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Democrats Dig In

Posted on Tuesday, January 11, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Barry Casselman


Many Republicans and independents are puzzled, after the off-year elections of 2021, continuous polling showing President Biden and many national Democratic policy goals increasingly unpopular, and a notable erosion of the Democratic base of Hispanic, Black, and Jewish voters, why the leaders of the liberal-progressive party are not changing their course as the important 2022 national mid-term elections approach, now less than 10 months away.

It isn’t only the conservative opposition and the constant polling that appears to be sending a message, but also many older liberal campaign operatives, commentators, and pollsters who are sounding alarms.

Nevertheless, President Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer appear to be doubling down in the new year with a “progressive agenda” that includes passing the stalled multi-trillion dollar “Build Back Better” bill, possibly packing the U.S. Supreme Court, more pandemic restrictions, anti-fossil fuel initiatives, secondary school lockdowns, open-door immigration policies, and political correctness.

Although the Democratic Party is led by older and pragmatic figures, the “squeaky wheels” — the activist and vocal party base mostly made up of younger and more ideologically radical men and women — are those who now, at least temporarily, control the party agenda. This takeover, which has been brewing for a number of years, was finalized by the 2020 election, which put Democrats back in the White House and in control of Congress.

Older progressive figures such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren had been promoting a more radical agenda for at least a decade but could not persuade the voters to support them — and had to settle for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden as their presidential nominees in 2016 and 2020.

Meanwhile, younger progressive figures such as the congresswomen known as “The Squad” emerged, and with the help of a partisan so-called “mainstream” media, were able to dominate political news coverage as “squeaky wheels” who crowded out more moderate voices in their party.

The historical reality, however, is that U.S. voters are inherently not inclined to embrace radical agendas from either the left or the right, and all available evidence indicates this remains valid. Even in larger cities where few or no Republicans hold elective office, voter backlash is occurring as crime rates soar and inflation hits the limited pocketbooks of the poor and middle class.

What is particularly revealing about voter attitudes is that this rejection is occurring while the stock market is high, unemployment is relatively low, and nominal wages are rising. Normally, such an economic environment would be good news for a party in power. But stock speculative “bubbles,” government pandemic income subsidies ending, and inflation pressures suggest that the apparent robust economy might be a mirage.

As if voters’ domestic anxieties were not enough, the Biden administration’s foreign policy has had setbacks and challenges which could, if not resolved, worsen already bad news for Democrats in 2022 and 2024. In particular, this appears in what has become a more serious border crisis exacerbated by President Biden’s explicit invitation to refugees during his presidential campaign, an invitation that was reinforced by his border policies after taking office. It took a federal court, and heavy pressure from Texas and nearby southwestern states for the Biden administration to reinstate President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” agreement to at least partially stem the flow of undocumented immigrants at the southern border. But the Democrats’ policy for what amounts to unlimited immigration is not only unpopular with most voters; it is not, according to all polls, even favored by most Hispanic voters.

Nor do the president’s views on Iran and the Middle East coincide with the views of most Americans.

Although the specific circumstances are different in 2022, there is a similar political aroma to the mid-term of 2010 when the Obama administration (which included then-Vice President Joe Biden) was determined to push through Obamacare despite its unpopularity — and suffered massive defeats at the polls as a result.

To be fair, two years later, Barack Obama won re-election because Republicans failed to appeal to enough disgruntled voters and capitalize on their 2010 gains. It was not until 2016 that Republicans successfully reached out to “deplorables” — and won the presidency and control of Congress.

But to paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, Joe Biden is no Barack Obama, and, it might be added, the two parties have been transformed. The Democratic Party is now the party of the super-rich and upper-middle-class elites, and the Republican Party now appeals to the working class and middle-class pragmatists.

This transformation and the deeply held values of the two new political bases are the keys to what is likely to happen in the midterms of 2022. 

Just do the numbers.  

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3 years ago

When the Democrat plan includes multiple means to essentially nullify the power of American voter to determine who has power, the current stance by the Democrats in D.C. makes perfect sense. Between flooding the country with even more illegal aliens, that are being registered to vote no matter whether or not it is legal, to trying multiple ways to federalize election laws to remove the power of the individual states to control their own elections, to using Covid as an excuse to repeat the 2020 election process for the midterms, the Democrats are moving to ensure that elections will no longer matter.

3 years ago

RINO Mitt Romney gave the WIN to B O in the debates!!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

The Dim-Wits should “dig in”. They have dug a very deep hole for themselves. I do hope they continue their suicidal ways and continue their course. If not, fickle Americans will forget and probably vote for these idiots AGAIN. November can not get here SOON enough. Christians and conservatives, hold the course as God has appointed the day of reckoning for this GODLESS party and the RINO’s that provide them aid and comfort!!

