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Joe Biden Is No Donald Trump, And the Taliban Knew It

Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive By: Shane Harris

trumpHowever often Democrats and the mainstream media may parrot Biden’s claim that he was “only doing what President Trump would have done” in pulling out of Afghanistan, it doesn’t appear that many people are buying it. After the 45th President’s sterling record of success in the Middle East that included the historic Abraham Accords, the defeat of ISIS, and the successful elimination of numerous dangerous terrorist leaders, the common refrain heard around many dinner tables and coffee shops in the United States this week is “this never would’ve happened if Trump was still in office.”

The American people are right – the unmitigated disaster that has unfolded over the past several days would not have occurred had President Trump overseen the withdraw. The reason why is simple: the Taliban feared President Trump as they clearly do not fear Joe Biden. And for good reason.

During President Trump’s time in office, he engaged in a series of negotiations with the Taliban to orchestrate an orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan that was contingent on the Taliban adhering to certain conditions. But President Trump promised that if the Taliban were to violate those conditions, he would respond swiftly and decisively with deadly force.

On September 4, 2019, the Taliban exploded a car bomb in Kabul that killed more than 10 people, including an American service member. True to his word, President Trump ceased negotiations and responded by ordering a devastating aerial bombardment, making clear that the Taliban was not to cross the United States under Trump’s leadership.

Just days after the attack, at a speech outside the Pentagon commemorating the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, President Trump said that “they [the Taliban] thought they could use the attack to show strength, but actually what they showed is weakness,” adding that “the last four days we have hit our enemy harder than they have ever been hit before, and that will continue.”

The numbers support President Trump’s assertion. According to Air Force data, the United States unleashed 948 bombs and missiles on Afghanistan in September of 2019, far outpacing any other single month since at least 2013. The 948 figure represents a full 13% increase from the next highest monthly total of 841, which occurred in both September and October of 2018.

In fact, due in large part to the ferocity of the airstrikes in September of 2019, the United States dropped more pieces of ordinance on Afghanistan than any other year of the war, totaling 7,423. Even during the height of the war in 2010 and 2011, coalition aircraft only dropped 5,100 and 5,411 bombs and missiles, respectively.

The numbers show that President Trump was not afraid to follow through on his word. He established a credible deterrence through his use of force, placing the United States in a strong negotiating position when talks resumed. As a result, the United States did not see a single combat death in Afghanistan for 18 months.

Conversely, President Biden has not established any sort of credible deterrence. Biden did not outline any conditions for the United States’ withdraw and has shown zero evidence that he is willing to use force to keep the Taliban in line as did President Trump. As a result, the Taliban have responded as all bullies and thugs do, by seeing just how much they can get away with.

With President Trump in office, the Taliban knew they must adhere to the terms laid out by the United States, lest they risk a return of the withering destruction they faced in 2019. With President Biden, there appears to be no such threat. As a result, chaos reigns in the streets of Kabul, and the Taliban are resurgent in the region once again.

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Patrick Nocero
Patrick Nocero
3 years ago

Right On!

3 years ago

The inconvenient fact for the Democrats, the media and the Never Trumpers is that for President Trump’s entire term in office, we did not enter any new wars nor were we attacked. He actually eliminated ISIS, another creation of the incompetence of the Obama / Biden bungled exit from Iraq, and established four separate peace and economic deals in the Middle East. All in between being constantly attacked by the cabal that resented him for messing up their timetable to gut America. Our enemies universally feared us, because they all knew the kind of retaliation that President Trump would unleash on them and our allies knew we would have their backs. Even if some of them wouldn’t have ours.

I listened tonight to an aid to former President Trump outline some of the specifics of Trump’s plan for exiting Afghanistan. It bears no resemblance to the fiasco that Biden carried out. Which I didn’t find surprising. Like everything else Biden has done since taking office, he chucked whatever President Trump had planned or implemented and substituted “the Biden solution” (do the opposite of what Trump would do) with predictable, disastrous results. Now we have American State Department officials begging Taliban thugs to allow between 5,000 and 10,000 Americans still in Afghanistan to be allowed to get to the airport, so they can be air-lifted out. All while a Biden administration official today admitted that Americans weren’t being given priority one status for evacuation even once they reach the airport. So that is also being mucked up as well. Biden’s official this afternoon wouldn’t even commit to being able to ensure all Americans will be safely evacuated by the deadline of August 31st Biden had originally set. So is the administration just going to write-off anyone unable to reach the airport by the date? I wouldn’t put it past the Biden administration after today’s WH press briefing.

