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Donald Trump’s Reemergence On The World Stage Brings Statesmanlike Order And Unity To A Wayward West Desperately Looking For Guidance

Posted on Thursday, December 12, 2024
by Paul Ingrassia

Donald Trump’s recent trip to Paris brought stability and order to a city – and continent – ravaged by war and terrorism, insidious secularism and bureaucratic deadlock, that has left the cradle of Western civilization a tired and worn-out shell of its former self. Over the last four years, Europe has faced its first all-out land land war in nearly eighty years, exacerbating crises — ranging from the barebones economic to existential questions of European identity — that have persisted for decades. The Ukraine war, which was completely avoidable, has left a weakened Europe even weaker – drained of vital resources, including vital economic resources and energy reserves, needed to sustain itself. Hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides of this futile endeavor have been lost – needlessly – further squandering the inheritance of two great civilizations, West and East, which are already on life support.

Europe is no longer the rising economic behemoth that not long ago surpassed the United States in gross domestic product shortly after the Second World War. Like its population, which has grown elderly and weak, Europe too has been enervated. This geopolitical enervation is an ongoing trend, only made worse by the influx of foreign migrants – many of them Arabs who practice Islam, a religion that has for centuries been hostile to European Christendom – who ransack city centers across the continent, replacing the native born population in the process, and wiping out millennia of history in one fell swoop.

Europe’s mounting woes, which have accelerated under the Biden years, make it more dependent on competitors of the United States – be it Russia or China or Africa or the Middle East – which only further accelerate the cultural decline, and depress Europe’s own confidence to emerge out of this now decades-long rut. Europe is bankrupt in so many ways: reproduction has tanked, economies have stagnated, debt has soared, and the once vigorous Christianity that placed God and Christ at the center of public life has been torn asunder, almost totally vanquished by the unforgiving hand of secularism.Subscribe

The rabid secularism which is the real cancer on the European continent – and symptom and cause of the West’s broader decline overall – has neutered the once vibrant and spirited leadership of that sacred land. Europe’s present leaders are desperately in search of guidance. Which explains why Donald Trump’s reemergence on the international arena brought so much fanfare, so much reassurance, indeed so much love.

The President-elect’s homecoming was underlined by the venue he selected for his comeback: Notre Dame. In 2018, a fire of still mysterious origin, erupted in that sacred temple – destroying a large part of the roof and flèche of that nine-century old cathedral. The immolation of one of Europe’s crown jewels was a tragedy all on its own. But it also was impossible to deny its greater symbolism– a metaphor for the destruction of Western civilization, and the death of God.

John F. Kennedy once called America “the daughter of Europe” in his own trip to Paris some sixty years ago. The destinies of America and Europe are interlinked, creating a bond that is singular on the world arena. America is the New World; Europe is the Old. Great societies age in similar ways to people: they become more needy and dependent with age, weaker and more short-sighted in their convictions and aptitude with time.

America thus has a role to play in Europe – given their shared, if disjointed histories, and common values – which include commitments to “individual freedom and sovereignty,” as the President opined in his famous 2017 Warsaw address, as well as exaltation of “the dignity of every human life.” In the West, Human dignity is rooted in the Biblical view that man is made in God’s image and likeness, this is the metaphysical bond – born of Christian principle – that ultimately binds America and Europe alike.

As a statesman, Donald Trump represents a radical departure from the laissez-faire attitudes of recent American presidents. Rather than let their inheritance give into every worst imaginable vice, as was customary under Biden, Obama, Bush, and Clinton, Donald Trump brings refreshing change in leadership: the stern yet abiding love of a wise father. Whereas the previous presidents would spoil Europe with an unchecked money flow, forfeiting their best-interests in the long term to satiate immediate appetites, Donald Trump offers a radical course correction. This requires Europe to become a little more independent. This is hardly a policy of abandonment, but one of responsibility, born out of realism and foresight.Subscribe

Donald Trump, far from the cruel or authoritarian leader-lie so many in the mainstream media would like to peddle, is really teaching an important, though forgotten, lesson to Europe and its leaders: independence is the way to survival and strength. In the past, a European leader like Volodymyr Zelenskyy could mouth off against a much larger Russia all he wanted, knowing his small country would always have the backing of a gratuitous and permissive America – whose own leadership would similarly forsake its inheritance, out of a misplaced sense of mercy and compassion, and run up the debt in a grievous abdication of personal responsibility.

