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False Narrative Pushing H.R.1 – Do Not Believe It

Posted on Monday, March 22, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

H.R.1 – or Senate companion S.1 – represents a bold, dangerous attempt to capture the American electoral system once and for all. The idea is to remake America as a one-party system. Anyone who cares must read the bill – then speak up, clearly and without being intimidated, for our two-party system.

What is happening – and happening fast – is Democrats are angling to lock in a permanent majority, unconstitutionally federalizing and changing our elections. Worse, they dress up this Greek tragedy in a false narrative – boldly telling America the bill is not what it is. Let us be clear. This bill does not credibly solve problems tied to vote suppression; it federally mandates practices that produce fraud, error, and vote suppression.

To be clear: Democrats argue purging active felons from voter rolls disproportionately affects minorities, yet sound public policies mitigate against felons voting – whatever their background. Today, 48 of 50 states do not allow felons to vote, and a large percentage – for serious crimes – do not restore the vote. If this affects minorities disproportionately, the aim is deterring crime, protecting the public, and not enfranchising those who patently disregard the rule of law.

Likewise, Democrats argue requiring in-person and in-precinct voting, identification, no ballot harvesting, no instant registration from DMVs or schools, no mass mail-in ballots, and no 16-year-old voting – suppresses minorities.

The logic is flawed. First, these provisions measurably reduce fraud, elevate accountability and responsibility in the exercise of the franchise. Second, they are neither race-based nor discriminatory. Polling places must be accessible; if not, that can be challenged. Identification is of many kinds, again assuring integrity.

Requiring people to vote where they live is not a suppresser. Ballot harvesting allows intimidation and manipulation by collectors – as no oversight; disallowing ballot harvesting protects the independent exercise of the vote by every voter.

Instant DMV registration sounds good, but 16 states and DC – as is their right – issue driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, not constitutionally entitled to vote for Congress or President. Accordingly, instant registration from DMV – ditto schools – fans fraud.  The absence of it does not disproportionately affect any citizen.

In short, the notion that this bill addresses voter suppression – and does so without intolerable impact on election veracity or truthfulness – is simply not true.  In sharp distinction, the bill pushes buttons producing fraud – historically in favor of Democrats. That intolerable fact is why the American Civil Liberties Union and Wall Street Journal’s (WSJ) editorial board both vehemently oppose the bill.

As Kimberly Strassel recently wrote in the WSJ: “The left and the media describe H.R.1 as a ‘voting rights’ and ‘campaign finance’ reform,” but “it is actually an unprecedented federal effort to dictate state voting rules.”  Specifically, “The bill would strip states of their authority to decide methods of balloting, election deadlines and most aspects of election security,” and “would mandate mail-in voting, impose registration rules, dictate ballot-return dates, and void identification standards … even limits states’ ability to draw congressional districts.” See, e.g.,

Beyond that critique, the bill mandates one-party control of the Federal Election Commission, green-lighting fraud.  It takes away state constitutional authority to redistrict, flying in the face of the Framers’ intent.  It chills free speech by mandating your name and address for personal “doxing,” intimidation, boycotts, and firings if you contribute to political action groups. And it mandates DC become a state, intended instantly to generate two Democrat US Senate seats.

So, let us get this straight.  This is not an anti-voter suppression bill.  This is a bold, filibuster-busting attempt at one-party rule, no check.  It kills constitutionally protected state, local and individual rights. This bill is not “For the People” – it is for crushing the people, twisting our electoral process, giving one-party power.

Notably, Strassel adds: “Some 33 states are evaluating legislation designed to avoid a repeat of the 2020 mess, in which courts and executive-branch officials overrode state law and many voters lost faith in the system.”

Putting a fine point on it, she notes: “The left and the media are now falsely branding these sensible efforts at clean elections as ‘voter suppression,” but “The real big lie is H.R.1 …a brazen attempt to rig the game for a permanent Democratic majority.” What is more, “proof is the fury with which the left is demanding the Senate kill the filibuster to pass H.R.1 with 51 votes ….”