The Taliban are already going door to door looking for anyone who helped America and dragging them off. So one has to wonder what happens when they get their hands on American citizens. Anyone thinking a potential redux of the Iranian hostage crisis except this time in Afghanistan, with Biden playing the feckless Jimmy Carter role?

Obviously the American troops Biden is sending back in can’t get to the Americans that are outside of the airport itself, because the Taliban is restricting their presence to the airport. We have no alternative base of operations in country, because Biden abandoned both our fully stocked military air bases in the middle of the night. Way to go Joe! Nothing like bugging out all military forces BEFORE you ensure all American civilians are already safe and secure.

With the Taliban now armed with nearly a billion dollars (latest estimate from the defense dept. this afternoon) worth of arms, munitions, vehicles, tanks and helicopters (which thankfully most of their illiterate fighters can’t fly), our troops would be slaughtered, if they tried to go into Kabul city itself in search of Americans.

Finally, Biden has sent a clear and concise message to all our enemies around the world: Now is the time to strike. America is headed by a inept fool and an administration that is equally deficient in being able to handle much of anything. If you liked how easy it used to be to push Obama and his people around on the foreign policy stage, you’re going to love Joe Biden. He makes Obama almost seem semi-competent. Meanwhile all our allies realize they are on their own. The one bright spot from all of this utter incompetence on the part of the Biden administration is that many of our allies, that refused to fund their own defense needs for decades, because they thought the United States would always be there to bail them out, have to all be frantically trying to build up their own armed forces now.

3 years ago

I didn’t vote for Biden, I didn’t want him in office and I was devastated when President Trump lost the election. Sure he can be abrasive but he’s a hard nosed business man who loves this country. The next two election cycles I hope the Democrats hear and get the “clarion call” from the voters. This ineffective and sometimes socialist garbage has got to stop.
The Republicans have to mine for the best talent and get them out there to run for election.
Yeah, we had to bail from Afghanistan but I suspect President Trump would have prepositioned personnel and quietly started an evacuation in advance. He would have told the news media to “shutup or else” and got this thing going. Unfortunately, the outcome would have been the same but if the Afghans aren’t willing to fight for democracy, we (the U.S.) can’t fight the war for them.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Joe was there for 1975 Vietnam debacle as Senator then, Rerun Joe

3 years ago

I’m glad Biden wasn’t president during WWII. We’d be drinking saké and eating Sushi.

3 years ago

We always wanted to know what it would be like with a Sissy President.

John Bonds
John Bonds
3 years ago

Seven months of disastrous leadership. I don’t know how our country can survive 41 more months. I don’t think Biden will be in office much longer. I fear Harris will be worse.

sick of the stupid
sick of the stupid
3 years ago

Everything this idiot President has touched is going wrong. He has inept people in his Cabinet, The General in charge of the defense dept. is a dope and incompetent. The economy is running because of the way Trump set it up. Biden leaves billions of dollars worth of weapons for the Taliban and any other group that wants them. Leaves American stranded to fend for themselves or die.
He is destroying the Nation and western Civilization all at the same time.
Also the border is wide open for these warriors to come here and fight in our cities with our weapons against us. This idiot is not only the worst president in my lifetime but he truly is the stupidest man in History as president as well. God help us 30 years from now.

David Schneider
David Schneider
3 years ago

Trump let 5,000 Taliban fighters out of jail including the guy who is running the show

D. Brown
D. Brown
3 years ago

This latest debacle of the inept Joe-tard Clown-Show also helps to show us the people who continue to support this administration ARE the enemies within, and need to be dealt with accordingly.

George W Holzman
George W Holzman
3 years ago

I say lets eliminate Joe Biden from the so called presidency that he stole and put the real president Donald Trump in office where he belongs Before Biden kills this country.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

Well, when Obozo paid the Iranians–now Biden will pay the Tali-bums. Biden could not manage a hot dog stand. This fool is tghe laughing stock of the world along with the Dim-Wit party. The deficit will exceed $30,000,000,000,000 real quick under Biden and our children and grandchildren will suffer for this idiot’s lack of responsibility. Food stamp allotment to go up 25% on October 1st. Social Security will go up 6% at best. Of course Biden does not think (only A$$umes) that our groceries do not cost us as much. The way the Gub-Mint figures inflation, the seniors will lose about $320 a year by their A$$umptions. Biden is just like Scrooge–If they must die, so be it and decrease the surplus population!! Biden can kiss my A$$–he is out behind the barn eating hay!!

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
3 years ago

All to frequently I feel the need to check and make absolutely sure I did not vote for Biden.

3 years ago

Thank God that neither Joe Biden or Jimmy Carter were POTUS at Pearl Harbor in 1941. The Commander-In-Chief is in charge of our Armed Forces & must listen to his staff & make the right decisions for AMERICA..

