AMAC Exclusive – By Charles Rex

Last summer, New Hampshire’s state legislature passed the Fetal Life Protection Act, or FLPA, which banned late-term abortions and made the Granite State a leader in protecting the lives of the unborn. The bill, which Republican Governor Chris Sununu signed, went into effect just this month, marking a major victory for the pro-life movement. But that achievement is now at risk. And New Hampshire Republicans – particularly Governor Sununu – aren’t exactly putting up a fight.
After Republicans included FLPA in the state’s budget last year, pro-abortion advocates and Democrats in the state legislature vowed to fight back. They made good on that promise recently by introducing HB 1609, which aims to gut the most important provisions of FLPA and render it effectively useless.
But instead of reaffirming their commitment to life and defending legislation passed by the Republican State Legislature and signed by the Republican governor, some Republican lawmakers and Sununu himself are engaged in an incredible about-face, joining with Democrats to try and kill that very bill under the guise of “refining” it.
In a letter to state legislators, Governor Sununu offered his full support for HB 1609, writing that “Like most Granite Staters, I don’t live in extremes on either side of the issue that is being considered today.” While cynically characterizing the pro-life position as “extreme,” Sununu also called himself “pro-choice,” and stressed that he wanted to ensure abortions remained “safe and accessible.”
Sununu is not alone either – incredibly, six Republicans have co-sponsored the legislation. In doing so, they are not only failing to protect innocent life, but are directly defying the principles embedded in the platform of the New Hampshire Republican Party, which includes the following statement: “We believe that life is sacred, from conception to natural death and that we cannot diminish the value of one category of human life without diminishing the value of all human life.”
Rather than own up to the flip-flop, Sununu has adopted Democrats’ talking points and says the new legislation “fixes” the Fetal Life Protection Act by creating exceptions for rape and incest, the health of the mother, and fetal anomalies.
But carving out those exceedingly rare cases are not the primary purpose of the new bill, as Governor and his Republican colleagues are no doubt aware. The real purpose of the legislation is to remove the requirement for an ultrasound prior to an abortion.
Why is that so important? Because the ultrasound is the only accurate and objective measurement of the baby’s age. The FLPA bans abortions after 24 weeks, and therefore mandates that an ultrasound be conducted before performing the abortion to confirm the baby’s age.
Democrats haven’t stopped there, either. In the state senate, they are working on a full repeal of FLPA, making clear what their ultimate goal is. SB 399, the repeal bill, had its first public hearing last Wednesday. If Sununu’s comments on SB 1609 are any indication, despite the advantage Republicans hold in the legislature and a sitting Republican governor, that bill has a real chance.
Just how radical is Governor Sununu’s flip flop?
Just an hour south down the road in Boston, fellow Republican Governor Charlie Baker, who is not exactly leading the March for Life every year, vetoed a similar pro-abortion bill in Massachusetts. Because Baker still presides over the Massachusetts legislature and its Democratic super-majority, Democrats ultimately overrode his veto.
But the contrast is still striking. Instead of putting up any resistance, Sununu is joining with Democrats to undo something he signed into law just a few months ago. The effort to undo the Fetal Life Protection Act is also the opposite of moderate. It is the Act itself which represents exactly the kind of modest limitation on abortion—only limiting abortions “performed in months 7, 8, and 9 of pregnancy” —that the vast majority of Americans support.
As a sign of just how liberal Sununu has become recently, he now has a new fan in Washington – President Joe Biden. Biden quoted Sununu’s criticism of Republicans in the U.S. Senate extensively at his recent press conference, using the governor’s comments to slam Senate Republicans for being a “roadblock” to Biden’s radical agenda, including, tellingly, Biden’s attempt to eliminate the Hyde Amendment and pave the way for government funding of abortion.
The great irony, of course, is that the unborn children of New Hampshire could use someone willing to be a roadblock to what’s happening right now – if only Governor Sununu and Republicans in the state could find the courage to do so.
Charles Rex is the pen name of an eternal optimist with the scars to prove it. Rex is certain that the future of liberty flows from the state capitols, not Washington.
What it appears we have here is yet another group of RINOs (Democrats with an (R) after their name pretending to be Republicans until there is some push back from left) probably saw a poll where they saw their re-election prospects were potentially at risk and they are now looking to “reach across the aisle” (code for RINOs caving to whatever the Democrat position is on any subject) to enhance their re-election prospects. So what else is new? This is what RINOs do.
If the people of New Hampshire don’t like this latest move, then they should opt for electing true constitutional conservatives with a real spine, instead of some establishment Republicans or RINOs that change their stances whenever the wind changes direction slightly. People get the type of government they elect. Raise your standards for what you expect and demand more from the people you elect or settle for this type of flip-flopping over and over again.
