By: Michael Teninty - AMAC Action’s Chief Policy Analyst

The cause of the American Revolution, the action that led to our independence, was predicated on the rejection of tyranny, the rejection of a remote command by a far-off regime over local people in the colonies that became the United States.
Beginning with secrecy in their discussions, and after accepting the Lee Resolution, the 2nd Continental Congress initiated the work of declaring our independence from England, noting their objections to the edicts of King George III. An initial review of these policies was issued in the form of a Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms; but the final document, signed on the 4th of July 1776, came in the form of the timeless and immutable Declaration of Independence; a document with the weight and gravitas to accuse a King of wrongdoing, and establish these United States of America.
It had become evident that the “evils” impressed on the early American colonists were no longer “sufferable” and so it was necessary to “dissolve our political bands” for the reasons given in 18 charges with nine specifications against the King of England. A review of some of these charges may shed light on the status of our national disposition under the Biden administration.
The first objection against the King of England was that “He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.” This charge is based on the King’s refusal to review laws that colony governments designed for themselves which could not go into effect without the assent of the King, which he did not give, or ignored.
In an echo of that denial to assent, President Biden vetoed a bill that would clearly have prevented a violation of the fiduciary responsibility of retirement managers and other financial professionals with regard to the imposition of “Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)” influences, ripe for running rampant in the business sector. He refused to assent to a law “wholesome and necessary for the public good.”
Additionally, a bill that would allow police in the District of Columbia to perform their important role in public safety unencumbered by unnecessary restraints, a bill that would carry weight in consideration of future similar bills from other states and at the federal level, a bill that is truly necessary for the public good, was vetoed on 25 May 2023.
The Colonists’ 10th objection, and our second charge: “He has erected a multitude of New Offices and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”
By signing the “Inflation Reduction Act” into law and allowing the Department of Homeland Security to even entertain the idea of a ministry of truth (Disinformation Governance Board), he has unleashed a weaponized administrative and, subsequently legal system, not the least of which will be composed of 87,000 new Internal Revenue Service Officers, against his fellow Americans.
And finally, for our conversation, the final objection in the Declaration of Independence, and the charge concluding this consideration, the colonists note: “He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.”
In President Biden’s first speech on 10 January 2021, he promised “I will be a President for all Americans.” At first review this statement is all inclusive of Americans, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, religion, and/or political philosophies. But sadly, in the infamous “red speech,” President Biden abdicated his responsibilities, declining to govern “for all Americans,” declaring half of Americans out of his protection, and waging “War against us.”
Additional charges, germane to our time as Americans, are more than warranted. Consider this as added to the spirit of the Declaration of Independence, the document that defined our nation. The President has “failed to faithfully execute the office” by refusing to close our southern border. This refusal has led to rampant abuse of our treasure and goodwill, increased criminal drug and human trafficking, and blurring the line between where American law and soil is, and where it is not.
Those of us who recognize his actions for what they are: unethical, un-American, un-Constitutional, and worthy of our consideration, should now declare our independence from the Biden regime.
But how?
Acknowledge that the framework our forefathers codified into our Constitution is not flawed. Understand that the officials in the Biden administration, including President Biden himself, have violated their oath to “support and defend” the Constitution. Recognize that it is within an insidious culture of leftist liberalism, in which the Constitution is not only ignored, but assaulted, that President Biden has ultimately abdicated his responsibility to govern. It is the infidelity to his oath, and the infidelity of his followers to the same that has led to these charges against them. With this failure, the President has disregarded his entire oath before God.
The way forward, my fellow Americans, is to vehemently participate in the course of your nation going forward. Vote out those who fail their oath. Take the oath yourself, go to government meetings and hearings, run for office, stand up when our elected officials forget their place. Read and study our history, volunteer with and support organizations like AMAC Action, who will take up the mantle of securing our liberty with you. For it is by our actions in the name of Christ that God blesses America.
Hailing from Florida by Alaska, Michael Teninty is a Husband, Father, and retired Naval Officer who continues to support and defend the Constitution of the United States as AMAC Action’s Chief Policy Analyst, a Conservative Political Philosopher, and most importantly, a servant of Jesus Christ.
Excellent article.
“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”
King is way to kind of a title, he Is a tyrannical dictator with dementia.
President Biden is acting as King, for sure. King of the Democrat Party, and Demonizing anyone who disagrees with his FIAT RULE and did not vote for him !!
I hope the King is ok with being dethroned soon!! I hope that won’t cause undo harm to his highness!! I, for one, can’t wait to see him and many Democrats out of the picture!! I am feeling very sorry for my grandchildren who will have to deal with the legacy Joe has left them to clean up!!! It seems that Democrats don’t understand or care about freedoms of everyone, only themselves!!
You should show this article to the house members who are looking into all the things Biden has done that mirror the King. They would love to use these comparisons. It is a terrific article of camparison !
biden and his entire administration need to be in prison.
Joe Biden is more of a jester than a king. Biden does the bidding of socialist billionaires and communist Chinese along with a Ukrainian puppet leader, all of whom the Biden family owes debts to for putting Biden in the office of the presidency.
Can we THE PEOPLE prevail in throwing this liberal noose off us and safe our CONSTITUTION AND GOD WILLING. AND HIS GRACE IS ENDLESS , SAFE US GOD. AMEN .Is my prayer. VERY GOOD AND EXCELLENT ARTICLE
Oaths? That’s a joke: they simply cross their fingers taking those…
Only Hunter got indicted for gun charges
Well done. History is a map to our times. Because the offended colonies discussed their grievances carefully before cutting ties with the King, and wrote their conclusions, we have a clearer view of our present self-appointed king. No we should not keep this ruler.
Comrade, you continue to show your ignorance by making idiotic comments. Nobody but you thinks that “Trump wants to be a King”. But then again, everyone knows you’re a cowardly dishonest phony because you can’t even use your real name.
Just WOW! If only the 3% of the citizens were of this mind, maybe our America could be reborn. I regret that freedom is lost forever. We refuse to take on the enemy, expecting the “vote” to correct all ills. We have been shown that the enemy controls the “vote” and openly dares us to investigate his actions. Lives are being destroyed in the darkness of our MSM. Only if we openly are willing to lose our lives for freedom will it ever survive.