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Jack Smith’s Real Victims

Posted on Friday, August 4, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

This morning I was doing an interview – for the first time – with Mike Slater, the new host of Sirius XM’s Breitbart New Daily, and it hit me. 

We’re focusing on the wrong aspect of the perennial political persecutions of my former boss, the 45th President of the United States. 

Yes it is beyond an outrage what they are doing to him. 

From the joint CIA/FBI/NSA operation Crossfire Hurricane that illegally spied on his campaign 7 years ago, predicated on a smear campaign financed by Hillary Clinton, to the armed FBI raid on his residence at Mar a Lago. They never stop. 

The latest assault on the fabric of the Republic is Special Counsel Jack Smith’s 45-page indictment accusing the President of conspiring against the American voter and subverting the 2020 election. 

If you haven’t read it, you should. But let me save you the time. 

According to my friend, former US Army colonel Kurt Schlichter, one of the most successful attorney’s on the West coast (he won Ben Shapiro’s libel case against “clock boy,” remember him?), in his 30 years of practicing law he has never seen a more egregious example of a politically-driven federal indictment. To quote the good colonel, all the “crimes” allegedly committed by the 45th President of the United States are “First Amendment protected” activities. If we believe there to be a problem with any US election, not only do we have a right to say that, we have a duty to fight for rectification. 

As to the deranged Smith’s core assertion that President Trump lied about the election being stolen, well if that’s a crime, then practically every leading Democrat from Al Gore to Hillary Clinton (she still says 2016 was “stolen” from her) should be in jail. Lest you have forgotten just how demented the left has become, here’s a delightful montage of Dem pols screaming about “stolen elections.”

And yes, President Trump is undoubtedly the most politically persecuted politician in modern American history. But he will endure, trust me. I worked for him. Donald Trump is a force of nature who is fueled by the injustice meted out by the Deep State through actors like Smith, Comey, Brennan, et al. injustice that, as he has repeatedly said, is not really about him. It’s about you, he’s “just in the way.” 

No, I want you to spare a thought – and a prayer – for the invisible victims of state-sponsored political persecution. Humble, hardworking Americans like the President’s butler Walt Nauta. 

Walt was a colleague of mine in the White House, a Navy veteran who served his nation and his Commander-in-Chief with honor. Now he works at Mar a Lago and because he moved boxes of documents the President was fully in his authority to have – as per Congressional statute – this man was charged as a co-conspirator in Jack Smith’s first assault on President Trump’s rights and the US Constitution. 

Now, as Hunter Biden was trying to negotiate his sweetheart deal of sweetheart deals for actually committing felonies, Jack Smith decided to file superseding charges in the fraudulent documents case against one Carlos De Oliveria, the head of maintenance for Mar a Lago, a man who works with his hands, is working class, and Hispanic. 

Remember when the Democrats said they fight for the the working man, the oppressed, the downtrodden, the exploited minorities? Not anymore. If you dare to work for someone they politically disagree with, or worse, for a man who isn’t beholden to the vested politically and business interests of the “elite,” well then they’ll sic their DOJ Dobermans on you. 

Can you imagine being Walt, or Carlos? Decent men charged with crimes that bring 300+ years in prison and bail totaling $100,000? If they didn’t have President Trump at their back, it doesn’t bear imagining how they would fare.  

It pains me to say this, as the son of those who escaped dictatorship, but we are on the precipice, police-state tactics have arrived to America. 

Keep the President and is family in your prayers. And especially Walt and Carlos. 

Then ask yourself what you will do to stand up for the Truth. 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

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Martha Buffington
Martha Buffington
1 year ago

I also believe the election was rigged. Stacy Abrams helped rig the outcome in Georgia. Biden barely had 500 at his rally in Atlanta. President Trump had 35,000 at his rally in Floyd at our small airport as well as large crowds throughout Georgia. There is no way Biden won Georgia without cheating.

1 year ago

Jack Smith belongs indicted for attempting to deceive the court clerk, and disbarred. The judge should be removed from office for not recognizing that what the President is charged with are constitutionally protected rights and immediately dismissing this bogus case. Any judge who doesn’t see that is either too ignorant, or incompetent to sit on the bench, or in the worst case a partisan, self-indulging activist who maliciously ignores justice, and should be disbarred for bad behavior, and willful miscarriage of justice.