All who vote knowingly for abortion have the blood of the murdered babies on their heads !! Not my words……
but the word of GOD !! He hates the shedding of innocent blood and nothing on this earth is more innocent than an unborn baby !!!
He is just one rino among thousands of baby killers
Follow the money, then you can see who the traitorous assholes are and then hit them hard with TV and newspaper ads, explaining everything.
Time to replace the governor with a pro life person.
Governors like this and Roberts & Kavanaugh on the SCOTUS, are gutless traitors to America. They are an embarrassment to America and to humanity in general. They are either being bought or threatened to change their decisions to defend the defenseless. They might as well tattoo the Democrat logo on their foreheads.
Gee. Then the GOP and and Republican politicians act surprised when I don’t give them money and block them on my phone.
we need to have term limits and people with principles…. he reminds me of the quote from Groucho Marx’s “I have principles but if you don’t like them I have others”
It is an election year so lots of politicians will not be standing up for anything if they think it may not appeal to some voters. So no, they will not be showing a strong prolife agenda this year.
THEIR WHOLE/maybe not whole, but their system at the rate it is going –
THEY can all be called – what is a great word/or words for the traitors.
I AM tired of reading all that is going on in Brandens admin etc.
I have PTSD – barely read even AMAC anymore – or EPOCH times.
Cant do diddly about it anyway.- but CONMTX is right.
I sure do not enjoy (AMAC) reading ALL this NEGATIVE SINFUL B.S. that goes on with this
TRAITORESS Admin we have, ruining the country.
There is STILL about 3 years of this REGIME to contend with. SAD just SAD.
One day these people will answer for their ways. especially PRO baby killer types.
I am done with this. BYE
Money talks…. he will have to live everyday with that decision. Hope it will never be one of his grandchildren one day.????????soooo disappointing. I pray one day the Republicans can get on same page and fight for morals and values our country use to have.????????♀️????????????????
Its what RINOs do
how much did Joe & Nancy write him a check for? we may never know.
When will politicians stand up for moral principles and God’s truth? So sad.
Nothing new under the sun in Rinodom. . . RINO John Sununu (Chris’ daddy) recommended to RINO George H W Bush the nomination of RINO David Souter to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Ask yourself why after 50 years of empty promises, the Republican Party has so little to show for its pro-life rhetoric. Maybe Trump’s SCOTUS appointees will see the light this Spring and reverse Roe . . . but don’t hold your breath . . . Beyer, Kagan, Sotomayor, Roberts, and Kavanaugh are all it takes to screw things up once again . . . but even if the pro-lifers prevail, political operators like Chris Sununu will make sure that their states remain safely pro-abortion.
Truly appreciate: “Charles Rex is the pen name of an eternal optimist with the scars to prove it. Rex is certain that the future of liberty flows from the state capitols, not Washington.”
Amen & Thank you!
One word some’s this up ———SHAMEFUL!
God is watching!
The last name says it all. No different than Cheney. The name indicates where the person will stand on things.
Just exactly what is the “product of rape or incest”? A monkey? A refrigerator? If there is a baby of whatever age, “terminating” her is murder, plain and simple.
I too favor PRO-CHOICE however women & men have contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. America birth rates have been declining for a long time & with the greatest number of ‘Seniors’ set to pass away in the next 20 years, this country will be hard pressed to support itself.
so do the democrats have incriminating pictures of Sununu & the Rinos with Epstein? Or did Sununu & the Rinos take a bribe?
Pro Choice = word salad for legislated murder.
No faith in Republican party. They stand united on nothing except getting reelected.
Abortion is a private and personal matter for each individual, male or female. It is not a political football! You are alienation huge swathes of your voters. Your intrusion into their private beliefs will not be forgotten or forgiven in election booths! Republicans have lost millions of votes from the moral and silent majority! Leave these matters to each individuals personal values! Forced morality, on either side, usually backfires!
my mother told me what the best birth control was—— an aspirin ! as long as you keep it between your knees you are safe if you never want kids keep your legs closed or get sterilized ! why should us taxpayers pay for your lack of morals ??
Abortion is the taking away of an innocent life. I am sure beyond any doubt that there are legitimate reasons why an abortion can be performed. The unborn child should be given the dignity of life and not be sacrificed for frivolous reasons. If steps can be taken to better prevent unwanted pregnancies then it should be well funded.
