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DOJ Report Exposes Adam Schiff’s Lies and Leaks

Posted on Friday, December 27, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

In one of the least surprising outcomes on Election Day this year, Democrat Adam Schiff easily defeated Republican Steve Garvey in California’s U.S. Senate election. But as Schiff prepares to take the oath of office on January 3, it will be under the cloud of yet more speculation that he used his prior position in the U.S. House to leak classified information for his own political gain.

The big news coming out of the Department of Justice this month was a report on January 6 that found that 26 FBI informants were present among the crowd during the Capitol riot. But around the same time as that report was dominating headlines, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz quietly released another report looking into the FBI’s handling of the Russia collusion hoax.

That report spanned 100 pages and was largely ignored by the media, despite containing some damning implications about who was responsible for propping up the false narrative that President Donald Trump was somehow a Russian operative – a completely debunked conspiracy theory now known as “Russiagate.”

According to the Horowitz report, a Democrat whistleblower on one of the congressional committees investigating Trump told the FBI that a number of other Democrat staffers and two members of Congress were voluntarily leaking classified information to the media. That information, which was itself manufactured to make Trump appear guilty, was dutifully reported as verified fact by The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other legacy media outlets – with a trio of journalists even winning a Pulitzer Prize for their blatantly incorrect reporting.

The Horowitz report does not specifically identify who those two members of Congress were. But as Molly Hemingway noted for The Federalist, “a 2021 New York Times story already identified then-Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Eric Swalwell, both of California, as the two congressmen on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) who were under investigation.”

“Both Schiff and Swalwell were notorious for going on left-wing media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC to push the Russia conspiracy theory,” Hemingway continued. “Schiff, now California’s junior senator, lied publicly for years about the matter, falsely claiming to have secret evidence substantiating the hoax.”

The Horowitz report concludes that the whistleblower did not provide enough “direct evidence” of the two members leaking information to justify charges or further investigation. However, while that standard may not have been met by the DOJ, the American people have at least some reason to suspect that Schiff, now a United States Senator, gave classified information to members of the media in order to hurt Trump politically and advance his own political career – a scheme that, on the latter account, appears to have been wildly successful.

Schiff was far from a household name before Trump became president. He was first elected to the U.S. House in 2000 and remained relatively obscure for more than a decade. However, Schiff endeared himself to former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, saw Schiff as her political mentee.

In January 2015, Schiff’s loyalty was rewarded. That month, Pelosi helped Schiff become the Democrats’ Ranking Member on HPSCI. This committee is arguably one of the most influential and powerful in Congress. Members have direct oversight of all United States intelligence agencies, including the FBI, NSA, and CIA. As such, they have access to some of the most sensitive and classified information currently in the possession of the United States government. Being on HPSCI puts a significant amount of heft behind the statements – public or private – of anyone on the committee.

Shortly after Trump won the 2016 election, Schiff began weaponizing his position and making himself the face of the liberal “resistance” against Trump. He became a fixture on CNN and MSNBC, asserting multiple times that senior members of the Trump campaign and even Trump himself were compromised by Russia.

In a March 2017 appearance on Meet the Press, Schiff said that he had seen “evidence that is not circumstantial and very worthy of investigation” confirming the Russia collusion hoax. In another appearance on CNN, he stated: “The Russians offered help, which we know they did, the campaign accepted help, which we know they did, the Russians then delivered help, which we know they did.” Whenever he was pressed on such statements, Schiff merely said the evidence he was referring to was “classified,” so he couldn’t go into it further.

Despite repeatedly lying to the American people, Schiff was rewarded again for his loyalty to Pelosi’s anti-Trump crusade when Democrats won the House majority in 2018. Schiff became Chairman of HPSCI, and shortly thereafter, he helped launch Democrats’ first impeachment effort against Trump.

Once again, Schiff was at the center of a liberal plot to weaponize intelligence agencies against a sitting president and manipulate the media and the American people. And once again, Trump was vindicated, as the Senate trial exposed Democrats’ charges as entirely baseless, resulting in his acquittal.

But Schiff had by now learned that his true constituency was liberal media pundits and Democrat Party bosses, not the American people or even his California voters. When Democrats decided to mount a second bogus impeachment against Trump in 2020, Pelosi named Schiff as a lead impeachment manager.

After retaking the majority in 2020, House Republicans quickly removed Schiff from HPSCI and later censured him in 2023. But even these rebukes Schiff wore as a badge of honor – a testament to his loyalty to the Democrat Party establishment. That loyalty was again rewarded following the death of Dianne Feinstein when high-profile California Democrats, including Pelosi, rallied around Schiff to replace her.

