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Democrat Governors in Trouble

Posted on Tuesday, February 16, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

governorsHow the world turns! Four years of unjust accusations hurled at President Trump, who just survived a second impeachment, and now Democrat Governors are in unprecedented trouble.

New York’s Governor Cuomo may be impeached for lying about pushing 9,000 COVID patients into nursing homes – killing innumerable others.  California’s well-coifed Governor Newsom faces a likely recall.  Others reel from popular disgust over endless lockdowns, lost rights.

While talk of accountability is encouraging, bringing unruly leaders to heel is often complex, time consuming, and fraught with obstacles.  Still courageous Americans are motivated to recapturing their rights, lives, and livelihoods. They know who took them, and it was not Trump.

In New York, impeachment can only be achieved by arduous effort.  Still, it has been done – and the threat has produced a resignation.  To get there, articles must be voted from the Assembly (lower chamber), a trial in the Senate then produce a two-thirds vote for conviction.  State law mirrors federal, and the New York legislature is Democrat controlled.

That said, public anger is running high, nursing home deaths hit Democrats as hard as republicans, and Cuomo is dodging reporters and responsibility, which amplifies public disaffection.  See, e.g.,;

Moreover, what constitutes an “impeachable offense” is vague, and it has been done. In 1913, New York Governor William Sulzer was impeached.  Similarly, in 2008, Governor Elliot Spitzer resigned as impeachment articles were being drawn up.

In recent days, based on revelations about Cuomo’s decision to place thousands of COVID patients in (obviously) vulnerable nursing home populations, which triggered a cascade of foreseeable deaths – and then apparently covered up the fact – impeachment is being seriously discussed.

Could it happen?  With a year left in his term, maybe – but the bigger issue is growing public concern about this Democrat governor’s way of governing, which is reflective of how many other Democrat governors are governing.

The notion of elites stripping regular people of public health and safety rights, constitutional prerogatives, and their essential livelihoods, never mind public schools for their kids, protection from mobs, the right to worship, and basic respect – is getting to people.

The resentment of Democrat governors’ heavy-handedness – and elites in power generally – is not limited to New York.  Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich recently wrote on the topic, noting a Rasmussen poll found 72 percent of Americans say “”political elites believe they are superior to everyday Americans,” and only 11 percent disagreed.

Moreover, 78 percent of men and 68 percent of women believe elites hold themselves above the rest of us, including a surprising 77 percent of suburban voters.  Newt is right, Americans are sick of being dictated to by hypocrites. 

California’s Governor Newsom is feeling similar heat – maybe hotter.  In California, recalls are laborious, time consuming, and create a fight.  That said, momentum is building across party lines for Newsom’s ouster.  His arrogance is grating, the effort accelerating.

Historically, California is no stranger to recalls.  178 attempts have been made since 1913, 55 to unseat governors, and the last successful in 2003 – sending Gray Davis packing, bring aboard Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger.

To date, the petition – saying Newsom “continues to destroy the lives and businesses of hardworking Californians” and asks help “to stop this tyrant before it is too late” – is on a roll.  It has more than 1.4 million signatures, has built a pool of 80,000 volunteers, may well succeed.  Desperate to stop it, the Biden White House is now actively opposing the effort, putting them in the odd position of favoring clampdowns disdained by most Californians.  See, e.g.,;

These Democrat governors are not alone.  Across the country, Democrat governors face an upswell of discontent.  The discontent is manifesting itself in pressure for impeachments, recalls, and censure.  Kentucky’s Democrat Governor Beshear is now on the rails, among others. See, e.g.,  Democrat Chief Executives from Arizona, Michigan, Washington and elsewhere are getting enormous blowback. See, e.g.,

All this amounts to a major crosscurrent, a new development on the political scene – and perhaps a powerful roar-back against perpetual state economic lockdowns, infringement of fundamental rights, and even the hasty, untoward second impeachment of former President Trump.  How the world turns!  Even before 2022, Americans are flexing their political muscle.  Wait until 2022.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Recall ALL BlueState Governors . No excuses if abusing power
Then Go Red next election.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

If/when Newsom is removed, even if a Republican replaces him, the DIMMs in the state legislature will still push their godless socialist agenda. Maybe a better governor could veto some of the worst bills.

4 years ago

Gotta love Poetic Justice!