1 year ago

The bad thing about these political prosecutions by the DemocRAT party is that it’s nothing new. For at least the last 2 decades the Rat party has charged, convicted and sentenced many political operatives only to have those cases overturned by higher courts. The Rat attitude is that they control the DC juries, the DC judges and the DC prosecuting attorneys. So they have no problem charging someone, indicting them by a DC federal grand jury, bringing the case before a DC jury if the victim fights it, and ultimately having a DC judge oversee it. The fact that most of these people are ultimately exonerated by a higher court years later overturn it means nothing to the DC swamp. Their attitude is that they sent a message and a few years in the pen is good enough to send their message. DC is a third world sh!thole run by far left nuts. There really is no solution except to get out and vote early in extremely large numbers for President Trump and other Republicans. If we get President Trump elected and get the Senate we can put the brakes on this madness. MAGA

1 year ago

Get down on your knees and PRAY. We and Trump need all the help we can get to overcome these minions of Satan.

1 year ago

As President Trump has said many times, they are after us and he stands in the way.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

WE are the Victims

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

There is no doubt that the Progressive coup against the U.S. government is an attack on American citizens that Trump has worked to defend. The U.S. is the real target. We not only need Trump, we need a lot more like him in government positions.

Martha Buffington
Martha Buffington
1 year ago

Jack Smith reminds me of a bully in western movies.

1 year ago

Really ??? Hopefully you are not trying to swing any of the Demorat “useful idiots” over to some measurable level of rationality. A few hours ago I just came off a “Salty Cracker” video on YouTube, wherein a Seattle Demorat “converted” to Republican, after she was randomly attacked and seriously battered up, on the increasingly mean streets there. That it takes that level of “incentive” to convert from political hedonism to political rationality, speaks volumes to the intractable ignorance (stupidity) which our liberal society inspires and reinforces.
I have pondered, in retrospect, my initial reaction to her plight, which was an extended guffaw, And I have come to the conclusion that though it was a natural reaction, I ought to be ashamed of it. I’m not. That’s how overused their victim mentality and high pressure presentment, both in the media and officially, has become And I am reasonably sure I am not alone in my reaction.

1 year ago

Exactly right Mr Gorka. Only 50% of the American people know the left propaganda. All the MSM talks about is Trump. They named Trump’s name 78 times in an hour. Ole Joe is not mentioned even once nor Hunter. There is nothing else happening in the world. A war is raging radio silence but it is summer time and it is hot in some places is the talk of the day. MSM only brings stories, I won’t call it news when it suits and fits their agenda
One day the truth will come out but not until the left big wigs have been arrested and tried for real crimes they have committed against America. Not made up charges by Jack Smith. If that is even his real name. Till then we will see the persecution and prosecution of everyday Americans go on. My prayers are with Walt and Carlos and those others that have suffered the wrath of ole Joe.
I pray for president Trump and all those that support him. The truth will win out!!!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Jack Smith is a disgrace and a traitor to the American people and our Justice system.
He MUST be Disbarred IMMEDIATELY with charges of corruption and for filing False charges against U.S. President Trump.
WHY hasn’t Jack Smith filed charges of Espionage and High Treason against Dictator Beijing biden (Communist China Agent) and Hunter (Never Registered as Foreign Agent) for accepting BRIBES from Communist China and other countries including TAX EVASION with Hunter LYING on a Federal Form about getting a gun?
Not to mention Dictator Beijing biden’s ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION by letting in MILLIONS of CRIMINALS with DISEASES, INSECTS, ANIMALS, UNSKILLED, UNEDUCATED (DON’T SPEAK ENGLISH or READ ENGLISH) and TERRORIST {Each Illegal Alien let In INTENTIONALLY is Punishable by 10 years in prison}. More of Dictator Beijing biden BREAKING THE LAW
Illinois Governor signs Illegal and Unconstitutional Bill allowing ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST to be Police Officers giving CRIMINALS a Gun and a Badge. Where is Jack Smith on that?
Where’s Jack Smith on Communist China’s ILLEGAL Police Stations in the United States? Forgot, Dictator Beijing biden is protecting them.
Let alone, WHERE is Dictator Beijing biden? Hiding on the beach taking a vacation EVERY weekend ordering the DOJ to attack U.S. President Trump and other INNOCENT AMERICANS.
Jack Smith is for democrats SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST, FASCIST, LOSER WOKE Agenda, and GLOBAL WARMING LIE (1930’s Hold Record for Hottest Temperatures).
WHY is Jack Smith still practicing law?
WHY ISN’T DICTATOR Beijing biden and Hunter with Hillary Clinton and Obama not CHARGED with ESPIONAGE and HIGH TREASON with MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE AGAINST THEM, Jack Smith?

