This week has been described accurately as a week of shock and awe. The second Trump administration has launched a flurry of Executive Orders, pardons, and other actions, leaving Democrats struggling to determine where to focus their attacks. They’ve been reduced to screaming that they saw Elon Musk make a Nazi salute (he didn’t) and obsessing over whether the price of eggs has dropped yet.
The totality of what we’ve seen so far is a good sign that Trump himself and his team are going to have a very different second term. This time, instead of being slowed down by the flurries of actions by the “resistance,” Donald Trump has flown over the opposition and bombed them so heavily with immediate executive action that there is now the possibility of positive change.
The Trump administration’s early actions are very important. But it is also important to remember that the American presidency, powerful as it is, cannot and ought not do everything. The GOP must operate differently in this second term, working to make permanent the changes Trump has inaugurated through executive action. The American people are counting on legislators to buttress and advance the “proud, prosperous, and free” nation Trump proclaimed as his goal in his Second Inaugural.
While the first Trump administration produced tangible results, it was hobbled from the beginning by a coalition of forces. It was hobbled by opposition from Democrats and the Deep State, certainly. It was hobbled also by some Republican politicians who were willing to take losses as long as Trump himself lost. It was hobbled by members of Trump’s staff who chose to work for themselves rather than a duly elected president. And it was hobbled by the press.
Though many Republican politicians came around either during Trump’s first term or in the interim period of 2020-2024, the rest of that anti-Trump coalition stayed fairly tight. As recently as last April, the scale of this opposition appeared insurmountable. Roger Kimball described it as a “shock and awe” strategy, highlighting “the extensive co-ordination between the Biden White House and the myriad prosecutors, attorneys general, FBI agents, and other official factota to formulate a strategy to indict, intimidate, and neutralize Trump as a political actor.” The goal was to get Trump imprisoned—or at least convicted of a crime and hamstrung financially.
Alas, for Trump’s opponents, the nation’s “mainstream” media had long since been revealed as untrustworthy thanks to the reporting of lots of scrappy people on the right. The revelations about government censorship, the lies about Trump’s purported “Russian Collusion,” the veracity of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, and myriad aspects of the COVID-19 panic had weakened the power of the press and much of our administrative state to convince Americans they weren’t being manipulated.
The Trump “conviction” did not convince anybody who was not already convinced that “Orange Man Bad” was a matter of dogma. Nor did the other verdicts. “Convicted felon” and “adjudicated sex offender” and all the rest of these designations probably did more harm to Democrats than help. What Americans saw was that if somebody with Trump’s money, name, and power could be framed in the way he was, how could any ordinary American hope to fare any better against the same lawfare machine?
Indeed, as reporters such as American Greatness’s Julie Kelly had been showing us for the last four years, the ordinary Americans who had been at the Capitol on January 6, whether they had done something truly wrong or not, had been denied any real justice. Pro-lifers were similarly targeted in American courts.
Meanwhile, Americans had grown accustomed to headlines such as 2018’s “Government drops charges against all inauguration protesters” or 2021’s “Charges against hundreds of NYC rioters/looters have been dropped” reinforcing the perception that the American justice system operates on a double standard. Riot at Trump’s inauguration? Riot and loot in the name of George Floyd? You get out of jail free.
Walk through the Capitol on January 6 when the doors are open? Protest at an abortion clinic? You get the book thrown at you.
In short, Trump’s electoral victory was itself a victory over the media hobblers of his first term as much as it was over the Democratic politicians. That’s why both are now panicking. Susan Glasser at The New Yorker is writing about journalists and others being “exhausted.” And Democratic senators are telling Semafor that they “are obviously in a bit of disarray.”
They are in disarray. And it is glorious. This time around, Trump came in with a plan to immediately push back against all the distortions to American life pushed by the Biden administration and the Democrats. His first day featured around 200 distinct executive actions, many of them immediately rescinding previous Biden executive actions—especially the ones that opened up our border and made our nation so unsafe. But he also went on offense against our unwieldy administrative state, demanding that federal workers operating remotely return to their offices, getting rid of all DEI operations in the federal government, and making clear that trying to disguise such operations with new designations would be punished.
What needs to happen now, however, is for the rest of the GOP to take advantage of this massive executive action bombing attack and the resulting disarray and exhaustion to get something done. Trump has given some air cover; now we can advance.
