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Democrats Go All-in on “Rule or Ruin” in Election’s Final Hours

Posted on Saturday, November 5, 2022
by Ben Solis

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Berman


There are still more than 72 hours before polls close on election night, but already, signs are that Democrats are making peace with the inevitable. President Joe Biden, returning from a trip to Florida where even Democratic insiders admit they face their worst defeat in 20 years, if not in history, intoned that “In our bones, we know democracy is at risk.” In the event the point was missed, Biden later stated, “We’re often not faced with questions of whether the vote we cast will preserve democracy, but this year we are.” That Biden chose to make this his “closing message” and to deliver it at Union Station in Washington, D.C., a city where residents will not even be electing a Senator or voting member of Congress, is symbolic of how totally the “rule or ruin” conception of “democracy” has taken root within the Democratic Party. To them, whether democracy survives has nothing to do with whether or not tens of millions of Americans are able to cast their ballots Tuesday, but solely with whether or not at the end of the process, Democrats, or individuals deemed acceptable to Biden and a host of media personalities, emerge victorious.

For a number of months now, large segments of the Democratic Party, along with the media and former Republicans radicalized by their defeat in the battle for control of the GOP, have been defining “democracy” and “legitimacy” solely in terms of electoral outcomes. In many ways this phenomenon is a natural outgrowth of the “cancel culture” which has taken root in American colleges and corporate boardrooms, in which there is only one “right” position, and hence the legitimacy of any process can be defined solely in terms of whether it reaches that conclusion. A rigged process which produces the “correct outcome”, such as Affirmative Action, is inherently legitimate, whereas an impartial process which nevertheless produces an unwanted outcome, such as the Electoral College, is, to the left, illegitimate. If the Electoral College or the Supreme Court defend the “proper outcome,” as Democrats feel those institutions did during the 2020 election, then they are vital institutions of government, and any questioning of them amounts to a subversive attack on the Constitution and “democracy.” If, however, they produce the “wrong outcome,” such as when the Electoral College produced a victory for Donald Trump in 2016, or when the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, the institutions have “discredited themselves” and “undermined democracy.”

It was inevitable that, having turned on the Electoral College and the courts, Democrats would not shy away from charging the voters themselves with “undermining democracy” by exercising their suffrage incorrectly. What is shocking is how blatant the shift has been. It is not just Biden who has adopted this language, or Hillary Clinton, still bitter over 2016, who told CNN that Republicans were “going after Democracy” and blamed the GOP for the attack on Paul Pelosi by homeless nudist activist reportedly present in the country illegally.

Barack Obama, who has of late tried to position himself as a critic of the party’s “extremism” on cultural issues, and the dangers of dividing Americans on the basis of identity, has abandoned any such nuance during a final campaign swing. Two weeks ago, he suggested that Democrats “get into trouble sometimes [when] we try to suggest that some groups are more – because they historically have been victimized more – that somehow they have a status that’s different than other people.” On November 3, in a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, Obama declared that “If you’ve got election deniers serving as your governor, as your senator, as your secretary of state, as your attorney general, then democracy as we know it may not survive in Arizona.”

Lest anyone think he was being anything less than literal, he added, “That’s not an exaggeration. That is a fact.”

The man who had only weeks earlier said that Democrats needed to avoid making those who disagreed on an issue or had said one “bad thing” feel that it was a mark on their character and value as a human being now stated that if anyone won an election without adopting his position on 2020, it would mean the end of democracy.

There was a further implication here. Obama was perhaps not trying to persuade, or not merely to do so. (The only people he might reach with this message would be Democrats uncertain whether they would vote.) Rather, Obama was setting up a challenge for the “election denying” Republicans he was campaigning against, especially Kari Lake, the former TV anchor who is leading the race to be Arizona’s next governor. Obama was suggesting that if she won, democracy would be over; unless of course, she was willing to affirm Joe Biden’s victory. If she would only do that, democracy could survive. If she did not and won, well, democracy was over.

What this test and challenge means was made clear during a rather stunning exchange on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” between Shadi Hamid and Mehdi Hasan over whether it would be “democratic” to accept Donald Trump’s victory in 2024 if he won fair and square. Mehdi Hasan repeatedly rejected the premise, insisting that there could not be a legitimate victory for Donald Trump due to “voting restrictions, changes in process, intimidation, [and] misinformation,” in effect suggesting that even if more people voted for Trump, it would not actually reflect democracy because someone somewhere might have voted against him, or because those who voted for him might have been “misinformed.” Despite being repeatedly pressed by Hamid, who rightly argued that this attitude was dangerous, Hasan rejected the idea that Donald Trump could ever be legitimately elected even if he received a majority of the vote.