Powerful facts: First, Americans must guard against false narratives: A bill that kills democracy is not for democracy. Second, Democrats are done with bipartisanship were before they started. Third, the century-old Senate filibuster – assuring 60 for big change is at risk. Fourth, this bill is a Trojan Horse, pushed to get inside the Republic’s walls and destroy a constitutionally protected electoral system. Needed are people who see and speak the truth to prevent that unthinkable outcome.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

I dont buy HR/S1 day 1
Rigged for continual elections like last Nov
NOT buying the game on HR 1
For power & politics only

Delwin Hyatt
Delwin Hyatt
3 years ago


3 years ago

I agree. There is NOTHING good in this bill for the hard working American tax payer. Dems are too power hungry and self-serving!!!

Brenda Gaboni
Brenda Gaboni
3 years ago

Americans must wake up and fight for our freedoms.

3 years ago

The only people benefitting at all from this Bill are the Democratic Communist Leadership now running the so-called Democratic Party of today!

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

When several changes are put into one bill, many who vote may not even notice. So clever and so wrong. Even if Amac members favor it (and if they stop to carefully think, they will not), this is bad legislation. This is an attempted takeover by one party that would have stormed out of the room if the other party had attempted anything like it.

3 years ago

Are we joining Russia in the way they vote? Having grown up at the Berlin Wall, I saw every day what communism does to people: don’t say or trust anyone! This is now starting here with the media controlling our free speech in Facebook and NextDoor with the fact finders in place.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago


3 years ago

Generally I think most seniors have a decent understanding of what H.R.1 is really about and that the whole narrative the Democrats and the MSM are pitching of it being about “preventing voter suppression” is just the usual lie the Democrats put forth to hide their real motivations for the bill. The MSM of course does not challenge the Democrats’ claim of it being all about “preventing voter suppression”, because the MSM knows the truth and frankly approves of the Democrat agenda.

The reality is the Democrats found a way to not only “win” the presidency, but also “win” control of the Senate through a series of fraudulent actions. Same methodology used in both elections to achieve the identical result of a Democrat “win”. The American people didn’t do anything of substance to correct the illegal actions. That window of opportunity is now closed. We now have Democrat control of the presidency and also of both houses of Congress, with the predictable results based on the clear agenda the Democrats laid out for the public prior to the election in 2020. So now the Democrats see a clear path to codify all their fraudulent voting actions of 2020 into law. The objective being able to replicate the same results of Democrat “wins” in all future federal elections.

I expect the legislative filibuster will soon be tossed on the trash heap of history and H.R.1 and other Democrat bills will ultimately sail through the Senate on a 51-50 vote split. Manchin, for all his bluster, does ultimately end up voting along with his party on almost all matters. Look at his voting record.

Given how fast John Roberts was heard arguing through the doors of the Supreme Court against the Supreme Court hearing the Texas lawsuit in December, for fear of reprisals from ANTIFA or BLM protestors, I would expect the Supreme Court will decline to intervene in most of the Democrat bills coming down the road as well.

People’s rights and freedoms in a representative republic, which is what this country was formed as, are only as secure as the willingness of those same people to defend their rights and freedoms from those looking to take them all away.

Suzanne Harrington
Suzanne Harrington
3 years ago

Thank you, AMAC, for continuing to contact your members and tell the truth about proposed H.R.1. It is, indeed, a dangerous and false narrative being pushed by the radical left Democrats in an attempt to eradicate our U.S. Constitutional based republic form of democracy and forever control decisions that affect Americans. We contacted our U.S. Representative for Arizona’s 1st congressional district, Tom O’Halleran,via email about a month ago. Within a week, we received a letter with a canned, mealy-mouth response that clearly indicated his support for passage of H.R.1. O’Halleran has been in office since 2017, having begun his political “career” as a Republican, he was the Arizona State Senator from the 1st district from 2007 to 2009. In 2015, he became a member of the Democratic Party. We definitely will not vote for O’Halleran and hope that enough people in our U.S. Congressional district become aware of his leftist ideology to get on board with us and ensure he cannot continue in office past his current term. He’s just another career politician supporting current leftist/socialist, ideological proposals and policies.

