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It’s Time For a National Conversation About Left-Wing Violence

Posted on Thursday, December 12, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Even before we knew the targeted killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson by Luigi Mangione was politically motivated, many leftists were justifying, celebrating and rationalizing the shooting. There’s a real debate going on in some quarters of the progressive Left over whether slaying CEOs is a bad thing. And it’s unsurprising. 

Of course, if any MAGA professors or journalists were online publicly defending the killing of perceived political enemies, there would be thousands of wringing hands lamenting the menacing rhetoric of conservatism. And rightly so.

But the unhinged demonization of the health care insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry and Big Oil are now the norm. A generation of college students have been indoctrinated into believing the profit motive is killing people when the opposite is true.

And there’s a clear ideological continuum between those who rationalize the shooting of a CEO and rationalize the murder and rape of Jews by Palestinian terrorists and rationalize the burning down of cities for “social justice.”

One expects Mangione’s writing will be largely indistinguishable from what a person hears from elected progressives and pundits. Yet few will ponder why a seemingly rational Ivy League-educated engineer decided to become a hitman.

Instead, the public is incessantly warned that white supremacists are gathering in the shadows, readying to spring their coup. So dangerous were these alleged impending “major civil disturbances” in 2023 that the Justice Department created a new category of extremists to “track and counter” the “anti-government or anti-authority violent extremism.”

When Black Lives Matter rioting enveloped the nation, causing billions in damage, destroying thousands of lives, one could barely get anyone in the media to admit it was even happening. To the Left, parents who protest school boards over critical race theory and mask mandates are “domestic terrorists,” but those who burn down cities are “mostly peaceful.”

The Left has been prone to violence since Year Zero. In the early 1900s, the United States was awash in communist and anarchist bombings, culminating in the deaths of over 30 people on Wall Street in 1920. Most cultural depictions of the ’60s upheavals were of a genteel, peace-loving movement, but it was imbued with extremists, as well. By the 1970s, left-wing terrorist groups such as the Weather Underground were setting off bombs at the Capitol, police stations, the Pentagon and state attorneys general offices. In an 18-month period between 1971 and 1972, there were an amazing 2,500 bombings in the U.S. by leftist groups.

Worse, then as now, violence was often ignored or idealized by the “intellectual” Left. When I was young, self-style socialists would sometimes commemorate mass murderers such as Che Guevara or Mao Zedong on T-shirts. Today, feted contemporary public intellectuals such as Ta-Nehisi Coates write bestselling books celebrating terrorism. The late Kathy Boudin, a former Weather Underground member who was involved in a Brinks truck robbery that killed three innocent people, operated the Columbia University’s “Center for Justice” for decades.

And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Angela Davis, widely considered a hero by younger progressives, who not only championed murders and terrorist regimes her entire career but bought two guns used in a courtroom kidnapping-shootout perpetrated by the Black Panthers in 1970, when three hostages and a superior court judge were killed in Marin County, California. There is simply no comparable mainstreaming of right-wing extremists.

It was James Hodgkinson who walked onto an Alexandria, Virginia, baseball field in 2017 and opened fire at a Republican congressional delegation. He was a Bernie Sanders fan. Certainly, no reporter ran around the halls of Congress asking every elected Democrat if they were going to lower the rhetorical temperature.

Nor did they do so when a left-wing assassin showed up at the house of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, promising to “stop roe v wade from being overturned” by “shooting for 3” justices. After years of hearing the demonizing of the Supreme Court, the man showed up with a Glock, zip ties, duct tape and various other tools.

When Paul Pelosi was attacked by a deranged man, the entire media conversation revolved around conservative rhetoric. When we had two attempted assassinations of Donald Trump, most of the Left could barely stop calling him Hitler.

None of this is to maintain there isn’t right-wing violence. Of course, there is. It’s simply to say that we should acknowledge that a lot of our contemporary political violence emanates from the Left. And a lot of it is girded by the hard-left progressive turn in mainstream America’s politics.

