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Democrats Worry Inflation Will Hurt Them at the Polls. Do They Care About the Pain it’s Causing for The Rest of Us?

Posted on Monday, February 21, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

democratWASHINGTON, DC, Feb 21 – A penny for your vote, says President Biden. To be fair, Mr. Biden and his congressional henchmen are mulling over the idea of suspending the federal gas tax, which would reduce the big bucks you are paying at the pumps by nearly 18-and-a-half pennies, according to a Newsmax report. Asked if it is true, says Newsmax, the president responded: “Every tool is on the table to reduce prices. All options are on the table looking ahead.”

If it weren’t such a critical matter that severely impacts our lives, it would be laughable.

Gas prices are at the highest they’ve been in almost a decade. Across the nation the average cost of a gallon of gas is hovering somewhere between $3.50 and $4.00 these days and in some places, such as California, you might find yourself paying much more than four bucks – somewhere between five and six dollars.

One report at Yahoo! News quotes one energy expert who suggests that we might soon be looking at an a cross the board average price per gallon of $5.00, $6.50 or even $7.00.

Making matters worse is the threat that Russia, which controls about 10% of the world’s oil production, will go to war with Ukraine in the near future. When that happens, it will destabilize Russia’s petroleum business. The experts say such a disruption would likely serve to put even more pressure on oil and gas prices, particularly since it appears that OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, is showing no signs of increasing production to help us out.

The combination of Russia at war and OPEC’s reluctance to provide more product is bound to result in a higher than expected per gallon price of gasoline, eventually pushing prices up to seven dollars per gallon.

Senator Joni Ernst [R-IA] puts the blame on President Biden for the predicament we are in.  She says, “The United States is one of the greatest producers of energy out there and yet under the Biden administration he has made us ever increasingly dependent upon Russia and Iran for oil sources … the United States has increased its imports from Russia to 202,000 barrels a day —  the highest it has been in 11 years and, again, we are one of the largest producers of energy right here in the United States. So why on earth are we ratcheting down on our energy independence and becoming increasingly reliant on an autocratic thug, Vladimir Putin … Let’s ramp up our own energy production here in the United States, let’s uncouple from Vladimir Putin [and] let’s become an exporter of American energy once again.”

Inflation has been soaring at an almost out-of-control pace since Mr. Biden and Democrats took control of our government last year.  The rate of inflation has increased to a 40-year high and it currently stands at 7.5%.  In other words, consumers are paying about $276 a month more for necessities, adding some $3,312 a year to their cost of living, says the Newsmax Finance website.

The Labor Department estimates that inflated consumer prices left the average worker with a 2.4% pay cut last year. And Greg McBride, chief financial analyst for Bankrate, notes that “In what was the best year for wage growth that we have seen in many, many years, it still comes up as a loss for many households.  Their expenses increased even faster and chewed up all of the benefit of whatever pay raise they had seen.” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has noted that if an average worker did not get a pay raise of at least eight percent last year, he or she, in fact, had a meaningful reduction in wages.

It’s a cycle.  The price of gasoline has an exceptionally powerful impact on the cost of foodstuff and other consumer goods.  In December, the analysts at Pew Research reported that “Regular gas costs, on average, 58.7% more than it did a year ago this time – $3.491 a gallon last month, versus $2.20 in November 2020.”

To make matters worse, we can look forward to the annual winter-to-summer gas price increase.  More people take road trip as we approach summer and that increases demand and cost.  During this period energy companies conduct maintenance at their refineries.  They also begin to switch from winter-grade to summer-grade blends and that can limit capacity, adding to the cost of driving. Disruptions like this tend to increase costs by as much as 15 cents a gallon.

The Consumer Price Index [CPI] measures the price changes of consumer goods and chief strategist Seema Shah at Principal Global Investors says the U.S. annual CPI is the highest it’s been since 1982.  She told Fox News that “what’s worse is that this likely isn’t the peak.  Higher-than-expected monthly gains in core CPI indicate continued underlying heat and will do nothing to relieve pressure on the Fed to tighten sharply and urgently.”

Mr. Biden seems to be in denial when it when it comes to the issue of inflation; he blames it on supply chain disruptions and on the covid pandemic. He dismisses the fact that the costly environmental and domestic monetary policies may be at the core of the problem. But watch for more with the socialist spending spree Democrats propose to enact.

