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Five Democrats the GOP is Targeting To Win Back the Senate

Posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


Following a disastrous two years under Democrat rule, Republicans appear to be in a prime position to retake majority control of the House of Representatives this November. Over in the Senate, however, things remain less certain about Republican chances to do the same, even if the GOP still has good reason to be optimistic based on historical trends and public polling data.

In total, 34 Senators are up for reelection this term. 20 are Republicans, while 14 are Democrats. In order to retake the Senate, Republicans will have to win at least one seat currently held by a Democrat – assuming they can hold all 20 of their own seats, no easy task even in what looks to be a good year for the GOP. While 17 of the Republican seats up this year seem at this point to be safe holds, the GOP will face tough races in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, where Pat Toomey and Richard Burr are both retiring, and in Wisconsin, a purple state where incumbent Ron Johnson has become a favorite target of the left.

Democrats, while defending fewer seats overall in 2022, have more vulnerable incumbents, and are running under a Democrat brand that has become quite unpopular thanks to a host of radical policies that have wreaked havoc on American life. Here are five Senate seats currently held by Democrats that Republicans hope to flip this fall.

Georgia – Raphael Warnock

Republicans are particularly eager to win back Warnock’s seat after what transpired in Georgia in 2020. Incumbent Kelly Loeffler, who was appointed by Governor Brian Kemp following Senator Johnny Isakson’s retirement in 2019 due to health reasons, was running in a special election to finish out the remainder of Isakson’s term. However, after neither she nor Warnock gained 51% of the vote in the November election, the two-faced off in a runoff election in January of 2021. Warnock defeated Loeffler by 2 percentage points. When Republican David Perdue lost to Jon Ossoff in another runoff for Georgia’s other Senate seat, Democrats gained an effective majority in the chamber.

Now, Warnock is up for reelection just two years later, this time for a full 6-year term. However, voters may not take too kindly to Warnock’s extreme positions on a number of issues, most notably his outspoken support for Democrats’ repeated attempts at a federal takeover of elections that would have eliminated numerous election integrity measures like Voter ID and instituted universal mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.

Leading the field to unseat Warnock is former University of Georgia and NFL football star Herschel Walker, who has earned the endorsement of former President Donald Trump. Walker enjoys celebrity status in his home state and has excellent name recognition, particularly for a first-time candidate. Also running on the Republican side are state Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black and former Navy SEAL and Trump White House appointee Latham Saddler.

Nevada – Catherine Cortez Masto

After a three-point victory in 2016, Masto is running for her second term in 2022. Since taking office, Masto has taken a number of extreme positions on issues like immigration, abortion, and climate change, which could leave her out of favor with many voters in Nevada, which typically votes Democratic but has grown more Republican since the election of Donald Trump in 2016.

Leading the field to unseat Masto is former state Attorney General Adam Laxalt, who has earned the endorsement of both former President Trump and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Laxalt is hoping to capitalize on the GOP’s inroads with Hispanics in 2016 and 2020, as well as Nevada’s large population of working-class voters.  

New Hampshire – Maggie Hassan

While most mainstream outlets have largely ignored this race, Hassan may be one of the most vulnerable Democrat incumbents this fall. An October poll from the University of New Hampshire found that just 33% of New Hampshire residents have a favorable opinion of Hassan, while 51% viewed her unfavorably. Moreover, just 28% of Granite Staters say the U.S. is “heading in the right direction” – something that is no doubt tied to Hassan’s support for radical Democrat policies in the Senate like an elections bill that would have threatened New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary status.

However, Republicans have thus far failed to capitalize on Hassan’s apparent weak position, with no candidate rising to the top of the pool of potential challengers. The two most high-profile Republicans in the state, Governor Chris Sununu and former Senator Kelly Ayotte (who lost to Hassan by 0.1 percentage points in 2016), both announced that they would not run. Don Bolduc, a former Army Brigadier General, appears to be leading the field, but currently lags significantly behind Hassan in fundraising efforts.

Arizona – Mark Kelly

Kelly first won his Senate seat by ousting former Representative Martha McSally, who was appointed to replace the late John McCain. Now, Kelly is running for a full 6-year term. He is a skilled fundraiser and has amassed an impressive war chest heading into the election. However, Arizona has been particularly hard hit by Democrats’ open border policies. Kelly also has a far more liberal record than his more moderate counterpart, Democrat Kyrsten Sinema, something that does not bode well for Kelly in a year where Democratic extremism is on the ballot.

