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Dems, Media Stunned Trump Is Keeping His Word

Posted on Monday, November 18, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

Within hours of winning the presidential election, Donald Trump immediately began taking steps to fulfill his wide slate of ambitious campaign promises—leaving the corporate media, the Democrat Party establishment, and even some Republicans in a state of shock and bewilderment.

Although many Washington, D.C., powerbrokers are not accustomed to candidates doing what they promised to voters on the campaign trail, Trump’s actions make clear that he is determined to deliver on his promises to the American people no matter what obstacles stand in his path.

Barely over a week since Trump’s historic victory, the president-elect has already nominated America First stalwarts to key cabinet and staff positions, announced the creation of a new agency to rein in the rampant waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal bureaucracy, and visited with congressional Republicans on Capitol Hill to discuss his second term agenda. More than any other president-elect in recent memory, Trump has laid the groundwork to begin aggressively implementing his agenda on day one.

But in response to some policy and personnel announcements, the liberal establishment and corporate media have flown into a fit of rage and hysteria—as if they expected Trump to retreat from his campaign pledges and subserviently bend the knee to the Washington swamp.

This left-wing frenzy was seen most notably with Trump’s nomination of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz as his Attorney General. “Matt will end Weaponized Government, protect our Borders, dismantle Criminal Organizations and restore Americans’ badly-shattered Faith and Confidence in the Justice Department,” Trump announced in a statement. “Matt will root out the systemic corruption at DOJ, and return the Department to its true mission of fighting Crime, and upholding our Democracy and Constitution. We must have Honesty, Integrity, and Transparency at DOJ. Under Matt’s leadership, all Americans will be proud of the Department of Justice once again.”

In response, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) condemned the pick as a “red alert moment for democracy,” slamming Gaetz as “dangerous.” MSNBC called it “shocking.” The New York Times castigated Gaetz as a “bomb-thrower.” And establishment Republicans like Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) lamented the nomination as not “serious,” presumably out of concern that Gaetz would oversee sweeping changes at the Department of Justice following years of department corruption and the Biden administration’s weaponization of law enforcement against the American people.

But Trump’s pledge to revamp the DOJ and restore its proper mission is not new. In an April 2023 policy video, for instance, Trump pledged to “completely overhaul the federal Department of Justice and FBI” and “restore the fair and impartial rule of law”—including by “launch[ing] sweeping civil rights investigations” into left-wing prosecutors who selectively enforce the law on the basis of race, political belief, and other arbitrary characteristics.

Trump’s nomination of Gaetz—who has himself been unfairly targeted by the DOJ under the Biden-Harris administration—demonstrates that he is taking his promises seriously, and it should by no means come as a surprise.

Similarly, following Trump’s nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as Secretary of Health and Human Services, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow claimed the pick is “meant to shock us, and adjust our sense of what is normal.”

But Trump’s alliance with Kennedy goes back months—and his role in the administration has long been expected.

“Millions and millions of Americans who want clean air, clean water and a healthy nation have concerns about toxins in our environment and pesticides in our food,” Trump said at an August rally in Arizona. “That’s why today I’m repeating my pledge to establish a panel of top experts working with Bobby to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including autoimmune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and many more. We want every child in America to grow up and to live a long and healthy life.”

The media also responded with outrage to Trump’s nomination of Army veteran and Fox News host Pete Hegseth, a political outsider, to lead the U.S. Department of Defense. “President-elect Donald Trump’s Tuesday night surprise pick of a conservative commentator and television host as his Pentagon chief shocked Washington,” Politico reported.

But for anyone who paid attention throughout Trump’s campaign, Hegseth’s nomination would come as wholly unsurprising. “The State Department, the defense bureaucracy, the intelligence services, and all the rest need to be completely overhauled and reconstituted to fire the Deep Staters and put America First,” Trump said during a March 2023 policy video.

Likewise, Trump’s creation of the Department of Government Efficiency, which will “dismantle Government Bureaucracy, slash excess regulations, cut wasteful expenditures, and restructure Federal Agencies,” elicited pushback from the left for being too extreme. But this announcement also falls squarely in line with what Trump promised during his campaign.