By “we” is meant particularly Republicans in Congress. The Republican opposition to Trump from 2017-2019, when Republicans held both houses of Congress and essentially passed nothing but the tax cuts (nice as they were) was a wake-up call for many on the right. It became glaringly clear that too many in the Republican Party were more interested in remaining junior members of the Ruling Class than in pursuing the conservative agenda they claimed to champion.
For years, Republicans had promised to replace Obamacare with something better. Trump said he was ready to sign something. Trump was ready to sign meaningful reforms, but Congress produced… nothing. The same went for every other issue—especially border security. Despite these setbacks, Trump’s accomplished a great deal during his first term, but much of it was reliant on executive power, leaving those gains vulnerable to reversal.
This time has to be different. Americans want results. Republican lawmakers need to focus relentlessly on delivering them. Far from being fatigued or demoralized, ordinary Americans are happy to see that dangerous criminals are being deported and destructive ideologies of race and “gender” are being excised from the halls of power. What can be done by executive power, however, can be undone by future executive power. Our representatives in Congress should move quickly and decisively to ensure stable and far-reaching reforms.
We should celebrate the victories so far and let it be known that we support this bold, shock-and-awe approach. But now is the time for Congress to step up and ensure these gains are secured on a permanent footing. The war to preserve and protect what makes America great is far from over.
David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston. A past Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, he is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X (Twitter) @davidpdeavel.
January 6 was a set up created by Pelosi, the FBI, and the Capitol Police.
Great article, and a great start from President Trump for America.
Shock and awe is right. In Colorado yesterday they arrested 50 gang members in a night club full of weapons, money and drugs. The DEA assisted in these arrests. Many of them gang members that threatened and took over apartment buildings in Aurora this past summer. Our visionary governor said at that time we were not seeing anything it all was propaganda. It’s not true what you are seeing. Heck I even had my glasses on and saw what I saw. But then DEI hires, you know Dumb Educated Individuals, are there to dumb us down. Only we might have been thought of as dumb but were very smart in November and voted them out. Have you seen the Video of this Gomez woman about the deportation of the criminals in this country. She is crying her eyes out over these families and these small children that have been deported. Well dry your crocodile tears honey no family or little children have been deported. Your tears are for a criminal who would kill or rape you and not give you one thought let alone cry for you. And that is what Biden has created over the last 4 years. Paid liars shedding crocodile tears. Even the CIA is saying the COVID came from the Wuhan lab. I have never thought any different. But Biden was beholden to China, they hid that fact as long as they could and succeeded for 4 years. 10% of 30 million dollars buys a lot of loyalty. The first big lie of the Biden era exposed. Hundreds to follow.
Look at the profound damage by the following: Michael Sussman, Rod Rosenstein, Marc Elias, Andrew Weismann, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Blumenthal, Judge Engoron, Judge Kaplan, Marke Zuckerberg, Pritzker, Shapiro, Sulzberger, Meredith Levien, and dozens of Biden cabinet members with duel citizenship. They are liars and some have broken laws and have worked to weaponize the government against citizens, to throw an election, to fill the country with illegals, to treat illegals better than citizens.
This is not anti-semitism. This is calling out the evil perpetrated by Marxist Jews. Not Orthodox Jews or other Jews.
But I am calling out these Marxists as Jews also, because they have been the unrelenting leaders in spreading lies, hate, division for years.
Our greatest weapon is prayer, then doing our part. Speak up, knowledgeable voting, etc. This is only the beginning. Praise God.
We voters need to communicate to our congress people that they better act and make these executive orders law. We are watching.
Enjoyed reading this, thanks
We now have a LEADER who has braved financial ruin, harassment, slander, and two assassination attempts! Let’s step up and speak up against the LIARS of the DIMM and RINO parties!
So happy that conservatives have “grown a spine” and started to realize how damaging the Progressive Left is to our country. Hopefully, they don’t “sit back on their laurels” and go back to business as usual. We won a battle by electing President Trump but the war goes on. Never forget, 75M votes went to Harris. We need to be engaged and show up for ALL primaries and elections, no matter how small. God bless America.
The Swamp also has many RINOS that need to be drained with the Dumbacraps.
