In recent weeks, the news cycle has been flush with stories about how Donald Trump allegedly “overvalued” his real estate assets to the tune of hundreds of millions more than their actual worth to fraudulently secure loans from major financial institutions, like Deutsche Bank. This, even though Donald Trump and The Trump Organization secured those loans, without controversy, and had a lucrative partnership with the various lenders implicated in the lawsuit – where both parties made a fortune over decades, and where not a single party lost money, or suffered any damages as a result of the relationship. In short, there was no fraud.
The fraud is found in the courtrooms – and it is a fraud on the American public, as well as the rule of law – not just in New York, where the dangerous precedent is being set by radical and illegitimate operatives like Letitia James and Judge Arthur Engoron – but throughout the country writ large, now that New York’s justice system has effectively greenlit political prosecutions with impunity.
The devastating ramifications of the case go beyond the “mere political” – America’s free enterprise system now hangs in the balance, with the prospect that any borrower or entrepreneur who seeks a loan, but who may have at one point voiced dissident views or held a position deemed nebulously “problematic” by a petulant Attorney General like Letitia James, could now be held liable for fraud – and be on the hook for hundreds of billions of dollars, simply for establishing a productive business.
The people who increasingly hold the levers of power, like James and Engoron – and by extension, Joe Biden and Merrick Garland – are those who hold radical views that, brought to their logical conclusions, would make free enterprise impossible, and communism inevitable. They evidently do not believe in private property rights and are outwardly antagonistic of those who have the creative visions to see beyond the increasingly limited horizons of the American mind, and dare tread new ground – or traverse unexplored territory that the majority of people would never even dream to do – because it is beyond their narrow reach.
But simply because our leaders are increasingly limited in their worldviews does not mean those with broader visions, like Donald Trump, equipped with the gung-ho to execute their visions, should be actively penalized for carrying out their projects. That is why the news of last week’s merger of Trump Media and special purpose acquisition company Digital World Acquisition Corporation (or “DWAC”) – resulting in Tuesday’s listing of the ticker symbol DJT on the Nasdaq, the first time one of Donald Trump’s companies has gone public in three decades – which yielded a reported $3 billion-plus windfall for the presidential frontrunner, was most welcome.
That news, coupled with the appellate court’s decision on Monday to slash the price tag on the bond President Trump owed to New York State (for a supposed fraud in which, again, there were no victims), from nearly half a billion dollars to a more modest $175 million, suggests that no matter how otherwise communistic our institutions may become, fortune, nature, (and God) invariably favors bold, original thinkers – especially in our age that suffers a pandemic of unoriginality and laziness.
Which goes to a broader point about appraising value. Obviously, with the public listing of President Trump’s media company, his net worth is higher than ever before, placing him on Bloomberg’s list of the world’s top 500 billionaires, for the first time – reportedly – ever (although President Trump has been outspoken about how Forbes and Bloomberg have long undervalued their appraisals of his real estate empire – thus wrongly denying him placement on previous lists).
Many public commentators were quick to take jabs at Donald Trump and Truth Social, as soon as the public listing ballooned on the stock exchange, dismissing the amplified market capitalization as a “meme stock,” that grossly distorted its “fundamental value.” The assumption on which those hostile evaluations were based was that the purported “true value” of Truth Social was much lower, and that it is only being artificially heightened by President Trump’s own brand – as both successful politician and businessman – riding off the momentum of his formidable poll numbers this election cycle.
While it is true that President Trump’s political brand is only indirectly bearing on his personal businesses, which are valued by their own independent set of metrics – including revenues, userbase, and quality of product – the idea that Trump’s brand should have no bearing on the price of the public listing is preposterous.
The Trump Brand is one of if not the world’s most recognizable brands. Whether pertaining to real estate, or politics, or media and entertainment, the Trump namesake is ubiquitous the world over, and is demarcated for its luxury and quality of content, which has been a constant part of the brand for decades.
Trump’s brand, in a way, is akin to Elon Musk’s brand – the products are no doubt world renowned, and supersede the competition on the basis of their quality alone. However, one would be remiss to say that Elon’s own brand as a charismatic entrepreneur is not a factor, if not the primary factor, in driving the value of Tesla, X, and his other companies.
In short, the quality of the man at the top calling the shots will reflect fundamentally on the market value of the brand itself. Donald Trump has arguably done more than Elon Musk – his brands are arguably more well-known across the world, and his success in both business and politics is without rival in the business or political worlds, full stop.
Accordingly, Donald Trump offers something that no other individual on earth can bring – in this regard, his reported $3 billion windfall, and the prospects of his newly public company only going up higher, is indicative not of an overinflated asset divorced from reality. But rather, a set of objective facts that have true bearing on its fundamental value.