Many Democratic candidates seem to share the Mehdi Hasan understanding of democracy, in which the actual number of votes cast does not endow democratic legitimacy, but rather, how well the views of the winner align with the views of the political and media establishment. In this version of democracy, when voters vote the “wrong” way, the election doesn’t count because they have been duped by “misinformation.”

Remarkably, these are the same people going around calling everyone else “election deniers.”

Kathy Hochul, New York’s Democratic Governor, provided insight into why she is locked in a tough battle for reelection when she all but accused voters of negligence for prioritizing concerns about rising crime rights over abortion or “January 6,” suggesting it was a conspiracy. “These are master manipulators, Hochul said. “They have this conspiracy going all across America trying to convince people in Democratic states that they’re not as safe. Well guess what? They’re also not only election deniers, they’re data deniers.”

Meanwhile in Georgia, Democrat Stacey Abrams responded to incumbent Brian Kemp’s endorsement by 107 of Georgia’s 130 county Sheriffs by declaring, “I’m not a member of the good ole boys club. So, no, I don’t have 107 sheriffs who want to be able to take Black people off the streets, who want to be able to go without accountability.” Traditionally, politics has been about trying to win votes. If a voter or group does not support a candidate, that candidate tries to figure out why. Instead, Democrats have responded to backlash to their policies by all but declaring that they are above even wanting the votes of anyone who might disagree with them.

Joe Biden, who was nominated in large part because he appeared to be a throwback to an earlier era of a less culturally extreme Democratic Party, even if it was the era of Obama rather than Bill Clinton, has shown little interest in conciliation. His reaction to concerns about the sanctity of biological women’s spaces in sports, accommodations, and society has been similar to Kathy Hochul’s reaction to New Yorkers’ concerns about crime. Biden has portrayed the entire issue as some sort of Republican conspiracy and utilized the Justice Department to go after parents who have expressed concerns. He has also defended those promoting experimental treatment for children with gender dysphoria and aggressively weaponized Title IX guidance to force the integration of transgender individuals into women’s sports. This culminated in Biden responding to the backlash against Dylan Mulvaney, a former Broadway star of the Book of Mormon who came out as transgender less than a year ago and launched a TikTok channel called “days of girlhood”, parlaying it into millions in sponsorships, by inviting Mulvaney to the White House for a televised discussion. Mulvaney had been slammed by many, including Caitlyn Jenner, for referring to women’s genitalia as “barbie pouches.”

It is interesting to contrast Biden’s approach with that of the British Labour Party and its leader Sir Keir Starmer, who granted an interview to the feminist website Mumsnet the same week Biden met with Mulvaney. Starmer, who has daughters, expressed horror at the idea of schools enabling children to transition without parental knowledge, and said he felt sports should be able to segregate participation on biological lines if they chose. Starmer’s positions were mealy-mouthed in some ways, in that he did not specify what he would do on those issues if in office as opposed to offering an expression of personal unease, but nonetheless, the interview was an effort to talk with those who had concerns and indicate he respected and shared many of them. There may be a reason why, even with a new leader, the Conservative Party continues to trail Labor by 17 percent in the polls.

It is easy to imagine Bill Clinton or Barack Obama imitating Starmer, and meeting with concerned parents of kids who were encouraged to transition, or with parents upset about their schools being shut, or employees fired for refusing to comply with vaccine mandates. Clinton and Obama would have expressed the deepest sympathy, pledged to look into it, and then in all likelihood continued the policies they had followed up to that point. But they would have made the gesture of pretending to listen, of pretending to care. Democrats today do not even bother to pretend.

That, more than anything else, is what the “rule or ruin” approach has done. Its impacts will be felt not just on Election Day, when Democrats will meet the consequences of their refusal to ask for votes, but going forward, when they declare that the legitimacy of those elected will depend solely on their willingness to do what Democrats consider correct.

Daniel Berman is a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He also writes as Daniel Roman.                

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1 year ago

1) We are a republic NOT a democracy. Please read the Constitution and find the place where we are defined as a democracy. Hint: You won’t find it. Stop allowing the Democrats to redefine our language and terms.

2) Democrats never accept defeat. They just regroup and come back from a different angle to attack the opposition until they win. Then once they win, they claim that any opposition is a “threat to democracy”, somehow “illegitimate” or a “subversive” or “terrorist threat” to the country.

