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Liberal Hypocrisy: How Both Obama and Biden Have Taken Credit for Trump’s Accomplishments

Posted on Monday, May 10, 2021
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

trumpThere is a saying in Washington to the effect of “credit has many fathers, but failure is an orphan.” It’s not uncommon to hear politicians from across the political spectrum try to take credit for something they may not have been necessarily apart. With respect to giving and taking credit, it’s been interesting to see how Democrats, like Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden, have come forward to try to claim credit for some of President Trump’s accomplishments.

We begin with President-elect Biden’s pledge to administer 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots in his first 100 days in office, which comes down to 1 million shots per day. When that goal was reached last month, Biden took a victory lap and doubled down on increasing that number in the weeks ahead. However, what Biden left out was that it was President Trump, whose administration is responsible – but never given credit – for the speedy development of those vaccines, who himself pledged that America would be administering 1 million vaccine doses per day once FDA approval was given and manufacturing began. Trump himself laughed at Biden for stealing his talking point. But it wouldn’t be the last time Biden took credit for Trump’s prescient accomplishments.

On national security, one month into his Presidency, the Biden State Department tried to take credit for a series of moves by the Trump administration to obstruct, delay, and ultimately prevent Russia from completing their Nordstream 2 pipeline that would bring Russian natural gas to Europe. State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters in late February that Biden White House policies together with the Democrat-controlled Congress had been “working in good effect” to curtail the project after 18 companies had scaled back their participation in the pipeline’s construction. In response, Associated Press reporter Matt Lee pointedly asked if the Biden administration was taking credit for this development, knowing well that the Trump administration had slapped sanctions on Nordstream 2 back in December 2020, warned those same European companies in early January that they would be sanctioned if they continued involvement in the project, and then slapped additional sanctions on a Russian cargo ship the day before Biden was sworn in as President. Two thumbs up for another Team Biden win.

Then there’s former President Obama, who seeing the economy roaring, tried to take credit for Trump’s economic boom despite the former’s dismal record of job creation, record-high unemployment, a molasses-paced economic recovery, and the elimination of hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs. On February 17, 2020, Obama claimed that his signing of the Recovery Act ten years prior was responsible for the economic success of President Trump, three years into his administration. To put things into proper context, Texas Public Policy Foundation VP Chuck DeVore wrote in Forbes that “in the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. In the same 30-month time span during the mature, post-recovery phase of the business cycle, some 314,000 more manufacturing jobs were added under Trump than under Obama, a 170% advantage.”

Clearly, the Democrats’ job-killing socialist agenda hasn’t worked, so they look to Republican accomplishments to pad their resumes thinking Americans are none the wiser. But they aren’t fooling all Americans. Especially those who can filter out the noise and see clearly that President Trump’s economic success belongs to him and Republicans in Congress who passed one of the largest tax reform laws in over 30 years, the Biden administration’s virus response was largely a continuation of Trump-era policies, and President Trump’s foreign policy has put the administration in a commanding position that the new administration must appreciate. And we will keep reminding Americans of those facts in the months ahead.

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action

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3 years ago

good report =- give credit where credit is due.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 years ago

The Obama administration is Demonic in nature they will never do what Donald Trump did in one year in office

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Theyve done Zero sinceTrump left office & use to encourage GOP to switch to thier side?
No way 74M strong say NO.
Have Zero to offer day 1

Frances Ross
Frances Ross
3 years ago

Biden not taking credit for the mess at the southern border. He’s a tool with a pen.

3 years ago

Nothing is too small for Democrats to lie, steal and cheat about. It’s in their nature. It’s who they are. Remember, the November, 2020 election was STOLEN from President Trump!

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

That is because these steaming piles of excrement have NOTHING to offer of their own! They must be stopped and reduced to the garbage pile of failure where their rotten carcasses belong.

3 years ago

Obama would have gone down as the worst President in History except for Jackass Joe saving his Lying hide!!!

3 years ago

Obama terrible and Biden awful. But they are both great liars. They must take credit for others work and creativity because that is what they are good at. Two friends and both cheats.

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
3 years ago

1 Timothy 2:1-2. “I expect therefore, that, first of all, supplcations, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; For kings and for ALL that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in ALL godliness and honesty.”

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Senile Joe’s ONLY accomplishment: Working with Grand Kleagle of KKK Robert Byrd to pass the Crime Act which treated blacks worse than whites!

3 years ago

Biden and obamao are merely doing what all useless leeches do, stealing credit because they have zero accomplishments.
Anyone with an iota of intelligence sees through their lying smoke and mirrors.

Kenneth dobin
Kenneth dobin
3 years ago

We have to stick together black and white they’re trying to separate us so please don’t let them get away with it

3 years ago

You deserve an up arrow. But this site added 4. So I removed it. Sorry.

