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Growing Fear Over Voter Fraud

Posted on Thursday, October 1, 2020
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

fruadFoolish accusations are flying from the left stating that the President and leading Republicans seek to interfere with the upcoming presidential election. Nothing could be further from the truth. Trump’s stance on the election has remained consistent. The President simply seeks a fair and honest election. The Trump vs. Biden presidential election is expected to bring about an unprecedented number of votes cast by mail, largely attributed to increased fears of in-person voting due to the coronavirus. However, based on state deadlines, there is widespread concern that ballots may not be delivered in time to be counted. Additionally, the handling of large volumes of mail-in ballots can lead to problems of accuracy.

The ludicrous left will tell you that voter fraud and mismanagement are myths. The statement that they are myths is 100% false. Per the Washington Post, former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg and his team amassed more than $16 million to pay the court fines and fees of nearly 32,000 Black and Hispanic Florida voters with felony convictions in a direct effort to boost turnout for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Do the Democrats care about felons? No, they are bribing them for votes.

To deny the existence of voter fraud is to turn one’s back on the past. Per, electoral disputes stretch back to the nation’s creation, with widespread voter suppression dating to the aftermath of the Civil War. The roots of voter fraud are undeniable. In September of 2020, Georgia’s top election officials announced that as many as 1,000 voters may have double-voted in the June primary elections of that state. In those cases, people showed up at the polls to vote after mailing in their ballots.

Currently, in Brooklyn, New York, nearly 100,000 defective absentee ballots were sent out. Many voters received an absentee ballot with someone else’s name and voter ID attached to the official mail-in envelope. If a voter signs their name to a faulty ballot, their vote can potentially be invalidated. Let me repeat that number; 100,000. As outraged voters of the Empire State called-in to report the ballot issue, the phone lines became jammed due to the high volume of people affected. If this massive problem doesn’t shed tremendous doubt on the fairness and accuracy of modern-day voting, nothing will.

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4 years ago

Trump and Bill Barr have both bashed mail-in fraud & corruption. This is the way I see it, one of you is the head of Executive Branch & one of you is head of the Judicial Branch, so you have identified problems so you have the power to fix it so that fraud/corruption do not happen with election. If we know a crime is going to be committed, do not we have a responsibility to stop it?

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