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Democrats’ Tin Ear or Guile?

Posted on Friday, November 12, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Herald Boas


The Democrats’ political setback in the off-year 2021 elections has, as many conservative (and yes, some liberal) observers had predicted, now occurred. Each of the two major battleground states, Virginia and New Jersey, had in recent years reliably and heavily elected Democrats at the national and state levels, and at the outset of the campaign were considered safe for President Joe Biden’s party.

It wasn’t just the two gubernatorial races that provided the surprise, but a widespread shift of certain voter groups in many places, especially in the suburbs, which must now alarm Democrat strategists as they head into next year’s key national mid-term elections.

The key to Democrat successes in 2018 and 2020 was their improved performance in the suburbs, and their continued support among black and Hispanic voters. If 2021 is a reliable guide, their gains in the suburbs have evaporated, and their support among ethnic voters, especially Hispanics, has seriously eroded.

The unpopularity of the more “progressive” Democrat agenda was well-known to all but the most ideological Democrat strategists and officials before the 2021 election, so the real political question now is: Why have President Biden and congressional Democrats pursued the course of promoting these policies? Are they politically out of touch, or do they have a Machiavellian power grab strategy to transform U.S. political culture and its democratic (small “d”) capitalism?

Whether they have a political tin ear or are employing deliberate guile, any secret ambitions to gain public approval of their more radical policy goals were just shattered by 2021 voters.

Early attempts to “spin” the 2021 voting results have so far been ludicrous, including the narrative that “Virginia voters are racist” — the winning GOP candidate for Lieutenant Governor was black and the winning GOP candidate for Attorney General was Hispanic. The Biden administration has also advanced a feeble alibi that failure to pass trillion-dollar legislation was the cause for their 2021 defeats.

In fact, the far better case can be made that such legislation and many of its unpopular components were the cause of the defeats. But no matter, President Biden, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer are proceeding to try to push the legislation through anyway.

Most elected politicians have some instinct for survival, so it will now be interesting to see if the many U.S. House and Senate incumbents who are vulnerable in 2022 will line up with their “pied piper” leadership and march to defeat next year.

A number of senior Democrats had already announced their retirements before the 2021 debacle. Are more such retirements coming? Will vulnerable Democrats break with the party line and the President to avoid likely defeat from newly encouraged Republican challengers? 

Initially, about 30-35 Democrat U.S. House members and 10-15 Republicans were considered vulnerable next year. The 2021 results increase the number of Democrats at risk and reduce the number of potential GOP losses. If the political environment for Democrats deteriorates even more, the specter of a “red wave” blow-out increases to the dimensions of the 2010 mid-terms in which the Democrats lost more than 60 seats.

Nor can liberal U.S. Senate strategists take comfort from the fact that few Democratic seats are up next year. In a red wave, they could lose up to 5 or 6 net Senate seats — and control of that chamber.

Voters in 2021 put a stop to the post-2020 lurch to the left at the local and state level in most places when given the choice. All current evidence is that they will do so again at the federal level next year. The leftist “transformation” quest has so far proved to be decidedly unpopular and unworkable.

Democrat voters rejected Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in 2020, preferring the “moderate” Joe Biden, but they find their party now in 2021 taken over by the Sanders-Warren-Squad policy wing — and they just lost an election because of it.

They don’t have a lot of time to change course, and their leaders so far seem reluctant to pay attention to what the voters are now telling them.

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Cat celli
Cat celli
3 years ago

People in Illinois need to take a stand against the tyranny. Let’s turn this state red.

3 years ago


Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

QUESTION! Why is it that only a contributor to Epoch Times News has reported the names of the huge number of Democrats in the House who are members of various Communists Groups, and the names of those groups? The people need more of that type of reporting, naming names and groups.

Gregg H Lambert
Gregg H Lambert
3 years ago

Don’t believe it’s sanders/warren/squad – I’ll go to my grave saying #obamaricejarret are pulling the strings

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
3 years ago

Democrat politicians can be at the same time the most arrogant, idiotic and brainless group, spewing the most devious and divisive policies ever. Right now, can anyone tell me one thing that the democrats have done right in the last 10 months??? They have constantly been on the wrong side of every political issue that matters and they constantly keep double down on stupid. I just hope they don’t become enlightened too soon, and they must stay irresponsibly mindless so it guaranties our victories in 2022 and 2024. Let’s Make America Great and fire the Dem’s! MZ

3 years ago

My vote is arrogance and gaul. They believe they are righteous and capable of leading while the rest of us are stupid peasants.

3 years ago

This is all about a power trip for the Communist Party at this point. They could care less if people don’t want them in office.
They know how to steal all the votes they need.
For anyone who hasn’t figured it out yet: they fully intend to take control of America and make it a Communist nation.
Fight. Or die.

3 years ago

I think they really do have a tin ear. I was writing my elected officials (all Democrat) regularly but became irritated when all I ever got back from them was the tired canned form letter, telling me why they were going to support and vote for all the socialist agendas that they were “elected” to put in place. My last letter to them all, told them why I would not be sending them my comments any longer, in no uncertain terms. When you get a headache hitting your head against a brick wall you eventually just want to stop. Too bad politicians seem only to listen to their base supporters and not all that they should be representing.

3 years ago

I’d call it un-mitigating gall.

Andrew P
Andrew P
3 years ago

Most elected politicians have some instinct for survival, so it will now be interesting to see if the many U.S. House and Senate incumbents who are vulnerable in 2022 will line up with their “pied piper” leadership and march to defeat next year.

At some point, the instinct for survival transforms into searching for their next job. If you know you are going to lose, you work to please the master who will appoint you to a comfortable gig. And the best gigs around are federal judgeships (lifetime appointments) and seats on the Federal Reserve – a 14 year term with a high salary.

3 years ago

I said before the election last year that there wasn’t a hairs difference between Biden and Sanders. Bernie was up front with his plans and Joe, well, they didn’t call him Hidden Biden for nothing. Now we know what kind of “moderate” he is. Looks like Merriam-Webster will need to redefine moderate.

This whole “train wreck” started with Mr. Obama.

Democrat Blue Donkey Rivalry of Republicans and Democrats in 2024 U. S. Presidential Election.
many shell casings from bullets of different caliber in the background chaos concept in the world

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