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Hillary Clinton in Trouble?

Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

For decades, the Clintons have deftly eluded accountability for alleged improprieties, from Whitewater and Rose Law Firm records to issues around Vince Foster’s death; Bill’s chronic sexual harassment and rape allegations to Hillary’s wild profits on cattle futures during Bill’s governorship; Benghazi and missing emails to destroyed servers, private foreign donations while Secretary of State to casual lies about handling classified material and “wiping” data. But Hillary’s escape from accountability – may be coming to an end.

No less respected a source than The Wall Street Journal seems to see cracks in Clinton’s legal defense. The sense one gets reading reports and transcripts is that accountability may be coming.

In short, the 2016 Clinton Presidential Campaign appears to have been more than a passive collector of opposition research, a standard gotcha-game part of modern political races.

The standard is to rummage up old news, rumors and innuendos, score settling and envy venting, job, financial, personal, and any other allegations – then load the stuff like grapeshot in a canon for salvos during a campaign. Ugly, ignoble, but done.

That occurred in 2016, but evidence is mounting that something more sinister was also afoot. Facts are starting to come out of the trial of Clinton’s campaign’s lawyer that indicate a knowing plan to disinform, coopt, distract, or misguide the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The plan appears to have involved the seemingly innocuous relay of what the Clinton Campaign knew was false and presumptively damning information, created to tar Donald Trump before the FBI, maybe trigger surveillance, leaked reports, rumors … to sink the opposition campaign. 

After all, if the FBI was on her opponent’s tail, something must be wrong, right? That appears to have been the – rather bold, publicly corrupt, legally shocking approach that campaign took. As the Wall Street Journal is reporting, however, it gets more curious, more legally damning daily.

Not days after texts emerged confirming intended deception of the FBI by campaign counsel, one of Clinton’s aids says the former presidential candidate personally authorized going out with deceptions that ended up at the FBI, putting them on Trump’s campaign with false information.

Many questions remain not least how FBI and Justice leadership reacted, why statements at trial are now seeking to deflect the objective to mere misdirection of the press, and what will follow.

What we know is: “Hillary Clinton approved of an effort in the months before the 2016 election to provide the press with research purporting to show a computer link between the company of her GOP rival, Donald Trump, and a Russian bank” according to her presidential campaign manager.

Connecting dots, that bank was tied to the Russian government and Clinton apparently knew the data – and how it was assembled – suggested it was a bogus link. This testimony emerged during the on-going trial of Clinton’s campaign lawyer. He has been “charged with lying to the FBI about his motives for providing that research to the bureau in September 2016,” which he said was not for any client, despite working for Clinton.

Meantime, her campaign manager just testified: “I discussed it with Hillary … Notionally, the discussion was, ‘Hey, we have this, and we want to share it with a reporter.’ She agreed to that.”

The net pulls tighter, not yet tight. Words are slippery. Clinton could say she does not recall, too long ago, hazy, or just deny it. She could say the idea was to deceive just feckless reporters into these wild conclusions, not get the FBI chasing her opponent, or add FBI interest to storylines.

But this is getting hotter, not cooler. The special prosecutor has a reputation for playing chess with care, one piece at a time, triangulating cases, charges, witnesses on route to checkmate.

As the Journal notes: “The case is the first that special counsel John Durham has taken to trial in his three-year probe into how the Federal Bureau of Investigation handled allegations of ties between the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016.”

That would be a lot of work to bring a one-charge case. Testimony continues to pour out. “Earlier this week, that former FBI official, James Baker, said the agency would have treated the allegations more skeptically had it known of the research’s connection to the Clinton campaign.” Indeed.

The takeaway from this “first case” is that more is coming, and the level, quality, and significance of cases, charges, witnesses, and outcomes may grow. The process tends to push toward higher levels of culpability, not lesser.

Put differently, as testimony continues, we may see a freight train pick up speed, legal pressure and revelations mount, until one wonders: Is Hillary Clinton in trouble? Could the long Clinton run from accountability be over? 

Stepping back two steps, the larger point is that accountability in our Republic matters. It is the lifeblood of the constitutional process. All we have is trust in due process, rule of law, honest prosecutors, truth found via adversarial inquiry. The sense many have is that justice is coming. If so, the pursuit has been long, turns many, but we shall see. In all events, this trial matters.

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2 years ago

Have no fear RBC, Hillary is in no danger of being held accountable for her actions. Some low-level Clinton operatives may have to fall on their swords to protect the Queen, but that is about as far as things will go. With the statute of limitations rapidly approaching to all the events surrounding the dirty tricks she orchestrated in 2016 and 2017 (there is a reason for all the endless foot dragging we have seen all these years), I suspect Durham will run out of time long before he ever gets anywhere near charging Hillary with anything.

