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Democrats’ Dump Biden Dilemma

Posted on Tuesday, August 9, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Barry Casselman

The Democrats have a problem. Their incumbent first-term president is so unpopular he is negatively affecting their party’s prospects for the coming national midterm elections, and he has minimal prospects of his own to be re-elected in two years. He and his administration’s record and policies have caused the midterms to be unfavorably nationalized so that the Democrats’ control of the U.S. House and Senate could be lost in November.

What can the Democrats do, and what are they likely to do?

It is no longer idle speculation that many Democrats would prefer a new nominee for president in 2024. Efforts are already underway through friendly liberal media venues to undercut any rationale for Mr. Biden and his supporters to justify running for a second term. Polls, op-eds, and interviews with grassroots party voters are suddenly appearing in a media environment that for years ignored criticism of Biden as a candidate and then president. Some are even advocating that he resign now — before the midterm elections.

The party’s dilemma is that there is no better alternative — especially in the case of a premature resignation. Vice President Kamala Harris is even more unpopular than Biden.

After the midterms, Democrats will have about a year to settle on a replacement candidate for 2024, but they lack so far a credible candidate — although there will be no shortage of those who would run. Democratic strategists might hope for a new charismatic figure to emerge from 2022’s election night — a Democrat who wins in spite of a Republican tide and could provide a fresh restart for the national party.

Replacement efforts depend on Joe Biden’s willingness to agree to voluntarily retire in 2024. Considering his current political weakness, he would likely have primary opponents even if he did not retire, but that is a scenario that historically leads to defeat — as both Jimmy Carter in 1980 and George H.W. Bush in 1992 learned the hard way.

However, considering his age and apparent frailty, and if his approval numbers remain so low, it is not unreasonable to assume now that soon after the midterms, Biden will announce he will not be a candidate in 2024. Under different circumstances, President Harry Truman in 1952 and President Lyndon Johnson in 1968 did it — although the other party won the election those years.

The prospects for Democrats are rather dire for 2022 — the election is now less than 100 days away — as the economy is in recession, the stock market is in “bear” territory, inflation is very high and rising, supply chains are snarled, urban crime is dramatically increasing, the Mexican border crisis is out of control, and energy resources are uncertain. All of these, Republicans argue, are a direct result of the actions and policies of the Biden administration and congressional Democrats.

But the prospects for Democrats in 2024 are much less certain. A new Democratic ticket, eschewing radical policies, in an economic recovery environment, might be competitive. If the Ukraine war is over, and there is no war over Taiwan — or any other war involving U.S. troops – a liberal but moderate agenda might be appealing to voters, especially with fresh political figures. (The Korean War in 1952 and Vietnam in 1968 were decisive factors working against the party in power in those elections.)

However, it would be much more difficult for the Democratic Party to turn back to the center than it would be to persuade Joe Biden to retire voluntarily.

That is what makes the Democrats’ dilemma so perplexing. Dumping an unpopular president would be a bit unpleasant for the party, but it is relatively simple compared to changing the ideological direction of a party increasingly politically correct, woke, economically out of touch, and unsympathetic to its own traditional voter base.

That is the Democrats’ real dilemma.

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Legally present
Legally present
2 years ago

They’re already pushing Butigieg, who is LOST when it comes to knowing what he’s doing. BUT they did the first black President, the first woman VP, and it will be the first Gay President. They have ENRAGED me with what they did at Mar A Lago, they have done it all to President Trump while they get to do worse and get away with it!!!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Biden will be so openly senile that he CANNOT run in 2024. That puts Kamala as next choice but the cackler is SO incompetent, that she doesn’t have a chance. The left can’t pass over a black woman and still claim to be for minorities so they’ll have to pick some minority : Buttigieg the gay, Dr. Levine the trans or ???. That’s assuming the SchutzStaffel under Garland ALLOWS an election!,,

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
2 years ago

what’s all the flap about? They have Hillary.

Dennis Belotti
Dennis Belotti
2 years ago

The Socialist Democrats need not worry about 2022 or 2024.
The voting machines are still corrupt….assuring their victory along with millions of illegals proclaimed as Democrats.

