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Election – Not Over Yet

Posted on Monday, November 9, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

electionEverybody wants to know – Is it over? The answer, unless Trump prematurely concedes, is a resounding “no.”  To understand this, one must see how our Founders configured the Constitutional process – for situations like this.

First, the Constitution’s Framers were not naïve – they knew the human tendency to bend rules, aggregate power, abuse public office, and government’s tendency to violate individual rights.

That is why we have three branches, checking each other’s powers.  That is also why we have an unbridgeable Bill of Rights.

Part of not being naïve was knowing state election management could involve fraud.  The Framers distrusted political parties, thought them spoilers, detracting from unity. What they did not anticipate was a very close election, 330 million Americans, and disrespect for history.

Regardless, Framers saw an “independent judiciary.” In 1803, Marbury v. Madison, the Court said: “It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.”

Now, 217 years later, that ruling – with refinements and 14th Amendment’s application of “due process” and “equal protection” to the States – is vital.  Whether constitutional violations occurred in administering the presidential election – rests with the US Supreme Court.

That, in turn, is why the answer is “no, this is not over.”  Votes are still being counted and recounted.  Election results are being challenged.  Likelihood grows that the Supreme Court will be asked to validate or invalidate vote counts, based on constitutional principles.

To be clear, this is the High Court’s role.  What they decide – will be final.  No congressional or presidential action, let alone state attorney general, can upend it. That is why, with some grousing, the Supreme Court’s 2000 election decision was universally accepted.

Okay, so where are we – on the merits?  While events keep changing, here is the latest. National media, which have no constitutional authority, have “declared” Joe Biden victor.  They do this on facial evaluation of state counts.  As these are challenged, the declaration has no authority.

What matters now are lawsuits, and Supreme Court rulings – plus the electoral college.  Lawsuits have been filed in many states.  Allegations differ, but all suits hit at election integrity.

Here is a top view.

In Pennsylvania, litigation is over counting ballots arriving days late.  Before the election, the state’s highest court allowed the practice, Trump appealed, the Supreme Court split 4-4.  Post-election, Justice Alito ordered constitutionally questionable ballots kept separate.  Now, nine justices – with Justice Amy Coney Barret – populate the Court. Things could change.

Arguments in Trump’s favor include the Constitution’s delegation to state legislatures, not election officials, the matter of vote counting. Pennsylvania’s legislature played no role.  Precedent exists to support Trump’s position, which could win over Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, and now Barret.  Of course, unknown is how many ballots are affected.

Other issues call Pennsylvania’s tally into question, including allegations of ballot “curing,” especially in Montgomery County.  Voters were informed of ballot errors, permitted to recast.  How widely, how often, affecting how many votes?  Unclear.  Citing Bush v. Gore (2000), invalidation could occur if all voters do not have “the same opportunity to vote.”

Other problems include blocking poll observers, irregularities in voter identification, ballot harvesting (that is, third-party collection), discarding ballots (including military), arbitrary deadlines, inexplicable pauses in counting, and sudden arrival of late ballots – for Biden.

In razor-thin Michigan, suits are also pending. Allegations include a possible software “glitch” recording Trump votes for Biden, tampering at drop-boxes, blocking observers – especially in Detroit.  Claims are detailed, numerous, and credible.  Dismissed suits will be appealed.

In Wisconsin, expect a recount.  The state must certify, taking weeks.  One allegation is more votes were counted than registered, although reports are conflicted.  Another suggests systemic count problems.  Cross checks in this state are thorough, so evidence – if there – will surface.

In Georgia, where a solid Trump lead evaporated late – as in other states – questions abound.  One allegation, supported by affidavits, is that votes received after polls closed were counted in Democrat strongholds, including Chatham County.

In Nevada, counting appears marred by voting by thousands of non-residents, as well as dead people. The state’s Attorney General affirmed irregularities, although lawsuits will show seriousness. Counting will not end until November 12, as some counties remain unreported.

In Arizona, Biden’s margin continues to narrow.  Lawsuits remain to be filed, but hundreds of thousands of ballots must be counted.  Claims surrounding “sharpie pens” seem dubious.