2 years ago

Only we can hope charges stick and this evil piece of crap is locked up!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Hope so & finally Hooray

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

The Clinton’s are Teflon Turds and will get by with Murder, (Pun Intended) as long as we have one liberal Judge setting on the bench in the littlest County, they will find them and pay them off to give the Clinton’s a pass, corruption runs deep in this Country. DON’T HOLD YOR BREATH, for a good outcome!

Wishful thinking
Wishful thinking
2 years ago

Absolutely nothing will happen to her. There has been enough cut and dried evidence on her obstruction of justice alone to put her in prison years ago but it never happened and never will. We can all wish and dream but that is all it will be. These crooks are slipperier than Al Capone and have almost all the media carrying water for them.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

If the Durham indictment is strengthened by the testimony during the trial, there will be a shadow of doubt about trusting Clinton. Maybe then she can’t run successfully for anything. This privileged elite that runs our federal government is so protected that I doubt any of them will be stopped. I hope we will elect people who will fight self-serving duplicity and not slide into the pattern once they are elected.

2 years ago

Nothing will happen to her. Judges, witnesses, jurors, don’t want to end up dead and they certainly don’t want to see family members murdered. I have no doubt they would all be threatened with death if they did anything to her. The Hillabeast is quite evil and Satanic and has zero conscience when it comes to the taking of human life. Whenever she is on a video speaking, just look at her cold, reptilian eyes. Evil personified.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

Mr. Charles left out the sale of American uranium rights to the Russians orchestrated by Crooked Hillary while she was Secretary of State. If Putin decides to send some of it back by missile in an enriched state, you know who to blame.

Paul Revere
Paul Revere
2 years ago

Ain’t goin’ to happen ! ! ! The Clinton’s are political royalty. It’s doubtful the queen will be sent to the Tower of London or any other jail cell to rot. Justice is dead.

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

Will some prosecutor seek an indictment for ANY criminal behavior of Hillary Clinton? Not in this life cycle.

If the Attorney Generals who served under Donald Trump didn’t charge Hillary with even a misdemeanor tells you that the current liberal Attorney General would laugh at the very suggestion of doing so.

All the evidence and proof that would be needed to charge Hillary is available, It’s the will to prosecute that is missing.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
2 years ago

We all know the Clinton group, and Hillary at center, are guilty to their cores… and the truth SHOULD be publicized. But under a crooked Biden administration, who would actually prosecute her / them? And if she was indicted and proven guilty, Traitor Joe would only pardon them/her. Tough to tell which family/syndicate is more corrupt… the Bidens or the Clintons… but one thing we know, they both belong to the Socialist Democrat party…intent on destroying the wonderful America we knew.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

I think we should expect a rash of “suicides” (aka Arkancides) in the coming months!

2 years ago


2 years ago

HIllary in trouble??? She found a splinter in her broomstick when she took it out of her garage!

Richard C..
Richard C..
2 years ago

Accountability in our Republic matters…give me a break. There’s only accountability when it comes to the common man. When it comes to our politicians and the rich and famous, there is NONE!

Take for example the trial of football great O.J. Simpson. I think it’s safe to say that we all know he did it. Yet his fame and money got him off scot-free.

There has NEVER been a crooked politician sentenced for a crime, and by that I mean any politician, because they’re all crooks. It’s not EVER going to happen. The system is rigged in their favor.

Hillary will continue to thumb her nose at the rest of us deplorables, and probably dance a jig while doing so.

2 years ago

she’s been in trouble all her life and never been punished.

2 years ago


2 years ago

I think James Baker’s statement about being more skeptical had they known the allegations were connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign is a bunch of hooey! Any informed and intelligent person would have known that … including DemocRats (who would aid in a coverup as needed to help avoid public belief of that truth). I think the real scum bags were the DemocRat captive news reporters of the DemocRat Party who aided in covering up the truth. I suspect politicos of both parties are not comfy with any politico being tried and punished by the legal process and system. WE NEED TERM LIMITS TO REMOVE WHAT I CALL “POLITICAL SELF GRATIFICATION” which taints pretty much all politicos from being tough on criminal activity by fellow politicos … perhaps because they too also have skeletons in their closets?????

2 years ago

Nothing would make me happier than to see both Clintons in federal prisons but I’m not holding my breath. If the FBI and Justice department investigated the Clinton crimes as thoroughly as they investigated the 1/6/2021 capitol protesters the Clintons would already be charged. Even if they are charged within the next 2 years, Biden or Harris would certainly pardon them. The Clintons will certainly face eternity in hell and I suspect that will have to do.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

I am tired of this diatribe about Crooked Hillary. Just lock her UP!!! And throw away the key!!!!!