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3 years ago

To answer the question posed by the title of this article, the answer is NO the Democrats DO NOT CARE. Democrats are concerned only with the accumulation of power and preserving that power , once they have it, at all cost. Any damage that may occur to the general public is of ZERO consequence to higher level politicians. Any negative consequences the public suffers is what they call an acceptable level of collateral damage to achieve their ultimate goals.

The thing you need to realize is that the higher up you rise in politics, the more insulated you become from the economic realities or other fallouts from bad policy that impact the average person. As an example, Democrat members of Congress have the means to have nearly all aspects of their lives somehow subsidized by the American taxpayer. Office expenses, transportation, food, etc. can all be expensed, one way or another, if you understand how to work the federal government expensing guidelines. Coupled with the constant wining and dining from a string of Lobbyists, special interest advocates and other numerous people trying to get legislation, regulations or other carve outs inserted in any bills the typical Congress person is working on, and the end result is most people in Congress have zero exposure to many of the effects of inflation they created.

Bill T
Bill T
3 years ago

Pen is mightier than the sword. I’m sure Biden realized this when he immediately emptied several pens with his crippling executive orders . First put thousands of American citizens on unemployment and destroy our energy independence. Close keystone pipeline and severely restrict our energy production everywhere in our country. Now make opec and Russia filthy rich and due to our dependence on them watch oil go from $27 a barrel to $ 100 barrel. Was paying $1.89’gallon for Diesel fuel 2 years ago, now same fuel station $4.10 a gallon. And no signs of it going down. New green deal , global warming, these Marxist leftist democrats are destroying our country right now. And all this after a crippling pandemic. Never let a crisis or opportunity go to waste. 2022 he’s lame duck, 2024 out come the conservative pens.

Embarrased In The USA
Embarrased In The USA
3 years ago

Biden and half wit Harris should both be assassinated for no brains, no guts, and fake leadership. Too bad Chris Kyle isn’
t with with us anymore!
The world is laughing out loud about the United States and Biden is too senile to even notice!
Who is laughing the loudest right now? P U T I N is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 years ago

The leader of the Democratic party is the Devil himself therefore the Devil is bragging on his work on the Democratic party with some Republicans

James Thompson
James Thompson
3 years ago

Biden and the Democratic left care not about the average American. We are simply in the way. So they remove us, one shot at a time.

3 years ago

no, they don’t care! they’ll flip-flop, get all the dems back on the plantation just to win & it will be business as usual.

Shelli Sigado
Shelli Sigado
3 years ago

Have they SEEN the polls? They can’t get too much worse! ????

3 years ago

Do they care? No! Leftists don’t care how much the population hurts, i.e, Trudeau, Newsome, Whitmer,… as proven by their behavior the last two years, and previously by leftwing monsters like Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Ceaucescou, the Kim Dynasty… The big state with them at the top is their god, and everything, and everyone and their health and well being is subordinate to their being able to live in obscene luxury and splendor while the rest can languish in abject poverty. The ends justify the means is their everlasting motto; don’t expect empathy where neither morality, nor conscience are present.

3 years ago

They care only about power and control. They have destroyed our country with their self-serving policies. The constitution means nothing to them and they have zero respect for the American people.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
3 years ago

The Democratic Party of the United States of America does not care about the country or its citizens. There are a few democrats that do but by in large most do not. It is sad but true. It is an election year. The democrats are going to try and come up with enough verbal bull to appease the American citizens, saying what they believe the American people want to hear in hopes that it translates into votes. America…wake up! Do not let them fool you, us, again! They lie and deceive through their empty words and actions, blaming others for everything they themselves are doing to destroy our country and will continue to do so. They have no respect for our Constitution, no respect for our country. Look at what they are doing to our children! Justin Trudeau and the country of Canada is a case in point…exactly what we are going to face in this country if we let the Democrats and the far left win the elections in 2022 and 2024! What I have been hearing and seeing in the news is chilling and will be coming to us even more forcefully if we the American people do not stop it now in this election year and 2024! We are not “slaves” to our government. Our elected officials work for us, we the people. We the people pay their salaries, pay for all the benefits they all enjoy! Most of the democratic party needs to go away, leave Washington DC! Some of them need to be incarcerated instead of getting away with their criminal behaviors. We the people need to make it happen! We must and can make it happen!