The field of challengers to take on Kelly is a crowded one, and with a late primary on August 2, a frontrunner may not become clear for some time. The two most likely candidates appear to be Attorney General Mark Brnovich and venture capitalist Blake Masters, who has the backing of Peter Thiel, a prominent conservative donor with close ties to former President Donald Trump. Although Trump has not yet endorsed a candidate, his approval will likely go a long way toward determining who the eventual nominee will be.

Colorado – Michael Bennet

Bennet will be running for a third term in 2022 in a state that has become more and more Democratic in recent years. Unsurprisingly, most pundits expect Bennet to keep his seat.

However, Colorado has also seen its share of problems related to illegal immigration, and spiraling inflation has hit the Centennial State especially hard. Should the border crisis continue to escalate, and the economy continue to worsen, a Republican with the right messaging may just have a shot to send Bennet packing this November.


By most estimations, Republicans almost assure themselves control of the Senate by winning three or more of these races. Winning just one or two and securing a majority is still possible, but will require an exceptionally strong showing from GOP incumbents.

However, both protecting Republican incumbents and effectively attacking vulnerable Democrats can be accomplished in largely the same way – by emphasizing Democrats’ radical policies. Unlike Republican challengers, incumbent Democrats have a voting record that they must run on, and it is one that likely does not sit well with most Americans. While all Democrats may be vulnerable on different issues, they are all complicit in supporting the progressive agenda that has been pushed by Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer all throughout this Congress.

A similar strategy helped Republicans hold every GOP seat and flip 12 Democratic seats in 1980, handing Republicans control of the chamber for the first time since 1955. In that election, voter backlash to the deeply unpopular Jimmy Carter, largely over economic concerns – not so dissimilar from what Joe Biden is facing today – swept Ronald Reagan and a Republican Senate into power. While Republicans will have to wait another two years for a chance at the White House, they can capitalize on the same sort of frustration with Democrats’ failed policies this year, and perhaps stave off complete disaster by placing a much-needed check on Biden’s radical ambitions.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Hooray take them down Bravo

Spade David
Spade David
2 years ago

The GOP should target every single senate or representative race (where a Democrat holds office) through aggressive campaigning in the upcoming election. Remember: These are the Marxist Democrats that wanted to wreak havoc in America. Those people must be defeated along with the Rhinos in Congress. Focus on quality conservative candidates must be paramount this fall.

2 years ago

If the GOP is going to “target” these folks, make sure they should not rely on the same old playbook. Hammer them with their compliance with the incompetency of the current administrations failed programs. In several instances the “Rs” are up against major war chests and incumbency without a definitive heavy duty candidate. Walker seems to have some leverage over Warnock. This whole article appears to a bit wishy washy. THE RACES HAVEN’T GOTTEN OUT THE BLOCKS YET ON A WIDE BASIS. OPINIONS LIKE NOSTRILS. EVERYONE HAS TWO.

2 years ago

If McConnell remains Senate leader it is not going to matter. He is not much different than Democrats.

2 years ago

Just curious. . . How many readers still trust the electoral system? How many of us actually believe that American elections are a fair representation of the taxpaying voter?

Not me.

Jeff Lynn
Jeff Lynn
2 years ago

The only way to win back the Senate is to put up solid and viable candidates.
Too often our candidates are weak. Even if they win a seat, they don’t have the fortitude to fight the RINOs.
Every candidate running for Senate should declare they will vote to oust McConnell as leader. Otherwise a GOP controlled Senate is just part of the UNIparty.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Here’s a News Flash, Michael Bennet, in Colorado is a Socialist bag of hot air, but that can be said for all the Democrats in Colorado

2 years ago

Blake Masters in Arizona is bought and paid for by Peter Thiel. So much so that the local news was calling Masters “Blake Thiel.” He won’t go far.
Mark Brnovich is the only candidate with real experience. As our attorney general he’s argued and won at SCOTUS several times. He’s solid conservative.
Jim Lamon is; However, making headway with a very aggressive campaign.
It’ll come down to one of the latter.

2 years ago

Majority of the state of Washington land wise wants to get rid of Patty Murray. BUT – the liberals of Puget Sound area controls who wins because they have the most voters.