3 years ago

Let us face reality. Biden/Harris are not in charge. Obama is the one in charge. The whole
administration is from Obama’s Presidency. Then of course you have George Soros calling the
shots, as well.

Bill Leavelle
Bill Leavelle
3 years ago

peace or pieces…………………maybe oBiden like the skirts they wear…….wants to put our military in em too……sick times….

Duryea Desmarteau
Duryea Desmarteau
3 years ago

The minute the Taliban began moving, Trump would have begun doing to them what he did to ISIS, eliminate the threat completely.

stewart love
stewart love
3 years ago

Unfortunately the rest of the world knows it to.

3 years ago

Isn’t it infuriating that the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan and human rights violations of women in Afghanistan will be rampant while General Milley is more concerned about WHITE RAGE and General Lloyd Austin (Secretary of Defense) is more concerned with Transgender Reassignment Surgery!
Besides Biden, These are the men in charge of our NATIONAL SECURITY! 

Kenneth D.
Kenneth D.
3 years ago

As with the Obama Administration, the Taliban and other Islamic terror groups know they have nothing to fear from the Biden Group of Incompetents and may even be enabled in their endeavors to increase their foot print in critical Middle East territories. One of Obama’s primary objectives was to legitimize the status of terrorist sponsor states on the global stage and to pave the way for future political acolytes such as Biden to build upon that foundation. Obama did kill Bin Laden, but that was because he was expendable and his assassination would enhance Obama’s street cred at home and provide some degree of cover for his true allegiance and agenda.
Terrorist states truly respected and feared President Trump and wisely laid low during his tenure in office…….

3 years ago

Everyone knows Joe is mentally incompetent. Who is really in control, who is pulling the puppet strings?

3 years ago

Biden is an incompetent, immature, and cowardly president. Can’t even call him a leader cuz REAL leaders don’t do what he did and try to blame all the innocent deaths that will occur from HIS decisions on others! Trump would have NEVER done what Biden did!

3 years ago

Democrats are the epitome of appeasement and lawlessness. They allow violent protests that injure and destroy, resulting in deaths and increasing taxes to cover the damages. They make excuses for bad behavior. No one is accountable or responsible. Look at the democratic run cities across the U.S. They look out for the wicked while punishing the obedient. They point the finger and accuse others for their mistakes, as long as they are white and/or Republican. How they handled Afghanistan should not be a surprise to anyone. Is the exact opposite of Trump in being effective and protecting America. He is totally incompetent and unqualified for the job, but of course he knows this and those that orchestrated this whole scheme are bigger and more powerful that we ever imagined. It gets scarier by the day.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

“Joe Biden Is No Donald Trump, And the Taliban Knew It”
So does china. This is all part of the ccp endgame…guaranteed.

3 years ago

For those saints who pray, lift up in your prayers those of the military who have now gotten the word for deployment to Afghanistan to help with evacuate the Biden fiasco. I know 3 who have gotten the word.

3 years ago

Exactly, a Great Article!
PRESIDENT TRUMP , a real leader and cared about America, its Citizens, ALL its people first!
BOZO biden and the democrats are a failed embarrassment and are destroying Our Country!!
We the People will not forget and WILL remove the democrat losers in 2022 and 2024!!
Their America is NOT Our America!!!

RJ from Az
RJ from Az
3 years ago

With regards to bidens speech, I was disappointed that the theme music from Looney Tunes was not played prior to the speech and the banner That’s All Folks was not shown at the end. This guy has no clue to world events and military operations. He’s an embarrassment to our country,,,,and really an embarrassment to the entire world.

3 years ago

And Chuck Todd had the unmitigated gall to assert that things in Afghanistan would be worse under Trump. And to think he was considered one of the more respected journalists.

3 years ago

Great article. I agree with RJ. Biden is not Pro American. He sold out a long time ago to China & Russia and whoever else sent him a check. The Taliban can spot weakness and Biden is full of weakness. Perhaps Joe should have tasked Harris with this project as well-she has no clue either! As an old Vet, I do not know how they left our enemies all our equipment and in tact forts. Where was General Milli, out preaching white rage I bet? President Trump had a viable plan with severe penalties if violated by the Taliban , and they knew it. The only thing worse than Uncle Joe moving mighty slow at the White House is if he is 25’d and Harris gets in, Pelosi moves to number 2. I think both are as incompetent as Joe. Who the heck voted for these idiots? We need to clean our government of the traitorous Progressive Socialist Democrats who do not have the best interest at hear for our Great Country, Constitution and American citizens.