In many ways, Schiff’s political ascendancy is indicative of just how obsessed the modern Democrat Party has become with rabid opposition to Trump at the expense of public trust and common decency. For the better part of the past decade, the coin of political currency on the left has been very simple: oppose Donald Trump no matter how dishonest you must be to do so, and you will be rewarded.

That strategy worked for Schiff in deep blue California. But the results elsewhere in the country this year showed that Schiff’s cynical brand of political opportunism, anti-Trump fanaticism, and lying to the public is only further driving the public away from the Democrat Party.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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2 months ago

I think most of the country has known for a long time that Schiff has been at the center of treasonous plot to take down a duly elected president based entirely on know (by him) to be false information. He should be charged with treason.
And the idiots in California keep electing him.

2 months ago

I remember Chinese spy-loving Swalwell following so closely behind pencil-neck Schiff during news conferences, that had Schiff made a sudden stop, Swalwell’s nose would have ended up Schiff’s butt. Those two are TRAITORS and they need to be held accountable.

Danny Pruitt
Danny Pruitt
2 months ago

Both of these legislators should be tried as traitors and jailed for treason, AND sued by Trump and aby others they libeled bytheir lies.

Lieutenant Beale
Lieutenant Beale
2 months ago

Ther’s an awful lot of BullSchiff this senator is doing. I’ll bet Biden already pardoned (or will pardon) his shenanigans. Pathetic.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
2 months ago

Adam Schiff is a proven liar and oath breaker. If he takes the oath of office, it makes a mockery of that oath. The Senate already has three other known oath breakers, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer. Adding a fourth just makes the Senate and the Senators an even bigger, more disgusting joke. There is little to no integrity in that institution.

Claudette A
Claudette A
2 months ago

I would bet that Adam Schiff did not win in Calf , they cheated like they always do. They need to recount .

2 months ago

It is an extremely poor reflection on California (like they need more) that Schiff beat Garvey in CA alone, by more votes than Trump beat Kameltoe in the entire county. Sums up CA in a nutshell.

2 months ago

Adam Schitt. Total scum bag

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 months ago

Adam Schiff should absolutely NOT be on any senate committee that involves access to classified information. He has proven beyond any doubt that he cannot be trusted with such access. What was California thinking when they elected him? OH WAIT! THEY WEREN’T THINKING!

2 months ago

This one (of hundreds) of sewer rat Swamp SCUM should spend the rest of his corrupt, lying disgusting life behind bars.

2 months ago

When he is sworn in, IMPEACH HIM. This guy is just scum who go into politics by hanging on the leg of inside trader nasty nancy. Send him back to the swamp and send liz cheny with him. American people have at least some reason to suspect that Schiff, now a United States Senator, gave classified information to members of the media in order to hurt Trump politically and advance his own political career. He makes me sick.

Michael J
Michael J
2 months ago

Where was this report before California was deceived? Naturally this sleaze will take his place among the others. Unfortunately there will be no do overs until voters wake up.

Gen. Patton
Gen. Patton
2 months ago

Biggest scumbag in the history of mankind, Adan Schiff

2 months ago

This tells me that the folks in CA are some of the most stupid people in the USA

2 months ago

Schiff should be hung for treason

2 months ago

The Horowitz report concludes that the whistleblower did not provide enough “direct evidence” of the two members leaking information to justify charges or further investigation.
if the whistle blower did not provide enough information then why even write this story? That means nothing will ever be done about it. If nobody is prosecuted and held accountable for their bad deeds then what is the point. We all know how corrupt the Democrats have become.

2 months ago

If this walking, lying pile of mega corrupt protoplasmic waste isn’t sent to prison I’m certain he (along with Pisslosi and Upchuck Shoemer) is masterminding their EVIL plans, and has begun the process for one of many impeachments against Trump beginning at 12:01 on 20 January.
Hey bug-eyes, if you run out of BS charges to impeach Trump, use this one. Rumor has it that in 1972 Trump removed the tags off one of his pillows. I’m certain, in the Damnocrap microscopic minds that that is not only a felony but a rock-solid impeachable offense. Go get him you sewer rat Swamp Scum.

Buddy Eoc
Buddy Eoc
2 months ago

How is this guy not indicted and put in Federal Prison?

2 months ago

Many know that Schiff is just plain —-!!!!

2 months ago

The two who won Pulitzer Prizes should return that notable achievement and it should be applied to others who truly deserve it.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
2 months ago

This is not news. He’s been lying for years about this and that and the other things.

2 months ago

Talk about being lower than a used car salesman? I have said it before in this forum and I’ll say it again. There needs to be a reckoning and these traitors like Schiff and Swalwell and the rest of them, Both Dem. and Rep. need to be held accountable for their actions against political rivals, our country and We The People. Schiff and his ilk were the ones in bed with Russia. They play with highly sensitive material (CLASSIFIED) like it is no big thing. They should lose their security clearance and be prosecuted. I want to see the new Sherriff and his deputies go after these traitors. Make an example of them so the other traitors know their time is running out.