Four years after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaigned as moderate centrists, yet governed as far-left progressives, Donald Trump’s return to the White House is poised to mark a much-needed return to his first administration’s mantra of “Promises Made, Promises Kept.” And although the left-wing ruling class and corporate media are predictably losing their minds over his cabinet picks and policy initiatives, in the end, the federal government—and the nation itself—will be better off because of them.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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3 months ago

America wants Trump. America chose Trump. The left’s rage doesn’t matter any longer. No one is listening to their lies. They have become irrelevant.

3 months ago

Of course he’s keeping his promises – that’s what President Trump does. So looking forward to 4 years under his presidency and them more under JD’s. We all need to get behind these two incredible people and support them and their team. Just love Mike Huckabee working with Israel – probably the best pick of all – and Tulsi, Elon and JKF Jr. getting on board. For the first time in years, we’re going to be in good hands again.

3 months ago

I never doubted it, He was a good President the first time around, and they knew it, and set out to destroy him.right away, calling him a racist and so on.

3 months ago

Can anyone imagine what the first Trump term would have looked like had the likes of pelosi et al not sabotaged him at every opportunity?
Most likely we would have had a consecutive second Trump term and would not have suffered the past three years and ten months.
Thank you piglet.

Timothy Barth
Timothy Barth
3 months ago

I’m 100% behind Trump

3 months ago

Still waiting on the destruction of documents charges on pelosi.
Anyone remember that witch ripping that “State of the Union” speech up standing right in front of the nation?
I certainly remember.

3 months ago

Marxist Democrat Crooks, who all have something to hide!

3 months ago

Amazing! The Dem Establishment, legacy media, dem voters, Hollyweird, the Soros army, the Global Elites…EVERYONE is surprised that a seeker of public office/service is keeping their word. How far the human family has fallen that we are surprised by Honor, Honesty, Integrity, Patriotism and Courage. Sad…but, hopefully, we have reacquired our Moral Compass.

Ron Boge
Ron Boge
3 months ago

Imagine that, a President that keeps HIS [thank god not her] PROMISES. Life long politicians have there roots DEEP into the SWAMP known as DC…..

3 months ago

America grew tired of sluggish growth, high inflation, ineffective government, rampant crime and border crashing, and the widespread reduction of national pride. Trump, Vance, and this new energetic group of cabinet heads will shake things up in Washington, D.C. The founding fathers are now smiling in their graves!

This is something we’ve longed to see for quite some time. With a president who can drain the swamp and voters who installed Republican majorities in Congress, we must make the progress this country needs to fix the problems and to regain our footing on the global stage. Trump did great things as #45 and he will do it again–bigly–as #47.

larry burroughs
larry burroughs
3 months ago

And the American people who overwhelmingly elected Donald Trump into office will know exactly who is responsible for his policies not coming to fruition because of those power brokers in Washington DC who do not like change and want to keep the American people under their oppression and want to change this country for the worst

John Lemley
John Lemley
3 months ago

My family and I pray for President Trump many times a day for God to tell him who to appoint for positions of service. Recognizing the left’s wrath, I hope someone can encourage President Trump to have frequent “My fellow Americans” radio broadcasts like FDR did. His regular contact with the American people helped him get elected four times. We citizens need to keep the pressure on the members of the left in the Senate and House. They are supposed to represent us. Let’s write, call, visit and not let up. They are fighting against us, bent on destroying the America our founding Father’s worked so hard to create. Let’s fight back. This time, do not let them play the game of distraction that prevented Trump from accomplishing what he could have during his first term. Kamala already threatened us with “we are not going back.” The left is feverishly making plans to destroy Trump and regain control. Let’s not give them any victories. Their “victories” are our doom.

3 months ago

Great Article!
Barely making ends meet with this current economy so can’t donate $$ but praying for AMAC and looking forward to a new administration in DC that actually cares about Americans.

3 months ago

elections have consequences loser’s, live with it.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

This is what he did the first time, that is why they hated his guts and in their impotent furry called him every name in the book and beyond Now they are shocked? not only are they lacking character, there is not one cell of gray matter either.By the hook and the crook they’ve managed to keep him out of the office the second term , the trick did not work this time. They still do not comprehend they’ve lost and look everywhere to find the culprit but in the mirror

3 months ago

These established politicians love the status quo. They are all about the money from special interest groups and don’t really care about improving America. This is why they fear and hate Donald Trump because he is a disruptor and will not take a knee to the establishment. Long live Donald Trump!!

