interesting comparisons RBC… I’ll be sure to never call Biden to babysit!
Biden, in reality his Obama era cabinet, are in the ” human trafficking ” business now & making deliveries of immigrant children all across the nation in the middle of the night…His charming press secretary, Psaki had some interesting answers when asked about this by the press recently…
The damage being done by the false commander in chief & his puppet masters is almost beyond words at this point…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

This was actually a very amusing and thought provoking article RBC. Good analogy with the babysitter. Now think of it this way:

You have to attend an important business dinner and the only person you can find at the last minute is a parent with early to moderate stage dementia. You know it’s a poor choice, but your boss has ordered you attend or you lose your job. So you make a very poor choice and entrust your child (this being the nation in your analogy) to the senile parent and hope for the best. From the second you walk out the front door, you are filled with dread. All kind of thoughts keep racing through your head about what could go wrong with entrusting a child (the nation) to a senile parent, who keeps forgetting where he is or what he was doing. So you drive about two blocks and then say F*** it and turn the car around and head back home. You arrive to find senile uncle Joe standing exactly where he was and staring at the walls. He’s talking to the walls about somebody called Corn Pop from 60 years ago. You race into the other room where you left the child playing and thankfully he or she is OK. You decide then and there that a job can be replaced, but a child (the nation) can’t be.

Moral of the story is no matter how much 50 percent of the American people supposedly hated Donald Trump (not for policy substance, but for something as trivial and nonsensical as tweets), the idea of placing the fate of the nation in the hands of a demented old man with a long history of bad judgement and corruption was an incredibly poor choice. Unfortunately, in the real world we don’t have the opportunity to quickly undo that choice and instead are now stuck with the ramifications of that decision as one crisis after another is created under the Biden administration.

3 years ago

RBC, not much to comment on except that you are on TARGET with your analysis.

Teresa Wait
Teresa Wait
3 years ago

Having Biden

3 years ago

What is wrong with independents and republican’s? Giving him higher then a 5% rating is as looney as being a Democrat! As an person who jumped off the rat infested Democrat sinking boat to being Independent I’m ashamed my Party members voted collectively higher then 5% on Biden’s side.

Michael R
Michael R
3 years ago

The damage caused by Biden, his handlers, and the Democrats in Congress, is now at a point, that I fear we will never again have a free country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Cant Biden go lower in the polls? Needed

Tom E Wajerski
Tom E Wajerski
3 years ago

No question, he’s a disaster. How do we get where we need to go without abandoning our moral standards?

3 years ago

Biden is an abject failure! The damage that he’s done to our country SO FAR is most likely never going to be wholly repaired. He’s way beyond inept and he’s got one helluva brain fog storm going on in that lying, befuddled, drug addled brain of his.

I have no doubt that our sworn enemies are dancing a jig right now in celebration of biden’s failures. Impeach Biden now before it’s too late!



MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

3 years ago

“Let’s go Brandon.”

3 years ago

I don’t see how he got a 5% rating from any American. He is 0% trust worthy, honest or capable of running a nation.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

That highly corrupt, addled, weak, moronic loser shouldn’t be running a PTA bake sale. As a babysitter? That pedo-perv?! Skip the night out and keep creepy-boy the h3ll away from your kids. Yeah…lock the doors and draw the curtains! There’s a real weirdo in the neighborhood!

3 years ago

Biden should be arrested now for TREASION BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

3 years ago

Nice analogy, yet 2022 will be a very close election. Still way too early to tell.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
3 years ago

I don’t think the country can recover. This fool at 1600 has driven us to the brink if not slightly over. I’m not impressed with Repubs. Too many Rino’s and little leadership. Besides, all our problems are Trump’s fault. Go to convention of, at this point it can’t hurt.

George Larner
George Larner
3 years ago

O f course the Democrats are going too stand in favor of Biden and his ratings. They don’t want to lose their power over the people.

3 years ago

How the hell can ANYONE think Biden is mentally sharp??

Betsy t
Betsy t
3 years ago

I’d trust a babysitter that set my house on fire before before I’d trust this diabolical, incompetent, imposter.

B. Schmidt
B. Schmidt
3 years ago

Biden’s supporters must themselves be as demented as he is. Do they really think he is who they voted for, or must we assume that Biden won merely because of all the dead voters whose names were grabbed from the nearest cemetary? Tossing aside our sovereignty by allowing in druggies, child molesters, gang bangers and other assorted creeps who want nothing other than more and more freebies, including free health care, free dental care, and on and on?