3 years ago

It’s the useless liberal Democrat playbook for over 50 years, ” take the credit,push the blame!
Then lie,lie,lie!!
These failures are a embarrassment to Our Country!
Starting in 2022 REMOVE all democrat govenors,representatives and senators as TRAITORS to America!
GREAT article pointing out their ridiculous hypocrisy!

3 years ago

I’m u able to remain civil when these two buffoons
Are mentioned. Hollow man and the gutter snipe.

3 years ago

Well since neither Obama nor Biden can accomplish anything of value on their own, they of course both have to try and take credit for the accomplishments of President Trump. That’s what talentless, small-minded people who are placed into positions of power well above anything they merit typically do.

The real issue in this country is not either Obama or Biden trying to steal someone else’s accomplishments, but rather the millions of “useful idiots” that we have created in this country that honestly believe either Obama or Biden were in any way fit to hold such a high office to begin with. Look around yourself, as you walk down the street one day, and half the people you see are the problem. Both Obama and Biden are simply the end result of millions of people making incredibly bad choices.

Brenda Bluntdespi
Brenda Bluntdespi
3 years ago

Idiots the lot of them. Americans are NOT stupid or blind!! They need to start paying attention! Real Americans will roar soon!!

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Does anyone truly expect anything different from O’Bummer and Bidense? We have all heard the president called the Commander and Chief. Well, with these two poor excuses for human beings, a more apt moniker would be something like Salamander and Chief, with the “salamander” indicating a very slimy creature! In the alternative, the moniker of Panderer and Chief would probably be the most apt of all since it is closer to the truth surrounding O’Bummer and Bidense and all of their actions.
It would be most fitting if Dementia Joe’s eventual Presidential Library is placed inside an operating toilet paper factory. This would provide a sufficient supply of toilet tissue at hand to wipe away all the “stains” that would be found on every document in the library (assuming in the first place one could separate all the pages that are stuck together with the Demsheviks’ “cement”). Remember, O’Bummer and Bidense are both a King Midas in reverse, i.e., everything they touch turns instantly to sh*t!
Let’s just hope the current Joe and the Ho Circus Show fades quickly to become little more than an obscure footnote in history. The 2022 elections can’t come soon enough.

3 years ago

So what else is new? The Democrats have been doing the same thing for years. Slime ball Bill Clinton took credit for the booming economy of Ronald Regan. Bush #1 inherited that economy then passed it along to Clinton. Ask any Demoncrat about the economy during the Clinton years and they’ll tell you it was booming because of Bill being such a genius. The only thing that made him a genius was that he had the smarts not to mess with what Ron Regan started years earlier…hell, all Bill did while in office was play golf and chase skirts!

3 years ago

I am not surprised. Not in the least bit. Nobody should be! This is the Democrat party of today (including some “fake” Republicans). They are LIARS! And Liars Will “STEAL”. It is common knowledge to anyone who has been paying just a little attention, they STOLE the 2020 election. They now have NO intention to stop. They must BE “stopped”!

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

Trump was a businessman, the current hacks are politicians. Trump pushed to get things done, the hacks pushed for votes.
Trump has common sense. The hacks never heard of the word.

3 years ago

U 4 got about clinton taking credit 4 reducing those on welfare. When it was the replubicans who did it. but we’re afraid 2 take credit 4 it

3 years ago

Both parties need to take credit for the last 12-years of increasing Federal Debt & start working on paying this off and not adding to it. Our future generations will be the ones who will be saddled with this if we do not act.

3 years ago

Write your Senators & Congressmen & tell them that ” Cybersecurity should be a higher priority today than packing Supreme Court”. We must learn by the pipeline attacks this week.

3 years ago

They are both scumbag liars and trying to take credit from Trump because they are incapable of doing anything good themselves

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

This site appears to have a selective screening process on what is printed !!!

Rachel Orstad
Rachel Orstad
3 years ago

Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden have never signed a paycheck or created any business that helps folks. They are both takers not givers. They are also liars. Please guys, just keep your mouths shut.

3 years ago

They are both dirtbags who want to force us to bow down and pay their way and take credit for (their successes)not.They do nothing but kiss China and Iran’s butts.

3 years ago

Hypocrisy thy name is Democrat! Why would anyone be surprised.

3 years ago

Dumb & Dumber are total hypocrites! They got a great paycheck and did absolutely nothing for America and yet they are standing there with their hand out trying to get credit for something they never did. Can someone tell me what Obama got the Noble Peace Prize for–are you kidding? Who voted for that? Great representatives there. Who the heck voted for these idiots. We need to kick them to the curb, better yet Jail time and I mean hard core jail-oh like the one Epstein was in!