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
3 years ago

I recently told my children and grandchildren that in their annual reviews, they need to request 7 to 10% more money than they are getting this year. And I gave them the documentation to back that up. There is such a sellers’ market in HR right now that the employers are going to have to give the raises or lose experienced workers.

3 years ago

they do NOT care about the people of this country. They only care about themselves and the money they make with corrupt deals like the Pelosi’s on wall street

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

They care nothing at all. It’s pathetic!

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
3 years ago

The Communists – er, I mean the Democrats – have a very simple goal: Power and control, at any price, at any cost. All other considerations are irrelevant.

Richard Buchas
Richard Buchas
3 years ago

Cancel the gas tax? . . . What a Jackass! . . . Putin didn’t cause our exorbitant gas prices, Jackass Joe did! . . . Make Trump Energy Czar and the problem will be solved! . . . See, even I CAN SOLVE WHAT JACKASS JOE CAN’T!

3 years ago

That’s just it. They don’t care. They want to eliminate the middle class. Inflation, energy, border, lies, etc. They don’t care.

3 years ago

The old line Democrats are seeing their futures going down the drain with this illegitimate, corrupt, Communist administration. Make no mistake, this is Obama’s third term and would have been the disaster we would have faced in 2016 had Trump not won the election. They could care less what happens to the average American. Once the Republicans take back the House & Senate they must immediately write legislation to bring oil prices back to Trump era levels and override Biden’s Executive Order to shut down the pipeline.

3 years ago

We need a trucker movement for energy independence in America. Why are we dependent on autocratic countries who despise us? If a real war came they could refuse us fuel for our planes and ships as well as our cars and homes.

3 years ago

These marxist ,self serving, corrupt democrats care ONLY about power and money!
Real American Citizens are viewed as deplorables, inferior,nuisances to their quest for both!
Wake up America , We the People must THROW THEM OUT in 2022,2024 and beyond to save Our Freedom, Our Country,Our Constitution and preserve America for future generations.
These democrat traitors, joebama,harris, schumer,pelosi, with their marxist party are destroying the greatest Country on earth.
They along with their hateful,divisive,racist, and destructive policies are he’ll bent on transforming OUR Country into a third world nation.
THROW THEM OUT, expose their lies, hold them accountable , protect Freedom.

3 years ago

The marxists care not a whit about what you think or care about.period.
If they treat us this badly when we are aremed then imagine how badly they will treat us when they disarm us? You only have to look north to canada to see how fast it can turn.

Matthew G Zatkalik
Matthew G Zatkalik
3 years ago

The author of this article encapsulated the answer to their question with the words “inflation will hurt them at the polls”. They (the politicians-no designated party necessary), are self-serving, self-aggrandising, and self-absorbed. As long as Biden, Palosi, and Shumer are happy with them, that is their main concern. The wise ones are already ‘jumping ship’ – ‘Like Rats Fleeing a Sinking Ship’..

3 years ago

They couldn’t care less what this inflation crisis is doing to ‘We the People’. This administration cares only for themselves and their elitist cohorts. I pray things begin to change come November. God Bless America

zoe frost
zoe frost
3 years ago

Evil fraud puppet traitor Kickback ChiCom BFF brandon (LGB) is not in denial…the destruction of our ability to produce our own oil and gas (we were energy inpendent under America First REAL POTUS, Trump!) is DELIBERATE…one more destruction from the EVIL TRAITOR Commie/Globalist elitists putting their evil, odious Great Reset totalitarian tyranny hell in motion.

3 years ago

Am wondering if they will suffer too. The commie Dems NEVER did care about the American people. They just want the power and money. Tsk Tsk…..they will go down eventually, just like Hitler, Bonaparte, etc. etc. Am sure God will have something to say.

Tim Terry
Tim Terry
3 years ago

Demoncrats do NOT care about America or American citizens ???? they closed the 850k barrels per day Keystone Pipeline, suspend the Southern Border vetting during the height of Covid19, and hav done not one action for Minority empowerment though those (ignorant) souls keep voting for demwit career politicians. Shameful and SINISTER imho.