Marilyn Sherod
Marilyn Sherod
3 years ago

Regardless of the poll results, he’s still the

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
3 years ago

Has anyone researched the “real” reason why Barrack Obama remained in Washington DC during Trump’s Presidency? How many presidents of the United States of America have desired to remain in Washington DC and done so after spending four or eight years in Washington as President of the United States of America? Just asking? How is it that the citizens of the United States of America willingly and deliberately voted into office, the office of the President of the United State of America, a man who is suffering from some kind of mental, cognitive decline? The Word of God says that Pride Goes Before a Fall. America is falling! How far America falls is up to the American people, regardless of political party affiliation at this point! Joe Biden is not mentally able to function as President of the United States of America! Look at Joe’s administration…Barrack Obama is the only missing person in the group! Yet he is out there…working…helping out? Cause for pause people!
So many questions are unanswered.

3 years ago

We’ve been heading left as a nation for a long time. Getting rid of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Shumer and the others won’t stop the movement left. As long as over 50% of Americans think it’s government’s job to take care of them, then we can only slow down the leftist progress of the country. We need to get a hold of the education system, teach truth instead of this indoctrination garbage and stop coddling our kids! Our kids need to be taught that freedom is worth fighting for and that life isn’t a bed of roses but hard work! Too many think they can skate thru life cuz the government has their back!! We need to teach them that government IS the problem just as Reagan warned years ago!

D. Brown
D. Brown
3 years ago

This evil clown, and his nefarious minions, are THE Domestic Terrorists intent on destroying this Country from within! And are unimpeded by the RINOS.

3 years ago

Polls are polls, this country will not change until it realizes that the cancer of Marxism and Communism need removed from our society and our country.

3 years ago

So most of you think Biden is stupid? Well, in a way yes, in terms of serving the Presidential Office, the American people and the country USA. But he is not, in terms of serving himself, his family and the Democratic Party. He don’t intend to run for re-election so he doesn’t care about the polls nor the people’s perception of his service. Let’s ask ourselves who are benefitting in all his decisions?

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

What amazes me is that Brain Dead Bidens poll numbers are as high as they are, he has not done one good thing for America, what a waste of 10 months, with 3 years and 2 months to go, does that give you a warm felling Americans.

3 years ago

Well let’s face it, we are stuck with Joe Biden. If not him, then it will be Harris. They’ll find a way to get rid of Harris, and then we’ll have Nasty Nancy Pelosi. Could it get worse? ? ?
Hum …

3 years ago

Great article!
100 % on point RBC.
Any honest Citizen,regardless of party already recognizes joebama,and the democrat so-called leadership is an abysmal failure.
Not one thing, but EVERYTHING has been a disaster for America!!!
Our Country knows they must all go!!!
Attempting to end Americans cherished freedom will NOT stand.

3 years ago

I don’t understand how this senile old man gets away with this corruption unless they are all in on it…even the judges??

3 years ago

The Left is a culture of death, whether it’s jobs, abortion, our schools, our military, our nation, or you. Hopefully their death culture they create welcomes them with open arms.

John Lemley
John Lemley
3 years ago

Why does anyone give approval for Biden. His numbers are still way too high. Lots of people are very deceived to approve of him. What can I do to change the heart, mind and vote of a deceived person? Are we outnumbered by deceived people? Stalin called such people the “useful idiots.”

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

All you or I would have to do, to become president, is start
your campaign speech – “Have you seen the gasoline prices lately ?”

Larry W.
Larry W.
3 years ago

No surprises here. Biden has never been that popular. He ran for President twice before this and didn’t make it. Again In 2020 he was way behind in the early primaries and Kamala Harris was verbally beating him up and then low and behold a miracle happened. One man, Representative Jim Clyburn of South Carolina endorsed Biden and Biden suddenly shoots to the top of the list. Don’t you find this miracle a little odd? Biden is not President by his popularity. He is a puppet put in place by the powerful string pullers. And when they are done using him he will be replaced.

3 years ago

I wouldn’t leave my house and leave Loopey Joe or any other demo. in charge of my pet rock. I’d come home to an empty lot with a rock sitting in the middle. And if the rock could talk, it would be saying, “Let’s go Brandon”.

Eileen Ruth
Eileen Ruth
3 years ago

When my children were of an age where they needed a babysitter ~ however infrequently, I was a critically thinking mother. I knew the neighborhood teenagers & hired various ones. During those years, I found that male sitters were more reliable, not easily distracted, & quite trust-worthy. I scrutinized possible sitters severely & eliminated several. We had invested our lives in our children & went to great lengths to provide them with decent, good exposures. Biden, to us, is nothing short of a self-serving molester. How does one explain to their children the unscrupulous, greedy, corrupt tactics of an individual entrusted to guard & do everything possible for the betterment of his country, & who does the exact opposite??? I realize that Biden has had an overblown ego – as has Clinton & Obama ~ yet they took an oath to serve America first & foremost!! Biden is heavily influenced by Obama ~ a man who went into office with only himself & his advancements in mind. His crooked cohorts all proved that they functioned solely on evil & were able to convince many (but not all) good Americans that they were “doing their jobs”. It is inconceivable that this “gang of thugs” were able to use fraudulent means to advance themselves into present offices ~ AND to remain in position! WHY hasn’t the Supreme Court taken necessary action to remove them all as traitors? We need to see this happen before we have fallen into the abyss & lost all that our Founding Fathers brought about!