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 months ago

Trump’s effort to keep his word to voters is no surprise at all. He did his best to fulfill his promises during his first term. He was partly successful in spite of unprecedented democrat and media “resistance” and would have been far more successful with just a little cooperation. The fact is that the left does not want him to succeed even today and even though the voters want him to succeed. It’s why we elected him. Another term of resistance from the left is already building. The democrats are all about political power over people,and the people’s wishes are not a major concern of theirs.

3 months ago

“Democrats” always express surprise and disbelief upon knowing of any honest fulfillment of a commitment, as such acts are contrary to their own long-established behavior patterns and moral standards. For a brief reminder, simply query today’s news on the PA senatorial vote recount.

Ken Mustain
Ken Mustain
3 months ago

President Trump worked hard to bring America to a peak of economic security and our Military to a high level of readiness. Selflessly donating his paycheck to groups that needed money to support others. If it had not been such a war on Trump by the Democrats in the House and Senate he could have achieved much more. May God bless our new President and our Country.

3 months ago

Unlike the MSM and democrats, Trump is not about lying and pandering. He believes in personal accountability and lives that accountability.

3 months ago

Dems are too quiet over this; there’s something up their corrupt little sleeves

3 months ago

About time we decided to flush the toilet that is Washington!

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

Finally, a God chosen President for our country who sacrificed his peaceful & affluent life for us. Pres. Trump has been attacked relentlessly ever since he entered politics. They tried to bankrupt him, jail him, and ruin his reputation, but God protected him for us Thank you Lord and may you bless Pres. Trump with your protection forever. Amen.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

I doubt that the DIMMwits are “stunned;” they KNOW from his first administration that he KEEPS his word! They don’t like it, they LIE about it, and they try to throw monkey wrenches into all of his efforts to MAGA! GOP senators need to GROW BACKBONES [and something else] and vote for ALL of Trump’s nominees!!

3 months ago

All this talk about a united Republican party..well, remember, there are MANY Republicans in the swamp who want to keep their power. McConnell at top of the list. I hope Thune can get it done with confirmations, but I am quite sure there will be a LOT of infighting going on. Everyone needs to tell their Senators to get on the ball and get the work done. No more swamp. And someone in Congress is going to come out a real Drain the Swamp HERO when they bravely submit a bill for TERM LIMITS.I want to see this before the summer recess in 2025.

3 months ago

The dems along with the MSM are scared to death that there will be a cleansing of all depts. Trump picked people for his cabinet who are not beholden to anyone. And the dems don’t like that. These new outsider picks can’t be bought and they are scared to death that they will be found out. Trump is president for the people. The dems are president for the elites. And are governing accordingly. The dems criticism is nothing more than protecting themselves. The lies and manipulation, the briberies all will come to light. And they are running scared. The conspiratorial govt they have created the past four years is falling apart. How they demonized Trump is falling back on them. It doesn’t hold water and Trump is draining the swamp.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Just as when Michelle Obama aided in the demise of Ronald McDonald, Trump is trying to get the clowns out of DC!

David Whitton
David Whitton
3 months ago

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if somehow President Trump, on his first day, announced a massive reduction in oil prices. The oil companies know what’s coming and it’s going to be Christmas for them. Dropping gas prices would not only improve oil companies favorably, but would raise Donald Trump to Sainthood.

3 months ago

Excellent article. The media still doesn’t get it, this is what the American people voted for. These are the changes the American people want to see and they want to see them quickly. President Trump is keeping his word and he is acting quickly. The people that have truly been following what Trump has been saying all along, expected these types of moves and appointments. The “establishment” has become a ruling class and anytime in history that the ruling class has been ousted, or even “inconvenienced”, they lose their minds. It’s no different today, the ruling class will always be lurking in the shadows, waiting for a chance to “take” a return to power. Pay attention to your local politicians, of all parties, and hold them accountable. A POTUS can’t get everything done without the assistance of Congress, etc.. God bless America and God bless President Donald J. Trump.