Deborah Kaiser
Deborah Kaiser
3 years ago

This is bad news all around! Have already conyacted my senators and congressman; what else can one person do do help get this runaway train derailed?

3 years ago

HR1 will legalize what illegally happened during Trump/Biden presidential election. Bottom line—illegal voting methodology will be legalized. Also, 16 year olds will be able to legally vote. What’s next? Will 16 year olds be drafted into military service? HR1 is just beginning to”fundamentally transform the United States of America” as a former president said.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

These communistic traitors to America are on a mission- let’s ensure it’s a failed mission, and they are dealt with accordingly.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

Nothing could be worse for the fairness of elections than this proposed bill. It is a fact that the Marxist Democrats want to take away the rights of voters under the guise of curing their conceived concept of voter suppression. This bill eliminates all of the safeguards that protect the true and correct voter intentions. Any person in Congress who would vote or promote this bill should be called to account now and certainly at the next election.

3 years ago

If there was a way to remove this Administration believe me I would do it. They are destroying
our Country in leaps and bounds. I never saw this regime work so fast to get what they want,
Total Government take over. In other words, you are looking at the Communist Democrat
Party. This bill re: election, is the worst yet. It will be One Party Rule. No Republican will be able
to get elected again. This will be the end of our Country.

3 years ago

We cannot believe a word they say or any title they give any bill. They think we will believe it if they title it “we the people” for instance. Do not be duped.

3 years ago

Since this issue and legislation is in the hands of Congress, what productive good can the average American really do. Our elected officials will vote as they will regardless of constituent directives.

Mike Gray
Mike Gray
3 years ago

This is a thinly veiled attempt to control voters at the Federal level. Each state should use Florida as a bench mark for their election process. Positive photo ID, pre-registered for a poling location in your district, request absentee ballots in a prescribed manner. Vote only if you are old enough to be in the military.

3 years ago

Need to revamp the election process. In the 21st Century , need to take away write in ballots. Keep absentee ballots for military and employed citizens overseas.

Jay A.
Jay A.
3 years ago

We must resist this trash legislation, if you think voting is a mess now just wait until this monster gets rammed through. You ain’t seen nothing yet!

3 years ago

The organization of convention of the Consider checking it out.

3 years ago

Every member of Congress is guilty of treason. Definition of treason is BREAKING A TRUST. When they swear an oath to defend and uphold our Constitution, then get sworn in, it’s only a matter of a few days before they betray their constituents.
There should be NO absentee ballots with 2 exceptions:1 A doctor’s letter stating that you are physically unable to go to your polling place, and 2. If you are in the military you can vote absentee. A valid photo ID is necessary to vote: every one has a photo ID to conduct business of any kind in the USA.

3 years ago

If the Electoral College (as exists today) , only 6-9 high population states will control future Presidential elections. The votes of states such as Alaska,Hawaii,Mont.,Wyoming,etc. will not mean anything to the candidates .

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
3 years ago

Voter roles need to be 100% verified as accurate prior to the voting period.

3 years ago

Obama thinks he will be our dictator.

Helena Brus
Helena Brus
3 years ago

All the language in these new bills and the recently signed Executive Orders had to have been prepared weeks, if not months, in advance as “they” knew the presidential election would be won in the Dem’s favor. To think otherwise is objectionable.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

In summary, election integrity is a far more important issues than voter suppression and has been for years. The mostly phony claims of suppression are used to justify policies that enable higher levels of election fraud which has been the Democrats agenda for years now and simply growing worse. Sadly this is only one facet of the Democrats efforts to achieve total and complete political dominance and a one-party system with them in control. The illegal immigration fiasco/amnesty is a means of changing the nation’s demographics in their favor and locking in votes from a grateful and growing Hispanic community, statehood for DC and Puerto Rico is another, keeping blacks and anyone else they can dependent on the government is another, the economic tragedy of the COVID shutdowns created by mostly state Democrats another, it’s a long list. All of it has but one purpose and it is not compassion for anyone. It is total political power and if our nation must be turned into a cesspool to achieve that power they support it. In a word, it’s Evil!