2 years ago

My prayer for this election is to get truthful, patriotic people in these offices who will say NO to the Biden administration and PUT AMERICA FIRST

2 years ago

And in Arizona let’s not forget Mick McGuire: for nearly eight years (2013–2021), Major General McGuire, USAF (Ret.) served as the Adjutant General (TAG) of the Arizona National Guard. We are fortunate to have some very qualified Republican candidates running for U.S. Senate in Arizona. Mark Kelly has done nothing to secure our Border or our voting integrity laws. AZ is over him!

Steven H
Steven H
2 years ago

Bennet is a joke. He’s done nothing to better Colorado and doesn’t care about his constituents. I sent an email to Mr. Bennet and Mr. Hickenlooper that I am praying for them. This is Michael Bennet’s response.

Thank you for your message.

My staff and I look forward to reading more about your ideas. We’ll keep your thoughts in mind as we review relevant legislation and further consider this issue.

Keeping in touch is important to me. The best ideas come from people in Colorado, not from politicians in Washington. That’s why it’s critical for us to hear your opinions on ways to build a better future for Colorado and the country.

To stay up-to-date on the work we’re doing, please visit our website, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks again for contacting me.

Michael F. Bennet
United States Senator

This just goes to show that some of them don’t pay attention to what their constituents are sending them. While I wasn’t expecting a personal response, I was hoping for something different than his standard form response. Senator Hickenlooper didn’t even bother to respond, which is no surprise.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

We had a chance to beat Bennet 12 years ago but RINO McConnell wouldn’t send the GOP CONSERVATIVE candidate any $$$$. He wants people who will kiss his ***.

2 years ago

Why just 5? Get the braindead Commie out of NY gone! Many, many Communists should not be in government at all. Clean out the demonRat Party of Communists.
Then evict the useless McConnell.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

If decorum and values become lax like they have in this country, everything else that matters dribbles slowly down the drain. Uniformity went by the wayside back when I was a kid. Open campus for schools should have never happened, in my opinion. I, myself was proof of that. I skipped school like many others did. Our education system stopped teaching the basics in the 70’s, when I was a Sophomore in High School. I really was a poor student, and suffering in my younger years with Athsma didn’t help. They still taught important history back in the 60’s, but with the Vietnam War going on and the War Protests happening, they began focusing on the reasons behind the protests.
‘Our Civil Rights’ were still very important then, it’s just in these last four years it seems they’ve taken a turn. Instead of the Civil Liberties of everyone, a version to single out certain in our society who felt that ‘life choices’ were being discriminated against was what was being taught in our schools, and which was also advocated by the ACLU. I believe all the hate rhetoric for White Americans and the Police started with Obama and his campaign against what our country has stood for. Racism is about ignorance, and there’s plenty of ignorance to go around in this country. Although the Democrats count on the ignorance of our youth to push the race card for their hate agenda against Conservative Americans.
Because of our Socialist based education for the last forty years or so, our youth don’t have knowledge of our true history and which Party was embedded in racism, and also the reason behind changing the teaching of factual history and the history books used in the schools. The schools have directed our youth away from their parents and grandparents generation of knowledge.
At least fifteen years ago I began seeing what was really happening with the education of our kids as far as social issues. Cramming all the LGBTQXYZ acceptance garbage on them. Noticeably their education wasn’t about learning the basics anymore. The Democrats Socialist agenda was going full steam ahead. Now kids don’t have a knowledge of Civics or political history that matters. How do you even begin to reteach brainwashed kids what they really need to know. There’s got to be a way to draw them in somehow.
We need our youth to know about our country’s and other countries history so they’ll have the political understanding of how to vote, not just voting pertaining to life choice issues.
As far as our elections are concerned, we now need to pray there’ll be enough people with Conservative values and backbone to recognize what’s going to happen if election integrity is out the window. American’s are numbed by what is taking place in this country right now.
When I close my eyes and think about that, I envision hundreds of people just standing with perplexity on their faces with their mouths wide open in disbelief. It’s difficult to come to terms with what is happening! We can’t envision this country as a leader of nations any longer. I just pray God in His great mercy will help us fix this….FOR GOOD!!

