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Hillary Clinton – Sad Sack

Posted on Tuesday, April 9, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking with supporters at a town hall meeting at Hillside Middle School in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore | Flickr

Where are serious leaders? Sometimes politics is so out of touch you have to laugh or cry, shout or get silent, shake your head, and try to imagine what is in theirs. Well, it just happened again.

Remember Nixon declaring “I am not a crook,” Bill Clinton saying, “It [sex] depends what the meaning of ‘is’ is,” and Biden saying, “I’m not stupid” (Feb. 2023), then a year later, “My memory is fine,” while calling Egypt’s president Mexico’s (Feb. 2024)? Right, right, right.

Now comes the old first lady, Hillary Clinton, that odds-beating trader of cow futures, Whitewater real estate magnate, paragon of integrity who pocketed millions from nations whose wishes she granted as Secretary of State, creator of the “Russia collusion” probe, cat among the pigeons, crusher of her 30,000-email server, only to be crushed herself in 2016.

Ms. Clinton, who styles herself worthy of first-name status, like “Madonna,” “Cher,” maybe “Plato,” or “Bonnie” of “Bonnie and Clyde,” has reappeared like a bad dream or circling storm, maybe just a perennial gadfly, so out of touch she has no idea that people think she is already gone, until back.

Always and forever climbing, circling, resenting what is not, attacking what is, emblematic of what happens to those who feel spurned and then, unfulfilled, learn the wrong lesson – full-on venality.

When she reappears, popping up like an old ache in the knee, this hard-hearted pol has nothing positive to say, so always gets caught in the vortex of her own making., She seems never happy just to “be,” grateful for the chance to have served, is instead grim, sour, resentful, and all about power.

So, what is her latest gift, wisdom from this oracle, somewhere between Harold Stassen, who forever hoped he might be president, and Seba Smith’s fictional nag, the schoolmarm?

Ms. Clinton’s gift to America, this jack-in-the-box after Trump and Fox, is another broadside against American voters, all of them this time, offered on “The Tonight Show.”

As if she had not offended enough with her antics in the 1990s, calling traditionalists “deplorables,” leaving heroes dead in Benghazi, or her “Russia collusion” fake, she now offers us more wisdom.

Wisdom? Yes, right to the point, as she knows our failing: “Get over yourselves.”  She thinks the choice between Biden and Trump is easy, so we must “get over yourselves.” What does she mean? Just this, she likes Biden, hates Trump, and that’s that.

Go figure. The guy who beat her in 2016 is not her favorite. The guy who called her out for illegal behavior, whom she slimed with “Russia collusion,” bogus nonsense packaged as a national security threat, is not her cup of tea. Well, okay.

That settled, tell us how you really feel, Madame Almost President. Is Biden sharp, steady, and ready, this “elderly man with a poor memory,” to close the border, and address China, Iran, and Russia?  

As if her opinions were not stomach-churning enough, she arrived on “The Tonight Show” in “an enormous black feathered-festooned hat,” and “a flowery pink one for Jimmy Fallon.”

The irony, like so much about Ms. Clinton, is lost on her.  The feathery hats were not for Easter. On Easter, they were for “women’s suffrage” – the same day Biden called Easter “Transgender Visibility Day,” displacing women’s DNA.  Think about it, can the world be more upside down?

Utterly lost in her feather-topped head, Hillary told us to “get over yourselves.”  That is a good summary of modern politics, entirely out of whack, content to clap for an ironic sad sack.  Where are serious leaders?

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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5 months ago

RBC — Where are the SERIOUS LEADERS? As a nation, we are no longer following the Covenant that this nation made with GOD at its inception and continue like ancient Israel to follow the ways of the world. The Father has tried several times to get this nation’s attention but to no avail. Our reward for this insolence is BAD Leaders to run the nation. The nation sits on its laurels as this poor leadership passes laws that are contrary to HIS WORD. The combination of the eclipses of 2017, 2023 and 2024, makes the Jewish letters, ALEPH-TAV, over our nation — The First and Last, The Beginning and The End, and The Alpha and Omega. Prophetically, this could be a SIGN from GOD, that He is now finished with our nation since we are no longer HONORING HIS WORD and the Covenant that the nation made with Him. God may have abandon the nation but He still cares for His children.

5 months ago

I do believe Hillary should get over herself. She is so irrelevant. But the media keeps propping her up, as though she were still alive (lol).

5 months ago

I’m proud to be a deplorable!!!

5 months ago

Folks, whether you like Trump or Kennedy just go vote and get this regime out. They are trying so hard to bring our country under Chinese rule that they are not hiding it. Get your “facts” from various news sources both pro and anti Republican and Democrat. There are legitimate sites out there that tell the whole story without edit. A place to not be informed about the truth is the View for example,, they are so far removed from the common worker. They would die if they had to drive themselves, around and in a Volkswagen not an in a limo, or cook their owns meals do their own nails and hair. they are uneducated and uninformed and just down right racist and judgmental. They throw a tantrum when someone disagrees with them.
Hillary C and Michele O. Are also super far from what middle class and lower class need to survive. They have been rich to long to remember what it takes to survive.
I still believe the Democrats will dump Biden after June and all of a sudden Michelle O will be so worried about the path of America that she will sacrifice and take the job. She would be as bad as Kamala. She only remembers the little people struggle in speeches.
But please, vote.. and have the facts about what the person will do for you and me. I could care less if I like the person personality or approved of his/ her antics. I won’t someone who will take care of my needs.
I want “all” of American Citizens to feel secure and have money in our pocket. I want to Be able to by a package of hamburger and a tank of gas and have money left over. As was said in the movie Deep Throat, follow the money…to see where it comes from and goes to beyond the ones running for what ever position.

