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Extremely Low Expectations for Joe Biden as Debate Approaches

Posted on Tuesday, September 29, 2020
by AMAC, Andrew Mangione


Even the most casual observer of the current presidential campaign has witnessed that there is something that just doesn’t seem right with Joe Biden. Thanks to social media, there is a veritable highlight reel of numerous Biden gaffes, including him not knowing where he is on the campaign trail, misquoting statistics about the coronavirus pandemic, not being able to quote the Declaration of Independence accurately and claiming that someone other than Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

Trump supporters gleefully claim that the President would eat Biden’s lunch should there be a debate, and there’s no guarantee that one will occur this evening – someone, be it Biden himself or a campaign staffer close to him, could suddenly be stricken with the coronavirus and scuttle the event. But should the debate occur, the expectations for Joe Biden’s performance are so low that all he may have to do is show up and be somewhat lucid for the media to declare him fit to serve as President.

Lucidity could be a tall order for the Biden campaign. It does not take someone with a medical degree who has been watching Biden give speeches, grant interviews, and otherwise speak spontaneously to observe that he is apparently experiencing some kind of cognitive decline that could be advancing.

Any form of dementia is no laughing matter. Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy Body dementia, vascular dementia, Parkinson’s Disease dementia and others are all horrible conditions with which to contend both for the afflicted and their caregivers. We all know of relatives or relatives of friends who have had to live with a dementia diagnosis. To say it is unpleasant is a vast understatement.

Which brings us to Joe Biden on a live national stage. He has had numerous days where the campaign called it quits for him early in the day. Are they prepping him for the debate, or could it be a case of the Democrat nominee “not having a good day?” as people suffering from cognitive issues frequently experience?

The debate is scheduled to take place at 9:00 PM in Cleveland. Nighttime can be a tough time for people who suffer from dementia. Unfortunately, some dementia sufferers experience sundowning at night.  It is a condition that causes anxiety, confusion, and aggression among other physical symptoms like pacing. This debate has the potential to reveal a quite deeper look at Joe Biden’s suitability to be President beyond his policy proposals and stance on issues.

Conversely, President Trump, much like his 2016 campaign, has been the Energizer Bunny on the trail with events scheduled this week in Minnesota, Florida, and Wisconsin in addition to the debate in Ohio. However, despite the list of the President’s accomplishments and bold policies for him to detail, with such low expectations for the former Vice President and aided by the echo chamber that is the mainstream media, even a seemingly mild coherent debate performance by Biden could gain him much ground in this race.

How will President Trump react onstage should Biden start to ramble nonsensically? Is he capable of showing some empathy for the veteran swamp dweller, which might score him some points with those voters who have issues with the tone of his tweeting? Should he let a potential Biden breakdown speak for itself in front of a national audience, or should he seize the moment to underscore his own vitality for the office, which would please those voters who already support him?  Expectations have never been lower for a Democrat presidential nominee, but the stakes could be even higher for President Trump.

Andrew Mangione is Senior Vice President for AMAC’s advocacy affiliate, AMAC Action. He leads AMAC’s grassroots efforts, represents AMAC’s membership in Washington, D.C., and helps chart the association’s policy course. He also serves as a national spokesperson.

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4 years ago

Old Biddy Biden might not even remember his own name and he’s going to debate?

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
4 years ago

I fear that Biden will be able to remember his practiced responses and thus be declared the winner. It’s very sad that we have to accept a candidate like Bide just because he was propped up by the Democratic Party. Vote for Trump if you want the America we love.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Debate outcomes:

  1. Does whole debate?
  2. does 1 hour
  3. cancels pre debate
  4. cancels post debate, no more debates
  5. No Hard ball questions for Joe given.
  6. President wins by default
Thomas SWAN
Thomas SWAN
4 years ago

One question for Trump-haters: Can we risk Biden’s finger on the nuclear trigger?

4 years ago

What if old Joe is faking it? It’s not totally impossible, and I wouldn’t put it past him. Some of his gaffs are just too ‘off the wall’. He began serving in the Senate 180 years ago? COME ON MAN!!!