David Harsanyi is a senior writer at the Washington Examiner. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “The Rise of Blue Anon,” available now. His work has appeared in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reason, New York Post and numerous other publications. Follow him on X @davidharsanyi.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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3 months ago

The one paragraph that the author wrote that stood from the usual rationalizing was “One expects Mangione’s writing will be largely indistinguishable from what a person hears from elected progressives and pundits. Yet few will ponder why a seemingly rational Ivy League-educated engineer decided to become a hitman.”

Here’s the answer the author was unwilling to state: It is highly likely that the shooter simply became indoctrinated to murderous violence via what is preached non-stop by many Ivy League Professors at the college he graduated from. It’s called mental conditioning. Then afterwards, he was no doubt further steeped in a non-stop stew of MSM pundits and so-called progressive politicians constantly calling for and constantly justifying the same violent social and economic justice messaging that he ended up carrying out.

Just look at some of the responses to the killing from the likes of CBS, ABC and NBC where the audiences either applaud the killing or think the shooter is some kind of hero. This is what the Left is systematically conditioning our youth to think is rational, acceptable behavior against anyone who isn’t just like them. The question isn’t why Mangione did what he did but rather why we, as a nation, don’t shutdown the sources spreading this filth instead of just endlessly tolerating it?

3 months ago

just look at the difference between 2020 over 700 cities burned to jan 6th

3 months ago

The violent folks on the left have high opinions of their aggressive forms of self-expression. I guess they might be frustrated by their difficulty in articulating any messaging that makes sense. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt if they actually thought their arguments through before discussing them…

General Patton
General Patton
3 months ago

Bravo-great objective article on Left Wing Idiocy.

I would love to see Alan Dershowitz Chair a Federal Agency to fight Antisemitism and Marxist Ideology Anti-American Ideology.

Time to take back our great country!

William Collins
William Collins
3 months ago

“Targeted killing” is a euphemism for the correct term of assassination. Brian Wilson was assassinated by a left wing murderer. Modern history is full of examples of left wing (includes progressives, marxists, communists, fabians, anarchists, etc.) assassinations. In America the victims have been President William McKinley, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and President Donald Trump.

3 months ago

How did kackels get away with having donations being sent to her to bail out the “summer of love 2020” rioters? NONE of them were EVER charged or held responsible for they burning of cities. Maybe crooked joe will pardon her too?? First, they had to invent a new thing, the “preemptive” pardon. Never happened before. Not in U.S. history. I doubt the founders of our nation even considered the idea that a president would pre-pardon people just in case some future jury of their peers might find them guilty. It’s beyond outrageous. Second, the idea of “preemptive pardons” had to be floated, ever so carefully, so that over time we would be duped into thinking this was something normal. That’s why the idea was first leaked to the press. That’s why Bill Clinton went on The View to endorse a pardon for Hillary. That’s why US News, Washington Post, CBS, ABC, NBC, Reuters, Politico and every mouthpiece of the Left dutifully created stories about the coming “preemptive pardons” which didn’t exist before last week.

3 months ago

The Left needs to be reeducated!

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
3 months ago

Every assassinated president, from Lincoln to Kennedy, was killed by a leftist.Look it up.

3 months ago

Great article, but as long as satan (I won’t capitalize his name!) is in charge of this planet we will continue to see it’s downfall into the pits of hell. Those of us who believe that Christ will be coming back to Earth need to pray that He does so soon!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

As this article indicates there is a substantial amount of hate circulating in the United States, and if it is being promoted by political propaganda then that needs to be dealt with accordingly. There are different circumstances connected to the examples of violent crimes described and that means that there is a combination of factors involved . I am geared in a Conservative way of thinking,so if I use the term ” open minded” it is not a left liberal term for an anything goes mentality. Instead it is being open minded in the sense of considering things that are possible to fix what needs to be fixed in fighting the political violence . The word resourceful could be applied as well. If the political crimes are the result of a combination of factors then it would make good sense to have a strategy that is a combination of things in order to stop or at least be prepared for this. sort of crime from occuring. People with Law Enforcement experience, psychologists, historians , and others could aid in the effort Good article David

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Biden will probably hand Luigi a pardon on January 20th… as well as Kermit Gosnell. Democrats love murder… been doing it to babies for decades, think a middle-aged CEO is safe? Or a Presidential candidate just elected? Keep your head down, Don…

3 months ago

i have to agree with prez TRUMP the major problem in the US is the lying media. they spread nothig but false information for their rating and pocketbooks. they get people all worked up and into a frenzy over their falsehoods and the lies they spread. i believe in freedom of speech but their should be consequences for they problems they cause .like riots and looting and burning peoples businesses.

