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GOP Must Go on Offense to Win NY’s Swing Districts — and Expand House Control

Posted on Sunday, September 8, 2024
by Rebecca Weber

The midterm elections of 2022 showed that the Republican House majority runs through New York, as the GOP flipped four previously Democratic congressional districts. More than a third of the Republicans’ nine-seat majority came from Empire State voters.

In November, this undeniably blue state will once again hold the key to Republicans’ House hopes — but only if the party’s candidates train their focus on the disastrous consequences of liberal policies, from Long Island to Albany and Buffalo.

And Republicans have plenty of examples to point to, particularly in the all-important swing districts.

On Long Island, the GOP faces three crucial contests in the 1st, 3rd and 4th congressional districts. Republicans notably flipped the latter two by just over 31,000 combined votes in 2022.

New Yorkers in Nassau and Suffolk counties have been hit hard by the Harris-Biden administration’s border invasion, as the flood of illegal immigrants into nearby “sanctuary” New York City has caused crime and chaos to spill over into their communities.

Last year, the town of Riverhead was forced to declare a state of emergency as Mayor Adams announced plans to ship migrants there.

In February, a North African migrant who crossed the border last November beat a homeowner in Hempstead. In 2023, police arrested eight men from South America following a string of break-ins at homes and businesses in Nassau County.

And it’s not just Long Island, but in the other swing districts, too.

In Syracuse, an illegal immigrant from Ecuador was charged with suffocating a 21-year-old woman and burying her body in a public park in June. That same month, another migrant was arrested for the rape of a 15-year-old girl in Albany.

Polling data indicates that voters throughout New York have had enough.

Per a Siena College survey this summer, 83% of registered voters in New York — including 77% of Democrats — believe the influx of migrants is a “serious” issue for the state.

Almost half of respondents, 49%, said crime has gotten worse over the past year, while 52% said New York is on the “wrong track.”

Republicans also face three crucial House contests in the 17th, 18th and 19th districts centered around the Hudson Valley. The GOP flipped the 17th and 19th by 2,314 and 6,202 votes, respectively, in 2022 and came within 2,700 votes of flipping the 18th, making all three districts top targets for both parties again this year.

Mayor Adams has shipped migrants to these upstate regions, overwhelming local resources and angering locals who have been hit especially hard by inflation and the skyrocketing cost of living under the Harris-Biden administration.

The price of housing in the Hudson Valley ballooned by 56% from 2019 to 2022, and the administration’s war on American energy combined with liberal New York policies has socked residents with ever-rising costs. Yet another rate hike of 8% for electricity and 9% for natural gas just went into effect for the region on August 1.

The cost of living in New York overall is 26% higher than the national average, while housing is 75% higher.

The accessibility of the American dream is under threat throughout the country, but in few places is it as imperiled as it is in New York.

Empire State Republicans have the right political environment to once again outperform expectations in November.

But conservatives can’t rely on voter dissatisfaction with the current state of the country — that frustration must be channeled into votes at the ballot box. 

For example, my organization, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is holding a “Bootcamp for Boomers” on Long Island on Sept. 14 — right in the heart of one of the most important battlegrounds in the country. This one-day event will give concerned citizens skills and resources to mobilize like-minded voters in their communities.

As an organization that supports seniors, AMAC always looks for bipartisan solutions to issues that affect our members, from reducing health care costs to preserving Social Security.

But extreme Democratic policies are threatening the safety and financial stability of American seniors.

Since 2022, Democrats and media pundits have sought to write off the Republicans’ surprising midterm performance in New York as a fluke.

But if dissatisfied voters once again turn out in overwhelming numbers, we can prove that common-sense conservatism is making a lasting comeback in the Empire State.

Rebecca Weber is the CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens and a lifelong resident of Long Island.

Reprinted with permission from the New York Post.

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Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
12 hours ago

Important article Rebecca, and what you wrote in the last sentence about ” common sense conservatism” — those three words are like really nice music , uplifting, inspiring ,just plain nice to think about .And the possibility of common sense conservatism making a lasting comeback in the state of New York , well, that is even better. This encouraging information presents a needed balance to the tragic examples of crime committed by the illegal alien element earlier in the article. So, in the spirit of being positive, and optimistic and thinking about the possibility that the Statue of Liberty symbolism will be preserved by the honorable endeavors of honorable people it sure enough is time to do things like you said about mobilizing concerned citizens interested in the betterment of this Nation. In any emergency situation it is always good to think intelligently, have courage and develop resourcefulness . Praise for all of the good things being done by the honorable people with AMAC .

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