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It Keeps Getting Worse: The Border Crisis the Media Won’t Cover and the Halted Border Wall

Posted on Saturday, May 7, 2022
by AMAC, Palmer Schoening

What’s happening at the U.S.-Mexico border? Nobody seems to know, and nobody seems to care to ask under this new administration. Waves of mass migration into the U.S. at the southern border started immediately after Joe Biden was sworn into office on January 20, 2021, and have continued unabated ever since. The surge has become even worse recently, and the mainstream media is silent. The numbers are as eye-popping as they are troubling, especially for our American citizens living along the southern border.

Read the Full Article in the Digital Edition of the AMAC Magazine !

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Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
2 years ago

It is sick

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

STATE News CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH. It doesn’t fit into their STASI Programming.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

Hopefully one day some of those illegal “citizens” will take several of the news anchor jobs. The news couldn’t get any worse.

2 years ago

Seems like the DemocRats are loading the population for a big response in illegal voters in the next election. And I’d be the DemocRats are busy checking tombstones and deceased citizens obits in the newspapers so they can have the data needed to make the election voters seem non-rigged!!!

2 years ago

And what is going on as to what’s happening in the border crossings of illegals is a newsworthy item that most (not Fox News, AMAC, et.) news outlets are “loudly” ignoring. That is to say, the majority New Media’s silence is deafening on this issue.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Besides sending the ILLEGAL ALIENS to D.C., send them to Communist News Network (cnn), abc, nbc, cbs, msnbc, and rest of FAKE News Stations.
Especially send them to SWAMP QUEEN pelosi’s home.

2 years ago

We need to turn our attention and energy on all media! It’s time to stop them and change the path of America from this horrible nightmare we are in!

2 years ago

It has been generally true since the Reagan administration that the major news media with few exceptions has a burr in their bonnet about their hampered ability to slam the Republicans. It seems that the majority of main media (not all) has a passion for focus on presenting news that fits the DemocRat propaganda goals rather than being fair and unbiased. But the best remedy for this bias is to stop subscribing or watching (depending on the media type) the media output and VOTE conservative. Anyone who believes the bulk of major news media (not including AMAC and FOX and Conservative Talk Radio) are merely propaganda puppets for the Commie leaning DemocRat Party. I think the Biden Administration is clearly waking a lot of citizens to the tactics and lying propaganda of the DemocRat Party to the point that only another rigged election can favor the Democrats in the near future. The Biden Administration has fouled up so much that their ineptitude and usage of Communistic methodology has become obvious to almost everyone.

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