D. Poole
D. Poole
3 years ago

Politics as usual. Lies, told by liars with more lies. What might we expect? My father was right….
“when it comes to politics and politicians, don’t believe anything they say, and only half of what
you see.” With our entire system of government under siege who will stand? Read Proverbs 6: 16-19
for the wisdom needed to see the truth, counter the lie and move to the righteous ground.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

It is all about PURE communism. It is about control over EVERY part of your life. Oboingo started it. This is Oboingo’s 3rd term. Jo(k)e Bye-then got in through fraudulent mail-in votes and Dominon’s manipulation of their computer algorithms. And Mike ‘Pants’ in concert with the cowardly S C could have prevented all this through a lengthy investigation. S C backed off for fear of starting riots ? Yeah, right. Cowards all. Now only armed insurrection will get them out of the WH.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
3 years ago

I’ve been voting absentee for years (I’m 78 years old). While I was still working I also volunteered as a poll worker. This, as well as age plus health, is a legitimate reason to vote in this manner. It is CLEARLY MARKED on the ballot. Also marked are inmates, military forces. If these are NOT clearly marked on the ballot, throw it out. And where is the Supreme Court in this matter. We ABSOLUTELY MUST REMAIN A 2-PARTY SYSTEM!!! Anything else is unthinkable!

3 years ago

Either immigrants should become citizens before being able to get a driver’s license in any state or getting a driver’s license should not be a valid ID to vote IMHO.

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
3 years ago

The idea of 18 year olds voting for the direction of the country is flawed enough, as they simply are not mature enough to make the Informed Decisions required to vote! Just imagine if 16 year olds ALSO can vote? Who would they vote for… Mickey Mouse? Well, I must say that Mickey Mouse is a much preferable alternative to any sitting Democrat… The Democrats seem to think that they will be controlling the “One World Government”, when in all probability, they will only be the Dog Catchers! But, to get to the “One World Government” so desired by the Democrats, they first must control the American People, and, to do THAT, they must get rid of the First, Second, Fourth, Sixth, and Tenth Amendments. It’s coming, folks… bet on it!

3 years ago

How on earth did our Military get so screwed up?? Obama cut back our Military, so it must be some of the newer ‘WOKE’ recruits who are supportive of the insane Left’s agenda to sissyfy the Military with transgender garbage. That’s the only reason I can imagine that some in our Military are compromised at this point. I just don’t get some of the Generals not standing up for our Constitutional Republic! They swore an oath to defend against enemies foreign and domestic!! Have they been bought off, or their families threatened by the Deep State Cabal? We need to pray that our Military will get a backbone and take a stand against this evil. The insane things I’ve learned from being on the free speech platform Gab, is extremely disturbing. Some about the circumstances surrounding ‘adrenochrome.’ I’m hoping NONE of it is true, though I’m sure some of it is. God help us!!

3 years ago

I thought we were a two party democracy. For the people by the people, all The people! We cannot give up our constitutional rights by allowing the democrats to get this bill passed

Mickey the Smickey
Mickey the Smickey
3 years ago

It sounds like it’s going back to the 1930’s where Hitler decreed a one Party system.

Ina Heisey
Ina Heisey
3 years ago

We need to have the in-precinct voting & only the absentee ballots allowed to be mailed in !
Too many Dems are making changes that are not legal ! Keep the two party system !! The old system worked until the power greedy people took over…..i.e. Pelosi & Schumer & Obama !