So, where does all this leave us?  In the courts – with all eyes on the Supreme Court.  Those celebrating Biden are premature.  Media calls are fine – but final word has not been rendered.  The possibility remains that the Supreme Court will invalidate ballots on which Biden depends.

Being clear-eyed is hard – especially with passions high.  Biden may prevail, fraud may have occurred but be unprovable, or insufficient to throw an election.  On the other hand, the Supreme Court could rule Biden’s victory unwarranted – and Donald Trump the winner. Truth is, we do not yet know.  Only one thing is certain – lawsuits abound, and this election is not over yet.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Do whole vote recount, count, make public during process, change election software & Dems rigged machines in GA, & Dems plan “enemies list” for we Trump voters etc FYI
Then re enter WH or concede

Pres Trump future:?
Reenter WH
Leave WH
Private citizen sues for past damages over 4 years
Needles media.
Lobbies for revoke Section 230

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
4 years ago

46th President of the United States: Donald J. Trump !

4 years ago

I am counting on the courts to do the right thing. President Trump on this election!! There is a reason this is happening, and we have to be patient. I am pray for our nation as a whole, and I am still remaining positive God is in control!! President Trump is fighting hard; and this isn’t about him, this is about integrity. It’s a shame Biden and Harris fail to have any type of integrity and self-respect – gloating over their win, they know the election was a fraud. If they had to cheat to win, what else would they be willing to do IF (and that is a big IF), they actually take office? Please, everyone pray for President Trump and the outcome of this election!!!

Kate CarsonCity
Kate CarsonCity
4 years ago

This was an excellent summary of the situation. Very much appreciated.

Leon D Henderson
Leon D Henderson
4 years ago

I totally agree It aint over till the fat lady sings.

4 years ago

BREAKING NEWS‼️ The CEO of Pfizer has announced its vaccine is 90% effective (which is far better than the standard flu vaccine). The stock market is going crazy – BUT isn’t it strange that the CEO of Pfizer – a big Democrat and BLM donor – waited until just after the election to make this announcement. The unionized government employees in the FDA and a liberal CEO have withheld this information until after the election.
Just another piece of the puzzle in a stolen election

Ronald L Troia
Ronald L Troia
4 years ago

PRAY. PRAY, PRAY. We must put this in the hands of God guiding the Supreme Court.

Patty RN
Patty RN
4 years ago

Our Lord has not left us. My husband and I prayed every day and will continue to do so. The Democrats had this pre-arranged. That is why they kept Joe in the basement. They didn’t feel they had to worry. They had tons of extra paper ballots and glitches arranged in certain voting machines. This is so blatantly clear you have to be blind not to see. And what happens if the Trump/covid vaccine really saves the world?

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

This well-coordinated attempt at stealing the Election must not go unpunished. Widespread cheating bythe “Do Whatever is Necessary” crowd must be dealt with HARSHLY! These VERMIN do NOT deserve forgiveness.

Lori Wolff
Lori Wolff
4 years ago

This is a timely article. At our church yesterday, one of our associate pastors, who is a black female, was praying and giving thanks for new leadership and “putting smiles on so many faces”, and for the first woman vice president. She went on to pray, “now we can have peace”. My friends walked out of the service during and after the prayer. Today, my morning devotional was timely, as well. In Exodus, Ch.18, Jethro is instructing Moses about leadership. Verse 21 sums it up: “But select capable men from all the people-men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain-and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens”. I couldn’t agree more with Mr. Charles. Those celebrating a Biden-Harris win are premature.

john palumbo
john palumbo
4 years ago

This election and all that’s happened was called months ago by President Trump! Just like he brought the “fake News” and how they skewer things on a consistent basis. He said there was no Russian collusion and there wasn’t! He said in January or February when the call for mail in ballots was discussed by the Dems that this opened the door for fraud and so far it looks like at least to some degree it occurred. He has called every thing the Swamp Dems have tried to do and did since day one. How can a person with common sense and the least bit of logic doesn’t see this!
As a US Army veteran I am disgusted with what has gone on in the country over the past several months and what potentially can happen if 2 of the biggest political hacks truly get in with Biden and the most repulsive Kamla. Wasn’t kamal a WWE wrestler? if they implement have of the nonsense they have been spewing then we are in a world of trouble.I pray to God and My Lord Jesus everyday that the truth prevail and the powers that be here on earth see the light and have in best President over the past 30 years remain in office and continue making America Great Again!