2 years ago

We can only hope and pray…

2 years ago

Yes someone or many need to go to jail!! Come, Clapper, Schiff, CLINTON, ETC!!

2 years ago

She should have been held accountable decades ago.
I will not believe it until I “SEE” it!

2 years ago

Should clinton ever face a judge its highly likely, no matter the evidence, that the judge would channel roberts and decide that someone of her stature best be acquited for the good of the country and its political order. I would be surprised to the nth degree if she were to ever face charges.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Hillary is in all likelihood the most recognized women leaders in the world, tremendous power and political clout, probably the only reason slick willie was potus. That being said, she’s also a vicious and extremely dangerous woman, whenever there’s a threat to her the threat always disappears for some odd reason. She’s as cunning and as evil as anyone in politics and what she was doing would have put anyone else behind bars , that’s guaranteed. The fake dossier was diabolical and it literally handcuffed TRUMP for most of his term in office. Comey , and dozens of others were well aware of what they were doing and should all be in jail right now. The leftist socialist democrats are above the law and couldn’t care less about our constitution or our elections, Just look at the lie and fraud of a president were being destroyed by right now, a demented puppet who hates all MAGA followers. And the deplorables that work hard , pay taxes, and believe in our freedoms as American citizens. I cannot believe HILLARY us even contemplating running again. She’ll get shellacked once again.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago


Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

RBC… You are letting the Hildabeast off to easy imho… I seem to remember the( 30 )something cell phones, including Hillary’s of coarse that were smashed to smithereens with hammers, nothing to see here folks, no more smart phones. I also recollect her ” Uranium One ” deal as SOS, under the Kenyan, whilst allegedly she cuts 10% off the top & sells uranium to Iran, N. Korea & possibly China, I’m not all together sure on the 3rd one…
As most already know by now or they damn well should know, The Democrats with HRC at the top, accused Trump over & over again for crimes they themselves had committed…Trump was found to have done NO wrongdoing whatsoever, more of the same with the( 48 ) million dollar Mueller witch hunt, which produced ZILCH…
Isn’t it strange how HRC had a working knowledge on the Alfa Bank of Russia inner workings?
I seem to recollect HRC’s abandonment of American patriots in Benghazi, Libya with deaths resulting do to her inaction as Secretary of State serving under Barack Hussein Obama…Between Hillary, Barack & Dementia Joe, what a team!
In closing, ironically enough, the appointment of John Durham as Special Council by Bill Barr may turn out to be that one decision made by him that will allow him some degree of credit after his disastrously made decision to abandon his president & more of the same for VP Pence, a turncoat in the end as Pence is now stumping for the most corrupt governor in Georgia’s history, one Brian Kemp & then there is his SOS, one Brad Raffensberger, a known pathological liar, through and through…
Best regards,
Bill… :~)

Tom Perkins
Tom Perkins
2 years ago

Hillary will throw money at any group trying to convict her and Bill. Until they both ass put of this world. Guilty? Maybe. Rove it. Never. Stall. Stall Stall. Never come to trial is same as as. Winning

2 years ago

I’ve wondered for decades just how long she’d be able to preserve her and Bills crime spree.

2 years ago

Arrest and execute the clintons for treason and murder!!!

2 years ago

Once the ship starts to sink the rats are looking to survive. Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully it isn’t a train. I don’t trust the government nor the judicial system. The swamp is huge in this country and it needs to be drained. I love my country. The pill we need to swallow is love thy neighbor as you love yourself. You can’t love your neighbor if you don’t love yourself. So sit down and take a really good look at yourself. Do you love the person in the mirror. Or could you if you made some changes as k the Lord to help you and make some changes then go love your will love yourself even more for doing it but don’t do it so you can love yourself more do it because its the right thing to do.

2 years ago

Don’t really care if Hill is in trouble……do care to see her indited and tried for her law-breaking.

2 years ago

What about the 60+ murders of people connected to her? Let’s get some REAL accountability going for this highly evil witch.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

When HILLDOG Clinton is Prosecuted for TREASON and EXECUTED, then JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Hillary should be arrested and sent to prison for treason against the United States of America.

Rush Glick
Rush Glick
2 years ago

Hilary is under the protection of the 95% all media as well as the SWAMP itself. Until the government is cleansed of enough of the FILTH who rule it, as well as the hordes of vermin who infest its very bowels, nothing will happen to that witch.

Dave Williams
Dave Williams
2 years ago

The article points out many truisms with the exception that the Clintonswill be held accountable.

David Block
David Block
2 years ago

The Clintons may be one of the most corrupt families in the history of the USA.

Art Birx
Art Birx
2 years ago

The Clintons will always be untouchable even if strong hard evidence slaps the American public and media directly in their faces.

