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Joe and Kamala – Bumble and Fumble

Posted on Monday, June 14, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

If you were writing a comedy script – or tragedy filled with cringe – you could not top Joe and Kamala. The question is asked, given Biden’s age and Harris’ inexperience, “who is pulling the strings?” Sadly, even with socialists running amok, these two look like stringless puppets.  

Last week, with America’s southern border overrun by drug traffickers and illegal aliens – increasingly global – Vice President Harris arrived in … Guatemala. 

Having yet to visit the US border – one that she is charged with protecting – she focused blame and pity on the region.

The irony was comic, planning pathetic, diplomatic exchanges embarrassing in the extreme. Two pie-throwing clowns could not have gotten more groans. 

First, Harris promised $310 million in US economic aid to the region; Trump delivered $5.8 billion on the heels of signing 15 treaties linking that aid to US national security interests. Trump did the same with Mexico. Once Mexico agreed to hold asylum applicants, Trump lifted tariff threats and delivered $10.6 billion in aid. The result was a secure border. See, e.g., Kamala Harris announces US will send $310 million in humanitarian aid to Central America ; SHOCK: U.S. Commits $10.6 Billion In Aid To Mexico, Central America. Still No Border Wall.

Spoiler alert: For all that Biden-Harris put down, Mexico and Central America – and relations have seldom been worse – leaders in these countries can count. Trump was true to his word, tough on border security, generous in offering support for job creation, training, law enforcement, and foreign investment. Biden-Harris have been the reverse – slow, condescending, disorganized, and duplicitous. 

But it gets worse. Harris arrived and promptly declared “root causes” of the border crisis – which she refuses to deem a “crisis” – Central American “corruption” and “climate change.” To her shock – would you be shocked? – Guatemala’s leaders and people resented that putdown. Protestors met her at the airport, signs reading “Kamala Go Home.”  

When Harris jumped to Mexico, President Lopez Obrador was blunt. He put the crisis squarely on Biden-Harris’s mismanagement. 

With little diplomacy, less respect, he told fumbling Harris: “Expectations were created” by Biden-Harris inviting (illegal) migration. Their Administration “caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, wanting to cross the border thinking that it is easier to do.” He placed the pie eye-high; he resents what is happening.  See, e.g., Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador blames migrant crisis on Biden

Harris just went from bad to worse, saying she did not “understand the point” of visiting the US border, then snapping at a Univision reporter who asked her – as many have tried – when she planned a border visit – as the appointed “border czar.” 

An irritated Harris cut off the reporter – and again failed to answer.  See, e.g., Kamala Harris’ response to border crisis a head-scratcher: I haven’t ‘been to Europe’ either

Harris’ problems, fundamental lack of understanding, inattention to regional history, misstatement of core facts, and personal cowardice in addressing a border crisis she fostered goes beyond fumbling diplomacy. 

Serious questions are being asked about her emotional maturity, not just by conservative reporters or administration critics. She consistently laughs at inappropriate times, often when facing serious issues, questions, or criticisms. She rolls her eyes at times when accountability is sought. She giggles – in the spirit of an adolescent – when confronted. Even foreign leaders wonder what is up – is she alright, up to the job?  See, e.g., BORDER CHAOS Kamala Harris latest: VP slammed for LAUGHING at ‘tough question’ on Mexico trip after ‘defensive’ Lester Holt interview; VP Harris laughs when asked if she has plans to visit southern border; Kamala Harris’ awkward laughs spark outrage. Why laughter is not her best medicine; Pavlich calls out VP Harris: ‘Stop laughing when you’re asked serious questions’.

Bottom line on Harris: She is “0 for 1” on foreign diplomacy, “0 for 1” on the border crisis, and “0 for 1” on emotional maturity. On predicates for serious leadership – she is fumbling badly. The only issue taking light off her, making her underperformance second fiddle, is Biden’s.