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Concerning both candidates,some questions will be answered tonight and possibly some more will arise. POTUS should not berate his opponent. Allow Hiden Biden to defeat himself. If Joe opens his mouth,it may be a good time for him to switch feet. POTUS should stay cool and calm and draw the fly into the web. Be Great POTUS. MAGA/KAG/KAF 2020

4 years ago

first of all I don’t trust any Democrat, not in this day and age. Second, the Dems, Media and liberals, Hollywood, will all prop
Biden up in one way or make him come out smelling like a rose. Trump has to be on top of his game tonight.
Personally, I don’t trust Chris Wallace as moderator either
Trump supporters had better be out in mass this election or you won’t have a Country anymore. The terrible Dems plan on
destroying it. Heaven help us!

bobby Romo
bobby Romo
4 years ago

I read article that Biden had some device planted in his head and ear so someone can give him answers. Think HRC and Brazille trying to deceive.

4 years ago

Biden could stand there and babble incoherent nonsense with drool on his chin, and the media will think he’s the greatest orator since Daniel Webster!

Sandra L Sands
Sandra L Sands
4 years ago

I pray that tonight will show to everyone what is real, what is true and that we need to stand on our principles and KNOW that we cannot risk the liberals to make President Trump out to be the evil one. God is in control and will be in control tonight as well. President Trump whether you are a fan of his or not, is the one we NEED for the next 4 years!

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
4 years ago

With our media, Biden will win the debate. All Joe has to do is remain standing and he will be declared the winner

Diana Talmadge
Diana Talmadge
4 years ago

Chris Wallace will treat Biden with kid gloves while he hits President trump with every weapon available. Wallace is just another left wing-nut Trump hater.

John Wesley
John Wesley
4 years ago

The MSM continues to make me sick. The big deal is the last poop thrown against the wall–Trump’s $750 tax payments– and nothing EVER said about the Biden families payments from Russia and China. Republicans can do nothing right and the Democrats never do anything wrong. Trump, not being a true Republican, never stops fighting back. The Republicans never fight and the Democrats never stop fighting. I would expect the Republicans to speak the truth to the Democrat lies and let the voters have an opportunity to make a choice, but no, they let the lies stand.

4 years ago

Joe Biden, has more loose screws than a hardware store, if he is elected within 6 months he will be deemed incompetent and Kamala Harris will became you new President, and miss’s Lincoln you won’t like the play.
God bless America
God bless President Donald J.Trump
God bless the NRA
Save America, vote Republican

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Gee whiz! Stupor Hero Joe would probably fare better in the debate if he simply sends a cardboard cutout of himself to the podium in place of showing up in person. Then Old Joe could call in from his basement to respond to questions as his toady campaign staff rapidly pipes prepared answers to his teleprompter for him to recite.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

debate turn offs:
o softball questions to Biden
o “rigging” so Biden”won”.
Then change channels other TV.
Same for VP debates with softball to Harris vs Pence

4 years ago

Pray for our President and our country in these days prior to the election. If the Dems win, I fear we will never recover, because there will never be another fair election. God is in control, and “He chooses who will rule the nations.” Pray! Pray! Pray!

4 years ago

If Biden doesn’t fall over or wander off the stage in a daze, I expect the media will vote him the winner no matter how badly he answers the questions. IThe mere fact that he can stand for 90 minutes will be viewed as “proof” that is OK and fit to lead the country. The bar is already set so low for Joe Biden, that if he is still breathing at the end of the debate, the media will all pronounce him the winner.

Chris Wallace, like all the other debate moderators selected to host the debates this year, is a solid Democrat and will be giving Biden softball questions, while tearing into Trump. Please don’t be so gullible to think that because Wallace is on FOX News, that he won’t do this. Look at his 2016 debate moderator performance to see how he favored Clinton over Trump in both questions and tone. None of the debate moderator choices from Trump’s list were chosen. Everyone of the debate moderators selected were on Biden’s list. What does that tell you about how these debates are going to be run? Protect and shield Biden at all costs (likely his people were given advance copy of the questions for tonight so Joe could be prepped for the last week) and savage Trump as much as possible. None the less, I expect these will be the most watched debates of the last 30 years, because the future oif our nation hangs in the outcome of this election.

4 years ago

As you may recall, Hillary was given questions in advance by the fake news media in 2016. We would be fools not to suspect this treatment for Biden in this debate.

4 years ago

For those of you who are unaware of it, and while I’m not into conspiracy theories, has anyone noticed that “Biden’s” earlobes are different in different pictures of him? At times they dangle and at other times they’re attached to his head. While Mr. Biden hasn’t, in the last few years, ever been “sharp as a tack”, it does make one wonder if perhaps there’s a doppelgänger or decoy out there. I would suppose that the voice and/or syntax (the only “tax” Biden hasn’t mastered) would be different and he couldn’t fill in during a debate, but I’d also guess that the one who does will be pumped full of B-12.

