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Dilemma – Biden’s Mental Health

Posted on Tuesday, February 21, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

What does America do about a sitting president’s gradual loss of cognition, or fitness of mind? Biden is not the first president to present this question, but he is the oldest, perhaps most exposed – with domestic and international tensions high, country divided. The answer, unfortunately, is not much. We may have to hold our breath for two years.

The President just got a medical report notable for the gap: no mental fitness attestation for the 80 year old. This is unnerving and says more than a mental acuity test would. Biden is visibly failing, and everyone sees it.  

This health report, and the mental health component missing, seems like a final straw, but may not be. Ironically, aside from no comment on Biden’s mental health – at an age when many fail and doctors commonly test cognitive function – the report is not great.

Biden apparently contends with “atrial fibrillation,” “hyperlipidemia,” “gastroesophageal reflux,” “degenerative … spine,” “loss of feeling in his feet,” had a “lesion” removed, and mobility issues – so heart, blood (too many lipids), upper gastrointestinal, esophagus, spine, nerves, possible cancer, and mobility.

Other than that, he is a veritable hotrod, reflection of cobranding with aviator glasses and a corvette. Yeah, well, that is not giving other doctors much comfort. Obama’s personal physician Dr. David Scheiner notes: “You’re not going to learn anything, They sugarcoat these things. It worries me that he is aging… If I look at him, he’s not a young 80.” Indeed.

Former Obama and Trump doctor Ron Jackson, now a Congressman, says the report is “alarming,” offers “no transparency,” and no mention of cognitive testing despite Biden’s “deteriorating mental health.” He calls it what it seems, a “cover up.

All this is deeply concerning as we live in an era of uncommon, unforgiving digital intimacy, when everyone from China’s Xi and Russia’s Putin to school children can see the cognitive decay. While many fear Vice President Harris’ lack of seasoning, competence, and seriousness, if not leftists leanings and temperament, the reality is that China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and others see what we do. More to the point, they see an opportunity – to seize greater power globally.

The best two historical comparisons, while inapt, are Woodrow Wilson and FDR in final years. In October 1919, one year before 1920 elections, Wilson suffered a massive stroke. The incapacitating nature of the stroke fundamentally affected his decision-making ability, but was hidden.

As one scholar notes: Wilson’s doctor “had tremendous … loyalty to Wilson,” so “kept the severity of the stroke hidden from Congress, the American people, and even the president himself.” Like Biden’s doctor refusing any questions on capacity, Wilson’s “formally refused to sign a document of disability and was reluctant to address the subject of presidential succession.”

Still, “Wilson was essentially incapacitated and hemiplegic …messages relayed directly through his wife…”  Notably, a dangerous precedent was set. “Patient-physician confidentiality superseded national security amid the backdrop of friendship and political power on the eve of a pivotal juncture in the history of American foreign policy.”

Gosh, that sounds frighteningly similar, although the camera is on Biden, and he has yet to have a stroke, unlike Wilson and the recently seated Democrat Senator from Pennsylvania who is suddenly far sicker than reported during the campaign, now the Senate’s deciding vote.

FDRs’ fading health was no less compelling, hidden just as purposefully. He died in office six months after being reelected in 1944. Prior to that, many historians note, and Winston Churchill lamented, FDR’s weak mind likely allowing Stalin to prevail at Yalta with Eastern Europe in the balance.

All this leads us back to now – history before our eyes. The constitutional process only allows removal by impeachment, majority vote in the House, and two-thirds in the Senate. Barring a massive change compelling Democrats to admit Biden’s incapacity, impeachment is out.

Separately, the 25th Amendment requires a process equally unlikely to produce removal. If removal occurs, the vice president becomes president and nominates a vice president. But do not count on this any time soon.

Section 4 reads: “Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”

Since neither impeachment nor the 25th Amendment are likely to kick in without a major change forcing Democrats’ hands, resignation is the only other option – with as much risk as now felt.

In the moment, the best answer may be to hope Biden continues, pray for the country, imagine China understands our president is not The Nation, then – hold our breath for the next two years.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
Even with DICTATOR Beijing biden’s mental health deterioration he/she (Mrs. EMPTY PANTS) is still in better mental health than Communist harris.
And WE ALL KNOW that DICTATOR Beijing biden’s health checkup is a Cover Up of heshe (Mrs. EMPTY PANTS) actual mental health status.
Meanwhile, the WHOLE WORLD continues to LAUGH at US.

1 year ago


Biden’s dementia was clearly evident all the way back to when he was running for POTUS from his basement in 2019 and 2020. He showed all the classic signs of the disease. The slurring of speech. The loss of focus and his tendency to “wander off” at the few public events he did were all there for the public to see.