Last week at the G-7, in his first foreign trip, the US President seemed badly overmatched by almost every foreign leader. So much was his doddering obvious that foreign staff commented offstage – on his mental wellbeing. Even Britain’s “Labor Party” caught Biden’s slack jaw, saying “at least Trump was attentive” and “notecards have proven completely useless.” See, e.g., Joe Biden Reportedly Having Trouble Keeping Up with Everyone Else at G-7 Summit

After forgetting to mention the anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944, which no other president in modern history has overlooked, Biden then showed up at a Royal Airforce (RAF) base – and promptly commended them for being the “RFA.” 

His wife was heard urging him, “Pay attention, Joe.” Now, frankly, does it get any worse? See, e.g., Joe Biden hails the ‘RFA’ in major embarrassing gaffe on arrival in the UK for G7 summit

Perhaps yes. Biden then undertook a series of action which, in a word, were simply embarrassing – including an awkward photo with the wife of the British Prime Minister, his hand “rather low on her back,” and awkwardly dismissing Britain for France, after describing – cue cards – the “special relationship” between the United States and Britain. The whole episode was cringe-worthy, as was much of this trip. 

The truth is, if this were just a sitcom, an inconsequential collection of preening actors, stakes would be low enough to laugh or shrug. The G-7, allies, adversaries – these are high stakes, no game. 

Watching Biden bumble – and Harris fumble – is like watching an amateur electrician mismatch red and black wires – painful with the promise of more pain. 

Laurel and Hardy, or Bing and Bob, performing this skit would be worth a chuckle. Watching a President and Vice President mismanage America’s foreign diplomacy – and everything else – is just not funny. 

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Been fumbling day 1 during campaign to date, No change

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

These two American embarrassments prove two things:

The mass federal corruption !

The proven ignorance of some voters !!

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

And yet I see polls that give biden a 52% approval rating. What an embarrassment for our nation.

3 years ago

There isn’t much to say that hasn’t already been said about the current administration. Carter was bad. Obama was worse. Biden and Harris are incompetent clowns. What in the world is going on?????

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

Both Biden and Harris act like clowns, particularly with foreign diplomats. They are both so ignorant of how the system should work. They have made the USA the laughing stock of the world and the irony of this is that they do not even see it. They are both so inadequate – she is immature and inexprienced and he is mentally challenged. Why were they elected? The election had to be a fraud unless the American public is dumber than I think. I pray to God that he will let our country stand until we can get good republicans in office to take over the reins, but I am not sure how much more God can take.

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
3 years ago

How ya like me now?
These clowns would be hilarious if they weren’t so embarrassing.

3 years ago

Our Nation is in a sad state of affairs. Every day seems to be getting worse with these two in charge of our country. They should both be removed as they are making us look like fools!

3 years ago

Great article!
These two are truly a clown show! By far the worst pair to ever occupy the White house.
Why aren’t all their voters standing up to applaud all their failures?????

Stephen Lykins
Stephen Lykins
3 years ago

“She is “0 for 1” on foreign diplomacy, “0 for 1” on the border crisis, and “0 for 1” on emotional maturity” – More like negative 10 for 1! What a joke, sadly the joke’s on us!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

If this were ‘Saturday Night Live’ they might deserve a raise. However, this is the serious matter of running the country. Mistaking microphones for ice cream, not seeming to know anything about the very basics; and one very embarrassing situation after another. Is this any way to run a country?

I believe in Americans
I believe in Americans
3 years ago

And the so called “majority” of Americans that supposedly voted for dumb and dumber couldn’t see this coming? The scariest part is Piglosi is the next idiot in line. And that same “majority” think we are un-American because we know there are not a majority of lunatics out there that voted for this sh*t show. Most Americans are logical. We have been able to live beside each other for decades, have discussed our differences peacefully, obeyed the laws and loved our country. Now the lunatic fringe that is in control would have Americans and the world believe we hate our country. Philosophical differences aside I still believe the majority of Americans love our country. But we must figure out how to teach our youth that America is a beautiful place to live – despite being taught the opposite by the lunatic fringe. The dishonest media had us believe that we were the laughing stock of the world under Trump but the opposite is true. He was a strong, smart leader and did what he promised to do as much as congress would let him. He held the rest of the money-grubbing world leader’s feet to the fire and had the audacity to spend our hard-earned tax dollars for America.