Where is the civil insurrection to save America ??

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Biden is so dysfunctional — physically, mentally, and ethically — that there is no possible way for him to run again as a candidate for the presidency. I will be very surprised if he actually lasts for the entire term of his sham leadership position. Every time, I see Biden on TV, it amazes me that so many apathetically ignorant Americans actually believe that Biden is still a healthy, cognitively together human being. It just goes to show that there are many Americans who are much more into feelings and ideology than reality and logic. There are still many Americans who only see what they want to see, and stubbornly refuse to admit that Joe Biden is a very destructive force in our Constitutional Republic.

2 years ago

The damage has been done with this marxist congress and senate controlled by democrats. We have become a banana republic

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

They are the party of fools. And fools rarely course correct. I hope they have epic losses moving forward. May the reaping and sowing principle prevail in an extraordinary and unprecedented way.

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

The Democrats often whine that the voters are not getting their message. If the people would just wake up and realized what all of the good things that the Democrats could do for them, the Democrat Party would gain an immutable power in Washington, D.C.

Like everything else, the Democrats are wrong about the difficulty in communicating what they stand for. The people are actually waking up to the fact that the Democrats want to create a United States Socialist Republic, ( U.S.S.R.), modeled after the former Soviet Union. The Ideals of Karl Marx still resonate even after they consistently failed every time a society tried to govern with them.

Socialism is toxic to liberty, even a little bit of it is akin to cyanide.

2 years ago

one could only pray a strong republican will replace this evil dem party!

2 years ago

Mark my words, they are preparing every effort to stay in power AND are NOT GOING TO GO QUIETLY! . . . That means they are right now perfecting their Election “stealing” ballot harvesting system to guarantee that they stay in power because IT IS THEIR ONLY HOPE TO WIN and our so-called Republican leaders are stupid enough to let it happen again! History CAN repeat itself and I guarantee you the Democratic Communists realize it’s their last hope and THEY WILL BE DESPERATE ENOUGH TO PLAY THEIR LAST CARD!!!

2 years ago

I cannot possibly see how anyone could consider Biden for a second run as president. He has always been a moron and was not fit for the presidency the first time, except now he has to deal with senility eating away his remaining brain cells. In two years from now he could likely be in a home somewhere doing an imitation of a turnip. The demo/globalists will find some other evil, Satanic individual to replace him.

2 years ago

The Communists are so power hungry that no matter how unpleasant, they will dump Biden and Harris and replace them with someone like Michelle Obama. This would make sense because they can offset the inevitable uproar over Kamala being shooed aside. A stretch may be that they look to convince a popular figure like Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson to run, capitalizing on his star status, POC and outsider characteristics. I know it’s a stretch but keep in mind the Communists thirst to maintain power. We shouldn’t put anything past them.

2 years ago

After Biden sicked the FBI on Maralago yesterday, the DEMONcrats may embrace him if they think this will stop Trump. They will stop at nothing to keep power and get total control of the people. Frankly, I’m sick of them.

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
2 years ago

1) When I click on links on your daily e-mail, AMAC, I get an error message from my browser. I can only get to an article from the main web page.
2) We cannot assume a triumph for the “good guys” in November. Republicans of the RINO faith have all kinds of tools that can eke out a Demrat power retention in Nov.

W. Douglas Williams
W. Douglas Williams
2 years ago

Things are really bad at this juncture, especially for the lowest earners and that includes those who have recently graduated high school and college. These occurences give me pause about what I’m about to say. I really hope that President Biden doesn’t do anything great or even good before the upcoming mid-term elections. I want every voter to realize just how terrible the present administration and many Democrats really are. And by that I mean politically and morally. They are the worst thing to happen to this country

2 years ago

I think the reason behind raiding Pres. Trump’s home is to distract people from the horrible-beyond-words passage of the ‘Inflation Act’. I believe there are more things hidden in this act that will enrage Americans. They’re looking for distraction right now, so Pay Attention and find out what’s really behind this! Be prepared for further outrageous acts by the Democrats as they begin to enforce this Overthrow of the Constitution. May God Bless our Nation and help Us to bring her through this time of trial.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
2 years ago

What I find interesting is the article ignores the real issue. Biden has been a puppet of the Democrat Party and his lack of popularity is a mirror image of voter feelings abut the party as a whole. If JFK had been running as a 21st century Democrat , he would have lost the election. Today’s Democrats are not anything more than Marxist Socialists. If they continue down this road, we can kiss the party goodbye.