3 years ago

james michalicek
james michalicek
3 years ago

Biden and Obama are the 2 worst presidents in modern history, from 1945 to present day. Biden is the worst, Obama is second. However, Obama is the worst president of all time who was born in Africa.

3 years ago

Yep, Sleepy Joe has been doing this all through his questionable political “career.” Plagiarizing, lying and taking credit for other peoples ideas. Why would he stop now? President Trump is responsible for the rapid rollout of the vaccine. But Sleepy Joe is taking credit. And this is our President? What a putz!

3 years ago

the Democrats play the game of “if we say it enough the “sheep” will believe it because it will be reported and printed”!

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
3 years ago

The Dems are piggy backing of Trumps success.

Edward T Curtis
Edward T Curtis
3 years ago

In my humble deplorable existence, I have probably done more than Biden ever has done in 47+ years to help guide this country, just by voting, than “Sleepy” Joe has done as an elected official.

3 years ago

Taking credit for all things good and passing blame for all things bad is politics 101; and a Democrat specialty. (Global warming caused all the devistating fires out here in The People’s Republick of Kalifornia, not stupid leftist Democrat policies, don’t you know; they use one lie to support another lie.) Republicans do it too, but are amateurs compared to the Democrats. If you listen to the Obamaphiles and Biden apologists, the booming economy under Trump was all Odumbo’s doing and is being brought back by Biden. And all the good economics under Trump were actually bad things according to Dem’s; and even the best negative spinning required some lies to be added to it to make the narrative plausible. Don’t listen to what is said about something when it comes to politics. Listen only to the facts (and sometimes that’s not so easy to find) and filter everything else out.

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
3 years ago

The democrat in power is not a hypocrite. A hypocrite accepts that he is doing wrong but pretends that he’s not. A democrat in office thinks that all moral judgements are a but hustle to use on those who believe in that sort of thing but otherwise give morality a golden shower. A democrat in office is of his father, the Accuser.

3 years ago

Great read. 2 peas in a pod, spoiled children neither Biden nor Harris ever owned their failures; theirs have been many over decades. President Trump is that speed bump that turned into a mountain. Raised this country up fast. Guess they don’t like mountains.

Geraldine McGann
Geraldine McGann
3 years ago

Yes, just like blaming the current border crises on Trump after it was being well managed with the “Wait in Mexico” agreement between the Central American triangle countries and Mexico and the Wall was well underway. All reversed with the stroke of a pen and open invitation.

Ralph S Mills
Ralph S Mills
3 years ago

The only good politician is an unseated one. Vote all incumbent swamp dwellers OUT.

3 years ago

Send out to all republicans a letter stating all that Trump accomplished plus advertise it on TV. Also, try at 3 AM, when all the informercials are on, you would be surprised how many items are purchased at that time, which means a lot of viewers.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

( D ) stands for american communist. Leftist, marxist, progressive, liberal, all mean communist belief beliefs. Better know our enemies. And I’m serious.

Larry W.
Larry W.
3 years ago

Obama and Biden have to take credit from other’s accomplishments because they have very few of their own. They also copy ideas from the past that failed and somehow make it sound like a good deal, just like all good snake oil salesmen.

3 years ago

Sorry Guys, you are the worst presidents ever to take the White House. Donald Trump is the best President since Ronald Reagan. So, Joe and Barack, go jump and I hope God is good to you when you meet Him because you certainly don’t deserve it.

3 years ago

Wow it’s not like we haven’t seen this playbook before obama did absolutely nothing for America but inflame racial tension right out of the gates with his comment the police acted stupidly! Not even in his own backyard of Chicago as a community organizer then senator then president did he help raise people up lift them out of poverty no President Trump did obama only held them down same with biden that joke had over 48 years in politics and did nothing either. Both went into politics broke came out filthy rich with nothing on their resume but living off the tax payers backs! President Trump ran circles around those pathetic hypocritical lying using losers putting them to shame in under four years imagine if democrats would’ve worked with him how much more couldve been accomplished for the good of the people! President Trump won!!!

John M
John M
3 years ago

Well written and love the format, easy to read without the crap and distracting ads on other media. Well done!

3 years ago

Two incompetent idiots riding on the coattails of the MASTER! Donald J Trump had this all handled and didn’t even break a sweat!

Patsy Reis
Patsy Reis
3 years ago

I don’t think the Democratic will ever give President Trump credit for anything and I don’t think they will improve on anything for us.

Mark L
Mark L
3 years ago

This article says it all, Trump was the best President ever in the History of the United States! It absolutely pisses me off when a person like Biden had absolutely NOTHING to offer Americans and everything to do with failures from the pre-Trump government.
If “We The People”don’t get Biden

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