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

If china joe doesn’t have an earpiece, 50% of the debate will be incoherent.

4 years ago

It does not matter what he says. The Fake News will declare him the winner! You folks don’t really believe it REALLY matters ? We are cusping a crooked election.

4 years ago

The contrast is already extremely obvious. This is a test. How many voters are watching with open minds? Maximo Alvarez gave the best speech in support of the President. How much do the rest of us have to lose to know what a miracle our free market opportunity is? Having lost it, can we ever regain it? The disease we are fighting to recover from should be a lesson not an excuse to give up.

Pamela Campbell
Pamela Campbell
4 years ago

It may be the people who dislike the President are so vehemently against him no matter how Mr. Biden does in the debate or otherwise they will support Mr. Biden rather than ever support Mr. Trump.

4 years ago

I truly am sorry for Joe Biden’s mental decline. The mainstream media will either dismiss this fact or point to President Trump’s callousness for using it to his advantage. But, why wouldn’t he? Being the president of the United States must be the most stressful job on the planet, and Trump has proven that he is up to the task. Biden has not.

I will bet that Biden won’t make it beyond the 50-minute mark; just a guess. And Trump should graciously carry on, with a sideways reference to the pressures of day-to-day operations of the office. “Not everyone is cut out for this kind of responsibility, but, based on our achievements in the first term, I believe we can do even more for the American people over the next four years.”

Good luck, Mr. President. We’ll be watching!

Press ONE for English
Press ONE for English
4 years ago

They will ask Trump for something like a detailed analysis and his predictions of the agricultural economy and the effects on it resulting from his trade policies, and expect him to give it in fifteen seconds, and no matter what he says it will be used against him. Then they will ask Crazy Joe what his favorite color is and he will say, “Tuesday,” and everyone will stand and applaud his wisdom. Are people actually going to watch this rubbish?

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

I don’t trust Chris Wallace–he is trying to act like his dad but cannot reach that level! He will pelt Trump with hard questions and give Lyin’ Joe a softball. Unless Joe is on dope, he cannot hold out for 90 minutes against Trump under balanced conditions!

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

And Jo(k)e Bye-then just found his car keys. They were where he left them. Right next to his cell phone in the Kelvinator ( Fridge ). Do they still make ’em ?

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

If I was a bit younger I’d love to sucker punch “Chris” Wallass.

Ernest James Thurston
Ernest James Thurston
4 years ago

My bet is that Biden will come up as a no show for some reason. If he does show up all the President needs to do is say something to challenge Biden and make him angry. Then Biden will threaten to fight Trump or challenge him to push ups or something.

4 years ago

The real question is that if aBiden Harris, or Harris Biden, ticket is the best the Democrats can do, what hope is there for them running the country? Better question is , just WHO will really be running the country? Those two couldn’t run an ice cream truck on a hundred degree day in Beverly Hills and make a success of it.

4 years ago

How much in taxes did Biden pay on the $800,000 he got from Burisma?

Carol Jean
Carol Jean
4 years ago

Good news: I heard on the news this morning that both candidates will be checked to ensure they are not wired to receive any outside help to answer questions.

tony d willIiams
tony d willIiams
4 years ago

My mother in law is now in a home for those with Alzheimer’s disease, or dementia.

Everybody thought it was so cute how she would lose her glasses when they were in her hand or on her face. Her frequent trips to the car, and back inside. She forgot something, but never remembered what it was, so cute. She lost the ability to cook, would mix things and cook them, the results were like those of a child making the first dinner.

Having a candidate for President of our country showing the same symptoms does not make me happy, or feeling secure.
I am afraid that he will be elected just because some vote the D ticket, regardless of the qualifications or capabilities of either candidate.

4 years ago

Has anyone considered that the Biden weakness is a ploy by the Dems. so that he will be disregarded as sensible? Then he appears on stage and puts out Trump’s lights. it could happen. I wouldn’t put it past the Democrats. Go Trump

4 years ago

The best thing that could happen would be for President Trump to help Joe. President Trump will bring to himself the lukewarm dems who vacillate. There is more to gain by being kind than trying to hammer down a mind without wits. The immensely rich Jo the Corrupted has no more arrows in his quiver than pelosi, nadler, blumenthal have to shut down the nomination of the new SC Justice.

Tony Robe
Tony Robe
4 years ago

I think many people will view the debates for laughs, similar to kids wanting to watch cartoons.