Donald Trump, in sharp contrast, realizes that a Europe artificially propped up by the United States is hardly the sign of strength: it is the ultimate sign of weakness. When they are behaving like children (as they are wont to do), Europe’s leaders will begrudge the prospect of having to gradually fend for themselves. Yet those infantile impulses soon give way once they sober up a little, and the more rational and cool-headed among them begin to see that the new change in direction is for their own good in the long run. This is the reverence and respect palpably on display by European leaders — from Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, to Prince William — on President Trump’s recent visit to Paris.

A child that is utterly dependent on his parents – will never grow up strong. He will remain a stunted and etiolated version of his very best self, which is always tragic. Yet a parent who inculcates the harsher lessons of life and teaches his sons and daughters to fend for themselves will invariably be for the better. In today’s world, where regressive trends are gaining traction at rapacious speed, both on the society and individual level, creating a world that is morally and intellectually stunted, seemingly run by children where childlike impulses abound, the mature citizen – and the mature state – will rise far above the rest.

As the old proverb goes, “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” This is the lesson Donald Trump offers in his statesmanship to Europe. He is trying to remind that once great continent of its former glory and grandeur. Along the way, his administration hopes to revive that conviction of spirit Europe long harbored, essential to preserving its cherished civilization – and the countless fruits it yielded – long into the future.

Seven years ago, the President declared to a European audience: “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?”Subscribe

His remarks then, a forewarning and rallying cry, read as both indictment of the past decades of failed leadership, and roadmap for a way forward. Doom and gloom, decline and despair – negativity of all sorts – has been browbeaten into the European psyche by American leaders for decades now. They have lost faith in themselves, their past, and their potential for renewal.

Not anymore. Now, under President Donald Trump, optimism is in vogue, and hope has spread like wildfire the world over. Donald Trump is the living expression of that hope – a chance for renewal, or Renaissance for the West and for stability, order, and peace in a world growing darker and darker. Richard Nixon once intoned “the greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker.” In making Paris of all places his first stop abroad since being elected America’s 47th President, Donald Trump indicated to the world that peace throughout the West is achievable, decline is not inevitable, and a continent – embattled by so many afflictions – can be revived, so long as it can once more reclaim faith in its ability to charter its future destiny.

Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights League. He writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, Instagram, and Rumble.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 months ago

We needed,Trump,we need Trump and now thank GOD,we have Trump and we need to support him.He is one of the best things that has happened to AMERICA since President Reagan.The best thing that you can say about President Trump is that he is NOT a politician.That is why the”deep sewer”hates him and all of the conservatves that support him.We all need to keep going and then come election time,vote every leftist democ rat out,way out.

2 months ago

Donald Trump is America’s Last Chance to remain a Capitalistic Country where We the People remain Free and Independent from the Democratic Communistic rule!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

World needs a dose of antitoxin after all the poison that’ been spread around the world by the left.

2 months ago

Our country needs a leader with a backbone. And come January 20, we will have one. President Trump has a big job to do and he will get it done. Watch the next 4 years as we drag ourselves out of the swamp and into the sunlight. To the democrats; join in the movement. Lead, follow or get out of the way. We are taking our country back!

2 months ago

There is so much to say here. First whenever you take GOD out of the equation it all turns to crap. Don’t believe me look at American public schools. Secondly, Trump is right in saying that these nations have to stand for themselves. Helicopter parents may think they are doing the right thing for their kids but come to regret their decisions later on. We have not had a good president since Ronald Reagan and that was a long time ago. Now we have another good one. Let’s hope we can learn from all of this.

Kevin Pugh
Kevin Pugh
2 months ago

So inspiring and well written!!.. MAGA

2 months ago

Accountability, responsibility, merit, empathy and good over evil has to return to America and Europe. The movement of people to move from their homeland here and in Europe has to stop. It weakens the countries, the cultures for decades to come. The cohesiveness is being destroyed. Everyone for themselves. Not anymore one for all or all for one. That is the mindset Trump wants to restore. Here and in Europe. The people see that in him. He is a champion for the people. As someone said recently more and more people are boarding Trump’s love train. Let us pray for those that have not yet recovered from TDS. May they see the light. Soon.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Tjank God somebody is being “Presidential” since Biden appears to take his “lame duck” status literally. Just too bad he and Kamala couldn’t knock heads and get all those joyful, aspiring things she campaigned on done… aw, well.