4 years ago

Thanks for helpful summary. At least one other thing is certain: God IS always in control. He invites everyone to come to Him through Jesus Christ. Then, He hears when one prays; asking, seeking and knocking. 🙂

4 years ago

If Trump does not contest this abrogation of the voting process, then conservatives can say goodbye to the white house forever. The left wing has learned how to manipulate the voting process. Using Saul Alinsky tactics, the left wing realizes that we conservatives believe in the rule of law and cannot imagine anyone else being totally false and underhanded. But the left believes only in the following law: whatever is necessary in order to achieve their objectives. So, they stuff ballot boxes, lie, steal and cheat. We are helpless because we cannot believe that anyone would be so low and so evil as to cheat on a large scale in a national election. Well, HELLO, it has occurred and will occur again if Trump does not stand up for the rule of law. Only the courts and the FBI can resolve such treacherous activity. We must stand firm in order to preserve the American way of life. If not, socialism and what occurred in Venezuela is just right around the corner. The best most of us can do is to send money to the Trump campaign in order to finance a very costly and time consuming legal battle that hopefully will end up in the Supreme Court.

4 years ago

1000000% agree, I am doing the same!! This has been an eye-opening experience to show how truly corrupt the Democrats are and the lengths they will go to, to get their way. I cannot believe all of a sudden, Pfizer has a vaccine – and I am having such a hard time comprehending how humanity can be so cruel and rude, and so full of evil. I believe in integrity, honesty, humility and can’t believe what we are witnessing in this election.

4 years ago

The choice is Fraud or Freedom. If we don’t take a stand now and fight this overt corruption of our election process. We will never have another honest election. The ones declaring the loudest that there is no fraud are simply lying to support the very fraud they claim does not exist. If we depend on the MSN for truth. We are lost.

They aren’t just stealing this election. They are stealing America. If the vote were honest, Trump won in a landslide. The fraud was insufficient in 2016 and Hillary lost. The democrats were not going to let that happen again. And they had 4 years to perfect the system.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

There are many issues that seem to cry out for explanation and clarification through review via lawsuits. It is unfortunate but necessary. The Lame Stream Media don’t want to be interested in the fight. “Nothing to see here. Just move on.” The position taken as they are in the tank for the Progressives/Socialists. The situation is a giant pile of mule fritters. Lots of digging to get to the bottom of the pile. Hopefully the situation will be fully resolved and all doubt of the outcome fully removed for both sides. MAGA TRUMP-PENCE 2020

4 years ago

It’s not over until it’s over. The liberal media is wanting you to think that Comrade Joe has already won. It’s already been proven that, like in all elections that involve Demoncrats there has been fraud. We’ve seen where dead people have voted, thousands of people from out of state vote, illegals voting, bag’s of mail containing election ballots found in the trash, electronic ballots that were in favor of President Trump mysteriously change to Biden, and this time around we have ourselves a genuine whistleblower of our own who’s saying that his supervisor had him backdate thousands of mail in ballots. And isn’t it funny that sleepy Joe hardly campaigned, you should be asking yourself why? The answer is why should he when he knew it was already in the bag. If this is allowed to continue, the Demoncratic party will have pulled off the biggest Coup in history without ever firing a shot.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

All truth, as always!

4 years ago

I so appreciate the realistic and still positive view expressed herein.

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
4 years ago

Personally, I anticipate the dems will do and/or try anything and everything to reclaim lost power.
If there is any doubt to the depth of their corruption you need look no further then the allegations being leveled at biden himself.
If anyone doubts the allegations, we have bidens very own words,”son of a b!^ch, the guy was fired…”.
Or maybe four years of endless persecution of a president that managed to still accomplish so much.
And on and on and on. Know this, GOD is watching. Be ready.
Have a nice day

4 years ago

Why is it that my ‘Plus’ does not record on others comments? Is a democrat in control of this kind of freedom of speech also?