5 months ago

She’s piece of old thrash in the blue can. The entire party she sponsors can’t talk up ANY of Biden’s non stop disaster policies. So what does she do?,,,, Get’s in the media and talks gibberish to the dough brained woke supporters who have become turkeys with hoops through their noses,….proving just how easily they are to lead around.

Leon Lionheart
Leon Lionheart
5 months ago

We the People should have never started calling our elected officials leaders in the first place. They have become to believe that’s what they are, when in reality, they are supposed to be our public SERVANTS, fulfilling their duties of whatever governmental office they were elected to, be it federal, state, or county.

5 months ago

This sad sack was certain; metaphysically so, that she would be president and preside over the final transformation of the country into a marxist limbo. She would be the first woman president, displacing all thoses Zeuses before her. She would hurl thunderbolts onto all of the deplorables who dared vote against her and gather power to be the first female stalin reigning with iron will. The world would bow before her might and her righteousness. She would be a vengeful goddess to her enemies but a kind mother to her servile believers. This vision blew up in her face in 2016. Her bitterness knows no bounds. She will do anything to bring Trump down. Anything.

5 months ago

Well she is truly a wicked evil woman with a well established coven in L.A. The sooner she goes to meet her master – Lucifer – the better for the USA, and the whole planet.

5 months ago

Crazy old hag…. Disgrace to all women.

5 months ago

sad, corrupt, liar, EVIL and never ever right. why with the millions they have are they still trying to be a part of something when no one likes them or takes them serious.. take the L and move on for chrissakes.

Linda Nelson
Linda Nelson
5 months ago

I LOVED this article!!! Perfect characterization of the old bat that still considers herself relevant! Thank you for a delightful read!

5 months ago

S.Hitlery the perennial sad Sack of S***. The ineffectual wannabe hoping to ride her husband’s coattails through their murders Rampage of Arkansas Yes you heard me, Arkansas politics. Then what she figured were promises made to her that were out voted by the American people who had to be stupid not to vote for her. Unfortunately by the time you get to the presidency murder is just not as easy to pull off as it was in Arkansas. Well thank God America was smart enough to have never voted her into any office.

Leon Lionheart
Leon Lionheart
5 months ago

We the People should never have been calling our elected officials “leaders” in the first place. They have come to think of themselves as that, when in reality they were to be public SERVANTS, fulfilling the duties of whatever governmental office they occupy, be it federal, state, or county. They are not to be interfering in our private lives.
It has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that man is not capable of governing man — especially in light of the fact that man did not create man. Matthew 23:8-10, Amplified Classic: 8 But you are not to be called rabbi (teacher), for you have one Teacher and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone [in the church] on earth father, for you have one Father, Who is in heaven. 10 And you must not be called masters (leaders), for you have one Master (Leader), the Christ.

5 months ago

Mrs. Clinton is bitter because she did not live her life well, and, therefore, did not achieve a level of notoriety that came even close to matching her very lofty self-image.
She did many things that were terribly wrong – including her use of the FBI to create falsehoods about Trump and spy on his 2016 campaign… and, on top of that, allowing her own 2016 campaign to LOOSE to Trump.
Using her personal email for State Department business… something anyone else with high clearance would have been jailed for… also VERY likely resulted in the attack on the Embassy in Benghazi AS WELL AS the loss of Seal Team 6 over Afghanistan.
She carried herself like an immature, selfish, spoiled snob…. and people noticed.

carol exposito
carol exposito
5 months ago

Despicable old nag still thinks she’s part of the winner’s circle! Her spindly legs can barely carry her big caboose, but she wants to be in the race!!

Alice Birney
Alice Birney
5 months ago

Thank you, Mr. Charles. A well written clear photo, with some audio, of a former ” leader” with no where to lead, and no one following.

5 months ago

This “woman” is a sick puppy!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

You’ll have to forgive her since after leaving office and losing both a Presidential election and accompanying political clout, “donations” to the Clinton Foundation has dropped 70% and Bill doesn’t receive $750,000 “speaking fees” anymore. It’s rough having to live on tens of millions of dollars when you’re used to hundreds of millions!

T Smithh
T Smithh
5 months ago

AKA the Lizard Queen

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

h. clinton has the same I.Q. as Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee who told students at Booker T. Washington High School in Houston that the MOON is made up mostly of GLASS.

Sharon McNatt
Sharon McNatt
5 months ago

Laugh at her no matter what she says, she’s a clown and not a pretty one. Hahahahahahaha. Every look, her pant suits, laugh at her. Nothing she says makes a difference… hahahahahaha

5 months ago

The serious leader is Trunp or most on the Right, except for the Rhino’s of course…

Cody Grammy
Cody Grammy
5 months ago

Great article. My friend called us ” Adorable Deplorable” and stitched it on our T-shirts. We are all in our nineties. We are not WOKE either.

5 months ago

Die “B”, Die old “B” and all tour ilk. All of us deplorables are awaiting your ride down the elevator to the fires of your home for all eternity. “Hell”

5 months ago

Spot on Mr. Charles, but it will be lost on the children that for the most part have NO historical knowledge and zero civics understanding. Their education is from today’s communist infiltrated Pubic education Indoctrination mills to include the campi of the higher education trash AKA tenured communist inspired professors .. Our children have been compromised in the same exact manner as the Chinese children in the 40s 50s and the 60s when mao finally put a name to that punishment – the Cultural Revolution. Today the morons call their leftist racist attack on values the ” Woke “

5 months ago

charles has a low iq

5 months ago

robert charles sucks

5 months ago

who writes such garbage?

5 months ago

a terrible article by charles

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