AMAC Exclusive – By Barry Casselman

Five years ago, in the wake of the 2016 presidential election, I wrote that a national political identity switch had begun, and subsequently I have written that this process was relentlessly continuing.
The Democratic Party now has even more explicitly turned its back on its founders, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, and has become more rigidly the party of political correctness and intolerance of free speech. It is turning away from its traditional base of ethnic and working class voters, and turning instead to extremely wealthy Americans, big business, newly affluent classes, and academic elites. The Republican Party, on the other hand, is now appealing to working class voters, religious and ethnic groups, and those who own and operate small businesses.
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, he would easily recognize the transformation of U.S. politics as very analogous to what happened in his own day, when his new political party opposed slavery while their Democratic opponents either supported it or tolerated it.
Today the liberal party in the United States has exhausted decades of labeling the conservative party as the party of the rich, and in fact now openly courts the support of big money, big tech, big business, and the academic establishment as it attempts further to expand big government.
The rapid expansion of the central government in the U.S. actually began after World War I and was set off starting with the response to the Great Flood of 1927, a devastating flood of the Mississippi River that covered some 27,000 square miles of land in up to 30 feet of water. President Calvin Coolidge appointed Herbert Hoover, who had fed post-war Europe in 1919, to be in charge. Through the Army Corps of Engineers, Hoover asserted federal jurisdiction and power in several flood-ravaged southern and midwestern states. The crisis passed, but the precedent had been set for much greater federal power. Only a few years later when a great economic depression hit the nation, new Democratic president Franklin Roosevelt established his New Deal policies and programs in an effort to revive the national economy and relieve the widespread economic suffering and unemployment, massively expanding on the precedent set by Coolidge and Hoover.
After World War II, New Deal programs and ideas were institutionalized to meet the interests of millions of veterans returning from Europe and the Pacific. Even the first Republican president in 20 years, Dwight Eisenhower, and eight years later, Richard Nixon, brought little change to New Deal policies. Between Eisenhower and Nixon, Democrat Lyndon Johnson upped the New Deal ante with his Great Society government social welfare programs.
After the disastrous first and only term of Democrat Jimmy Carter, the liberal party’s political base began to drift away as many blue collar workers voted for conservative Ronald Reagan.
Yet the Democrats’ core base remained intact, enabling the election of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and in 2020, Joe Biden.
Donald Trump made gains in both 2016 and 2020 with traditional Democratic voters, and since the Biden administration adopted and advocated the views of the far-left, Hispanics in particular, as well as blacks, Jews, and Asian-Americans have begun switching parties in even greater numbers.
Recent polling and early primary results indicate that the 2022 midterm elections will display this widespread party voter identity switch. As in 2016, 2018, and 2020, Democrats are receiving the lion’s share of their funding from the richest Americans, big business, big tech, and the largest labor unions — even as they accuse the GOP of being the party beholden to the plutocratic class.
Pluto was the Roman deity of the underworld, and today the term “plutocrat” is a negative word used to describe the rich and powerful. As in Lincoln’s day, however, Democrats have abandoned the values of their founders and embraced the values and support of those they used to say they opposed.
If he were alive today, and campaigning for his Republican Party candidates in 2022, Mr. Lincoln, echoing his views of 1859, might say that the Democratic Party is now the Plutocratic Party.
These aren’t the only obvious Democrat war tatic they are trying to use on American citizens. The Biden selected DOJ has filed a civil rights law suite against the state of Arizona to strike down a voting law that requires proof of citizenship before registering to vote in Federal elections. What planet did this come from. Only American citizens should be allowed to vote in our Federal elections and that should include elections in any city, county and state as well. This is America and our laws are for Americans and not for anyone else. Allowing non-citizens to vote is plain and simple residential voting. The illegal voting that the Democrates imposed on America during the Covid Pandemic, under the lie of health concerns, while they used the Pandamic as a power grab opportunity. Stop this betrayal of the American people, and our rights as Americans. Call, text, email and/or tweet your government represenatives, city, county, state and Federal and confirm to them that only American CITIZENS, have the right to vote in any American election. Also, send your demand to your state governor directly. If the governors standup and insist that only American citizens can vote in American elections, it will become a law of the land, which every American citizen assumed and understood it to be. This is insane! If we continue resident voting, mailing ballots to an address, without verification, Putin could claim a residence in America and vote in American elections. It is time to fight this on going stupidity and traitorous intent, by elitists Democrates, to force American citizens into socialism, voted in by people who don’t have blood in the sand here or families that are linked here. This is simply another attack on American values and laws, so power hungry politicans can control your everyday lives.
Demoncrats is more appropriate name since they HATE GOD and the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
I pray to God Almighty that American people will finally wake up it’s November and kick every Democrat out of office at the federal state and local level and if that happens we can at least slow this administration down until 2024 and we can put some common sense Republicans back in office we need to make America great again
After what recently happened with our last election, it’s more than obvious that these Marxist enemies of our constitution and our freedoms as American citizens are completely under assault, this is definitely a war which the progressive socialist democrats declared in our country. It’s actually started the second TRUMP was elected our president. Hillary and the entire progressive socialist democrats declared and with a Complicit FBI and other leftist compartments attacked the republicans and president relentlessly. All false of course, Hillary it’s proven , had paid off our own government officials to try and destroy TRUMP, now we are stuck dealing with a deranged puppet that willfully takes orders from the highest and most destructive president ever, yes it’s definitely him! I still wonder how in 2012 he beat the RHINO? But this is all small potatoes right now, we all fully understand that the elites will have absolutely no problem rigging the election again, Lying and cheating is what there system is set up for. It’s like this, either we all stand together as one , WE THE PEOPLE or this country is finished. I pray we’ll make it till this November, another 2 more years and the new liberal world order will be the end of everything and everyone, unless of course your one of them, and trust me you’re not!