Of course, the MSM decided to ignore all of it, because the primary function of the MSM in this country is to protect Democrats and their agenda at all costs. Yet in a field of committed “Progressives” (Socialists) and outright Marxists on the Democrat side, the Democrat Party needed the least overtly offensive candidate of the bunch to be their nominee, if they were going to be able to place a Democrat in the White House in 2020. In Biden’s reduced mental state, he is incredibly easy to control and manipulate. So, he is surrounded by Obama era retreads who are implementing the agenda of Obama’s third term (and perhaps his 4th if the country doesn’t wise up), while a docile and mentally impaired Biden is led around like the child he mentally is.

To say we can do nothing is of course completely inaccurate. There are always multiple options, but they all entail the American people standing up to the insanity of the situation, in one way or another, and putting an end to it before significantly more damage to the country is done. Each entails a varying degree of difficulty and risk, depending on the option selected. There is no pain free option, as the American people should have never allowed this situation to exist in the first place. Given that the American people have chosen to entertain none of the options available to them, the correct way to state our current situation is that while options exist, the American people have decided to pursue none of them and instead hope the country survives the next 2 years. It is a much more accurate description of stating why we are where we are today. Accuracy matters in understanding how the country ended up in its current state.


I do like how you used both Wilson and FDR, both “Progressive Democrats”, as examples of bad situations for the country. See the little trend and set of similar circumstances. Wilson, FDR and Biden all created or exasperated issues for the country, that led to years of pain for the American people. There is a lesson in there somewhere for people wise enough to see it. However, that is a subject for another day.

1 year ago

Is it true that Biden’s physical was performed by a coroner who pronounced him “technically alive”?

1 year ago

Old Biddy Joe is a National Embarrassment and is only going to get more worse and worse with each passing day! . . . It ought to scare the average “senior citizen” as to what the average person has to look forward to with Old age!

1 year ago

Why can’t we impeach the dementia ridden old bastard??

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

You don’t have to competent as long as you’re in position. Surrounded by people who have more to lose than the nation’s citizens, these miscreants will put up a cardboard cutout if it meant losing power. The only thing that will keep Biden from being ousted is his next breath.

1 year ago

The senile old fool doesn’t realize he is a senile old fool………but, he is easy to handle……..that is why Obama hasn’t had him replaced.

1 year ago

Mark Reed Levin should run for president while he remembers his time with President Reagan. I voted Trump in memory of Reagan even Benjamin Netanyahu from the holy land felt blessed when Trump was inside Washington DC. God bless AMAC members.

1 year ago

Joe Biden’s Health
To the observer, Joe Biden’s health defies his doctor’s proclaimed recent physical and mental health results. What if…what if all of that time in the basement prior to his election Joe was being coached by persons skilled in making movies? What if he needed little encouragement other than a pay-off to play the bumbling bafoon? Has the Wiley Fox not played the public from the beginning? “Come On Man! Admit Folks”; Joey Boy has used his past tragedy for too long. He’s been using it for too long as he jumps from stance to stance to suit his game. It defy s common sense to think otherwise. What politician has a longer, more fluid, history in Congress? Why Glad-Hand Joey has, of course! And why was this less than honest narcissist chosen by Obama to be Vice President? My guess is that Obama needed a useful someone who he had to know for sure he could use. Think about it. When did we actually begin to have the sharp turn to the left in our government? Think about just how much has gone wrong since the Obama-Biden ticket leapt into office? Check the money flow into the grooming of the public at election times and where it came from. Think about the mandates pushed through on late nights. Arrogant example of “You have to vote for it before you read it” Nancy Pelosi type crap. Think about the packing of the courts? Imagine this scenario. Imagine three consecutive very “ iffy” elections. One in which a supposedly modest means candidate (by all standards of politics) which counted on charisma, eloquence of presentation, and American’s firm hope for a better already improving America. Second, a very well to do business man who once very clearly questioned Obama’s birth-rite years before as a presidential candidate and years later, knew from money experience, that, we as a nation, needed help. Third a presentation from a basement backed by tons of money and deception. And, here we are America on a down-slide into hellish depths. Why, you ask? Ask yourself how a newcomer, a climber went from a moderate income to untold wealth. Two a very rich man who left office with less wealth than he had entering office. Three, unaccounted for financial gain, which would make con men all over the world envious. And here we are, Ms Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” loosing our shirts to con men and women all of whom I suspect have been coached, financed, and cleaned up to foist upon hard working, decent people of the most once prosperous and humanly generous county on this globe.

1 year ago

They’re doing the same with Biden’s cognitive health as they did with the campaign of 2020 keeping him in the basement. He’s a puppet for them and nothing other(just his body)needed from him. Got to keep him hidden as much as possible. Why so many weekenders to Delaware for the old coot?
He needs to be seen the least possible as they can make it.

1 year ago

Only a mass epiphany on the part of dem robots could change things so yes, we will do nothing for two years and hope, fingers crossed, that the presidents dementia progresses slowly. Who is more dangerous, biden or that cackling pantsuit . Im guessing the latter.