So now “We the People” need to step up again (after electing Trump) and let our legislators KNOW what we’re thinking! Put all the cr_ _ aside and act like a team!! Get to work!!!
” now is the time for Congress to step up and ensure these gains are secured on a permanent footing.”
Democrats can complain about the price of eggs… however, there aren’t any.
When Trump had House and Senate before they got nothing done. Now that he has only a few years to get sanity back in America, Congress needs to get busy and fix things.
We know that laws don’t necessarily need to be changed, but they do need clarification such as Birthright Citizenship.
I support the blitz… now that the field is clear, we need to get busy.
We Americans and legal immigrants have fought and given our blood, sweat, tears & money to make our country a place where millions from all over the world want to come and live. I can’t understand why all those illegals give all “their” blood, sweat, tears & money to evil cartels & smugglers who murder, rape, abuse & traffik them & their children. Why the hell don’t they rise up, wise up, use all that money they pay to the cartels etc. and FIGHT to make their own countries great for their children & grandchildren?!! Furthermore, parents/families who send little children alone with nothing more than a note, to travel on foot, cross country(ies) amongst thousands of predators are also criminals with no heart,soul or conscience. It’s certainly not love or hope for a better life! Where are all those children?! & damn those who did this to them! There is a special place in hell for those who destroy children. No, I won’t ask God to have mercy on the monsters who perpetrated these evils upon their own people or on the people of the United States. God bless America, President Trump & his family, may God let him lead us with fearless wisdom, & God bless and have mercy on the children.
All members of congress must make these exec actions permanent laws of the land. Those who oppose will be branded as obstructionists and anti-American. If they oppose, their political career should be over.
The Biden administrations prosecution of J 6’rs needs to be viewed as their attempt to send a message to all conservatives, rather than as prosecutions of individuals for crimes. They wanted to make the punishment so painful and resistance so impossible that conservatives would just roll over. They did much the same thing to Trump in that he was prosecuted for all kinds of made up and “imaginative ” legal theories most of which everyone understands will evaporate if they ever get a fair hearing.
The dems weaponized the justice system (all the power of the US government) against these people and their tactics were far from what any reasonable person would call justice. A day of reckoning needs to come for the dems who weaponized the government and for the bureaucrats, who themselves rolled over and obeyed countless illegal orders.
Republicans need to start immediately and pass one page bills, the people will support, for all these issues where they can deliver the necessary support. Congress, you can do this!
REAL President Trump 2.0 has laid the groundwork for Americas resurgence; economically, socially, politically and internationally. EVERY Republican must march in concert with him and cast the RINOS aside. Every American must do their part by keeping the pressure on our Republican Senators and Congressmen to close ranks and Make America Great Again.
Today’s conservatives want to Make America Great Again: They are true conservatives and not rinos. MAGA GETS THE APPROVED SEAL OF THE GIPPER!
Time for Troll of Many Names to quit spewing his crack-crazed venom, get sober, and get a job.
(HeII, you might even gain some self respect and street cred)
Ha Ha! You are describing yourself your record breaking lying multiple moniker troll.
Projection of your own evil bounces back to you
Evil is able to metastasize due to the fact that way to many Christians set on the fence without speaking up.
The world’s secret Religion- full documentary on rumble
Europa the last battle 10 segment documentary on Rumble
Really,you libers,and that includes democ RATS should really fess up and try,really try to get in the swing of things and help PRESIDENT TRUMP bring our country back from marxism.
Hey troll man you’re a crazy sick dude. Put down your crack pipe and get a life
One of the top DEI schools. I’ve known people who graduated from Stanford. Their parents were wealthy. But their kids were idiots and need a fake credential that Stanford is an elite school that graduates smart people. It’s an expensive way for wealthy parents to give their kid unearned credibility for being “smart”. Sorry, I own a very successful business and would never hire a Stanford graduate.
Look Elon, we’ve seen what you wear to work and it wouldn’t be passingly described as business attire. Even so, your businesses have been quite successful.
Why the sudden concern about business attire for your workforce ?
Unless certain employees need to meet with clients that have more strict requirements for attire, what’s the big deal ?
You always have to change your name but everybody knows who you are by your stupid trolling… you aint smart enough to change your insane muttering.
Your a troll
Doesn’t Congress get sworn in, vote to certify Presidential election, then take a break?