Mari-Ann Henry
Mari-Ann Henry
2 years ago

If I had a dime for everytime I heard someone say Hillary is finally going to be held accountable, I’d have more dollars than her corrupted Haiti Foundation. I hope and pray that someday, or comes true. But I am not holding my breath.

Jeffry Earl
Jeffry Earl
2 years ago

It’s about stinking time!!She and her companions have gotten away with murder.

2 years ago

I hope and pray that they finally nail herShe is a disgrace to our country

2 years ago

I’ve been closely following the many sordid Washington scandals since the Washington Post put a wooden spike into President Nixon’s heart. Sadly, the Post, like the NYT, is only interested in hanging republican scalps on their tepee poll. So I’ve noticed a very different response to how they’ve handled all the Clinton scandals. Which is to say they’ve completely ignored them.
Unfortunately for them the Washington Swamp no longer controls the narrative on what’s fit to print, and what dies in darkness. And even if the three Durham trial jurors who gave Hillary campaign donations in 2016 vote to say she’s innocent, that isn’t the end of the story. As Winston Churchill once said. It’s only the beginning of the beginning. There’s still a lot of dirty laundry that needs to be taken to the cleaners, and the Durham trial is just the beginning of a process. The get out the facts stage. There will be many more trials in civil court where the standards are different and it’s not so much about sending people to prison, as it is about sending them to the poor house. This is the part I’m going to enjoy the most. Even if the Post and NYT ignore every bit of it, Hillary and her co-conspirators will face a very bleak future. But I won’t, because I’m going to be watching these trials for years to come.

2 years ago

Misguide the FBI
No such thing as Hillary misguiding the FBI.
The FBI was willingly and maliciously on doing illegal —don’t just say they were not correct -say it the way it is they were corrupt in their hearts Lisa page his lover —Brannon the second in coman, Come the director of the FBI there is video of him saying the corruption he did he was the mastermind of a coup to get President Trump in jail
Come knew that Hilary was too corrupt and for a dash of remorse he went against her
Otherwise she would have been more corrupt than Biden flack of feathers walk together we need to pray for Durum because he can appeared dead any minute to cover their track Ray is another corrupt operating from the Top he needs to be fire also
The same operations from the same group of corrupts
They need to accountable on the crimes they have committed
I know you have to be careful what we say
Because the truth can get us destroy with this group of corrupt politicians
I don’t get it how people are blind
Now that people are knowing the truth that is why the democrat party is passing laws that illegals vote
They bring all this illegals to do their duty work , look at the video when Cinema was in the bathroom who was outside her her bathroom door —- illegals —- that is what they said gi listened to the video.
All the Rhinos are voting to protect all this corrupt democrats
They vote themselves into power with the votes they buy and pay to illegal immigrants that are in our country a lot of them that are not qualify for asylum.
Republicans are like bad dogs they fallow the dog for a while and then they loose the ball ???? because is not conviniese to find the ball because if they do find the ball they will loose favor from Democrats.
USA ???????? POLITICS TODAY are all about what is it for me m, not what is good for our country that will benefit Americans ????????

Look at Cheney she is corrupt as hell she lies with stray face.
Corruption is not part of freedom of speech
That is how some republicans act like they have the right to corrupt as though is not a crime they call it candor so that they can do it easier a lie is a lie
Hillary needs to be in jail because she chose to do criminal behavior
She agreed to break the law she decided to turn her face from Benghazi from Afganistan she part of the advisory board that is why they did the same turn their face away from all the women that were assassinated, rape , sex slaves, sex traffic
Etc… because that is their mode of operation.
Thalib, Omar are worse than Hillary because they are women and they never said anything against what the democrats did if abandoning this women to the desecrated they are all the same corrupt like hell.

2 years ago

I’ll believe it when she’s in prison. The DOJ has the opportunity to get involved. That cabbage brained Nazi in the White House could just pardon her.

Bull Shit
Bull Shit
2 years ago

The Clinton Tribe will go unpunished.

2 years ago

They damn well better nail her and everybody involved !

Andrew P
Andrew P
2 years ago

The Prosecutor Nail Hillary?? I’ll believe it when I see it.
By the time the prosecutor is able to go after the Hildebeast, if ever, the statutes of limitations will have expired. And Hillary is running for the rematch with Trump in 2024. If anything, Durham’s prosecutions will actually help Hillary. They show that Hillary is incredibly competent at conspiracies and skullduggery – which means that she is likely to be an incredibly effective and powerful President.

Julie Elllingson
Julie Elllingson
2 years ago

Great article. It gives us hope justice can be served on the Clinton machine. Durham is thorough and cannot be bought or manipulated. We need more like him and his team.

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