If anything, the Trump brand should be worth tens of billions of dollars more than what it is currently being traded at on the Nasdaq, given its uniqueness as combining the best of politics and business. As a business, The Trump Organization is diversified in a way that few, if any, other billion-dollar companies now match: its properties are among the best in the world, and now, with the addition of the media company, it has added that greatest driver of the American economy of the past three decades into its arsenal: technology startups.
In short, to borrow a favorite Silicon Valley phrase, the Trump brand incorporates both the world of bits and the world of atoms – no easy feat by any stretch of the imagination. This especially true for an age where quality brick-and-mortar developments are increasingly hard to come by: the casualty of globalization, outsourcing, mass migration, and DEI.
Donald Trump is a concrete thinker; he always has been. This concreteness is even the defining feature of his politics, which are practical and, as he puts it, steeped in “common sense.” But being a concrete thinker is not a slight on one’s ability to be an original thinker or visionary – quite the contrary: it is proof positive of one’s proficiency to discern value in the world, and capitalize on it, in ways that few others can replicate.
President Trump’s eye for discernment is why he has been able to build some of the most stunning golf courses seen anywhere in the United States – and increasingly, with courses spanning Scotland to Dubai, the world. It is also why he swooped in and purchased Mar-a-Lago back in the 1980s with a phenomenal deal, the most luxurious private home in the United States, when nobody else was considering it. He is a natural magnet for luxury and high value commodities; his eye is arguably his most valuable asset — and the world’s most valuable asset.
In the same vein in which DaVinci’s paintings and Michelangelo’s sculptures would be valued in the billions if ever sold on the open market today, Donald Trump’s creative visions equate to exceptional valuations – because of the rarity of his skillset and gifts. That is why everything he touches literally turns to gold – he is a rarefied example of originality in an irremediably confused age, an age that routinely attempts to swindle the population to convince them everything history considered bad is now good, and good, bad.
But those mainstays which made America, and the West, great in the past – beauty, visionaries, hard work – and which sprang out of those classical virtues that brought forth some of the greatest civilizations the world has ever known – from ancient Greece, to Rome, to Florence during the Renaissance, to America – remain as true as ever.
Arguably, with the downfall of civilization, those who harbor even just a few morsels of those original virtues will stand out to a greater degree from the rest of the pack than ever before, because we live in such a debased and distracted age.
As the saying goes, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king: good discernment is a scarce commodity, which is the reason why Donald Trump is so good at identifying things of real value – because he stands testimony to that one observer, who keeps watch as the rest of the world remains asleep.
Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights League. He writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, Instagram, and Rumble.
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
With the stock ticker of DJT and a 50% increase in price I hope the Trump Media and Technology Group is really annoying to all those Marxists out there trying to destroy America
???????? TRUMP 2024 ????????
How come housing prices go up and down? Arrest the realtors! How come the Blue Book on my vehicles don’t make the price at the car lots? Arrest the car salesmen! How come my food and gas costs more than three years ago? ARREST JOE BIDEN!
To be fair, some Trump enterprises have failed, butI was always taught that only way to assure you never fail is to never try.
Hillary Clintons one liner about who answers the phone at 3AM was spot on. The answer was few would prefer to depend on her if they could choose Donald Trump.
Think of this: Donald Trump’s real estate was valued extremely lower than its true worth. Hunter Biden’s finger paints were valued extremely higher than their “worth.” Then come up with why that is…
Question: why are all those prosecuting (persecuting) Donald Trump, except for Smith who Garland appointed, Black lawyers? Trump was the ONLY president in recent times who did anything to help benefit Black communities: economy, higher education, criminal justice reform, housing, jobs, etc. Obama did NOTHING except incite divisiveness; Biden made everything worse. Why the Black Trump hate? Curious unless you look at Sharpton and the media and the lawyers who are profiting mightily from their persecution of DJT. He is their scapegoat diverting attention from their own corruption. No wonder that the Black men/women on the street are more and more supporting DJT. They have no self-interested agenda except to live better under President Donald Trump.
President Trump’s lenders loaned him the money because they new he would pay it back. It’s that simple.
Of course, this foul ball of a woman who has been trying to jail him doesn’t want anyone conservative and wealthy to be free to engage in politics… especially Donald Trump, who unexpectedly beat Hillary in the 2016 election.
Of course, they made sure to steal the last election on paper ballots with no chain of custody… but that horrible crime seems to be in the public’s consciousness now.
It’s time to move forward, donate as much $ as we can, and vote for the constitutional powers that we lost to the crimes of the Democrat party.