3 months ago

I am very happy that Trump was elected, but how are we going to keep the US safe after Trump is gone? Yes, Vance will be a good Presidential candidate, but there is no guarantee that he will win. The Dimms are great at cheating. These changes need to be incorporated into laws on our books, or something more permanent than executive orders. Otherwise, the next time a Dimm is elected, the deep state will be rehired.
It’s not just the Presidency. The rino Republicans must get in line and support Trump, or they must be removed from office. They need to be publicly called out and shamed if they are supporting the Dimm position, and primaried out of office, or recalled, if that is possible.
The present is important, but so is the future.

Ed J
Ed J
3 months ago

A perspective from post-election 2016 when President Trump defeated Hillary. It still applies and is still valid today as President Trump prepares for his second term. MAGA!
The Political Withdrawal Experience
To all the myopic liberal thinking addicts, tunnel vision progressives, intellectually challenged leftists, assorted misguided socialists and other self-appointed and/or self-anointed elites out there (includes Clintonites, Sanders cultists, Obamanistas, Reid retards, Pelosi toadies, the lamestream media, all neo-Maoists, et al.), perpetrators of inverted, disjointed and/or perverted logic, political correctness breast beaters, narcissistic self indulgers, entrenched entitlement junkies, responsibility avoiders, home spun self-made misfits and delusionals, the uneducated (including the pseudo-educated and others pretending to erudition that is markedly conspicuous by its absence in most such cases), the fantasy embracing cliques and groupies of pseudo-scientific persuasions, zealous and fanatical adherents of other vacuous superficial dystopian ideologies embracing and encompassing no real content, purpose or message, and all others who have religiously been taking heavy doses of Stupid Pills instead of vitamins down through the years, what you are now going through on a visceral level are “withdrawal symptoms” very much like what drug addicts and alcoholics go through while they kick their habit. Enjoy the ride, Pilgrim, for it may take you a lifetime to get through and/or over your self-imposed afflictions.
Hopefully, once you have completed your withdrawal program to kick all your dysfunctional habits, beliefs and inclinations, and graduate from the follow-on rehabilitation regimen to properly reorient your perceptions and thinking from your various defective philosophies and deficient ideologies, maybe you can then seek to rejoin and reintegrate with the mainstream of what America is really all about. For starters, let’s start with common sense, adherence to the U.S. Constitution as written, full and active support for all the laws of the land, personal responsibility for your own actions (includes acts of both commission AND omission), and generally making a positive and constructive contribution to our nation, to name but a few. You should expect your apprenticeship back to reality (and coming to understand how the real world truly works sans government) will probably take an extended period of time. After all, you started so deep down in the hole of your self-inflicted abyss that you had to look up with binoculars just to see the bottom of that hole! Remember that redemption is often a slow, uneven and painful process.
 Alas, you only need to ask a single question at any point in time while on your journey back. And that question is simply, “Am I part of the problem or part of the solution?” If you don’t know the answer to that question with certitude at any juncture in your life, then you are probably part of the problem at that point. Those who truly are part of the solution know categorically that they are. This knowledge of certainty allows one to act in the true best interest of our nation, and not just for one’s own limited or parochial self-interest(s). By the way, this certitude is embedded in objective reality, not one’s subjective reality perceptions (or misperceptions).
 But not to worry …  America will be just fine even if you personally choose not to “get with the program” and fail to get your head “right thinking” along the way. Best wishes and here’s hoping that you do not have a relapse in the future and revert to your previously dysfunctional mindset. America wants and needs better from you.

3 months ago

i just pray that the swampers, not just get their just desserts, but get jail time and monetary penalties assessed to them. they’ve, the swampers, messed over us for too long.nw

3 months ago

Democrats get with it! You LOST!

3 months ago

At first, I was a bit skeptical regarding 3 of Trump’s picks. However, my confidence in the former President has never skipped a beat and I believe he knows these people better than any of us. We only see the news clips whereby he knows their skills and abilities quite well. I’m looking forward to a renewed America.

3 months ago

Gratz will do as stated. THAT is why the damn dims are so scared of him. He’s not one of those POS RINO’s that wouldn’t do anything even if they knew how. He’s a tenacious prosecutor that will have the dimocraps and RINO’s looking behind themselves

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
3 months ago

I have been watching Shawn Ryan’s interview #143 with Pete Hegseth, which they made before the election. Not only do they talk about “un-woking” the military, but they also talk about “un-woking” the schools under federal control. It’s worth watching.