3 months ago

Once upon a time in an America long ago this insanity was not center mass. But then families were intact, not to say there weren’t problems, it’s part of being human. Random killings were almost unheard of. Divorce was rare. Churches were filled every Sunday, the law was enforced, schools actually taught real history, shop class for boys, homemaking for girls, math, spelling, cursive, reading, writing histories of states etc. Boys were boys and girls were girls. TV wasn’t a shop of horrors and degradation, x rated garbage and language. Of course there are always problems and troubles; as our God knows well we’re a fragile race. Even in the best of families there is strife.
But there is a quote from Patrick Henry, a brilliant and dedicated man who brought much to this nation’s start. He said something I believe with all my heart. “When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.” Our Founders left England as it had become a dictatorial regime. Just what they did in drafting our blueprints for this nation among many different thinkers is amazing. We have a Constitution and Bill of Rights that literally no other nation in history has had. Our judicial system was once the best in the world and it was build on the Founders principles. But by and large that dedication went away a long time ago.
Re: The Right vs. the Left. At the end of our time some will go to the right and some, actually many will go to the left. They’ll take the broad road…the Right will take the difficult road. This is in His word. God is specific in His laws, commandments, His word. This sadly has been relegated to whenever we get around to it. We have a “criminal justice system” that is SO broken and then wonder why crime is more and more off the chart. Unless this nation of free people is willing to come back to the Creator, to what this nation was built for, and our God whom all will one day stand before, to acknowledge Who brought together the men who literally brought this nation into fruition, to understand we have a nation never ever like it in history…the destruction will eventually return if we continue to take it for granted. Maybe that’s the problem. We may well have gotten a wake up call.
Part of a speech that’s burned into my brain: George Bush Sr. “We must usher in the New World Order.” In too many instances there’s little difference between Republican’s and Democrats…The “New World Order” may no doubt be the “elite” who believe they’re in charge. You will do what your told and when to do it. The last book in the Bible is a difficult one to understand. Chaos, terror, starvation, murder…Welcome to the New World Order. I’m so glad I won’t be here.
Sorry if I seem to get off track…but considering what happens in our nation on a daily basis…don’t think I am. Have a beautiful family filled Christmas…and remember who this beautiful celebration is named after…the first 6 letters in Christmas.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

Luigi Mangione is a face of transformed America.

3 months ago

I declare open season on all leftists, communists and LIE-berals. Any conservative who kills any of the mentioned enemies of the people shall be immediately granted a pardon.

3 months ago

I learned that everything the Left does and supports is wrong, and evil in the summer of 1978.
Got a job to pay for college and a car.  
An organized hissy-fit repeatly called me a ‘scab’, and targeted me with violence, vandalism, and arson.
That’s why I always support the Conservative Party.

Bernard P. Giroux
Bernard P. Giroux
3 months ago

Is it not time to begin holding people accountable for their actions?

3 months ago

“We are seeing, hearing, reading, that millions of American citiens are FED UP, SICKENED BY, AND REFUSE TO TAKE ONE STEP BACK, and if the change does not occur, they will ensure that it does. Voting, push back, and do what is needed to ensure sanity, common sense, removal of dangerous, ill-behaving, and criminal behavior is gone and off-shore is in line with values. YOU LoST dweebs, now get out. It will happen. Have you noticed the growing agreement with this borrowed text and statements?”

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Go Back to 2020 alone & examine seeds before 2020 riots

William Collins
William Collins
3 months ago

The modern American left is essentially the modern Bolsheviks who led the Russian Empire into a reign of terror under the USSR. If these people ever get their way, they will do the same to the US.

3 months ago

I have seen the Democrat Party go from the Party of tolerance to the Party of the completely intolerant!! The media is complicit in these changes by their accurate reporting or lack thereof! The Democrat voters seem to think it’s perfectly acceptable for them to try to murder anyone who doesn’t agree with them! That makes them no better than the terrorists who want to kill for the same reason!!

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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