3 years ago

To answer the question posed by the title of this article, the answer is NO the Democrats DO NOT CARE. Democrats are concerned only with the accumulation of power and preserving that power , once they have it, at all cost. Any damage that may occur to the general public is of ZERO consequence to higher level politicians. Any negative consequences the public suffers is what they call an acceptable level of collateral damage to achieve their ultimate goals.

The thing you need to realize is that the higher up you rise in politics, the more insulated you become from the economic realities or other fallouts from bad policy that impact the average person. As an example, Democrat members of Congress have the means to have nearly all aspects of their lives somehow subsidized by the American taxpayer. Office expenses, transportation, food, etc. can all be expensed, one way or another, if you understand how to work the federal government expensing guidelines. Coupled with the constant wining and dining from a string of Lobbyists, special interest advocates and other numerous people trying to get legislation, regulations or other carve outs inserted in any bills the typical Congress person is working on, and the end result is most people in Congress have zero exposure to many of the effects of inflation they created.

Bill T
Bill T
3 years ago

Pen is mightier than the sword. I’m sure Biden realized this when he immediately emptied several pens with his crippling executive orders . First put thousands of American citizens on unemployment and destroy our energy independence. Close keystone pipeline and severely restrict our energy production everywhere in our country. Now make opec and Russia filthy rich and due to our dependence on them watch oil go from $27 a barrel to $ 100 barrel. Was paying $1.89’gallon for Diesel fuel 2 years ago, now same fuel station $4.10 a gallon. And no signs of it going down. New green deal , global warming, these Marxist leftist democrats are destroying our country right now. And all this after a crippling pandemic. Never let a crisis or opportunity go to waste. 2022 he’s lame duck, 2024 out come the conservative pens.

Embarrased In The USA
Embarrased In The USA
3 years ago

Biden and half wit Harris should both be assassinated for no brains, no guts, and fake leadership. Too bad Chris Kyle isn’
t with with us anymore!
The world is laughing out loud about the United States and Biden is too senile to even notice!
Who is laughing the loudest right now? P U T I N is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 years ago

The leader of the Democratic party is the Devil himself therefore the Devil is bragging on his work on the Democratic party with some Republicans

James Thompson
James Thompson
3 years ago

Biden and the Democratic left care not about the average American. We are simply in the way. So they remove us, one shot at a time.

3 years ago

no, they don’t care! they’ll flip-flop, get all the dems back on the plantation just to win & it will be business as usual.

Shelli Sigado
Shelli Sigado
3 years ago

Have they SEEN the polls? They can’t get too much worse! ????

3 years ago

Do they care? No! Leftists don’t care how much the population hurts, i.e, Trudeau, Newsome, Whitmer,… as proven by their behavior the last two years, and previously by leftwing monsters like Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Ceaucescou, the Kim Dynasty… The big state with them at the top is their god, and everything, and everyone and their health and well being is subordinate to their being able to live in obscene luxury and splendor while the rest can languish in abject poverty. The ends justify the means is their everlasting motto; don’t expect empathy where neither morality, nor conscience are present.

3 years ago

They care only about power and control. They have destroyed our country with their self-serving policies. The constitution means nothing to them and they have zero respect for the American people.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
3 years ago

The Democratic Party of the United States of America does not care about the country or its citizens. There are a few democrats that do but by in large most do not. It is sad but true. It is an election year. The democrats are going to try and come up with enough verbal bull to appease the American citizens, saying what they believe the American people want to hear in hopes that it translates into votes. America…wake up! Do not let them fool you, us, again! They lie and deceive through their empty words and actions, blaming others for everything they themselves are doing to destroy our country and will continue to do so. They have no respect for our Constitution, no respect for our country. Look at what they are doing to our children! Justin Trudeau and the country of Canada is a case in point…exactly what we are going to face in this country if we let the Democrats and the far left win the elections in 2022 and 2024! What I have been hearing and seeing in the news is chilling and will be coming to us even more forcefully if we the American people do not stop it now in this election year and 2024! We are not “slaves” to our government. Our elected officials work for us, we the people. We the people pay their salaries, pay for all the benefits they all enjoy! Most of the democratic party needs to go away, leave Washington DC! Some of them need to be incarcerated instead of getting away with their criminal behaviors. We the people need to make it happen! We must and can make it happen!