Brenda Akstulewicz
Brenda Akstulewicz
3 years ago

Biden can’t even begin to hold a candle to Trump! This man has been a failure from the beginning. Hopefully this episode will enlighten those dems who are blind to his ineptness.

3 years ago

The whole world knows he’s a senile creepy coward!

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

Thank you, AMAC for running this article, which helps make clear the difference in Trump’s dealing with the Taliban and their violation of the agreement, and Biden’s disastrous pullout.

Andre Bixby
Andre Bixby
3 years ago

Biden can’t get permission to use any ordinance from his handlers even if he had a clue and so desired. Doing so would strip tens of millions of dollars away from the frivolous spending spree the dems and rinos are currently engaged in.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Helga. Not shame on the U.S. but the ones who voted him in,in the first place. To all you weak need leftest,how does it feel yto have a weak kneed president. ??? Kyle L.

3 years ago

I saw on the news today that Biden has only met with two world leaders regarding the mess in Afghanistan.
Sad to say, I was right about who has been pulling Puppet Biden’s strings. It seems Trudeau of Canada met with Hillary Clinton instead of Biden regarding the Afghanistan mess.

3 years ago

The only problem with that is that Nancy Pelosi is the next in line! Talk about a nightmare!

Verl Herriman
Verl Herriman
3 years ago

Why has Biden not been impeached

Al Perpente
Al Perpente
3 years ago

biden doesnt even know where afganastan is unless someone points it out on the map for him or itys on the teleoprompter !!!

3 years ago

This is truly a sad event, as the thousands of Afghans who trusted us will be hunted down and killed by the Taliban. Many Americans are also trapped in country and will probably be beheaded if captured. Pray for them all.

3 years ago

Biden should be impeached. I’m at a lose for words; Biden is so awful. He will singlehandedly destroy America.

3 years ago

Biden is not a leader. Impeach him and maybe we can save America . Christian should be praying 24 hours a day that GOD would get the democrats out of the control they have or this country is goner.

Robin Gerry
Robin Gerry
3 years ago

biden is a criminal and should be hung.

Stephen Lykins
Stephen Lykins
3 years ago

Two comments – 1) for never having been in the military, President Trump was a darn good Commander in Chief and 2) all of you commenters suggesting impeachment of Biden or requesting his resignation, do you honestly believe anyone in the line of succession would be better? I fear they would be far worse, especially the first two!

3 years ago

This weak kneed government leech has to be put in his place along with all of the other financial free loaders. They have no concerns for anyone who isn’t fattening their personal fortune at our expense. Unless we elect someone with a desire to put America first, like President Trump did, we will continue on a path to our demise. God help the United States of America and its loyal law abiding citizens.

Lisa Skinner
Lisa Skinner
3 years ago

Beijing Biden is a total disaster not only for our country but obviously others.
If you voted for him you too are an idiot!! Trump had this terrorist BS under control and now we all pay the price because people’s feelings were hurt by “bad orange man” and voted against him because they believed everything the MSM told them. Sickening!! God bless America cause this is only gonna get uglier????????????????????????????????

3 years ago

He has shown how weak he is as a President of a Great Country! He has shown he can be weak under the actions of the Taliban. He has an F Rating as a President!

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
3 years ago

Sippy Cup joe, the most popular elected official for President of the United States with a record 81 million certified and utterly valid votes cast his way. Is there any American with an IQ above 72 who actually believes that? 5 decades of incompetence, corruption, utter lies and deflection of blame. And this is the best democrats have to offer Americans? Can you imagine how bad that thing waiting in the wings will be if Sippy Cup is their best? Sure, she has corruption on a state level down pat and useless, oppressive ideology down to a science…she’s from California. What fresh hell will we have to endure when Nazi Pelosi, Schuckster Schumer and the Anti-America Squad are behind the laughing gal? Can you imagine the damage not only domestically but in the foreign arena that combination will do? Everything Americans have served, fought for, bled and died for will be destroyed by this disgraceful group of democrats.

Mark L
Mark L
3 years ago

Biden has not the smallest particle of brains compared to President Trump! Not a bit!
Biden is just like the looser Hillary Clinton and Obama, none of them have the smallest fraction of intellectual knowledge to be running OUR Country!
We need a Republican like Cruz or DeSantis to take over in the event Trump doesn’t.

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
3 years ago

The Taliban know this that’s why they’ve gone to such extremes to get rid of everything that they can and this is all because of Joe Biden is such a pushover

Patricia Caetto
Patricia Caetto
3 years ago

I feel Republicans are weak and should be calling for impeachment for Biden and all his administration
The Dems would have done it

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