3 years ago

The full title of HR1 should be the “For the People Who are In Power and are Going to Be Sure to Stay There” What the Dimocrats consider voter suppression is what everyone else would call an honest election. There are far too many examples of them demanding identification to do almost anything except voting, In fact all facets of the government demand ID to obtain many of their services.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

USA was not created to be communistic or socialistic type country! USA was created to be able to grow, think, develop ideas and growth without fear! There are those trying to turn USA into China or Venezuela and they are the ones that should leave and go to those countries!! Rise up Americans!! Stand firm Americans!! May the backlash bite the Democrats fiercely!!

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 years ago

How many people recognize that the narrative that “minority voters” are being suppressed is a narrative that is based on the lie that the left knows how people vote with their secret ballots, and have been manipulating especially inner city balloting for decades? As one who worked inner cities for 20 years I can tell you that the the inner city voter is as conservative as can be for the largest part of the most part. It has been a long time since then, but as an election official I also knew what the left were doing for a very long time. We didn’t call the police when we saw it; the police called us to tell what was going on, and we verified the information. Nobody wanted to check voting addresses, but I was not afraid. John Wilkes Booth registers under four variations of his name, and his registered address is The Greenmount Cemetery in Baltimore. Some of his addresses were vacant, vandalized, boarded up dwellings where votes as well as methamphetamine were, and may still be, cooked.

The only ones suppressing the “minority vote” are the Democrats suppressing the American patriot of African descent as Paul Revere referred to black people who fought alongside the Founding Fathers in the Revolutionary War.

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
3 years ago

Well the buzzard has come home to roost! Folks the bill (HR-1) has passed the HOUSE! Now is the time to write, call, E-Mail, text, twitter, face book, one or all the above, the Senators. Two points is important, 1.) do not end the filibuster, that is in my mind the key to keeping this broke system working till the adults can come to power again, (note Mich and Rinos are not adults as dems are not!). 2.) HR-1 has to fail in the Senate. The dems are counting on it passing. Maybe the above coms in mass to the order of +10 will sway the few needed to put things right. Work with your State to get State bills passed outlawing HR-1 should it pass. By the Constitution the States are the one who set voting laws. If more than half of the States would do this it should work. Pray that God’s will be done in the lives of all elected leaders. BT

3 years ago

D. Poole, is correct citing the wisdom of Proverbs 6. Notice that they plan wickedness and then lie regarding their plans before gaining control but they also shed “innocent blood” – as they disgustingly encourage, support and deceive the young and vulnerable to actually murder their own children in their wombs.

Republican (not just, God-fearing conservatives) need to heed this warning, be wise and to stand ground for “righteous” principles and not to ever simply think about maintaining political control through compromise.

PROVERBS 23:1-3,
“When you sit down to dine with a ruler,
Consider carefully what is before you,
And put a knife to your throat,
If you are a man of great appetite.
Do not desire his delicacies,
For it is deceptive food.”

In the 1960’s craze, all wisdom out the window flung,
The voting age lowered to 18, led by Ted Kennedy, among.
Though the Left’s values are outrageous,
Brainwashed in school – with the immature contagious.
Though in contention they bring up military service,
Teenage voting should make one very nervous!
We should counter with consuming alcohol,
Not before age 21 – is large and not small!
Of course the outrageous, find this nonsense as they fall,
Even making lawful all drugs for all! ! !
From this one to that one,
They pretend likeness, yet, no comparison.
Military lethal weapons but they’re thoroughly trained,
Eighteen is too young to vote, especially atheistic-stained!
Progressive brainwashed in schools page after page,
Voting should “RETURN” to age 21 – wisdom comes with age!

Nations in general used looked to America, as a stalwart for godliness and great pride in God and His Word. The Ten Commandments were everywhere. Of course the secular, atheistic, humanists gradually took control but also the silent majority, in a sense is also at fault!

Complacent and cowardly, we are partly to blame,
For the degradation of society and all of it’s shame.
Silent citizens, did it never occur?
So-called abortion IS A MASSACRE!
Adding abominations gets even worse,
The disgusting sodomy curse!
Genders pretenders – nations shake their heads!
How has life and liberty America, become dead?
God and His Law – “RETURNS” – as our instruction,
Or we’re soon headed for complete destruction!