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

Being “clear-eyed” is not what the lame stream media is all about. They have their own narrative, and that is not going to change. What Americans know, including the Marxists and the leftists formerly known as Democrats, is that when a situation warrants, lawsuits can bring some clarity to the matter at hand for a fair interpretation of the facts. Maybe those wanting a quick solution should take just a little time to study the history books before pontificating on the total outcome. When it comes to the Democrats and their whining base, I have learned that there are three types: Ignorant, Silly, and Just Plain Stupid. If we have an election, they would all get about 1/3 of the votes.

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
4 years ago

Seems like there are election software fraud issues…Maria Bartiromo had an informative interview with Attorney Sydney Powell on her show Sunday Morning Futures. Find it and listen to it in case you missed it…

4 years ago

I am sure President Trump won big. Probably half of Bidens votes are fake or illegal.

Edward Case
Edward Case
4 years ago

Keep your Trump sign out and if you don’t have one go get one and put it up to show your continued support for our President!!!

Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
4 years ago

If this has to go to the Supreme Court and Trump prevails, we can rejoice but keep ’em locked and loaded.

4 years ago

If Jackass Joe is “allowed” victory, the America that represented We the People will be destroyed forever! I wanted to throw up when I heard Jackass Joe say that “America would now be unified under his rule”. And rule it would be, because We the People will NEVER AGAIN BE FREE! We truly will be “unified” because We will be under one party rule! If Jackass Joe is ALLOWED to win, I, who live in Darkest Blue California, will move to Texas and will support secession from the Union because that will be the last hope for truth to survive! Be prepared for the worst and be prepared to fight people!

Karen Corbo
Karen Corbo
4 years ago

I am hoping for a turn around. I am placing hope in my faith! Let’s all pray for the right outcome!!!

Bill Gortt
Bill Gortt
4 years ago

This is a good read. Very objective. It’s not over till the Supreme Court decides. They have to be objective. They don’t make the law, they meet them out.?

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

No one can tell me that there is no conspiracy between the ( D ) communists in America and the CCP communists in China. Had this chinese “fungus” not appeared at our door, Trump would have been clearly victorious on Nov. 3rd. Bow Amy Barrett will have to get things done LEGALLY for America. I watched Mark Levin w/ Ken Starr last night and it was made clear as to what the Constitution states. I know one household of 4 adults that received 12 mail – in ballots. OK ? You tell me how legal mail-in voting is.

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
4 years ago

This has been the most illegal election in my time and at this point, Trump has been robbed of votes he should have had. From everything I have seen on TV, read and heard, some states that Trump was ahead by a margin when the vote count was 99% went to Biden. This is wrong. The Democrats want so badly to get rid of Trump that they will try anything. THEY MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO PREVAIL.

4 years ago

Now I think everyone can see that appointing Amy Comey Barrett to the Supreme Court was a masterful plan. Without her vote it could be deadlocked. President Trump has a chance, and if he loses, he should be able to lose Farren Square.

4 years ago

Okay, I just learned something extremely horrifying. Check out this timeline of events and how the Democrats laid this all out: 1) they used the Antifa and BLM against President Trump, however, as they saw his ratings continue to go up over the summer, they stopped that and 2) started planting the seed regarding the 25th amendment. Pelosi threw out the 25th amendment, however, I don’t think she was thinking about President Trump, but Biden to pave the wave for Harris. Additionally, Pelosi also planted the seed and make a comment about having to physically remove President Trump from the White House because he won’t concede. The Democrats have carefully been planning the events of this corrupt election for the past 9+ months. My guess is, Pelosi is planning on leaving Biden in office for 6 months to a year, then invoke the 25th amendment and remove Biden (IF he wins) and place Harris as President. BUT, here’s the worst I just learned – I don’t know if this is how things work, but, I was advised Harris could run for another two terms because she wasn’t the one who was voted in as President. So, worst case scenario, we would be looking at approximately 11+ years of Harris. Again, this is all just an observation of discussions I’ve had with people around me – but, I am praying this does NOT come to fruition and the courts do the right thing!!! God is in control and the higher authority, trying to “Let Go, Let God”.

Annamarie Young
Annamarie Young
4 years ago

Thank you for keeping us updated concerning the results of this election. I believe with all my heart that God is still in control.