3) The “rule or ruin” approach is NOT new to this election cycle or the Democrats now shouting it on a daily basis. It is usually coupled with the not too subtle threat of violence or other means of retaliation, if the regime is threatened with a loss or reduction of power. Virtually every authoritarian regime throughout history, whether it be socialist, communist or theocratic in nature (read the Quran and study the history of Mohammed for reference) has leveraged this approach to target, isolate and, if successful, destroy any opposition to their unrestricted rule of the country they control.

4) You need to fully understand the opposition relying on this approach to be able to successfully defeat them with the right strategies. They do not simply “go away” or stop their pursuit of total control simply because you find it unacceptable or painful to endure. Again read Item 2 for emphasis. They don’t care about you or your concerns. They only care about their own power and wealth and maintaining absolute control over you and everyone else.

1 year ago

Biden and his top supporters are using every thing they can to influence voters. They are famous for promising things they wi ll later ignore. Don’t be fooled by them. The only chance our Republic will have Freedom for all and a better economy is to listen to your gut and vote against the current administration.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

WH deleting Tweet is VIOLATION of
Presidential Records Act.
Just as when Hussein Obama picked which laws he liked to enforce and ignore others he didn’t like.
Just like SWAMP QUEEN pelosi Tearing up Official Government Documents (Act of Treason) during PRESIDENT TRUMP’S Nation Address and her and husband INSIDE TRADING for Electric Batteries for Electric Vehicles.
Feinstein’s driver who was a Communist Chinese SPY for YEARS.
And of course, DICTATOR Beijing biden VIOLATING Oath of Office and ATTACKING the U.S. CONSTITUTION
including his ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION and STILL letting TERRORIST in. Don’t forget he protects TERRORIST antifa and TERRORIST blm while WEAPONIZING
Did I forget, DICTATOR Beijing biden said 3 days ago that he met the INVENTOR of INSULIN. Amazing!
DICTATOR Beijing biden was even born.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago


David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago


David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Even TOP US Banks Under INVESTIGATION Over ESG and CLIMATE Action.
The FASCIST liberals even are PUSHING for AMERICANS to have a SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE just like in COMMUNIST CHINA.

1 year ago

Democrats and “democracy” are oxymorons. Democrats are fascist at best, and Marxist Pol Pot’s or Xi, at worst.

1 year ago

The Democrats are experts at Orwellian Newspeak.
They say words that don’t have the same meaning that most people think they mean.
Most people hear the word “democracy” and they think of people being elected in fair, honest and monitored elections.
For Democrats, the word “democracy” means an election process that allows them to cheat on a massive scale such that only the people they want get elected.

Joseph Baker
Joseph Baker
1 year ago

Sivk of their trash talk about “democracy.” People like Hostin call white GOP women :cockroaches voting for Raid ” That reminds me of Zyklon B. Democrats are like guests at parties who stay too late. They don’t know when it’s time to go.

1 year ago

I sincerely wish cancer on all Democrats and progressives.

1 year ago

What will the Democrats say when we wake up on Wednesday, with Republican control, and democracy is still alive? Is this the blue pill bubble popper the democratic party needs? The Constitution, our Institutions and mostly We the People are in charge, and the government works for the people, not against the people like the current democrats do. Their time is up.

1 year ago

When we have: Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for EVERYBODY, what do we have over periods of time?

We have fewer and fewer White children.

When we mix more and more non-Whites with fewer and fewer Whites in the same living space?

In time, White extinction.
It’s genocide because this doesn’t happen by chance.
It is being forced upon Whites just like a rapist does not take no for an answer.

How is this not White Genocide?

Diversity means chasing down the last White person.

1 year ago

Democracy: dee-MOK-ra-see (noun) Rule by the Democratic Party.

1 year ago

Excellent article. I am a life long progressive socialist (of Scandinavian variety) Both sides have gone off rails. We seek to find the reasons why others are crazy. Maybe, someday we will remember all that we have in common. America is a great country now and will be in 20 years when this current histeria passes.

1 year ago

No moral, ethical person will vote for the democrats moral depravity and lawlessness. Democrats, WE HATE YOU!!!!!

We hate:

your psychotic false narratives

your perversion of our justice system

your lawlessness

your partnership with the cartels

your child abuse

your hatred of law enforcement

your destruction of our energy infrastructure

your hatred of America

your destruction of our economy

your hatred of free speech

your “educator” pedophiles

your disgusting democrat party Gestapo laughingly referred to as the doj and fbi who terrorize and persecute working Americans

We hate your guts! Your are disgusting perversions of humanity!


1 year ago

Obama’s little Race War didn’t go as planned. Nobody in their right mind should ever trust the backstabbing, racist blacks.

