
Newsline , Society

How the US Spent $4.1 Billion on Global LGBT Initiatives

Posted on Tuesday, November 7, 2023
by Outside Contributor
LGBT flag blended with dollar bill

During the past three fiscal years, $4.1 billion in federal money from taxpayers has flowed to LGBT initiatives in the United States and around the world, an Epoch Times investigation has revealed.

From Oct. 1, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2023, the U.S. government issued more than 1,100 grants to fund LGBT-promoting projects around the world, according to a review of a federal spending website.

The scope of projects varies widely.

Plans to create a “safe space for LGBTQ youth and adults to seek support and resources” earned a $1.8 million grant from the U.S. government in 2022 for the LGBT Life Center in Norfolk, Virginia.

A proposal for encouraging “diversity, equity, and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities by promoting economic empowerment of and opportunity for LGBTQI+ people in Serbia” was also a winning plan. To fund it, the U.S. government awarded Serbian activist group Grupa Izadji a grant of $500,000.

An Armenian activist group, the Pink Human Rights Defender, received $1 million from the United States “to empower the LGBTI community” in Armenia, a tiny country next to Turkey.

The federal spending website can be filtered to show entries that include specific keywords. A list of payouts filtered by using the keyword “LGBT” included 1,181 grants, 31 loans, and nine direct payments during the past three fiscal years.

Overall, during the past fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, the government issued 454,821 grants.

Government grants may be direct payments to groups that are unrestricted or for a specific use. Federal loans can be repaid over long periods of time at low interest rates.

Of grants connected to the keyword “LGBT,” individual payouts of at least $1 million totaled more than $3.7 billion combined. Many additional smaller grants also were awarded for LGBT initiatives.

Filtering the list for grants that included the word “transgender” returned 574 entries. In that category, grants that paid out at least $1 million totaled nearly $478 million.

An independent researcher who asked to remain anonymous has been tracking how the federal government spends money on grants related to gender ideology.

He started the work when he was laid off from his oil field job in the early part of the COVID-19 pandemic. After doing some digging, he was shocked to learn that, while he and his friends got little relief from the federal government, taxpayer dollars poured into LGBT activist causes, he said.

“I just couldn’t believe it,” he said.

He now works at a politically left-wing oil company and his superiors likely would object to how he now presents his findings on social media, he told The Epoch Times.

“I could write for 20 years about just the money that’s already been spent over the past three or four years,” he said. The oil worker-turned-investigator shares his findings on X under the handle

Rainbow Revolution

A Department of Education search revealed an ongoing grant paid to Emory University for researchers to study “the rectal mucosal effects of cross-sex hormone therapy among U.S. and Thai transgender women,” The Epoch Times confirmed.

The project started in 2019 with a projected end date of July 2024. According to the government website, researchers will receive almost $3.5 million from the U.S. government to do the work.

The project is categorized under “allergy and infectious diseases research,” with the stated purpose to “assist public and private nonprofit institutions and individuals to establish, expand, and improve biomedical research and research training in infectious diseases and related areas,” according to the federal spending website.

Some small grants focus on studies that examine equally tiny portions of the population.

One grant recipient examines the effects of alcohol on intimate partner violence in transgender and non-gender-conforming adults, The Epoch Times confirmed.

A 2023 project received nearly $350,000 from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to translate the “Homosaurus”—a thesaurus of LGBT terms—into Spanish.

The Homosaurus website includes definitions for sexual terms such as: “anonymous sex,” “aromantic porn films,” “pederasts,” “children’s sexuality,” and “gay children.”

The Homosaurus has reclassified as “fetishes” the words “gerontophilia,” “ephebophilia,” and “hebephilia,” Greek words that mean sexual attraction to the elderly, people aged 15 to 19, and children aged 11 to 14, respectively.

The Epoch Times contacted the NEH about the grant but received no response.

LGBT cultural projects in America that received funding include more than $333,000 for an LGBT radio and television “digitization and access project.”
Another provided $324,000 to map “historical LGBTQ spaces through gay travel guides.”