1 year ago

Dear Mr. Gorka, all who have written here in response and the world:
I know what I shall do. At the age of 83+ I shall keep asserting my 1st Amendment rights and keep speaking to God about this entire mess we are in thanks to all the “useless idiots” out there who keep voting the imbeciles into office at all levels. And I will continue to respond to all the great writing I am finding here.
The only thing I would say where I may differ from Mr. Gorka is that I feel as though we have already been pushed over the precipice. And this has all been done by the old pervert himself with the assistance of satan. He has been dirty from the time he ever got in to the government “trough”.
You Mr. Gorka are to be praised for stating the facts about how horrible these “things” are. And “they” so want people of my age to die and/or go away somewhere. They are the monsters that I used to have in my nightmares as a child.
Money and their gods “power and greed” mean NOTHING to me. The making of money means a lot to my husband but money has had no inherent value to him either. He was born in Berlin in 1938 so he remembers hitler’s socialism and then he ended up behind the iron curtain under communism when the russians came into Berlin.
I tend to get too wordy so I shall close now. I dare anyone who reads this to try and change how I feel today about this wonderful country that is going down the tubes. I shall VOTE FOR TRUMP IN THE 2024 ELECTION!

1 year ago

I always knew that Mike Pence was a weasel. And could not wait to tell tales behind Trumps back!!! He should move to another country.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Jack Smith I am sure was well compensated for services rendered

1 year ago

We saw the scam in GA on election night as they hurried Conservative ballot counters out of the arena and then pulled out two huge baskets of Biden ballots from under covered tables. Also in Detroit where they hurriedly covered the windows of Joe Louis Arena where they were counting votes. It’s illegal to coverup the view so the public cannot watch vote counting! Bidumb and his leftists can say whatever they want, but we saw the illegalities with our eyes. The DNC and everyone associated with it are all lying crooks!

pete kennedy
pete kennedy
1 year ago

Is that the Devil, I see in Jack’s eyes?

1 year ago

If the Democrats ever get Trump behind bars, they will Epstein him. That’s their plan. That’s the kind of people they are.

1 year ago

I didn’t know about ‘Carlos.’ Boy, the American dream likely has hit him square in the face, hasn’t it. I am praying every day about these charges. This is just so very wrong. I thank God President (He is still my president.) Trump is as strong as he is; another would have broken by now. I thank God for his family and pray protection over all of them. Thank you for the article, Mr. Gorka.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

My question is why didn’t any law enforcement agency investigate the leaked video from the State Farm Arena tabulation center in Atlanta Georgia. After poll observes were told the counting was over for the night. Four poll workers and a supervisor stayed behind. They pulled suit cases of ballots from underneath tables that were covered with tablecloths. Then they started to run the ballots through the tabulation machines. One worker is seen running the same batch of ballots through the tabulation machines multiple times. Had the field office of the FBI in Atlanta Georgia brought those five individuals in for questioning, I believe it would have all the way to Stacy Abrams office.
Now, it’s my understanding that A.G. Bill Barr shut down an investigation that the field office had started. That’s only the tip of the iceberg for fraud and corruption in the 2022 election cycle.

1 year ago

When the “day of reckoning” comes, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and their minions will be branded as quislings who succeeded in placing America at risk. But beware. Dark times are on our horizon as the enemies of freedom seek to devour America. Hold fast.

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
1 year ago

The point I think is that the Democrats like control and like a dog with a bone won’t let go till we all think, and act like them.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Hey, Jack: the election was stolen and Biden is not the legitimate President. Charge me too DB….