2 years ago

The blue party is doing everything possible to make them look bad, but the Red party is not doing themselves any good by turning a blind eye to Jan 6th riots & to top it off Trump has indicated that he might pardon all 700 of rioters arrested if he is elected in 2024. This is not an act or a party that is supporting our police departments. And GOP has rebuked a couple of their own party if they do not go along with who ?

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

they shoudl be targeting every single democrat seat the democrat has announced retirement from.

LW Nevada
LW Nevada
2 years ago

Nevada: Adam Laxalt (R) will lose ugly to Senator Cortez-Masto (D). Laxalt lost in the last Governor’s race, even though he served as Nevada Attorney General. Nevadans simply don’t like Laxalt, he is running on his father’s name. Trump’s endorsement won’t help. Laxalt talks at people and not to them – among other things. My vote in the Primary goes to Sam Brown (R) featured on Hannity in 2021. If Laxalt wins the Primary – he may not, Laxalt never gets my vote. Nevada should be able to flip the Governor’s office from Steve Sisolak “Sissy” (JackAss) to Sheriff Joe Lombardo (R).

2 years ago

Warnock’s name should be Warlock, he’s a male witch.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Hooray take them down Bravo

Spade David
Spade David
2 years ago

The GOP should target every single senate or representative race (where a Democrat holds office) through aggressive campaigning in the upcoming election. Remember: These are the Marxist Democrats that wanted to wreak havoc in America. Those people must be defeated along with the Rhinos in Congress. Focus on quality conservative candidates must be paramount this fall.

2 years ago

If the GOP is going to “target” these folks, make sure they should not rely on the same old playbook. Hammer them with their compliance with the incompetency of the current administrations failed programs. In several instances the “Rs” are up against major war chests and incumbency without a definitive heavy duty candidate. Walker seems to have some leverage over Warnock. This whole article appears to a bit wishy washy. THE RACES HAVEN’T GOTTEN OUT THE BLOCKS YET ON A WIDE BASIS. OPINIONS LIKE NOSTRILS. EVERYONE HAS TWO.

2 years ago

If McConnell remains Senate leader it is not going to matter. He is not much different than Democrats.

2 years ago

Just curious. . . How many readers still trust the electoral system? How many of us actually believe that American elections are a fair representation of the taxpaying voter?

Not me.

Jeff Lynn
Jeff Lynn
2 years ago

The only way to win back the Senate is to put up solid and viable candidates.
Too often our candidates are weak. Even if they win a seat, they don’t have the fortitude to fight the RINOs.
Every candidate running for Senate should declare they will vote to oust McConnell as leader. Otherwise a GOP controlled Senate is just part of the UNIparty.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Here’s a News Flash, Michael Bennet, in Colorado is a Socialist bag of hot air, but that can be said for all the Democrats in Colorado

2 years ago

Blake Masters in Arizona is bought and paid for by Peter Thiel. So much so that the local news was calling Masters “Blake Thiel.” He won’t go far.
Mark Brnovich is the only candidate with real experience. As our attorney general he’s argued and won at SCOTUS several times. He’s solid conservative.
Jim Lamon is; However, making headway with a very aggressive campaign.
It’ll come down to one of the latter.

2 years ago

Majority of the state of Washington land wise wants to get rid of Patty Murray. BUT – the liberals of Puget Sound area controls who wins because they have the most voters.

2 years ago

My prayer for this election is to get truthful, patriotic people in these offices who will say NO to the Biden administration and PUT AMERICA FIRST

2 years ago

And in Arizona let’s not forget Mick McGuire: for nearly eight years (2013–2021), Major General McGuire, USAF (Ret.) served as the Adjutant General (TAG) of the Arizona National Guard. We are fortunate to have some very qualified Republican candidates running for U.S. Senate in Arizona. Mark Kelly has done nothing to secure our Border or our voting integrity laws. AZ is over him!

Steven H
Steven H
2 years ago

Bennet is a joke. He’s done nothing to better Colorado and doesn’t care about his constituents. I sent an email to Mr. Bennet and Mr. Hickenlooper that I am praying for them. This is Michael Bennet’s response.

Thank you for your message.

My staff and I look forward to reading more about your ideas. We’ll keep your thoughts in mind as we review relevant legislation and further consider this issue.

Keeping in touch is important to me. The best ideas come from people in Colorado, not from politicians in Washington. That’s why it’s critical for us to hear your opinions on ways to build a better future for Colorado and the country.

