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Judicial Delays and Political Plays: The Strategy to Prevent Trump’s Presidency

Posted on Friday, September 6, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

“We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run, making sure he — under legitimate efforts of our Constitution — does not become the next president again.” This ominous statement came from President Joe Biden when asked by a CNN reporter what Biden could do to reassure the world that Trump would not return to the White House and “take power.”

Biden’s response alarmed many people at the time and was made just as Trump had teased that he was in fact going to announce running again for the presidency. Many concluded this statement implied that the Democrats were not going to let the people decide and were going to somehow “make sure” Trump was stopped. Biden revealed his own awareness of the nature of what he was saying by adding in almost as an aside “under legitimate efforts of our Constitution,” but that simply reinforced how the remark could be frighteningly interpreted.

Now two years later, we can say we learned exactly what Biden meant. Democrats have implemented an obscene and reckless campaign of lawfare against Trump resulting in dozens of felony indictments and multiple trials in a clear effort to destroy his public support and to take him off the field through imprisonment or some kind of confinement.

But this week, two judges who could have delivered the Democrats their fever dream of confining Trump and putting him on trial again in the weeks leading up to the election, blinked.

Federal Judge Tanya Chutkan postponed Jack Smith’s January 6th case against Trump until November 7, after election day. Just a day later Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan delayed the sentencing of Donald Trump in the aftermath of the so-called “hush money” verdict in New York. In delaying the sentencing also after the election from September 18 to November 26 the New York Post reported, “In a four-page decision, Merchan wrote he was delaying the sentencing in a bid to combat “unwarranted” claims that his decision on Trump’s punishment could be based on politics rather than the law, so close to the election.”

What Merchan ignores is that the entire effort has been based on politics. But something happened none of them expected—by refusing to leave Trump’s side, the American people said enough is enough.

From the start I have contended that there was one meaning to Biden’s words and we saw multiple legal efforts geared toward imprisoning Donald Trump. Everything involved in the federal case, as an example, like the absurd and dangerous raid on Mar-a-Lago, was designed for public consumption as propaganda meant to destroy Donald Trump’s appeal and support.

But Americans began to see this calculated and organized effort against a political opponent as deeply unfair. It was and is, as many have described it, a witch hunt. Too many Americans themselves have experienced a justice system that is biased, unfair, and political at its root. But unlike the super-majority of Americans, Trump had the money with which to fight. And thank goodness he did.

Trump had the financial and legal resources to confront every effort against him, appealing at every level, including to the US Supreme Court on the issue of presidential immunity, on which he prevailed. All of his actions, while they did not stop the rabid obsession of the establishment to “make sure” he does not become president again, delayed their kangaroo courts and forced the federal government, in particular, to have to rework their scheme in light of that Supreme Court ruling.

The Democrats and their enforcers in New York, Georgia, and the Department of Justice, also severely underestimated the American character and our distaste for overgrown bullies sucker punching not only Trump, but the country itself, in the face every day. The only explanation for the brazen abuse of our legal system in an attempt to destroy a political leader in this country is the belief by the Democrats that they could get away with it because they’ve gotten away with so much more.

Trump’s polls began to rise after each contrived legal case against him making it clear that once again the Democrats had underestimated the American people.

Every single court case contrived against Donald Trump was designed to remove him from public life. Many people during this process couldn’t believe that the courts would imprison the most popular American politician on the scene today. But my answer is, if they were thinking reasonably and logically at all, none of this would be happening in the first place.

With the decisions this week from Chutkan and Merchan the Democrats and the left have had a very bad week. Their golden ring dreams of taking out Trump before the election have failed, but only because his public support increased and he easily became the GOP’s presidential nominee for the third time.

Keep in mind, their expectation of having Trump in jail also explained their continued support of Biden, despite his obvious cognitive decline, until it became obvious Trump wasn’t going anywhere. After all, in their imaginations, if Trump was off the field, then they could install anyone into the Oval Office, including a confused Biden. Then, suddenly, the Democrats decided to throw Jill Biden’s suffering husband under the bus.

The November 5th election has been recognized as an inflection point for this nation. The last four years have made the choice very clear. If you love the impact of inflation, crime, an open border, and a world at war, vote for Kamala, and you’ll get more of the same on steroids. If you want a return to law and order, a better economy, a secure nation, and an America that keeps the world at peace through strength, vote for Donald Trump.

Like with so many banana republics, if Donald Trump loses on November 5th, the establishment will imprison him one way or another. As long as he can talk and be seen he is a threat to the establishment because he encourages regular Americans to have faith and to trust in themselves. He encourages us to never back down and to fight, fight, fight for what is right. As a result, November 5th is now going to be the biggest jury verdict in the history of the country. All of us with our vote will be sending a message to our corrupt system about what is acceptable and who we are as a people.