4 years ago

Good. It’s about time. These Democrat Dictators are most certainly not representing the people’s best interests. Plain and simple, we’re tired of this blatant abuse of their power.

4 years ago

The heck with Cuomo impeachment. He needs to go on trial for MURDER!!

4 years ago

Impeach? Recall?
Nothing will get done to either one. Dems are clever, have a strong base, have the media and Hollywood to write their scripts. Republicans drop everything, dont follow through and since being individual thinkers dont group together and push. Just look back, what has happened to any of them? But they hound and hound until conservatives cave. One reason Trump was popular, he didnt give up or play the game. …Just wish he did a few things differently.
The best gift to dems has been covid, it will continue to be a gift.

C Joseph
C Joseph
4 years ago

Democrats have so infested all levels of local, state & federal government, I have no illusions about any of these recalls being successful. I’ve been seeing that in New Mexico, which is totally infested by Democrats at all levels and whom retiring FBI Agent Thomas C. McClenaghan called “The Capital of Corruption of the United States” in a KRQE News 13 (CBS affiliate) interview. Nothing has changed since then. I don’t care whether your’re talking municipal, county, state or Democrat-infested federal governments.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

I LOVE THIS! Keep the heat on America! Let these liberal elites feel our anger!

4 years ago

Governor Wolf is just as bad as Cuomo.

Lea Ann Edelman
Lea Ann Edelman
4 years ago

I really pray people finally start opening their eyes.

4 years ago

If only justice would be served to demonrats and they heap on Republicans. It’s really time to clean house of these so called elites who think they are above all.

4 years ago

Don’t forget Ralph Northam, Gretchen Whitmer, and Kate Brown.

pete kennedy
pete kennedy
4 years ago

However, Democrats are immune from prosecution. Only conservatives face trial.

4 years ago

While impeachment of Governor Cuomo is technically possible, from a practical perspective based on the make-up of the New York State Legislature (clear Democrat majorities in both houses) and the overwhelming control the Democrat Party has on most of the State’s courts (overwhelmingly “progressive” to say the least), the odds are actually impeaching Cuomo prior to the expiration of his term is quite low. Maybe, just maybe, the State Legislature can gather enough intestinal fortitude to censure the Governor, but that would be about it.

In all likelihood, if Cuomo were to face an immediate threat of impeachment, I’m sure the Biden administration would throw him a lifeline in the form of a high level position in Washington, D.C.. After all, Cuomo keeping the New York State economy basically locked down for all of 2020 was one of the major reasons the Democrats could claim the economy needed rescuing from President Trump. The endless coverage of the empty streets of NYC on the nightly news were just what the Democrats wanted in terms of negative publicity to be fed to a uninformed public. Never let a good crisis go to waste as the Democrats like to say.

By the way, Governor Newsom’s similar actions on keeping California also effectively shutdown for 2020 was crucial to driving up the national unemployment rates and allowing the media to constantly push headlines of the economy in a tailspin. I would also expect Newsom would be offered some sort of golden parachute given the Democrat Party seems to view Newsom as some sort of “rising star” destined for higher office. That Newsom has survived and thrived this long in California is a testament to the power of one party rule in that state. One failure after another and he still sits in the Governor’s chair. Much like that of Governor Cuomo.

4 years ago

Democrat governors, AKA power hungry weasels with no morality or talent for governing.

Lorraine Perez
Lorraine Perez
4 years ago

As a native Californian and patriot, the lockdowns have been a scheme to convert us to communism. It’s very obvious. The virus was planted on us on purpose and manipulated for political purposes. No care for the elderly, children or vulnerable. No school. Job loss, and businesses annialiated. We’re onto their scheme. This is America and we stand for getting our country back. These schemers need to pay.

James Kelly
James Kelly
4 years ago

Make them an offer they can’t refuse.

4 years ago

The Leftist governors are a mirror image of what our current Administration wants to do. The most draconian measures, over the past year, have come from those states controlled by the Left. It’s just a preview of what is coming. ‘Control’ and power, but mostly ‘control’.

4 years ago

This sums up the crooked democrats! Do as I say, not as I do! All the problems stem from
Democratic States with Democratic Governors, Mayors, etc. They ought to be run out of town
on a rail.