To stay up-to-date on the work we’re doing, please visit our website, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks again for contacting me.

Michael F. Bennet
United States Senator

This just goes to show that some of them don’t pay attention to what their constituents are sending them. While I wasn’t expecting a personal response, I was hoping for something different than his standard form response. Senator Hickenlooper didn’t even bother to respond, which is no surprise.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

We had a chance to beat Bennet 12 years ago but RINO McConnell wouldn’t send the GOP CONSERVATIVE candidate any $$$$. He wants people who will kiss his ***.

2 years ago

Why just 5? Get the braindead Commie out of NY gone! Many, many Communists should not be in government at all. Clean out the demonRat Party of Communists.
Then evict the useless McConnell.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

If decorum and values become lax like they have in this country, everything else that matters dribbles slowly down the drain. Uniformity went by the wayside back when I was a kid. Open campus for schools should have never happened, in my opinion. I, myself was proof of that. I skipped school like many others did. Our education system stopped teaching the basics in the 70’s, when I was a Sophomore in High School. I really was a poor student, and suffering in my younger years with Athsma didn’t help. They still taught important history back in the 60’s, but with the Vietnam War going on and the War Protests happening, they began focusing on the reasons behind the protests.
‘Our Civil Rights’ were still very important then, it’s just in these last four years it seems they’ve taken a turn. Instead of the Civil Liberties of everyone, a version to single out certain in our society who felt that ‘life choices’ were being discriminated against was what was being taught in our schools, and which was also advocated by the ACLU. I believe all the hate rhetoric for White Americans and the Police started with Obama and his campaign against what our country has stood for. Racism is about ignorance, and there’s plenty of ignorance to go around in this country. Although the Democrats count on the ignorance of our youth to push the race card for their hate agenda against Conservative Americans.
Because of our Socialist based education for the last forty years or so, our youth don’t have knowledge of our true history and which Party was embedded in racism, and also the reason behind changing the teaching of factual history and the history books used in the schools. The schools have directed our youth away from their parents and grandparents generation of knowledge.
At least fifteen years ago I began seeing what was really happening with the education of our kids as far as social issues. Cramming all the LGBTQXYZ acceptance garbage on them. Noticeably their education wasn’t about learning the basics anymore. The Democrats Socialist agenda was going full steam ahead. Now kids don’t have a knowledge of Civics or political history that matters. How do you even begin to reteach brainwashed kids what they really need to know. There’s got to be a way to draw them in somehow.
We need our youth to know about our country’s and other countries history so they’ll have the political understanding of how to vote, not just voting pertaining to life choice issues.
As far as our elections are concerned, we now need to pray there’ll be enough people with Conservative values and backbone to recognize what’s going to happen if election integrity is out the window. American’s are numbed by what is taking place in this country right now.
When I close my eyes and think about that, I envision hundreds of people just standing with perplexity on their faces with their mouths wide open in disbelief. It’s difficult to come to terms with what is happening! We can’t envision this country as a leader of nations any longer. I just pray God in His great mercy will help us fix this….FOR GOOD!!

2 years ago

The blue party is doing everything possible to make them look bad, but the Red party is not doing themselves any good by turning a blind eye to Jan 6th riots & to top it off Trump has indicated that he might pardon all 700 of rioters arrested if he is elected in 2024. This is not an act or a party that is supporting our police departments. And GOP has rebuked a couple of their own party if they do not go along with who ?

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

they shoudl be targeting every single democrat seat the democrat has announced retirement from.

LW Nevada
LW Nevada
2 years ago

Nevada: Adam Laxalt (R) will lose ugly to Senator Cortez-Masto (D). Laxalt lost in the last Governor’s race, even though he served as Nevada Attorney General. Nevadans simply don’t like Laxalt, he is running on his father’s name. Trump’s endorsement won’t help. Laxalt talks at people and not to them – among other things. My vote in the Primary goes to Sam Brown (R) featured on Hannity in 2021. If Laxalt wins the Primary – he may not, Laxalt never gets my vote. Nevada should be able to flip the Governor’s office from Steve Sisolak “Sissy” (JackAss) to Sheriff Joe Lombardo (R).

2 years ago

Warnock’s name should be Warlock, he’s a male witch.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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