1 year ago


1 year ago

I remember Pres. Biden himself saying that the Democrat party put together the best election fraud regime ever . Many wrote off his statement as a derivitive of dimentia. But, I’m wondering if he actually told the truth . After all , i beleive the election was stolen . Several States engaged in practices that were clearly illegal. They changed/expanded Election Day, they mailed out unsolicited paper ballots by the millions , they used un-appropriated funds for mailing , they permitted the use of privately owned ballot drop boxes ‘ , they permitted ballot harvesting . and more , All , without the authorization of their State’s Legislature , as specifically required by the US Constitution and by their own State Constitutions . Additionally , they committed mail fraud when they sent our those illegal paper ballots . They spent million$ on postage and printing of those ballots without appropriation and without State Legislature approval .
I also remember a story in the news about a US Postal worker who spilled the beans on a delivery he made of completed paper ballots for the Pennsylvania election from Bethpage Long Island, NY to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania . Bethpage Long Island is a community of single family homes of approximately 17,000 persons . However , somehow or other approximately 258,000 Pennsylvanians apparently voted from the Bethpage hamlett . I’m still waiting to hear what the US Postal Inspectors and the AGs of NYS and Pa. have to say about their investigation of this for the last 2 + 1/2 years .
BTW, i too think the election was stolen , I also believe Trump won and today , we live in a DEMOCRAT junta .

1 year ago

Jack in the box Smith should be indicted for LYING. Smith’s submission to the D.C. court DID NOT include the FULL statement of President Trump on Jan. 6. Smith LEFT OUT the part, “Go protest as Patriot’s and peacefully”! We don’t have free speech and a right to our opinions anymore? These corrupt swamp creatures lie, cheat and steal! They ALL need to be hauled into court. Sad to say but it’s the only thing they understand! We The People Are The Government and Sovereign!

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

This whole democRATIC agenda is meant to power up and make democRATs wealthier or filthier than they already are,AMERICA and AMERICANS be dambed.

Albert & Rose Taylor
Albert & Rose Taylor
1 year ago

I said while our anti45ths were taking artillery ???? while skipping close air support while running @ his ????, running the office on promises spoken, before now I shutter as mortar were trying to break down my country’s fortifications that he, his family all & all those nooses, linching all around were getting misdirected ship shots: were really targeting “Our faces.” We are still blessed that the raging assault’s has kept his reserves , we, are getting stronger & more determined to push away the damage & grow stronger combat support encircling our strongest hero.

Arthur Pavis
Arthur Pavis
1 year ago

I stand with President Donald Trump! And I too will exercise my right to free speech and free expression by saying that I believe that the 2020 election was rigged, by media and tech censorship and orchestrated ballot fraud in several states. Joe Biden is a corrupt and incompetent lifer politician and was installed as president in January of 2021, but the rear president is Donald John Trump, who, if tens of millions of patriotic Americans have their say at a fair election, will be back in the White House January 2025 and we can all begin to hold all the bad actors in Washington DC countable and Make America Truly Great Again!

1 year ago

Jack Smith will learn Right From Wrong, before his career ends!

1 year ago

it is appalling that so many Americans didn’t get to see the election meddling, ABC,CBS, MSNBC and CNN wouldn’t show it, only FOX aired it! And when charges are brought against Trump all the MSM broadcast it. When the charges turn out to be false, you see nothing from the MSM, only FOX broadcast that..This has gone on for 8 years now and the MSM should pay hige fines and be shut down for broadcasting misinformation. But it is Bidumbs administration doing it! Most Americans wonder why Joe and Hunter are not already in jail.It’s because he, or his puppet master is running it! Hitler said: “If you tell a big enough lie and often, it will be believed”, And it is!

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

Every one of these Progressive-Socialist subversives needs to be put away. And I don’t particularly care how that’s achieved.
1 year ago

One of my Ukrainian neighbors (have many neighbors that have been living in the US for many years now) told me on 2020, referring to what Biden reflected as a person and as a President of our Democracy: This situation is the exact same reason why I left Ukraine, and now we have it here at our doorstep. We were walking together and he was shouting this words in utter frustration; a cold shiver ran down my spine. I can’t imagine what he must be feeling right now as Biden fights his proxy war against his native country, and Jack Smith prosecutes President Trum in a savage, sadistic manner.. Jack Smith is the American version of Beria, nothing less. Never in mylife I dreamed we would have a diabolical person like this one in our judicial system.

Kathy Shanks
Kathy Shanks
1 year ago

Even worse than the fact that they’re going after us through Trump, is that we are paying for it. I have a part time job to supplement my SS. I work two months, plus what they take out for taxes, just to pay my federal taxes. Plus, even though l am receiving full SS and they are deducting my Medicare from my SS check, they deduct Social Security and Medicare from my paycheck

Donald trump
Donald trump
1 year ago

Hello I’m Donald trump. I agree everyone here is a victim.

because let’s face it my supporters are criminals too. Send me money. I’m not paying my lawyers.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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