1 year ago

Look at what Obama and Merkels Russia hatred has done to Europe. Look at what Obama’s Race War has done to the USA. He’s a gorram treasonous Muslim dog.

Something, Something
Something, Something
1 year ago

The Democratic Party’s current foundation is built on wokeness. It was a huge mistake on their part. No intellectual or moral foundation to it, the flavor of the day was its only guiding principle, if it can be called one. Is it any wonder that with no firm ground to stand on it is falling apart? Wokeness will be a footnote in a history book someday and reasonable people will wonder how people could ever believe such nonsense.

1 year ago

The left will send out their bootjacks (Antifa and BLM) to burn riot and loot again after they lose terribly next week. If cities allow them to do what they did in 2020 with impunity, citizens will have to step in and stop the damage ourselves

Frank DeRose
Frank DeRose
1 year ago

Very perceptive article, Daniel. For the last 70 years, the Dems have cheered on the Supreme Court as it applied substantive due process arguments to reach particular outcomes desired by the Dems. According to substantive due process arguments, if a party doesn’t get the outcome it wants, then, the procedural guarantee of due process of law in the 14th Amendment cannot have been satisfied. The Court has used substantive due process arguments to grant a variety of rights specified nowhere in the Constitution, such as the right to abortion and the right to gay marriage. Now, the Dems have taken things one step further and are demanding substantive democracy, according to which if the Dems don’t get the outcome they want, then democracy has failed.

1 year ago

In our bones, we know DEMOCRATIC RULE is at risk.

1 year ago

WOW! Walker, Oz, Smiley, Bouldoc, Masters, Laxalt, Pinion – what a great diverse crop of Republican Senate candidates

1 year ago

The DemocRats have no “message” to appeal to the voting citizenry. If they did have a message and it was honest, it would say.”vote DemocRat because the DemocRat Party is dedicated to RULING the Nation with selective governance actions that maintain or enhance Communistic control of the people.” THE DEMOCRAT PARTY SEEKS TO “RULE” THE NATION … NOT JUST GOVERN THE NATION.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
1 year ago

Obama’s comment about “election deniers” can be rebutted by one simple fact. The fraudulence of the election of 2020 is proved by the consequences of the policies of the Biden administration which have been, utterly, disastrous. Had they had any sense at all, they would have continued the beneficial policies of the Trump administration and fulfilled constitutional purposes, representing the needs of the American citizenry. Democrat “democracy” has become the representation of alienated, foreign diversity minorities, an injustice to American citizens, particularly, those of color who have protested their treatment for decades. Democrats have failed to maintain the propriety of representation, a moral and ethical basis in the rule of law and have become, offensively, partisan in their governance. The last, good, democratic administration was that of Truman. Since then, Democrats have lost their way.

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
1 year ago

????CHRISTrumpC.Owens and all our US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen????

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
1 year ago

CHRISTrumpC.Owens and all our US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen

Steve Sutton
Steve Sutton
1 year ago


1 year ago

Desperate situations always lead to desperate people saying and doing desperate things. When you are fighting for your life you will say and do absolutely anything.

1 year ago

It’s amazing how many people are willing to “cut the throat” of their children–kill their future by voting for COMMUNISM……sold as a “FREE STUFF” state! Shows IGNORANCE is abundant because the consequences are severe!! No reality in their thinking!!

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
1 year ago

If the Democrats really thought election deniers have no merit they would push it off as a made up fantasy that no one would believe. But they are scared because it is based on fact!

Wayne Taylor
Wayne Taylor
1 year ago

Biden is right our republic is at risk and it’s from them. IRS is buying guns and ammo, why? Because they plan on knocking on our doors or eventually making them a secret police to keep us in line. If they try taxing us out of our weapons next then the answer seems yes. Notice that all the rioting a couple summers ago reminded me of when Hitler took over Germany.

1 year ago

When the DemocRats say ‘Democracy is at risk …” they really mean the trend towards Communism is at risk. Trusting a Democrat is more likely to produce undesirable outcomes than trusting a live rattlesnake sharing a bathtub with you.

1 year ago

The slogan should be Repubs or Ruin…

Sidney Benson
Sidney Benson
1 year ago

It would appear they have reached their goal… when this country has no more diesel this country will be at a standstill… people will die from lack of heating fuel… some may starve because food is delivered by deisel powered trucks, trains also are fueled by diesel which will further put this country at risk… I believe this was their aim from the first day when Biden stopped oil production… tomorrow may start a turnaround but it is going to take much more to repair the damage done by the current administration… this should never have happened… Heaven Help Us…

1 year ago

Yes, Democracy IS at risk! . . . But from Democrats and ONLY Democrats! . . . Today’s so-called Democratic Party IS NOW COMMUNIST and like ALL Communists, they LIE, LIE, LIE!