3 years ago

The communists are so close to total control(ever since they fooled the electorate to put obama in office) they are pulling out all the stops. Afraid that if they are derailed this time they may lose their chance for total power and control for a long time.
So they will retrench, lie, cheat, and steal to push themselves over the line.
When the people of the new soviet union realized they had been lied to by lenin, et al. and wanted to reverse course. trotsky sent in the red army and slaughtered thousands of “citizens” and caused the starvation of millions. Because once the communists had power, they were not going to give it up. THEY DID NOT GIVE A RAT’S A– ABOUT THE PEOPLE EVEN THOUGH THAT IS WHAT LENIN SAID WHEN HE WAS ANGLIING FOR POWER! Wake up people, pay attention to history.

3 years ago

Who, in their right mind, would ever vote for a liberal or a Democrat? Those who do are not in a right mind. They have been blinded.

3 years ago

Why would they change… what would it matter. If nobody supports them it will make no difference. They plan on stealing the election just like they did in 2020. Unless 2020 is fixed it is OVER

3 years ago

Screwmer and Piglosi quiver in fear of the Marxist Squad. Screwmer fears an AOC primary battle, he knows he’ll lose!

3 years ago

Dems are using the Hitler strategy in their attempt to get rid of all political opposition, just a different method but same idea. They’re digging in because they’re close to having this dream come true. If they somehow find a way to permanently rig elections I believe we will see tyranny that is unlike anything we’ve ever seen in the USA. I would think within a decade we will be no different than China.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

Both parties are called by their names by habit only they ceased to exist as such long ago republicans stagnate and democrats are undergoing metamorphosis

3 years ago

Glad to hear they’re digging away. Maybe they’ll dig straight to China and disappear.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Dens dig in BUT see no unity among Republicans on issues ( minus RINOs) anyplace
See No action by GOP

3 years ago

The Democrats will dig in because this is their opportunity to transform America into a Socialist Country. The Build Back Better legislation along with proposed with “election reform” ensures one party rule, the Democratic Party; provides stipends for children, not a tax credit: will pay half the salaries of journalists, establishes a state run/controlled press; surveillance of your finances as well as surveillance of movement. Packing the Supreme Court according to Senator Schumer will only validate the legislation of the Democratic Party if challenged. They have to go for Socialism now and with all due speed.

3 years ago

Democrats digging In?

Is this the sahovel ready job Barak Huesein Obama was perdicting?

Spade David
Spade David
3 years ago

The Marxist Democrat party failed to heed the warning in the tea leaves, the polls, the middle-of-the-road commentary, and the advice of their own consultants. They have created their own maelstrom, and now they will have to live with the results. Their leadership did not have the guts to push back the very far left side of their party, so now they are just sowing more seeds of distrust among even their ardent supporters. I agree with the point in the article when they said that it has become the party of the elitist rich class. Common sense in the Marxist Democrat party escaped many years ago, and they will pay for several decades to come. America has gone through the painful experience, and the Republicans will be the long-term beneficiaries of such foolishness exhibited by the arrogant Democrats.

3 years ago

Patriots, If the Republicans fail to take the House and / or the Senate in the mid -terms America as we knew her is forever doomed. Where are the mass protests and marches ?…no one cares !
Republicans are wimps !.. fearing their own shadow. No leadership there !
I never thought I would live to see the destruction of America by by the apathetic masses.
This country is a shambles.
Does anyone believe the voting machines will become legit ?
It has been said: “If you stand for nothing…you will fall for anything”

Your children will grow old with the boot of CCP on their throat.
” We the people” are gutless.

3 years ago

Democrats did not “win” in 2020. We know how they got where they are. They spent the 4 previous years perfecting their “method”. AND … They got away with it! Why wouldn’t they continue to improve, perfect & USE their thriving method. After all, it was never thoroughly or “effectively” challenged.

3 years ago

Don’t underestimate the power of the people. I refuse to give up on this country that I so love and my memories of a conservative childhood. Sleepy and his entourage can manipulate us all they want…but they won’t take us down without a FIGHT!!!!

3 years ago


3 years ago

The socialists (Dems) know that they’ve got about 6-10 more months to convert as much of this country to socialism as they can. So of course they’re doubling down. It doesn’t matter what polls say, , how much they need to lie, how much their objectives will destroy American families, and how they are destroying everything that has made this the greatest country in the world. They only have one concern and that’s taking complete control.

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
3 years ago

I do not like ANYTHING about the Socialist Dem party! These PERPS are intent on destroying our Democracy and want to become the one and only Power and DICTATORSHIP party in our country! We NEED TO GET THEM OUT OF WH and CONGRESS NOW!!!!!!