PROVERBS 24:23-25,

”These also are sayings of the wise.
To show partiality in judgment is not good,
He who says to the wicked, “You are righteous,”
Peoples will curse him, nations will ashore him;
But to those who rebuke the wicked will be delight,
And a good blessing will come upon them.”

3 years ago

we all know it sucks! the question is rhetorical “What are you going to do about it?” we all did our job and turned out the highest vote count in history and our government turned a blind eye to the theft of the election allowing law breaking to decide the outcome.

3 years ago

H.R.1 is proof positive that the left KNOWS that it stole the election.
If they thought they won it fair and square because they were more popular and beloved, then why would they have the need to enshrine all of these federalized anti constitutionalisms?

Stephanie Bowen
Stephanie Bowen
3 years ago

A horrible horrible idea!

3 years ago

This exposes the DemonRats as the cunning crooks that they are. This is preposterous. No one but brutish jerks and criminals would even think of doing this. They stole the election from President Trump, so why do they even need to do this fraud.

Carol Smith
Carol Smith
3 years ago

I am a resident, taxpayer and voter in the state of MD. I opposed this bill and wrote to my US delegate, Dutch Ruppersburger and told him I wanted him to vote no on HR-1. He told me he disagreed with me and would vote to pass it.
I have sent a letter to my US Senator and also asked him to vote no. Thus far he has only acknowledged receipt of my letter, he has not told me whether he will vote for or against SR-1.
This legislation is a scam, it would give democrats the power to cheat in perpetuity. How can they even pass such unconstitutional legislation?

3 years ago

Why should we be surprised at Democrat disinformation and terror attacks by their brownshirts, now labeled (misleadingly) antifa? The name Democrat means “power over and through the mob (demos)”, after all. These tactics worked well for the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP, aka NAZI) to come to power, and for the bolsheviks before them, so why not try them again? They have had almost three generations of dumbing down history courses at the high school and college level so that most wouldn’t see it coming again.
This explains the direct attacks on our economy and the illegal flood as well. These aren’t stupid mistakes, they are quite deliberate to create a crisis for takeover, probably by Harris and ? (take your pick of a number of terrible possibilities for vice). (Harris probably was chosen so that we would be reluctant to rusticate Joe as senile, on the principle that “anyone’s better than Harris!)
Perhaps they’re getting desperate that we may see through it all and vote them out in ’22.
BTW, DC statehood is directly forbidden by the Constitution, but don’t look for the Roberts court to rock the boat before the ’22 elections, since they just might pack it in retaliation, and he wouldn’t be chief anymore.

3 years ago

“””H E L L O “”””
California has already succeeded in the mono party system and Gavin Newsome is our present DICTATOR at large so look into what he has done and tell everyone what will happen and they can see for themselves how he has sold California to China and is going to be the first governor to bankrupt California….Check the amount of families leaving the state

Steve H.
Steve H.
3 years ago

I wrote to my Senators from Colorado, both Democrats.
I heard nothing back from John Hickenlooper.
Senator M. Bennett replied and said he would continue to support the bill.
It actually did not surprise me that he will continue his path forward. He has not been a friend of conservatives since he was first appointed to fill a vacancy years ago.
We very much miss Corey Gardner and his efforts for our state and for the country. He worked across the aisle unlike what John Hickenlooper will do for our state of Colorado.

3 years ago

Stop playing softball and play hardball !! Next election they put up steel mail in boxes all over city , the Republicans put up twice as many in the suburbs . They put out mail in ballots and count them at 3am the Republicans mail out to everyone in the suburbs and rural areas and count them at 4am . Play ball !!

Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Rep. James Comer (R-KY) participates in a panel discussion at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord National Resort Hotel And Convention Center on February 20, 2025 in Oxon Hill, Maryland.
Shiri, Ariel and Kfir Bibas, who are believed to have been killed while in captivity under the terror group Hamas in Gaza.
Flag of Arlington County in Virginia, USA. Flag of Arlington County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA
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