1 year ago

I appreciate and respect this site however, I have NO money to give. I don’t have enough to get anything more than a pack of meat (hotdogs) for a MONTH and veggies are unheard of! My widowed son in law pays my phone & internet…

1 year ago

As soon as Loopy Joe is no longer useful to anyone (which is now), he will end up in a padded room somewhere counting ceiling tiles.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

No brain is perfect So much easier to manipulate and direct A little bit of brain might pose a problem He could be askng pesky questions

1 year ago

Yes what is in the report is actual the person to talk to is his wife. For her to allow her husband to continue would be criminal. I call on her to step forward even though we all know Harris does not have the capacity to fill the position.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

This article presents a very important set of circumstances, and is very much of a challenge to finding a solution for it that will be satisfactory. But , I do believe that those gathered in Philadelphia ,at Independence Hall in July 1776 probably were feeling very similar feelings that those of us now are feeling about not only the ability of the President to continue in office because of health conditions, but the leftist, ultra liberal corruption that is causing so much damage to the country. So when confronted with difficult circumstances it is very possible that solutions will develop unexpectedly during the process of trying to find the right solution. Complex mathematical equations become less complex when approached in the right way. One part of the equation simplified, then other parts simplified, and eventually the solution is reached.
It is good that the opinion of Congressman Dr. Ron Jackson was presented , very good article Mr.Charles, well done !

1 year ago

The DemocRots would select a candidate who was a unhoused-trained gorilla if the consensus of their ruling faction agreed …. Biden is clear proof of that and Camel Hairs-is pretty close to that state of competence! (I apologize to gorilla’s for this remark!!!)

1 year ago

To quote a song lyric, “we live in a world of illusion where everything’s peaches and cream,” – that’s exactly where old senile Joe Biden is at. He thinks he’s doing great while the nation suffers through his failed policies.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Thinking about the Constitution, the Constitutional process is healthy, it is good for the mind , the spirit and soul. It promotes ideas for maintaining the foundation of civilization. The Peace Through Strength spirit that was part of what President Ronald Reagan believed in is something else that can help to deal with present difficulties. Respect for the importance of believing in Faith, Family, Freedom will strengthen a sense of purpose and a code of conduct . Respect for the will of God. Maintaining a clean sense of humor will help too. There is plenty of hope for better times ahead.

Pam Chitwood
Pam Chitwood
1 year ago

I just wonder how they got his wife to go along with this. It really would be embarrassing. Think maybe they have been blackmailed? Shameful really.

1 year ago

Biden isn’t stupid. He has a mental health problem. Anyone that votes for a man with mental health problems is stupid.

Linda Nelson
Linda Nelson
1 year ago

After the last election in November, there was much talk among the Republicans about our not selecting “quality candidates” as the reason we did not prevail to the extent expected. I disagree. As ANYONE can see, neither Biden nor Fetterman were “quality candidates!” The objective here was to get a place-holder who was incapable of reasoning and then use them to forward their (the Democrats’) agenda by proxy. Perhaps we need a competency test for ANYONE who runs for office. Now we have no idea who is ACTUALLY running the country, but certainly not the person who was voted into office. This needs to change!

1 year ago

Every Democrat President promises transparency and at the end of every Democrat President’s term, we find that there has been NONE of that!! Transparency is a promise they never intend to deliver on!! They like keeping secrets from us, the voting public, especially when they are trying to pass legislation that will basically screw all of us, especially the seniors!! Biden has had a mental issue since he was VP and he had no business even running for this term but Democrats and his wife and family have proven, to me, that they lack any common sense, reliability, responsibility or trustworthiness!!!

1 year ago

The difference between Biden and any other president with mental deterioration is that he and his party are inherently evil. If you think all that we have seen in the short time Biden has been in office is coincidental and upright for the good of America you need to wake up! The evil forces of Marxism and communism are on full display and part of the democrat agenda.

1 year ago

I do not believe we have two more years. The way things are progressing, Biden and/or Harris is likely to drag us into WWIII within this calendar year. Certainly before the people can inaugurate another far more competent person to lead this nation.

1 year ago

Dilemma – 1) Biden’s Mental Health; 2) Dilemma – Biden’s Physical Health —- take your pick. looks/acts like “walking deadman”, deteriorating noticeably in front of our eyes. he’s NEVER had ANY skills different than those of prison residents.

1 year ago

Out he should go…….

1 year ago

Harris will be president and Hillary vice president by appointment !!! Any legal way to save America has been blocked by the dems then the constitution goes bye bye and no way ever to return to the America we love. Must get Trump back in or learn to fight in the streets!!!! No guns means no freedom. Can you imagine America controlled by these traitors and us without guns. Throw rocks at tanks like in China and Eastern Europe. Vote like your life depends on it because it does!!!

1 year ago

Biden and his governance guides are doing great harm to the USA … harm that will be difficult to unravel and/or remove.

1 year ago

Biden will always be a prime horror example of what a rigged election can produce!

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