Loves the South
Loves the South
2 months ago

Great article!
I am so excited to see the end come to some of the fighting in Europe and the Middle East.
Hopefully, DJT will be the catalyst that starts that ending process.
I am retired and I am also looking forward to Cobgress acting to lower my tax burden on Social Security as well. I think we all can use a little financial relief… whether it comes as reduced taxes or lower prices and interest rates… I’m all in for that!

2 months ago

Excellent article.

2 months ago

It is like a breath of fresh air after being in a dank basement for four years. The whole world feels better now that America has a genuine leader in charge instead of a feckless, corrupt, traitorous, serial lying criminal.

2 months ago

Want to fix the problem?! Disband the European Union. It was never meant to provide unity between the nations but to give Brussels control over them. It has destroyed the pride and sovereignty of all the European nations and forced them to bow down to tyrants and open their doors to people who had no plans of doing anything other than taking over their countries. The EU is a travesty and it’s time the people of Europe wake up to the reality that the EU has done them no good. What we have now is a bunch of citizens that actually fear change and becoming sovereign nations once again. American citizens woke up to the reality of what the progressive agenda was doing to our country in this past election. Now it’s time for the citizens of Europe to wake up and do the same. Overthrow the hold the EU has on them through prudence at the ballot box. It will make for a happier tomorrow for them. The only thing they have to fear is fear itself and they’ve got plenty of that going on at the moment. All the European nations at one time were forces to be reckoned with on their own. What has caused them to become nations of Caspar Milquetoasts, I really can’t fathom.

2 months ago

“When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.” Patrick Henry.
America has by and large become a secular nation primarily dedicated to everything but the God Who created this world and everything in it. We as a nation have had it better than literally any other nation since the beginning…and we will lose it if we as Americans don’t realize Who created this nation. Who brought together the specific men who drafted our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, not suggestions, the men who pledged “Their lives, honors and fortunes” to make it happen…no other nation in world history has had such marvelous documents. Who’s read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? How many have read the biographies of these God chosen men?
The God Who intervened in what would have been the death of our incoming president Trump, twice…that he survived both attempts on his life is literally a miracle…shouldn’t that be a wake up call to every single citizen who was blessed to be born in such a nation?
The churches all over the nation have by and large become hollow shells. Football reigns supreme…games, videos, new this and new that. The biggest house, the newest car, the newest toy, world travels and that’s all worthy…but churches with a precious few exceptions are silent. Every single soul past, present and future will stand before a Holy God, either to give an account of his or her life…or stand at the Great White Throne of judgement…and this will literally be a sentence of hell for eternity. God’s word, His Bible has stood the test of time for centuries. So many attempts have been made to destroy every copy…indeed many were…but many weren’t. It is and has been the most widely read book in the world for decades if not centuries. Life in this world is temporal. It’s going to come to an end here. As some one once asked: “Where will you spend eternity? Smoking? or Non-Smoking?”
P.S. We have the Donald back because God chose him to once again represent this nation…the nation once dedicated to God the Creator…and President Trump knows this above all. I have no doubts what so ever.

John F. Logan
John F. Logan
2 months ago

Good news!

2 months ago

Trump faces an uphill battle, there are way too many 30+ year politicians left on both sides who have filled their pockets by giving our country away. We need to hold them accountable or reelecting President Trump will be in vain. If we really want change, we must help to make it happen, vote out those who roadblock President Trump in both parties. IMO

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

Not seen since Reagen alone

Paula Frazier
Paula Frazier
2 months ago

He shouldn’t put too much trust into the world leaders that worked against him, Macron being one of them…Zelensky, Trudeau, etc. etc. etc.

2 months ago

This kind of inspirational thinking is what we need— what the world needs— today and going forward. I have hope.

2 months ago

Thank the Lord that we have Donald Trump and those surrounding him. I can’t wait for him to make America Great Again!

2 months ago

60 years ago Europe was a neat continent with separate countries each having their own currency, language and secure borders. They are a classic example of what happens when you let money interfere with common sense and natural events.
Economies and countries and populations normally go up and down with time, but, the big money guys want things to keep increasing and thus screw up what normally happens.

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