Matt Getz has been “under scrutiny” by the democrats in Congress because he’s outspoken and they have been trying to shut him up. Good for President Trump: “The game is over, we are not playing.”

I also applaud President Trump’s other picks, people I trust to do the RIGHT thing for our Republic. This is going to be fun!

Ed J
Ed J
3 months ago

Pertinent to this article …


Introducing to the world a fantastic invention that has been found to be 100% infallible when used and interpreted properly.

It’s the:


Here is how it works …

First, its use is restricted solely to Democrats, Libtards, Leftists, Socialists, Communists, and all their toadies, sycophants, disciples, and related hangers-on (collectively referred to hereinafter as “The Dems”).

Second, the Dems-O-Meter is simplicity itself. The higher that the meter registers, the higher is the dysfunctional correlation with the issue that the meter is testing. Thus, the inverse of the meter reading will give the true measure of the validity regarding the issue at hand.

A prime example …

President-elect Trump is currently busy vetting and appointing folks to serve in varying capacities in his upcoming administration. The purpose (most obviously) is to enable him to “hit the road running” on Day 1 following his inauguration next January 20.

As President Trump announces his selections for posts within his new administration, the lamentations, breast beating, and cacophony of the across-the-board negative responses of “The Dems” to his individual choices registers wildly on the Dems-O-Meter with earth-shattering decibel counts!

Regarding President Trump’s choices, the higher the decibel count pertaining to a particular appointee, the more we can rest assured that the individual chosen by President Trump is supremely well qualified and an ideal choice for that position. Thus, the Dems-O-Meter serves well as a confirmation tool from “The Dems” that President Trump has, in fact, selected a truly outstanding person for the post.

Finally, please note that the Dems-O-Meter will work equally well into the future when applied to all the expected opposition from “The Dems” to President Trump’s policies and especially to the general and continuous nonsensical protests regarding most anything and everything President Trump tries to accomplish.

In conclusion, the Dems-O-Meter will provide President Trump with objective confirmation from his virulent opposition that he is “doing it right!”

Jim Wharry
Jim Wharry
3 months ago

Love it. The liberal establishment and the corporate media are irrelevant. They are the ones so far out in left field, they have forgotten what the job of running the government is all about. As to Vivek and Elon, I hope the first of three letter agencies they get rid of are the CDC, NIH, and the Dept of Education.

Dave O'Neil
Dave O'Neil
3 months ago

We WON, finally.

Barbara C Shealy
Barbara C Shealy
3 months ago

Reading this gets me excited ALL over again!! Promises made, promises to be kept!

3 months ago

Says a lot more about MSM and Dems that would be surprised with a president that could do what they promised while campaigning.

3 months ago

goes to show how much their hatred blinded them – where were they for the four years Trump was in of%ice – he kept his word 99.9%

3 months ago

Go Trump!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

HE did in his first term too

3 months ago

Trump has re-shaped the Republican Party practically overnight and brought it back to where it should be, Supporting Citizens and Our Constitution.

3 months ago

I love the liberal meltdown over every appointment! They’re having a hard time coming to grips with the wholesale rejection of their agenda of lies and misinformation. And deservedly so, I have been waiting for the voters of America to repudiate the insanity of the left for decades.

Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
3 months ago

These groups are all upset because they see the end of their abuse of power and control over We the People. The more they scream, the more I know these are the right people for the job. And to all of the Congress, especially the Republicans: The people have spoken. You were sent to Congress to do the will of the people. We will hold you accountable.

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
3 months ago

I want to enjoy the next four years and hope I live to witness election 2028. Go JD to continue Trump’s great work. I love America, just like those two guys.

3 months ago

The one consistent characteristic of all Trump’s nominees is none of them have any sign of “swamp mud”! The dems can’t stand that an outsider is replacing members of their club.

Gary McCormick
Gary McCormick
3 months ago

Question? Can not Trump run again in 2028. As his terms
is not consecutive, just asking.

Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-MA), Alex Vindman and Ryan O’Leary outside the US Captiol on March 13, 2024 in Washington, DC.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) leaves the Democratic caucus lunch at the U.S. Capitol on March 13, 2025 in Washington, DC.
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