4 years ago

Kentucky Governor Beshear needs to go, along with the other blue Governors. He was the lone democRAT in a Republican landslide and has proven himself to be as worthless as his father was as Governor. He was elected through the intense efforts of the Kentucky Educational Association (the Teachers’ Union) because they didn’t like Governor Matt Bevin’s attempts to make Kentucky’s pension systems fiscally sound. Thanks, KEA!

4 years ago

Arizona’s governor is a Republican.

4 years ago

Well, the tide is turning. Citizens are waking up to the moral ineptitude of their democratic “Leaders.” May the light show their stupidity of underestimating their brethren. Glad to see the blinders come off!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

SOCIALIST/DEM governors rule with arrogence because they know they will get re-elected, no matter what voters say, they have been using voter fraud for decades, the demonrat run major cities in these states control the outcome, especially when they flip votes from thier opponents, something they only recently took to the next level, FEDERAL ELECTIONS, the machines RULE,

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
4 years ago

Add Virginia to that list and let’s get rid of all the democratic governors. They have only done harm to their states. Bring in the conservatives and Republicans.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Why can’t politicians be held responsible for their actions just like the rest of us?!! If it were me, I would be in jail. Double standard. So tired of this.

4 years ago

“bringing unruly leaders to heel is often complex, time consuming, and fraught with obstacles”. The Democrats do it all the time. They’re not that smart, so it can’t be all that hard.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
4 years ago

If these leftist governors took an oath of office (similar to the POTUS), they are collectively lying through their teeth. Public service, in case they have forgotten, is just that. Serving the public. Period!! From what I read here (I’m very selective in what I read/listen to), these leftist governors are trying to control us – the American people. This is not what I call public service.

Collette Tutty
Collette Tutty
4 years ago

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we don’t even have a 2022 election. There will be another manufactured crises and Congress will cancel elections just like they did for Roosevelt. OR ARE ALREADY PLANNING HOW TO STEAL THAT ELECTION TOO!

the rebel
the rebel
4 years ago

Socialist control and stupidity are a prime example of the failure of American education. Put union-controlled robots in public schools, especially colleges and universities, and you produce brain-washed idiots.
“ye shall reap what ye sow”!

Cyndi C.
Cyndi C.
4 years ago

If the “powers that be” in Washington don’t impeach Cuomo for this horrible cover up, they are all guilty of the same crime. Cuomo was given PLENTY , and I mean PLENTY of space to move those Covid patients to either the Comfort Ship that Trump worked miracles to re-outfit for that purpose. He had the Javitz Center, as well as the Westchester County Center and other locations too. Yet, he deliberately sent those poor sick people back into the nursing homes basically because he wasn’t going to accept any nicety that President Trump offered. He then had the absolute nerve to go on tv and say that President Trump murdered those people. LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR MR CUOMO – YOU, SIR, ARE THE MURDERER. You alone have the blood of 13,000+ dead people on your hands. You are an evil and deceitful man who does not deserve to be in the position that you are in. I vote you CANCELLED!!!! ????

4 years ago

New Jersey Governor Murphy should be looked at as well. He’s running for re election.The state run nursing homes are a mess.

4 years ago


Barbara Martin
Barbara Martin
4 years ago

Both governors should be impeached and Coumo tried for murder. He deliberately sent sick virus patients to nursing homes to free beds in the hospital for insurance paying patients and as a result many nursing home patients got the virus and died. HE IS GUILTY OF MURDER FOR THESE POOR FOLKS WHO LOST THEIR LIVES BECAUSE OF HIM!!!!!

4 years ago

What would make all Americans realize that democrat governors and other public officials are not interested in them is if the economy tanks–either on a local or state level or through wide-ranging federal taxes and regulations. That’s a scenario that I both dread and welcome. Any thinking person should be able to compare what President Trump did to MAGA, and what Biden will do to bring it all down.

But we’re already seeing the blowback from Biden’s win, with his bringing back the players in the Obama administration, raising taxes, etc. I don’t doubt that he will reinstate the individual mandate tax in the ACA. New green deal garbage, union support…sure it’s coming.

Republicans better get their act together and start writing the narrative that will gain support for the party’s 2022 and 2024 candidates. We need that “Conservative Manifesto”! If social media aren’t going to accept conservative posts, then drop fliers from hot air balloons–or drones!