2 years ago


Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Since Biden appears not to be capable of running the country, would taking him out and Harris out do the democrats any good? The lack of popularity seems not to matter much to whoever is running this country.
He/She/or They must think if they can disqualify former President Trump, they will rule for as long as they need to be there to get a retirement check.
The last desperate attack may have been launched Monday (OR Cheney and company get their way)
This is a shocking situation we have to face.

2 years ago

Gavin Newsome is a likely choice for them.

Mark Jebe
Mark Jebe
2 years ago

The author makes things sound dire for the Democrats, but in the run-up to midterms I’ve been involved in local and state politics, and found so far very few of our candidates grasp how far down the slippery slope to fascism we’ve gone; very few of our voters understand not-voting won’t save them because it allows organized groups to cast fraudulent votes in their names; and ALMOST NO DEMOCRATS THINK WHAT’S BEING DONE IS BAD.

I have four siblings, all government employees who have and will again vote Democrat; it’s not that they don’t believe Obama weaponized the IRS to crush the Tea Party, and trafficked guns to Mexico as a backdoor to attack the 2nd Amendment, and Hilary kept a private server to hide Clinton Foundation corruption, or Russia-Gate was a hoax or the 2020 election was stolen – they confess they believe all of those things are true, but will still vote Democrat because they APPROVE OF ALL OF THOSE THINGS.

Democrats won’t dump Biden because of what he’s done, because they approve of what he’s done, they just disapprove of his doddering image they fear will cost them the next election and the chance to push us farther down the slope to fascism. They don’t disapprove of fascism, as long as they get to be the fascists.

And almost none of the Republicans I talk to grasp that the party across the aisle is full of totalitarians WHO WILL NOT JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE BECAUSE THEY DON’T VOTE!

2 years ago

Love always wins! Democrats are so hateful of anyone who doesn’t agree them that any move to the center will seem dishonest unless those same Democrats apologize to the American people that the policies they implemented were wrong! And I don’t think they are humble enough to do that!

2 years ago

Besides dumping Biden, they need to dump the Attorney General, the FBI, and the remaining Democrats, including Cheney & Ginzinger. Every single person has their “day” coming for doing bad and crookedness, including everyday normal people. We may not live to see that day for those, but God knows.

2 years ago

The only hope for the Democrats will be the complete purge of the ultra liberals and progressives. Maybe then the old line moderate Democrats would return. The ultra liberals and progressives could then establish their own left wing party and fight with each other. But as it is, I don’t see much hope to them.

2 years ago

We can think of a thousand reasons the DemocRats should be gone , i just paid $9.50 for a dozen eggs and a can of biscuits ,, yes gas has gone down some but it wont last ,, the Dems, will make Monkeypox a national emerg. before Nov. so the can rig the voting ,, again ,, there are still millions out there that see whats happening in front of them but still believe its the Republicians fault ,, the only chance we have it to go to the polls in person in Nov. and at least slow them down until 2024 ,,

Joanne Holden
Joanne Holden
2 years ago

If they want to get rid of him so much then why aren’t the Republicans jumping on this opportunity and begin impeachment proceedings?

Mike S
Mike S
2 years ago

Regardless of whether the Democrats are successful to prevent Biden from running or winning the 2024 Democratic Party presidential nomination, I believe they should be held accountable for his 2020 nomination and election. So I say with strong conviction that I hope that this tragic episode eventually leads to the demise of the Democratic Party. The election of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. will eventually be regarded as the worst mistake in American history and Brandon its worst president. That’s assuming it survives his election or its consequences. The Russian attack on Ukraine could still lead to another European war; China’s adventures in the South China Sea could lead us into an Asian war. Both will likely include the once prosperous United States in a nuclear exchange bringing upon a second Dark Age.