One grant provides $1 million to Outright Action, an American activist group dedicated to global LGBT advocacy operating in many countries, including Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Ukraine, the Philippines, Iran, and China.

Another grant pays for a “social biography of same-sex desire in postcolonial Ireland.”
One provides funding to chronicle contributions to “gender identity development” among Belarusian teenage girls in vulnerable families.

LGBT Initiatives in Schools

Government-directed LGBT grants to American schools included $1.4 million to Boston College to study “mechanisms of health promotion in diverse youth through gay-straight alliances.” The grant funded the promotion of gay-straight alliance clubs in Massachusetts middle and high schools.

“The federal government is using the grant process to change the culture and climate in America’s public schools,” Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice told The Epoch Times.

In her experience as a local school board member, Ms. Justice saw government-funded activist groups lead the ideological capture of schools, she said.

“The grants go to ‘community partners,’ and ‘community partners’ then go in, and they work to change the procedure in the schools” to favor and teach LGBT activist worldviews, she said.

The federal government pursues this policy of “cultural revolution” against the will of most Americans, Ms. Justice said.

A recent poll by the group found that more than 70 percent of Americans want schools to teach basic educational skills and don’t want gender ideology or sexual orientation instruction in classrooms, Ms. Justice said.

Yet money flows to these projects.


The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) gave $1.2 million to “LGBTQIA+ pride centers” in the San Diego Community College District.

Another DOE grant of almost $1.6 million was awarded for North Dakota’s “indigenous, LGBTQIA+, rural and underserved school-based mental health needs.”

The Epoch Times contacted the DOE but received no response.

A version of this article was first published online on Oct. 8, 2023. A version was published in The Epoch Times newspaper on Oct. 11, 2023.
Reprinted with permission from The Epoch Times by Jackson Elliott.
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1 year ago

What a continued waste of taxpayer monies on a subject that should be considered as a private donation receiver. I certainly do not want my taxes to support this type of organization.

1 year ago

Sickening. There are so many worth while causes needing research and assistance. My heart breaks.

1 year ago

I’m so tired of this bologna, if you want to be gay be gay but I don’t support you , but I won’t judge you either, stop trying to shove your chosen lifestyle down my throat and the children’s throats, you chose now live with your choice ✌????

1 year ago

Sorry but you ARE the Gender that you were born as period!!!!!!

1 year ago

Buying votes against the will of a majority of Americans is not ‘representation’. Let Americans who support these ‘grants’ donate to them and stop forcing taxpayers to pay for all this administrations vote buying agenda.

Da Boss
Da Boss
1 year ago

Let the perverts pay for their own BS.

1 year ago

$4.1 Billion of the taxpayers money was wasted on this sick agenda. Just think about how that money could have been used to benefit the American people if it was spent properly. Taxpayers should be allowed to dictate where their money is being spent since the government is so irresponsible in spending our money on such wasteful programs.

1 year ago

wrong on so many many levels

1 year ago

So the government wasted $4.1 Billion on this moronic agenda? This is a perfect example of why taxpayers should have their tax $ only being used on legitimate programs. The taxpayer should have the option of directing their money to be spent in a practical manner.

1 year ago

God in Heaven will have the last say and soon I pray!

1 year ago

When is someone going to do the same with non government race based orginations? Funding anything that isn’t for every American should be stopped and defunded. Then go for the SWAMP, the unelected minion who administer such groups and pay themselves with Anerican Tax Payer money!

D. Shingledecker
D. Shingledecker
1 year ago

This crap the US Government is doing makes me sick to my stomach. For decades my federal taxes went to cutting up babies. Now it seems it’s going to support and encourage those with sexual dysphoria. The liberal dystopia is now embedded and the only way to dislodge it in the future mayl have to be a healthy dose of “antibiotics,” 1860s style.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

I wonder which of Islam following countries is friendly to LGBTQ and what is the LGBTQ position on it Are there any plans for speeches , protests, marches , demands, what?

Elizabeth S Misa
Elizabeth S Misa
1 year ago

This is so disgusting! We need to vote out ALL the RINOS and put fresh people in office who will step up to the plate and work for us! This kind of spending is out of control! Our dollars could be used for the betterment of others, not this!