I, personally, do not like abortion but at the same time I do not feel that it should be outlawed. The decision to have an abortion should be left up to the parents in cases where there are extenuating circumstances or if there is no father in the picture it should be up to the ‘mother’. I also agree that if an abortion is to be done it should be as soon as possible before the embryo/fetus is viable and according to experts that is 24 weeks.
Actually haven’t seen a lot of difference between deemos and rinos, of which the republican party has many! They are all after the big bucks that come for politicians nowdays!
Abstinence and birth control are answers to unwanted pregnancies. If fetal deformation, rape or incest, or risk of death to the mother were the only allowable reasons for abortion, there would be very few abortions. Most abortions are performed because the “mother” (and I use that term loosely) finds having a child inconvenient. Do your own research. I Googled “Reasons given for abortion”. Adoption is another alternative to abortion, with many couples waiting years for a child to adopt.
Abortion is simply murder in God’s eyes and the Catholic Church. Many of these women end up grieving in the long run. Pro-abortionists don’t tell them that. I am also against paying for someone’s murder of her child.
Not so surprising. We can expect to be thwarted on every side if we put out trust in politicians.
There are many many aborted babies in heaven. What if the mother ends up there somehow? I wonder.
What did you expect from RHINOS in all the northeast states, basically there all the same
Killing a child is always wrong. These republicans have no courage. And apparently no faith in what is right. They are all acting like Judases.
Most republicans in NH are RINO’s anyway so what did you expect!?
Things are sure upside down. We watch North Woods Law occasionally, and the wildlife officers in New Hampshire will go out of their way to save animals….too bad they don’t feel the same way about babies!!
They took the money.
These supposed ‘representatives of the people’ are little more than arrogant, self serving, thieves who live the high life while getting richer and richer …. at the expense of those THEY ARE SWORN TO SERVE!
When WILL people realize, legalized abortion on demand “is” a self imposed curse on our nation.
Right out of the Republican play book, as we have come to expect.
This is what is wrong with the Republican party….they have NO BALLS and NO COURAGE…they have become spineless. I can say one thing for the Communist Democrats….they stick together like flies on sugar. The Republicans cave to their demands which actually gives them more power. All this governor has to do is have enough gonads to veto the damn bill when it comes to his desk if the spineless Republicans in Congress end up passing it.
Why is it OK to murder babies but it is not OK to murder the brain-dead animals who demand the right to murder babies? Just asking the question…
I hate to say it, but “typical” for Republicans. They often have by far the best agendas, but they almost always seem to have the weakest knees and buckle?/ We really needed that Tea Party to succeed but they were made up of disgruntled republicans and buckled as well. Now they are already claiming victory in 2022 (God forbid it be more Democraps) – and they are all singing their claims to the future but they can never get their acts together. They do not have the leader they had in Trump, just the scum they have with Cheney and alike!!
The term is known as RINO// If you live in the NE and your state is New Hampshire the chances of you being a liberal are 90%// Wake up realize their is massive inflation/Border problems/Foreign Policy nightmare/Covid leaders are garbage/Shutdown of business is a joke/Schools in the USA are pitiful/CWhich brings me back to this RINO in New Hampshire rime problems are severe and run by BLUE STATE Governors/Which brings me back to SUNUNU who reality likes killing live babies/ The term RINO fits this loser to a T///
This Sununu is related to the John Sununu who was HW Bush’s chief of staff and the Man Behind the Souter Pick. Decades of “constitutionally protected” abortion was the result. I thought this Sununu might redeem his ancestory. How sad!
I smell a rat.
The Governor of New Hampshire is a RAT
As a former legislator this term, please look into this fraud of a Republican! He used his State Police detail to arrest a 72 year old grandmother and 8 other citizens at an Executive Council meeting on October 13 2021 opposing taking $27M from the federal government ( Biden) for vaccine mandates.
The citizenry were trying to redress their grievances, Terese Grinnell a Nurse was one of the arrests for saying “Amen”’
He is tyrannical, a little research will show. We need Nationsl attention on this ‘boy next door” darling of the establishment Republicans!
He is a Rat through and through. If we could get a FOIA on his cell phone records he txt the AG deputy and his Detail officers, The State Police, we can prove it was a set up to intimidate us from Protesting him.
As a duly elected State Rep he had me removed from the State House on Jan 7th 2021 his Inauguration Day. He made it an elitist private affair citing “Armed Protesters” at his house! A Republican Governor? A second Amendment guy? No not at all…
Please help expose him to the nation for the FRAUD that he is!
Hon. Anne Copp
Once again showing why everyone who is conservative has to be very careful when voting for the “republican” candidate. And when he turns rino after being elected, VOTE HIS ASS OUT at the next election!!! GET RID OF PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS!!!!!