3 years ago

The 2020 election was driven by pure hate. People who hate President Trump thought anything would be better. They were wrong. Now our country is being destroyed right before our very eyes. I pray God will bring us through reasonably unscathed. TRUMP 2024 MAGA

Joanne 4 justice
Joanne 4 justice
3 years ago



3 years ago

I’m amazed nothing has ever been said about Biden’s wife lack of compassion for her husband’s obvious failing health and his public missteps..even before he was being someone close to him…surely she could see his failing condition. Did she go along with his running because she, too, wanted to be in the white house..more than she respected her husband?? Mrs. Trump was constantly criticized by the media and public, and Mrs. Biden gets a pass..she can do no wrong???

3 years ago

Biden is a dementia riddled spineless clueless coward!! He is smothering the ppl of the USA & we will rise up!!

JoEllen Clayton
JoEllen Clayton
3 years ago

I’m surprised that the numbers are as high as they are for Democrats, unless they are completely blind and deaf. Oh, I forgot they are. Why doesn’t Conservative Congress push to have Biden tested for dementia. He does show signs of some kind of dementia with the aggressive outbursts, inappropriate laugher at odd times, and the use of profanity which seems to easily roll off his tongue when he is exhibiting these outbursts. Why doesn’t our Conservative Congress push to have him impeached along with getting rid of Pelosi, Schumer, Harris and several other trouble makers that call themselves Republicans. It’s embarrassing being lead by someone who has no clue which way he is going himself. He just does what he is told by those who want it all and will lie, cheat, steal and anything to get their way. Biden and his Administration are destroying our Beautiful America and we sit back and do very little. That confuses me…our elected officials should be fighting harder to stop the atrocities the Biden/Harris administration is producing throughout our Country.
Now I will get off my soapbox: The article is very good and I completely agree with what was said. It’s so true…I wouldn’t want him for my babysitter or dog walker I love my family too much including my 4-legged kids.

3 years ago

What we, and every conservative, needs to know and understand at this point is the fact it took the democrat party a century to bring America to it’s knees. It’s been severely damaged.
Granted, it might require almost that long for us to bring it back, but it’s doable.
The democrat party is not. It’s been killed, even if we do not hang all the traitors. But they must disappear. Either through death by execution for their Treason, or loss of citizenship, loss of ALL assets, and deportation.
Secondly, republican politicians, except our few decent ones, have colluded for decades with the demonRats to destroy America. Don’t look for help. Soros pays them, too.
Prepare. Davos and the Bilderbergs have stripped all that is available out of America. Just. Prepare.

Geraldine McGann
Geraldine McGann
3 years ago

10 months in I am surprised that more Dems don’t have voter’s remorse.l: Following the Pied Piper right off the cliff !

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

Biden is a disaster, and one who spent his entire public life in office as a corrupt self-serving professional politician. I am not surprised by his abysmal performance. BUT… It doesn’t matter how bad he or the Democrats are if our future elections are not honest. Election Integrity is the single biggest issue we face as Democrats are working tirelessly to insure the doors remain open to fraudulent votes, just as we saw many in 2020. Mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, same day registrations, etc. cannot provide secure one person, one vote integrity. Our nation will not survive dishonest elections that become routine, and the Democrats are counting on exactly that to remain in and expand their power.

3 years ago

Biden did not win

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
3 years ago

If bidens numbers are really what they say there are a lot of democrats that are NOT paying attention.This guy and his herd are dismantling AMERICA.He and his handlers are very dangerous AMERICA haters.

3 years ago

Just like always. Republicans get all giddy looking at polls and numbers and forget it is the elections that matter. Stop watching polls and trends and start winning elections. From the smallest municipal and county elections right up thru National offices you must focus the Republican Party on election results rather then someone dipping in popularity.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

Brain dead BUCK FIDEN doesn’t KNOW and doesn’t CARE!! A poll can’t vote–if it could TRUMP would be POPTUS now!!

3 years ago

Trouble is, the wife picked the babysitter, and she’s a lib. Last time I picked the babysitter, and she didn’t like my relationship with him.

edgar fletcher
edgar fletcher
3 years ago

lets go brandon!

Doug C
Doug C
3 years ago

What MORON would think this inept, arrogant POS is doing anything but destroying this country. It is time for the revolution!!! Only a dumbass would sit back and watch the country melt away before your eyes!!!!

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