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
1 year ago

Absolutely disgusting!! This dip stick pResident is trying to ruin our once great nation!!
FJB .. MAGA .. TRUMP2024

1 year ago

Brilliant plan to export deviant mental phyops to destroy other nations.

1 year ago

Did any of the $$$ go to anything concrete/tangible? OR… is it all just floating about and padding bank accounts?

Richard A Boudreau
Richard A Boudreau
1 year ago

Why is the people of this country not notified of these idiotic expenditures??

1 year ago

They can’t even convince the people in America to accept the LGBTQ+AILMNOP communities with ease so why are they sending money to work on countries that are even less willing to be accepting!! Also, I think we have more pressing problems in America that the $4+billion could and should go towards!! Bad spending decisions on the part of our liberal run government!!

G Morgan
G Morgan
1 year ago

Your Taxpayer Money at Work

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

Typical – those who scream loudest get paid attention to and coddled, while genuine needs are ignored. Maybe the GOP needs to start making more noise and demands for transparency, border protection, and better campaigning for elections.

1 year ago

Well isn’t that nice that we pay for someone on the other side of the world to have his junk or hers cut off. You are welcome,NOT!!!!
This should be told to all the addicts and homeless, since there was no money for. Or the cities that had to deal with the cost of all the migrants ole Joe shipped them
The Israeli soldiers are probably being killed by the weapons ole Joe left in Afghanistan. He is such a generous, but demented person. When are the sheep finally going to say: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Are they waiting for Hamas to stand at their door and tell them you are a prisoner of Hamas. Because our military is in ruin. Because all the weapons and ammunition went to the Ukraine. Were we safer and better off under Trump. Personally I say yes. Much better off. And the rest of the country thinks that as well.

1 year ago

Individuals having two X chromosomes (XX) are female. Individuals having one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY) are male. No amount of outward surgery to alter the outward appearance of an individual and no amount of drugs can ever change that basic and foundational biological reality. To say that surgical and chemical interventions can alter basic DNA is to not live in reality. It is living in a delusional state.

Doug C
Doug C
1 year ago

This pisses me off that MY tax dollars are going to this satanic GARBAGE!!

1 year ago

I would like to see the quarterly grant reports for these awards.
Just a ridiculous amount of money used for ridiculous causes. Not how I want my tax dollars used.

1 year ago

Yet everyday Americans lack fundamentals . they care not.

Paul A. Barnes
Paul A. Barnes
1 year ago

This ought to make us very sad. We should be praying against this kind of waste of our tax dollars. Don’t get angry. Just vote for people who will stop this nonsense. And don’t forget to pray.

1 year ago

This is most definitely Obamas doing , completely suck and disgusting, our country is falling completely apart because of this fool and traitor to America Obama did the same thing why he was president, and now thru traitor Biden who is a puppet Obama is a disgrace to the American people he has left the boarders wide open and still paying Iran and Afghanistan billions Obama and his administration needs to be thrown in prison for life for their crimes.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

DAMN waste

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

When,if ever will the liberal misfits that are totally inept at governing AMERICA throw up their hooves and say that we really don’t know what we are doing.It won’t happen until something happens to wake people up.I see that there are still people voting for democRATS,so common sense is still far off.Maybe we need a divided two party country,liberals in one part,AMERICANS in their own part.Probably sad,but it may be the only way to save at least part of AMERICA.

Terry Brinker
Terry Brinker
1 year ago

No wonder we’re 32 plus trillion in debt. None of this should be taxpayer funded.

1 year ago

The money would have been better spent helping the poor, the sick, and the homeless instead of supporting a pathetic unholy movement.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

More Biden and his team giving away free money to everyone they will bankrupt this country to get votes.Wait till taxes go up and paychecks get smaller to pay for all of this very sick what has happened in this great country.