We now have a political party THAT HATes AMERICA. We need to adhere to our VALUES.
I love this quote from Pope Francis. “The memory of the past must never be sacrificed at the altar of alleged progress.”
Were they ever democrats at heart or in the name only to bamboozle people
Democrats will accuse the other party of which they are guilty of. That is their M O.
“Yet the Democrats’ core base remained intact, enabling the election of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and in 2020, Joe Biden.” I will disagree on Biden.I believe he is in the White House due to election fraud. I will take the word of my fellow Americans who swore out affidavits attesting to witnessing fraud and irregularities with their own eyes. Anyone who thinks Biden actually won should watch the movie 2,000 Mules.
The Democrat party is THE PARTY OF THE DAMNED !!! Enough said !!!!
the party of ignorance, no values, no morals, no class, ingrates, baby killers, stupidity, perverts, degenertes, low lifes, donkeys, senseless, spineless, gutless, violent, chaotic, flunkies, morons. this is just a few add your own!
You misspelled, COMMUNIST. There, I fixed it for ya…
DIMMs are the handout party. They give our tax money to millionaires and billionaires for crazy “green” projects or to recruit union members (NEA/AFT, etc). Then they also try to buy off poor urban dwellers with welfare which keeps the people addicted to government cash and in slums with substandard schools. Our cities are shooting galleries! They are (supposedly) upset over 7 people being killed in a Chicago suburb. There are that many killed EVERY WEEKEND in metropolitan Chicago and they don’t give a d***.
No, the democratic party has not become the plutocratic party. Yes, there are billionaires in the party, but the positions of power are today held by radical socialists/globalists who work out in the open while the big money stays somewhat in the background. The agenda and goals are international, not just focused on turning America into a socialist hellhole. The goal is to bring down our Constitutional Republic, banish the Constitution and Bill of Rights altogether and merge America into the global oligarchy. The oligarchy envisioned by and blueprinted by The Fabian Society more than a hundred years ago.
How true everything that was written, except one minor adjective. The title “Democratic Party Now the Plutocratic Party” should read “Democratic Party Now the Communist Party”. A socialist party whether they are Nazi’s socialists or USSR socialists are still communists, just from a different branch for the tree of lack of knowledge. VOTE REPUBLICAN IN NOVEMBER and end this traitorous treason forever!
The traits of the Democrat party described in this article are true. However, it is not a change. It has always been that same party. The difference now is…it doesn’t bother to hide it anymore.
As a person who has experienced homelessness you can even see it there. Democrats have gone from “War on Poverty” to “War on the Poor”. Don’t let those programs they peddle disguising help for the poor and don’t wonder why so many homeless run from these workers. They’re recruiters and make you feel you’re selling your soul to Satan. Workers need names and social security numbers to get paid and take all the credit for any work they do in “,getting straight”.
For Democrats it’s no longer war on poverty it’s war on the poor.
The Democrat party is America’s answer to the National socialist party of Germany.
There is a reason for the undercover spread of a million illegals into every state with the aid of midnight flights. Instant amnesty and voting rights before the 2024 election will cancel the new Spanish Republican vote in every state. It’s immoral and illegal but unfortunate. It will be legitimized, just as the 2020 was by sheer numbers of Liberal Socialist Democrats and their control of all law enforcement, the military, the media and the refusal, again, of the supreme court to intervene.To understand what is happening you have to ask’why’ it’s happening. .
The garbage marxist democrat party is the enemy of America!
They are globalist who care ONLY about themselves are USING and EXPLOITING the supporters who MISTAKENLY think they care!
WAKE UP you’re being played and taken advantage of.
Try looking at actual facts and statistics honestly and you’ll discover the marxist democrat party is EXPLOITING YOU.
Sleepy Joe has definitely changed the climate. A whole bunch of blue states are turning red!
Democrats are disgusting and evil and dirty leftists.
I have often thought that the Democrat Party is following in the steps of the old Whig Party. I thought it would be a gradual dissolution (ala the Whigs), but I’m beginning to believe that this November will produce an E.L.E. (Extinction Level Event) for the Democrats. It may not be as slow as I thought it would be.
I agree with the article that this shift is occurring, but the elected Republicans have yet to really shift their politics to recognizing this new reality. They still think the policies that were appropriate for the 80s and 90s are appropriate for now.
Forget about cutting budget deficits. Forget about tax cuts for the wealthy. Forget about the now-woke military. We need a true populist, culturally conservative party that helps families put food on the table, stops the trans insanity, and ends mass immigration. That is what will win the day in the 2020s.
Everything the Democrats have accused the Republicans of since the sixties they have ebodied today They once accused Republicans of being antisemitic but today they side with radical Islam against Israel.
Where once they fought for racial integration and racial harmony they now advocate separatism and racial confict and they constantly accuse Republican of begin racists, it is they who are obsessed with race.
And wher once they were supposedly the party of the working class, they now hold the working class in the utmost contempt and are now the party of the elite.
Liberals, that is Classical liberals, were born out of the capitalism of the industrial revolution which freed the peasants from the yoke of the monarchy, but today as Comminists want to destroy capitalism and put the workers of the world back on the road to serfdom serving under a new form of the political monarchy of an all powerful ruling elite
so now we know where they’re from warm up a Spacex load them up and send them to pluto
The democratic party is truly the party of intolerance. They will not discuss and compare anything. Just total ignorance. Unbelievable!
Between Barry and oh no Joe the democrat party has and continues to bankrupt the American people. The only hope is to change out the dirty diapers once and for all.
This is the worst administration I have EVER seen and I’ve seen a LOT! They are downright dangerous to our country!!!