Bob Pinaha
Bob Pinaha
1 year ago

It’s sad that the Democrats define hurting the American people, and deceiving them about all their intents, is the correct thing to do.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

Biden is telling the truth when he says Democracy is at risk. But by the lie of omission, he is failing to tell the truth that it is under threat from the democrats not republicans.

1 year ago

Biden says voting for Republicans threatens democracy, a description that best describes how the Democrat Party has been governing the country. Obama is saying Republicans will ban books and determine what people can or cannot read, but he conveniently omits that the books in question are pornographic.

The Democrat Party is insufferably shameless with its lies; this party must be voted to extinction.

1 year ago


Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
1 year ago

Nutty Jim Clyburn, democrat congressman, interviewed on FOX Sunday, in the most bizarre rant I ever heard said that if Republicans won in the midterm elections, democracy would not just be over, but we would become a Nazi nation and children would be murdered in the street (just like in Chicago) and the world could come to an end, yes, he said that all of that and more. He and Maxine Waters are a real pair of loons.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
1 year ago

Democrats are desperate to change the definition of democracy so that we only have a democracy if they rule.

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
1 year ago

the drama dumos. D stands for dangerous, a drain delusional, destroyers demented, ditzy, disgusting and their the nice words. i’m sure that they will lie and cheat in whatever election they are in. Haters always get their just due tho

1 year ago

The best thing we can all do is – VOTE!
Make sure you talk to others who are open minded to real valid debates on the issues and get them to VOTE!
I know lifetime Democrats who no longer recognize their party and know it is going in the wrong direction with massive spending, woke hate, economy and inflation, taking away parents rights with schools and their children, crime, Open Borders, drugs, human trafficking, freedoms of lockdowns, mandates and speech… these are all issues the vast majority of Americans care about and have been handled miserably by the Socialist Democrats.

1 year ago

This Nation has experienced two years of POTUS ineptitude and a sway towards morphing Democracy into Communism as a result of a rigged POTUS election. I hope the bulk of US citizens recognize that the election system MUST be cleaned up so that it cannot produce such a disaster as the Biden disaster in the future. It should start with Voter Photo ID Cards showing name, addy, age/ BD, and SSN which must be shown before being allowed to vote. The Card should be limited to a four-year life and replaced when expired. It takes a lot to foil the DemocRat’s penchant for rigging electrions.

1 year ago

The United States is NOT a Democracy. WE ARE a Representative Republic. It’s Important to know the difference. Search as you will and you will not even find the Word, “Democracy” in the constitution or any of the other founding documents of the United States.

1 year ago

They can have their “democracy”, we will keep our “constitutional republic” thank you very much.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Democrats discredited themselves long ago and have shown their true colors and yet there still are people seemingly normal voting for them I am not talking about indifferent That anyone could listen to their lies without getting sick is beyond They are desperate and will do anything to manipulate this election their dice are loaded In normal; times they’d loose but we live in twilight zone so we can only pray that justice will be done

1 year ago

They still have almost 2 months to continue to ruin the country after election day. And tomorrow is that day. The cheating just hasn’t started yet. They need to know how much they need to cheat to win. When your back is up against the wall is when you reach down and do what you have to do to win. That’s what we the people have and are doing. And you can be sure they will do the same. I just don’t know what their plan is because we are law abiding people. But you can be sure they have a plan b c d- z. It ain’t over until it’s over and that could take a while. I hope I am wrong about this but I have read their book and if you think about it you will realize it’s the big lie. The new green deal . Mein kemf. Stalin. Stand with our constitution and God and be strong, fight the good fight for our families our country and our freedom. Which is not their democracy. This is our stand.

1 year ago

It is long past time to fight fire with fire. Take away the voice of those who rant and rave by refusing to listen to them and those who broadcast or repeat the rants. Get your news and information from sources who can be trusted to speak truth. I am thinking of AMAC, OANN, Epoch Times, Patriot Post, Blaze TV, Epoch TV and a host of others.
If a political commercial comes on the TV, mute it, don’t listen to it. Do not watch MSM fake news broadcasts. If all they can preach to is their own choir they will soon fade into insignificance.
And, of course, don’t vote for anyone or anything pushed along by the big money pot of the left.

Michael Gulotta
Michael Gulotta
1 year ago

Good article. The Democratic Party is a scary entity for “Democracy”. No, I don’t really believe we are a Democracy, but a Democratic Republic.

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