1 year ago

Don’t use 4.1 billion dollars for food or medical expenses for needy people. No, no, no, use that taxpayer money for lgbt “look at me” events and ridiculous unnecessary “safe spaces”. We are not living in the times of 50, 60 plus years ago where gay people were being assaulted and discriminated against. It feels like a lot of the lgbt people wish those things were still happening, so they could protest and have a real cause. People need to remember that the government has no money on its own, all of the governments’ money belongs to the citizens/taxpayers. The fact that politicians are able to add “pork” to bills has long been a problem and it’s only gotten worse. We are talking about 1% – 2% of the population being lgbt, yet when you look at the media and elsewhere, you’d think it was 45% – 50% of the population. How did lgbt ever get to be so prominent and forceful in government? That’s easy. There has been a push to destroy the fabric of traditional American values in order to weaken the US and it has been working. It’s up to American families and parents to teach our children how important certain values are. The US became the dominant world power due to how we did things in the past, along with our morals and values. As we leave those values behind, we are weakening the US and are headed to the US no longer being THE world power. There is already discussion about the Dollar no longer being the world currency. That would be the beginning of the end. Next, imagine if white christian males stopped joining the military, you know, the white christian males that are portrayed as evil in the media? Yeah, the US would become a Second World nation, similar to Russia, at best. At least Russia has a more homogenous society, where its citizens agree on most things and have the same morals and values overall. The US has been turned into a tribal nation with different groups wanting what they feel is best for their own “tribe”, not what is best overall for the entire nation.

David Nelson
David Nelson
1 year ago

This is extremely disturbing to hear. Our Society is in deep troubles!

Washington would have
Washington would have
1 year ago

Keep voting for Communist Democrats, they sure took over in yesterdays elections..
George Washington woulda been stacking bodies by now

Porch Monkey
Porch Monkey
1 year ago

we will be destroyed from within

1 year ago

Giving money to social organization is criminal. Is it something covered in the Constitution?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Next Democrats will caucus with NAMBLA… perhaps they already do. “Every vote counts”.

1 year ago

Yep, tell the idiots in Virginia who voted for Democrats, that Biden and his minions are attempting to do what Obam tried to do, transform America (for the worse).

corbin douthitt
corbin douthitt
1 year ago

It’s called money laundering. Democrats ‘spend’ tax $$ by giving it to groups that in, turn- keep some but return some to the DNC and other Democrat groups. If you and I do that- we go to jail

1 year ago

Of course, we fund these whacko,immoral fringe groups and IGNORE Citizens who are seniors, mentally challenged and Veterans !
Why don’t legal Citizens strongly protest and DEMAND America FIRST?
What are people scared of,they know this is BS and politics only.
DEMAND BETTER and THROW EVERY marxist democrat OUT

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
1 year ago

Exactly why the Leftists must go.

Ron Odell
Ron Odell
1 year ago

Was this passed by the House?

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
1 year ago

and of course, Biden is raising taxes! What a colossal waste of taxpayers money. Why are we spending tax dollars in Serbia and Lebanon? The White House officials responsible for these wasteful programs should be hailed!

1 year ago

What happened to equity and diversity? Hmmmm, this all seems one-sided to me. Why wasn’t an equal amount to other groups that don’t receive fair and equal treatment?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

If in one year , what the Govt. gives away , would be diustributed among the U S citizens’ we would be on easy street for a while. Our Govt. is pitiful. Kyle L.

1 year ago

These people are sick sick sick, should be gathered up and placed into concentration camps and give them medical help to reverse this evil choice they have made period!!!
However its more likely in our present baby killing society that Christians & conservatives will be rounded up and gassed to get rid of us, much like what Hamas is doing & has done in Gaza. Satan & his demons are hard at work destroying anything good and only God will stop them at the appointed time.

Rosa Anderson
Rosa Anderson
1 year ago

We the people need to stand up and say no more it’s enough they’re making $ out of thinsair. It’s us who are gonna pay for it inflation is gonna hit us hard. Of that person wants their sex changed they should pay for it themselves. I have a video of a young man who switched to a female and he regretted it he’s a longtime health patient his life will never be the same. I pray for these poor children who are endoctrinated into changing their sex.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

For goodness sake. How can one expect a perverse world without borrowing money from China to pay for it?

The United Nations UN official flag. Sign of the international community of world
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