3 years ago

Kamala rose to the top by laying on her back with married, influential men. Biden got where he is by feeding at the public service trough along with the other pigs like Pelosi and Schumer. Both as VP and now President, he continues to play the part of the sneaky uncle, sniffing little girls hair and fondling any nearby female. Both are pathetic creatures. I hope anyone who voted for these two clowns remember this in 2022 and 2024.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

The reference to “Laurel and Hardy” vis a vis the Biden White House is apt. A funny skit, long before my time, has the two hapless souls trying to get a very large piano up a very long flight of steps. The enterprise doesn’t have a happy end.
On film it’s hilarious. Coming from this current administration it’s scary.
How to demolish a great country? Send Number One to Europe to stammer in front of our allies and meet with a hardened KGB thug; send Number Two to Central America where she is uncertain where she is and what to say while there.
Stand up comedy in the hands of a Seinfeld is hilarious. In the hands of amateurs like Joe and Kamala is downright dangerous.
What are we to do?

3 years ago


Right girl
Right girl
3 years ago

I believe you mean “hypocrisy and incompetence”; although I appreciate your existing headline, it’s a little too kind compared to how the main stream media describe conservatives.

Mike S
Mike S
3 years ago

I always said the Biden was impeachment insurance for Obama. No one would try to impeach him seeing the total fool that was waiting in the wings. I now have been proven to be correct. He is even a bigger fool beyond my original fears.

3 years ago

Very good article. Describes Biden & Harris very well.
Hopefully, we won’t have to put up with this dangerous comedy team for another 3 years!

3 years ago

Stolen Elections have consequences. “It’s almost like they don’t know what they’re doing”. These two are Truly embarrassing, Can’t see how We end up good.

3 years ago

These two clowns are the reason a competency test should be mandatory for anyone who wants to run for these positions! These two clowns are dangerous for this country and allowing those who want to control us the ammo to do so! I pray those that voted for these clowns see how dangerous their vote was to this country!

3 years ago

They are typical demoncrats. They love spending money that isn’t theirs.
I really don’t think Biden or Harris know what they are doing because they are puppets and the ones pulling the strings are in control.

3 years ago

Time to invoke the 25th amendment. Clearly, Biden and Harris cannot do the job. Both lack dignity and respect. When Pelosi assumes the presidency, she can be impeached.

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

Makes you wonder how many people actually did vote for them last November and how many votes were “manufactured”.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Hidin’ Joe Biden and Camel Hairsis have met all my expectations at about 100%. They are always wrong on every issue and decision.

3 years ago

Impeach both of them….and Pelosi along with them.

3 years ago

Two illegitimate worthless morons mumbling around.

3 years ago

Ok, the jokes aside, what can “we the people” do about this. There is a BIG MISTAKE here and “we the people” need to hold the lines, remove the President and Vice-President and impeach Pelosi….what can we actually do? I’m sorry, what is the 25th amendment? Can we the people use it. Who would replace these puppets, that’s also important….think ahead.

Elton Yancey
Elton Yancey
3 years ago

Please don’t insult Laurel & Hardy by comparing them to these idiots. They were actors,B.&H.are serious fools.

Robert Mark McLeester
Robert Mark McLeester
3 years ago

Two of the dumbest people ever elected to office, just like the people who voted for them!

Barbara Tansey
Barbara Tansey
3 years ago

Excellent article and assessment, as usual, from AMAC!

3 years ago

Because of MSM, the real clear politics poll on Friday, June 11, had Biden’s approval at 61%, with a disapproval of 39%. If the American people are informed and see and hear where we are going as a nation with the Democrats in charge, despite all the Republican pundits saying, “The American people are not stupid.”, I’m sorry to say 61% of the people, are Stupid! The MSM, in my opinion, are the domestic terrorist that are destroying this country, and somehow need to be held accountable and neutralized, if we are going to save the USA! I believe that if the American people where told the truth from MSM there would be a revolution to bring back common sense and not only our country, but to the world.