Jay Lutz
Jay Lutz
4 years ago

Finall a news outlet that speaks the truth. So refreshing in a time of extreme bipartisan news! The constitution is the law of the land and must be followed in order to fulfill due process.

4 years ago

You are right — not over — fraud and the evil in these people will be exposed. Watch God work in the coming days. It will be wonderful..

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Will SCOTUS do the right thing? Will they cave to overwhelming pressure from the traitors in the media and RINO-branch? Votes should be recast in the 4 crooked DIMM states!

4 years ago

Thank you for providing us with this very important information. I’m still hoping that the truth will be revealed as soon as all investigations are completed. I’m still praying that the democrats’ efforts to oust President Trump will be revealed once and for all.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
4 years ago

A good and informative article. I think that the Supreme Court looking into these discrepancies is vital: To ensure a fair and vital outcome of this 2020 presidential election. The year 2000’s election comes to mind. GO:SCOTUS!!

4 years ago

Off with their heads. Media first.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
4 years ago

President Trump isn’t conceding until EVERY LEGAL vote is counted and the ILLEGAL votes thrown into the trash. What kind of person or organization uses a CEMETARY VOTE (deceased persons counting as citizens) to try to rig an election? I’m glad they’re recounting. I’m glad to see the Supreme Court stepping in.

4 years ago

Biden is corrupt and Harris is a communist socialist// We will all see the results of this phony election come to an end // However it ends will not be good for the nation if biden.harris have a year or so to screw up this country/The proof is in the pudding and so will this debacle be decided//

4 years ago

Socialism/communism is at the doorstep of our capitol. The use of computer programs called Hammer and Scorecard were used to “update” election machines just the night before the election. Those programs changed votes. So many other methods of fraud were also employed. We all know that. Now we know why Joe stayed in his basement. He had no need to campaign. We have been overrun by liars, and sinners. This is very big and I’m really not confident we can overcome this travesty. There are simply too many liberal judges and so many years of indoctrination and years of corruption in DC. Trump was our only hope of salvaging the US. from The Swamp. This upcoming administration is all ready establishing a list of Trump supporters for “ future use”. ????? These are dangerous people. We all knew about the corruption but we were too complacent and we didn’t do enough to stop the growth. So here we are.

4 years ago

I agree with BajaRon. It’s about Fraud or Freedom. Conservatives are already being threatened with “being on lists” to ruin their lives. There is no way Biden won this election! The spirit of the country reveals that. I’m trying to remain positive and thank God President Trump will fight for us and our country through the courts.

4 years ago

I want any fraud found, exposed! Leftist always say fraud doesn’t exists but there just is too much that doesn’t make sense in this. Why did vote counting stop in the late evening? Then we all wake up and find Trump’s lead is gone? What was going on while everyone was asleep? I just remember that Franken/Coleman Senate race years ago where Coleman was still winning in the recount when out of the blue a box was found with enough ballots to put Franken over! To this day, I don’t believe that was legitimate! I don’t want that happening here! If Biden wins and the election was fair, then so be it but if Democrats have to cheat to win then their shenanigans need to be exposed! The American people, whomever you voted for, need to know that they can trust the election process!!!

Linda Hanon
Linda Hanon
4 years ago

Yes, your article was very clear and much appreciated. I’m also praying that Trump will stand firm and hopefully he will stay our president for 4 more years. He has accomplished so much and we’re very thankful. Our prayers are with him and his family…and this great nation of ours!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
4 years ago

Can it be possible that votes are ONLY changed from Repug to Democrat?– Only if the Dims can cheat.

Kathy McTeer
Kathy McTeer
4 years ago

There shouldn’t be any mail in voting except for our Military overseas! Neighbor reports parents in NC received SIX ballots! Another in SC reports receiving a ballot for deceased husband (died over a year ago). People complaining about picture identification – now do you understand!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
4 years ago

Please go to You Tube–key in cdmedia and you will see how it WAS and IS being done–Dim fraud that is!! There are at least two instances where the on screen views show the fraud–one is on CNN’s OWN screen!!

4 years ago

This may be an over simplification, but the Roadrunner has confounded and defeated Wily E Coyote for 5 years! I will watch with glee as he does it again!

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