4 years ago

No surprise Biden team today, debate day, declined inspection of ear pieces although they agreed previously to inspection. I understand ear pieces not allowed for Biden/Trump, so why inspection necessary! No doubt there will be problems with Biden due to, if nothing else, preparation, late timing of debate vs. his dementia “sundowning”. I do not expect anything viable coming from Biden, only attacks on Trump which is easy for Biden, there will be no focus on his 110-pg Marxist manifesto or any potential Marxist policies of this “puppet” presidential possibility. Also, due to Chris Wallace’ dislike of Trump, I honestly think he will focus topics and foster/buffer/coddle Biden…watch Wallace closely.

R Julia Anderson
R Julia Anderson
4 years ago

Personify the Oval Office, our nation, and her Patriots, Mr President. Prayers for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and His leading in your responses . Be “Gentle as doves, but shrewd as serpents” was Christ’s admonition to the Twelve as they set out to change minds and hearts. You have the factual record of achievement until mid-March 2020, when the CCP-engineered COVID19 virus brought the world to an economic screeching halt. Focus on that and future plans to Keep America Great! Let Biden’s words fall where they may, based on his own incompetency.

Don H
Don H
4 years ago

Totally agree. Republicans have no back bone and no fight until President Trump step-up. Republicans pretending to be gentlemen like the Jeff Session. All I see was a push over and a loser. You might like him but he was useless. Stupid two faced republicans like those Mitt Romney, never Trumps and all those republicans who jump ship and retired at the start of the Trump administration in 2017 handing multiple house seats the the democrate control. Where is the Repu lucan team work and cooperation? Everyone wants to be the independent leader but nobody was able to unite the Republican party until Trump. Now, the US Supreme Court for Barrett is on the line and the useless republican senators are still playing their senseless games pretending to play by the rules whereas the democrats would march on in unity to the goal line. It hurts to heard the truth.

4 years ago

The fact the the Biden group are now requesting breaks every 30 minutes should tell voters that Biden doesn’t have the stamina to be president.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
4 years ago

Trump asked for ear devices to be banned and the Biden party flatly denied this request according to Fox. What does that tell you? He just has to listen and repeat.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
4 years ago

Americans will not get fair debates or a fair election. We need to get ready for the worst and pray for the best. Seniors well being is at risk.

4 years ago

The moderators were a huge part of the Clinton/Trump debates. I hope that they keep control & stop them at time limit & stop them from butting in when other one is talking. Let the games begin.

Wayne Sluiter
Wayne Sluiter
4 years ago

Go Trump Go, 2020

Larry J.
Larry J.
4 years ago

I think if Biden has a dementia moment tonight the best thing that President Trump can do is show the “right level” of concern given the overall look of the moment. The President can do this with genuine sincerity. He has a kind heart. And from all appearances Biden is behind the 8 ball. He’s just not right. Compassion on the part of the President at the appropriate level will gain a large number of votes from those teatering on the edge for Biden IMO. It will be the right look under the circumstances. #TRUMP2020 Personally, I don’t think Biden will show up tonight. I’m guessing something will occur at the last minute.

David Campbell
David Campbell
4 years ago

Not going to watch the debate. It would be too painful; especially the “commentary” afterwards. Even the news for the next few days will be all about the debate, and that will be painful enough. Even in normal times the post debate “analysis” is full of spin and lies; it will be much worse this time. It helps that no matter what happens in the debate, nothing will change my mind. I will vote for Trump, period. end. of. story.

If you hate the United States of America, vote for Democrats.

4 years ago

Well hidin bidens low expectations match perfectly to everything about him.
Low IQ, low energy, low opinion of America and belongs to the useless low ethics and morals of his democrat party!!!

Nancy Bent
Nancy Bent
4 years ago

I’m no lover of Joe Biden, but it is my hope that President Trump is kind in his responses and doesn’t play on Biden’s gaffes. It will make him appear unkind at best and nasty at worst. He should not stop to the Democrats’ level.

John Hunt
John Hunt
4 years ago

I am uncomfortable with all the speculation about J Biden and how well he is or isn’t, how well we think he will do or won’t, haw far ahead we think D J Trump is…there are too many opportunities for good conservative or moderate folks to think “oh, well, looks like Trump’s got this one!” and not turn out to vote.

We should be very very wary and concerned right up until the last vote is counted (whenever that might be with all this mail- in garbage) and Donald J. Trump is declared the winner. Besides, I have a feeling that regardless of the outcome of the debate and the election, the Dems and their paid rioters have much more in store for us.

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