D. Wells
D. Wells
3 years ago

Tweedledee and Tweetledumb.

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
3 years ago

I do not care to be quick to judgement and I do not think I am with this one. This has got to be the worst President-Vice President ticket in our history. They do not even wait to let the last one sink in before they are off on another tear. Kamala Harris now in charge of voting rights. Joe better pack up his WH staff kit and caboodle and take a field trip to the National Archives to find out what our Constitution has to say about voting. It is time for silent Americans to get into this war against our Republic.

Peter J Keep
Peter J Keep
3 years ago

Please make these opinions sharable to facebook.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Biden and Harris are idiots!! They are only concerned about themselves! Treason!!

Diane Tyson
Diane Tyson
3 years ago

Unfortunately, this was a very well-thought-out article, and there was truth in every word. So sad…

3 years ago

Hmmmmm the general level of intellect of people on this site definitely confirms we’re very much related to chimpanzees.

3 years ago

Who can argue with the truth! This article is spot on.

3 years ago

You’re article is genius! Bumble and Fumble is a perfect analogy of these two and you can back it up with examples. ????

I love this article!

Chavah L.
Chavah L.
3 years ago

Their first name initials say it all: JK (as in Just Kidding). ????

Jay A.
Jay A.
3 years ago

Pee pads & knee pads both gotta go!

3 years ago

God help us! — May we be forgiven for not taking better care of our country!

3 years ago

It never ceases to amaze. Polititians go about their business, seemingly with no compunction about their jobs. The President and Vice President are on the fast track to disaster…..look and listen to the world leaders and their interaction with our “leaders”. See what they see. Hear what they hear. We, as a nation are fast becoming a laughing stock, and that’s no joking matter. Our enemies are looking on with drooling mouths. Our friends (if there are any really left out there), as fast going on the defensive……for self-preservation. This is a mess beyond messes. Worst of all, the media is long lost in their duty to report with journalistic honor and duty…..and on top of it all, the general public are still almost blind and deaf by choice…..”who cares?” is the mindset. My letters and e-mails and calls to the senators and representatives of my state get the “form letter” responses, and requests for donations as a reply. “Lip service” is the name of the game for most of these elected officials, as they pander to the moment, play word games with their constituency, and fill our ears with rhetoric of no value. I challenge them and they dance around. I invite them to sit down with me, as a voter, and they hum-haw through their aides and assistants claiming their time is soooo valuable, they just can’t make it….then they invite you to a “town hall meeting” via scype, etc that is all but rigged. The President and Vice president are no better…..and their actions and words have consequences that can cost us all our very nation. I will keep up as best I can. I’m no quitter, but there will come a time when it will be every man for himself if things don’t change at every level of government, and people don’t start sitting up and taking notice.

3 years ago

It’s time to get those two clowns outta there!!!!!! Everyone is laughing!

Fed up in Pennsylvania !!!
Fed up in Pennsylvania !!!
3 years ago

Two idiots running the White House each one doesn’t know anything about what’s really going on in the United States or should I say they are too ignorant to learn…!!!

Al Boseman
Al Boseman
3 years ago

These clowns could ONLY have been elected by MASSIVE election fraud. Who is behind them, ineptly pulling their strings?

Ralph S
Ralph S
3 years ago


3 years ago

I thought 44 and biden were inept, but dang these are even worse. Bright spot, Carter says thank you for making the third worst president, it now 1 44, 2 46 and 3 Carter.

John Lunkes
John Lunkes
3 years ago

In my nearly 60 years of voting,I have never seen a newly elected administration go into a downward spiral so soon after taking office.

Sure, the G7 is elated with the Biden/Harris act. They put everyone but the US and its Citizens first. To them, Biden was like a newly-licensed 16-year-old driver walking onto a used car lot with his parents’ credit card. Ripe for plucking!

3 years ago

America is sinking! Between Dumb and Dumber and standing in the sidelines, Fancy Nancy, the world is laughing at America. They are giving the bank away. Wished they loved the USA as much as I do. So so sad. Trump 2024 !

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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