Needs to file a slander suit against James. Bankrupt her
President Trump is the peoples president he knows what this country needs and Biden does not have a clue and that goes for Biden’s team including Harris. The Dem’s hate President Trump even more no matter what they try it fail’s. With President becoming even richer it only makes them more mad at him. Biden has had a lot of ads running here he takes jabs at President Trump in the ads but it shows he is afraid of President Trump he should be because he will loose this year with all his failures starting with his bad border policies.
I am not wealthy, but I live comfortably thanks to being born in the USA. The men who dreamed and founded this new democratic Republic were all wealthy, but realized that if they were to control their wealth they would have to control thier leaders. This is a good article of what happens when the leaders control instead of lead.
Excellent article. So true. President Trump is NOT guilty. The Democrats who are accusing him are the ones who are actually guilty of the crimes they are accusing President Trump of.
The reason the Democrats are not being arrested is because of corrupt judges, and the Republicans still follow the rule of law – the Democrats do not. They do what they want. The only way to put a stop the the corrupt Democrats is to vote them out of all offices. If this does not happen, then it will be time to take up arms and force them out. If we do not do that, we WILL lose our beloved America to Satan and communism – the Democrats. Are we all ready to fight for what we believe in? For the free country that God gave to us and that we have defiled by so much sin. By throwing God out? That is what the Democrats have done – they have thrown God out. Without God, we are and have nothing because God is everything.
Trump sees problems and virtue which the dems from Clinton to O to ole Joe are not capable of. They put ideas forth but see not a problem until it is put into practice. Take e vehicles. Ole Joe never thought that they wouldn’t work in cold weather. There are no loading stations in relation to the many e-cars on the road. E cars are dangerous for they can catch fire when they get wet. But you never hear the regime talking about it. They do what they want to destroy this country. Trump wants to save it and the people with it. That is not the left’s plan. All this money they are raising tonite is from the donors that tell them how to govern. They want America gone. Plus many of its citizens, to a manageable group that obeys the White House mandates. Trump wealth is not monetary but humanity to his fellow man. The man is rich in empathy, love and caring for the citizens. Only the left can’t stand it because they don’t get that from their base. That is why we all are seen as their enemy. And they are having a brainstorming session with a late night show host in charge of the proceeding. Really the brainiest people in America O, the communist, Clinton, the sex fiend, Ole Joe, the demented? Really can trust these people their wealth is monetary but are dependent on the billionaires at the BIS bank. Obey and follow their instructions. No humanity with these people for they sold their soul to Satan long ago.
Hey, Don, buy a straw, some watercolors, and some canvas and make “art” and sell them to political donors at $500,000 each. It worked for Hunter… and no one ever accused him of selling anything “under-valued”.
I guess all of the insulting nicknames assigned by the left (poor Don,etc) are no longer appropriate or meaningful. Too bad, Nyuk, Nyuk,Nyuk!
The police state is upon us. What’s happening to Trump goes way beyond absurdity. No crime, no complaints, no victim, an over 350 million dollar “fine.” More than 1300 people arrested on Jan. 6, at a peaceful demonstration. People are still sitting in jail! policestatefilm.net/ We’re sinking fast, demonic rat popping holes in our lifeboat.
The press tries it’s best to let this great man look less than he is. Your article is exposing a list of great qualities in Donald Trump.
The dems can only lie, cheat, act idiotic, and wail at spooks – get off it, you have ruined American and the dub at the top leads the idiot parade.
Don’t we all raise our house value as a way of making more $$ in sale? I’ve done it.
We need to see & realize that God Is Working “behind the scenes”. Look at District Atty. Fanni. She found out she was not “safe” just cause she played the games the ways the left cabal woke said to. Christopher Wray, FBI will go. According to 1 person’s “opinion” God May Weed out 95% ?!?! of ALL of Federal Senators AND House of Reps. Wow! But we must wait patiently while we pray that God Makes things right His Ways.
Donald Trump’s brand is about results and substance, not BS government titles. We’ve known that in his endeavors over many years, from real estate to entertainment. Even more impressive about the man is the fact that he stepped on the world stage as an elected leader and was the greatest leader of the free world since Ronald Reagan. I don’t care if his demeanor is abrasive or how many women he’s been with over the years, the fact of the matter is that our Republic needs him more than ever now. Wannabe Tin-Pot dictators like Letitia James, Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis be damned!
Trump has stated that no bank has ever lost a dollar from his bank loans, etc. ……so what is the big deal if I want to sell a $50 car for $100. then why cant I do that.
Well explained and documented. If these cases succeed, credibility of our legal system is shot.