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
3 years ago

I recently told my children and grandchildren that in their annual reviews, they need to request 7 to 10% more money than they are getting this year. And I gave them the documentation to back that up. There is such a sellers’ market in HR right now that the employers are going to have to give the raises or lose experienced workers.

3 years ago

they do NOT care about the people of this country. They only care about themselves and the money they make with corrupt deals like the Pelosi’s on wall street

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

They care nothing at all. It’s pathetic!

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
3 years ago

The Communists – er, I mean the Democrats – have a very simple goal: Power and control, at any price, at any cost. All other considerations are irrelevant.

Richard Buchas
Richard Buchas
3 years ago

Cancel the gas tax? . . . What a Jackass! . . . Putin didn’t cause our exorbitant gas prices, Jackass Joe did! . . . Make Trump Energy Czar and the problem will be solved! . . . See, even I CAN SOLVE WHAT JACKASS JOE CAN’T!

3 years ago

That’s just it. They don’t care. They want to eliminate the middle class. Inflation, energy, border, lies, etc. They don’t care.

3 years ago

The old line Democrats are seeing their futures going down the drain with this illegitimate, corrupt, Communist administration. Make no mistake, this is Obama’s third term and would have been the disaster we would have faced in 2016 had Trump not won the election. They could care less what happens to the average American. Once the Republicans take back the House & Senate they must immediately write legislation to bring oil prices back to Trump era levels and override Biden’s Executive Order to shut down the pipeline.

3 years ago

We need a trucker movement for energy independence in America. Why are we dependent on autocratic countries who despise us? If a real war came they could refuse us fuel for our planes and ships as well as our cars and homes.

3 years ago

These marxist ,self serving, corrupt democrats care ONLY about power and money!
Real American Citizens are viewed as deplorables, inferior,nuisances to their quest for both!
Wake up America , We the People must THROW THEM OUT in 2022,2024 and beyond to save Our Freedom, Our Country,Our Constitution and preserve America for future generations.
These democrat traitors, joebama,harris, schumer,pelosi, with their marxist party are destroying the greatest Country on earth.
They along with their hateful,divisive,racist, and destructive policies are he’ll bent on transforming OUR Country into a third world nation.
THROW THEM OUT, expose their lies, hold them accountable , protect Freedom.

3 years ago

The marxists care not a whit about what you think or care about.period.
If they treat us this badly when we are aremed then imagine how badly they will treat us when they disarm us? You only have to look north to canada to see how fast it can turn.

Matthew G Zatkalik
Matthew G Zatkalik
3 years ago

The author of this article encapsulated the answer to their question with the words “inflation will hurt them at the polls”. They (the politicians-no designated party necessary), are self-serving, self-aggrandising, and self-absorbed. As long as Biden, Palosi, and Shumer are happy with them, that is their main concern. The wise ones are already ‘jumping ship’ – ‘Like Rats Fleeing a Sinking Ship’..

3 years ago

They couldn’t care less what this inflation crisis is doing to ‘We the People’. This administration cares only for themselves and their elitist cohorts. I pray things begin to change come November. God Bless America

zoe frost
zoe frost
3 years ago

Evil fraud puppet traitor Kickback ChiCom BFF brandon (LGB) is not in denial…the destruction of our ability to produce our own oil and gas (we were energy inpendent under America First REAL POTUS, Trump!) is DELIBERATE…one more destruction from the EVIL TRAITOR Commie/Globalist elitists putting their evil, odious Great Reset totalitarian tyranny hell in motion.

3 years ago

Am wondering if they will suffer too. The commie Dems NEVER did care about the American people. They just want the power and money. Tsk Tsk…..they will go down eventually, just like Hitler, Bonaparte, etc. etc. Am sure God will have something to say.

Tim Terry
Tim Terry
3 years ago

Demoncrats do NOT care about America or American citizens ???? they closed the 850k barrels per day Keystone Pipeline, suspend the Southern Border vetting during the height of Covid19, and hav done not one action for Minority empowerment though those (ignorant) souls keep voting for demwit career politicians. Shameful and SINISTER imho.

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