2 months ago

Schiff is a total swamp rat surrounded by vipers. The best we can hope for is karma, which will probably come too late for the rest of us.

Jim Wharry
Jim Wharry
2 months ago

Shiff is guilty to perjury and should be indicted and prosecuted for it. And the trial should be held outside of DC, in a place not run by the democrats. He is guilty, along with pelosi and swawell, who for some reason is still a member of congress.

2 months ago

Once Trump is in office he should direct the US Military to invade those parts of California that have ultra leftist terrorists and put them in prison camp in Siberia. Those include most of the Hollywood elitists, all of there congresspersons that are liberal and their treasonous governor

2 months ago

Adam Schiff is the fake spy for the Pelosi Schumer Obama administration. Who tells lies about Trump that they have created. That Californians voted for this man is a riddle wrapped into an enigma. Ballot stuffing had to happen like anything that passes in California. Schiff, Pelosi Schumer, Obama, Swalwell etc etc are enemies of the state. They are the ones running this country into the ground. Impeachment is not worthy of them they should be charged with treason and as enemies of the state. Only Biden will pardon them on his last day.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
2 months ago

There is a lot of democrats especially in the Swamp that should be charged with lying to the American people and committing treason who should be charged with those crimes.But it will never happen because the crooked media will stand behind them and say it’s just a hoax. And I think that the President of the United States should have the have the power to fire those senators and congressmen who commit those heinous acts.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 months ago

Adam Schiff’s lies? If his lips are moving, he’s lying.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

Then Prosecute

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Don’t suppose either will ever be held accountable. Not when Congressmen keep referring to each other as “my esteemed colleagues”.

2 months ago

wouldn’t you just love to slap the s*** out of that little lying POS.

2 months ago

Adam Shifty … really is shifty
shifty /shĭf′tē/

  1. Having, displaying, or suggestive of deceitful character; evasive or untrustworthy.
2 months ago

why on Gods green earth that this guy is not being brought up on charges…. Like Lt Beale says below he may get a blanket pardon…….

Coach Terry
Coach Terry
2 months ago

Sooo arrest him for treasonous acts against America ???????? n PLEEEEEEEASE STOP talking these criminals to death via trey gowdy sound bites!!! ???? Like he did hrc re her Law Breaking personal server, destroyed tapes n Benghazi!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

We all know what Schiff is and’s been for a long time and report comes out now? What’s in the air?

2 months ago

Two words….Term Limits. We need them now .

2 months ago

I think we should not allow human beings like Adam Schiff to serve in our government and they need to be taken out and dealt with

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
2 months ago

….. “evidence that is not circumstantial and very worthy of investigation” is about as ambiguous as you can get. I hope charges are brought against Schiff and he is put in prison. (…. and I’m being nice about it….”

2 months ago

Wondering if Schiff would have won a Senate seat had this been known? Sure he would have. Californians are Democrat no matter what and the despicable and disgusting such as Swalwell and Schiff get promoted, not punished. Schiff is an SOB of the highest order and not to be trusted about anything; remember he said he had proof which he later could not present (because he didn’t have a thing except his lies). And Swalwell, a self-promoting jackass with the most vacant eyes in the House, fooling with a Chinese spy and lying like the bought and paid for partisan creep he is. One questions how such horrendous men can be in office…well, they are from California, land of the fruits and nuts.

Cheryl Campbell
Cheryl Campbell
2 months ago

Schiff is a complete embarrassment to this country! A little jail/prison time might help him out.

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
2 months ago

The whole dumbacrap party is like him and should be hung.

2 months ago

Investigate this democrat scoundrel , as well as Swalwell. Schiff needs his arse held to the fire.

2 months ago
  • Schiff was elected to the Senate with some help from the CAGOP. They found a has-been baseball player who allowed his name to be used as a candidate. There was never any real campaign just fund raising for the people running their little do nothing club, CAGOP, in Sacramento. Schiff ran unopposed. I wish this article would be printed in all CA newspapers.
2 months ago

Go to jail Adam Schiff! Nothing but a liar and coward.

2 months ago

I hope as a U S Senator Shiff’s most important duty is seeing that the urinal mints are replaced on a regular basis.

2 months ago

But yet again – NOTHING HAPPENS!!!

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
2 months ago

Commiefornia, the state of communist traitors (Newsome) and pedophilic murderers (Schiff).

2 months ago

Go figure lying Adam Schiff. DJT called this correctly.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 months ago

A democrat lying? Be still my heart, who would have ever thought Adam Schiff would make a hysterical bobblehead or clown balloon.

2 months ago

I think I need to go to the Schiff-house and take a Schiff.

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