3 years ago

Dems have to protect Hillary from prosecution for treason because if she goes down, they all go down. they have to get the voting fraud bill passed as part of some other bill. it will mean passing an unrelated bill that isn’t fully written (like obamacare) so they can add it after it’s passed. another pass the bill to see what’s in it ploy.

3 years ago

They don’t know how to govern. That requires analysis of the needs of the population and problem solving skills.

3 years ago

I’m going to discuss this with the undocumented and US citizens. The democrats are only in this for themselves. They care one iotta about anyone but themselves. They want the border open, and make all kinds of promises to get you to vote Democrat, then forget all about you. They want Socialism, so I would think twice before believing anything they say. You were trying to get away from that. So please think twice before voting them into office.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

Sing Diggin A Hole to the music of “Stayin Alive”.

K. Martin
K. Martin
3 years ago

They’re counting on winning fraudulently as in 2020. Why not, since (to my knowledge, at least) absolutely nothing has been changed to prevent it from happening again?

I was getting/now have PTSD, thx Joey! AH
I was getting/now have PTSD, thx Joey! AH
3 years ago

NO I DO NOT ENOY these articles – why should I ?????
Comrade Branden is not in control – his comrades in the back ground are.
Branden is not good for anything – Lets hope (not) some Major catastrophe happens,
than what will happen with these mental morons in charge ???? SCARY INDEED

I wish a Spaceship would come down and Abduct Piglosi Chucky and Scumala
ahh take a few more of them too.
They would probably bring em back and want a Refund ta boot.

I WISH AMAC would put instead (We hope you benefitted from these articles)
To enjoy is going to the Dr and getting my Blood Pressure checked and it is HIGH.
That did happen to me the other day after listening to talk radio on the way there.
Nurse had to redo it 3x – she wondered what was wrong. Gee I wonder.

So no more Radio and AMAC is gonna be on hold for awhile if not permo.
I dont need to enjoy this DEPRESSING news. Far from it.
My health and mental state are far more important to me.

Maybe I will be back – Will See – SAD

3 years ago

We lost the last election because of cheating and fraud. There is so much evidence that points to that and the MSM’s not telling the truth about what is going on. And it is the media “Elites” driving this

I was told once that the MSM would not cover a story about motor racing because it was over most people’s heads. They would not understand. And it was a good positive story. Basically they said and believe “The public only understand stick and ball sports”.

They think everybody, except themselves, are ignorant! Well, they are the ignorant ones because, if they were not, they would be able to see the fraud and lies about the Dominion software. They have no idea about what technologically is going on, so they do not report it. They do not want people to know how ignorant they really are.

And if they did find someone who was smart enough to know, they would confirm what has been discovered. They lied about the machines being accessible on the internet. That one fact means that with the correct knowledge the software could be changed on the fly. What is hacking? It is manipulation of the software to control and make changes to other peoples computers (which a phone is too). And how much hacking is happening on the internet? Tons!!!!

Also, the evidence of the way the vote counting was being done and last minute rules changes to allow illegitimate votes, boxes under the table, not allowing observers to observe, all point the the “organized” crime. This is so Chicago Democrat Politics! But now it has been spread all over the US by crooks that got Obama nominated and elected to office, the Democratic Elites. They may be ignorant to technology, but they sure know how to cheat.

3 years ago

I don’t think any of their actions are a huge mystery or anything. I believe one of two things. #1) The dems are not worried because they don’t plan on losing ever again. It’s simply easier to lie and cheat to get what you want. #2) Assuming that number one is not correct, then it has to be because they know that we know they’ve shown their hand. Anyone with half a brain now knows that Dem stand for card carrying communist. So it’s all or nothing on their part, and why not…we’re not putting up much of a fight.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

I hope Schumer et al. dig in six feet deep, lie down, and have someone throw dirt on them!

3 years ago

The democrat traitors must be taught a overwhelming lesson for their anti American failure,destruction of America and the divisiveness they are forcing upon Legal Citizens of Our Country!
Resounding , unprecedented DEFEAT and REJECTION of marxist,socialist and leftist policies.
We the People have had enough of their racist,hateful,corrupt and immoral behavior, their dishonesty, inflation, giveaways and class warfare.
NOTHING this illegal president, democrat majority house and senate had had the American peoples interest put first,NOTHING has benefitted America!

3 years ago

Pelosi and Schumer……..what a crock! They are the two most disgusting pcs of garbage I have ever seen. Hoping Pelosi leaves at midterms as she has mentioned and I think she should stay out of Florida. She’s only going there to build up the commie Dem vote. Sly bi–h. Don’t think DeSantis will put up with any crap from her.

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