I remember writing dozens of comments in response to many articles before Biden was “elected”, where I asked how could anyone vote for a man whose ability to legitimately serve out a 4-year term was so questionable. Not only voters but how could party officials and supporters knowingly consider advancing a man so ill-equipped to serve in one of the most demanding and crucial offices on the planet? (I once thought Democrats were patriots like me who thought differently, but no longer.) I suspect they proposed limiting his screw-ups by having “handlers” prevent disasters. (That’s become obvious with anyone with even average intelligence.) I suspect and strongly hope that legislation is eventually adopted (assuming we survive) that requires ALL presidential candidates to submit to independent and multiple cognitive tests. Sitting presidents should also be required to submit since mental diseases can occur quite suddenly and unexpectedly. Anyone found to be afflicted should be forced to resign immediately and certainly not run for ANY office.

The Armstrong Family
The Armstrong Family
2 years ago

I believe now is the time to put a “term limit” bill on the ballot for the future of our families!!

2 years ago

All this hate.Biden has his faults and “strange moments. But beware he is a front for the commies behind him. Biden and Harris do. not originate the recent changes requested. Let’s focus on the guys in the shadows. America is just beginning to see how a lot of the world livesExample3 generations to pay for a house. May God help us. Destroy America just like we were warned. Go Trump they are running scared.u

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

I think that it is way past time to dump the democRATS,term limits would be a step,but it has to go further than that.Maybe like prosecute their very obvious corruption.

2 years ago

I think it’s time to dump the whole democratic party!!

2 years ago

Been calling for Term Limits for years but the Good Old Boys keep shooting it down.

2 years ago

The demonRATS have no dilemma. Get real. They will simply lie, cheat, and steal to make the results conform to their desires.

Andrew P
Andrew P
2 years ago

The Democrats haven’t lost 2022 yet. Their base has been demoralized because for their failure to deliver much. They are doing what is necessary to rally their base, by passing the reconciliation bill and raiding Mar o Lago. They will soon forgive a significant fraction of student loans, with a promise of more to come if they retain the House and pick up Senate seats, and they will indict Trump in time for the base to see that they are finally delivering on promises. If they can rally the base enough, 2022 will end up as a very close election.

2 years ago

Ther longer joey stays around the more desperate the commiecrats will get

Sure scheemer and nutsy are advancing their destroy America agenda, but they are doing it in joey’s name while he remains totally oblicioyus to the disaster he alone has created

2 years ago

Today worrying yourself sick about liberals and conservatives is just as stupid as worrying yourself sick over the Whig Party in 1853. Politics will be an entirely different thing as Whites come to REALIZE that they are a threatened minority. That is what is happening now. Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.

2 years ago

Not an original thought, but some speculated Mooch Obama is warming up in the bull pen.

2 years ago

The biggest problem is that Kamala Harris is the obvious choice for a candidate but who would she pick as her VP? Obama picked Joe Biden as his VP because it made sense to pick someone much stupider than yourself to make you look more intelligent by comparison.

Hillary Clinton did the same thing when she picked Tim Kaine and Joe Biden, though it didn’t seem possible to find anyone with less brain power than he had, Picked Kamala Harris. Now the dilemma for Harris is to find someone even less intelligent than herself. AOC isn’t eligible because of her age, but I suppose Stacy Abrams is always a possibility.

2 years ago

Biden departing the presidency before the end of his term is everything a President Harris could hope for (& more). First, a highly unusual transition like this would be its own built-in excuse. Second, a Harris administration would labor mightily to shift blame, claiming she’s precipitously inherited a nation in disarray, and plead for patience. Third, Dems (& their media) would circle the wagons around Harris, and she’d instantly become their presumptive 2024 nominee. (She’d have to royally screw up to be seriously primaried but, knowing Kamala as we do, it’s a 50-50 crap shoot — screwing up is her forte.) 

Bonus prediction: if Biden exits early, China invades Taiwan, daring neophyte Pres. Harris to squander her presidential honeymoon militarily opposing them — halfway around the world, fighting a hot war with the PRC in their own front yard. (I.e., the logistical challenges would be exclusively Uncle Sam’s.) 

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