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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1 month ago

If you love the USA you better vote Trump!

1 month ago

The political reasons for delaying the sentencing by these two leftist judges is, they know if they did any sentencing before the election it would probably give Trump a boost in the polls. They know too many Americans see the whole thing for what it is, a political prosecution, so they will bide their time. Even if he wins, they may sentence him to prison and then a bunch of democrats will get together and devise some way to say he can’t be president if he’s in prison and a felon. I wouldn’t put any low life deed past anything deep state democrats would do to keep him out. They’ve already tried to kill him once and it very well may happen again before or after he wins!

Lynne R
Lynne R
1 month ago

Good God what country do I live in ? People have to wake up.

Joyce R
Joyce R
1 month ago

The Dems cheated last election, they’ll most likely cheat again. But somehow we’ve got to get Trump elected!

1 month ago

So, does ANYONE still think the communist democrats are fair? They are the party of lies and destruction. Hate filled evil people that reject all moral values. How can ANYONE want that for “leadership” for our country?

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

America, once a proud eagle became a timid sparrow. If she is to survive she needs to become great again

1 month ago

Great writing! Bravo! Right on! You go girl! EVERYONE should read it, including the fake media pundits who always have it all WRONG! It’s so REFRESHING to hear the TRUTH, even if it is somber. THANK YOU! We needed that! You are TOTALLY RIGHT in every word you wrote!

Jerry shoto
Jerry shoto
1 month ago

Good reporting. Love you. You’re a great reporter & pretty soft on the eyes as well! ????

1 month ago

Cancel Culture – one step closer to a police state. Hard to believe this is happening in America. The outcome of this election is critical. Praying Trump survives but it is an uphill battle, and will continue to be even if he manages to pull a win. I have seen reports of some states cleaning up their voter rolls but who knows what else will be pulled out of the hat to rig the results. Again, hard to believe this is happening in America.
Just a reminder that government is not eternal, but God is. He knows. He is the ultimate hope in life, regardless of the outcome of this election. But it would be nice to have a return to a more civil society, if that is even possible now. The ones who scream “intolerance” the loudest are the very ones who are intolerant of the conservative right.

Jerry shoto
Jerry shoto
1 month ago

Great reporting!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Biden also warned there would be no “peaceful turnover of power” if Trump wins too. Trial after trial, indictment after indictments: ronic they charge Trump with “election interference”? And if Trump dies win, get ready for more impeachments assuming the Republican wave fizzles again.

1 month ago

Biden got thrown under the Bus right around when the Establishment missed?

Renate Link
Renate Link
29 days ago

This article is so true that I wanted to chair it with you.

Ken Bauman
Ken Bauman
1 month ago

I support Trump 100% but am very concerned about the democrats cheating again and also about the axis of evils in the world to cause interference in the election. Because they’ll do anything to prevent trump from taking power! Borders, language

1 month ago

I’m 72 , and never have felt the country is on the verge of a Civil War as it is now . After the 2020 election was stolen by a corrupt Washington machine …. I feel the majority of the AMERICAN PEOPLE have had enough and want their Country back .. And if it takes a Civil War or a REAL REVOLUTION after the Stock Market crashes …. Then let it begin…

1 month ago

If Mr. Trump is not elected we will be in the heart of a war within 1 year. Not just any war, but a nuclear battle for our lives. Our enemy’s will eat her for lunch.

Kathleen Kachinske
Kathleen Kachinske
1 month ago

What’s next depends on the fact that it is hyper critical to get a majority in the House & Senate so that they can’t use the purple boo to keep him from taking office in January!!! Vote all republican senators & House!!!!

1 month ago

AMAC – you published TWELVE in a row posts by ’50/50′ we had to read through, but you censored FOUR of my ‘replies’ to him. Why? He was advocating for very adverse positions, and I merely pointed out what was wrong with them. I wasn’t disrespectful or discourteous, and didn’t use any crude language. Why would you censor ME and NOT HIM??? I am a MEMBER of AMAC because we believe the same things! I don’t get it. I had to go through several double-proofs that I’m not a Robot! Why did you do that? I see disagreeing replies on here all the time from others. Can someone there contact me and tell me what I did wrong that you wouldn’t print my posts, but only HIS?

Meg Mano
Meg Mano
1 month ago

I wish these views WOULD reflect the AMAC because it is right. The Democrats, at the hands of the Left, are conducting a witch-hunt and the election is the most important election in years. God is in charge and I’m praying He will hears our prayers and deliver Trump as the President. Praise His Holy Name!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

That there is not one person from dems party who will stand up opposite him, look him in the eye and debunk all the lies he allegedly says , debate him and expose him for a liar , speaks for itself.

harvard law grad
harvard law grad
1 month ago

bruce tammy, you are wrong, the only lawfare is against hunter biden who is innocent, im a graduate of harvard law school

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