4 years ago


Douglas Ryland
Douglas Ryland
4 years ago

Just a minor correction regarding my states chief executive (Airizona’s Doug Duce) is a Republican, but has had a hard time standing up to the press and acts like a Democrat all to often. He has received more than a little blow back from Republican voters and I think if a strong opponent come forward his chances for re-election are slim.

J. Farley
J. Farley
4 years ago

Just look at the failings of the Democrat Governors, in Washington state, Oregon, Michigan, and Colorado, and people keep voting them in for free stuff and in the end have an empty sack !!!!

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
4 years ago

IHO we are too late, and I’m as much to blame! I served 20 years (Marine), then worked another 32 years. Did not take time to do anything but vote (always Republican), could have done more. I’m not quitting, but fell like I’m up a creek with out a paddle, too many rinos, and dems, in power not to mention the news media, and beg tech. People two years is a long time when it took less than 5 hrs. for the person that is in office now to gut all President Trump had done, (which is what that person said he would if anyone had listened). Our election system will be rigged (as Calif. is if not worse), they will finish gutting the bill of rights, this will all be accomplished in less than two years. I pray each day and some time by the min. for out Nation and as much as it leaves a bad taste in my spirit for our Nations Leaders. Hear lot of big talk, but Senator Hawley, and a few others are the only one trying, and the deck is stacked again them. I will still write letters, make phone calls and work here in my city, county and state.

Patty Ann
Patty Ann
4 years ago

Keep exposing the facts of our corrupt government in whatever ways possible and by the grace of God maybe the lazy American people will wake up. Where else can you “serve” the people yet become millionaires off the hard laboring work of the people!

Karen Klatte
Karen Klatte
4 years ago

Our Secretary of Health, Richard/Rachael Levine also sent Covid patients to nursing homes in Pennsylvania. But only after she had her mother removed from a home to a hotel. Why was she promoted to her current position?

4 years ago

Don’t forget Republican governors that are acting more like Democrats. DeWine in Ohio for example.

4 years ago

These democrat governors who installed sick people in nursing homes must be tried for MURDER in the 1st degree. They are the same people who claimed this was FATAL FATAL FATAL!!! and yet they put them with vulnerable people.
It’s murder.
When will this be done?

Barbara Williamson
Barbara Williamson
4 years ago

What are you New Yorkers waiting for??? IMPEACH CUOMO!!!! And any other Democrat Governors taking your rights and livelihoods away while they still get their paychecks and send their kids to private schools, leaving your kids dangling in the wind, missing an entire school year!!! We need to get socialist-leaning propagandist teachers OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS and universities and once again teach American history and pride in our nation and heritage. Too many kids don’t even know where Washington DC is located in this country!! And get a grip on the hoodlums and vandals burning our cities and taking over buildings! These home-grown terrorists DO NOT run our country and hurt our citizens. They should all be in prison for trying to overthrow the government! Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris and others are to blame for them being on the street and encouraging them to wreak havoc in our cities!! They bail them out of jail when they get arrested so they can continue to terrorize our citizens. They should join the hoodlums in jail.

Wayne Sluiter
Wayne Sluiter
4 years ago

Impeaching for lying??? Prosacute for manslaughter!

Nina Rae
Nina Rae
4 years ago

Nevadans are into their second attempt to remove Democratic Governor Sisolak, a follower of CA Gov. Newsome. The first attempt failed when a multitude of names were ‘disallowed’ for various petty reasons. From what I heard, The instructions on what was ‘allowed’ changed from day to day. The second attempt is being very careful to follow all guidelines. For example, when you sign the petition you are warned not to allow your signature to TOUCH any of the lines in the signature box. If it does touch, your signature is void. This is one of many ‘rules’ they used to disallow signatures previously.
Recently I read an article that said the Governor is considering something called ‘Corporate Towns’. A major Corporation would be allowed to establish itself as a township with all of the benefits. They could levy taxes, establish a school system, create their own laws within their corporate area, etc. It was rather vague as to HOW this could be accomplished as far as the will of the people, but it does not sound good.
Some Democratic Governors think they are little Kings and have ultimate power with no responsibility to the people they supposedly represent. With the current upheaval in our voting system it may be very difficult to replace them, but they do need to be replaced. The recent unrestrained riots (Peaceful Protests?) in Democratic controlled states is a strong indication!

john Mark
john Mark
4 years ago

We must recall everyone leftist, anti-America democratic governor and any democratic politician who are working against the middle class , poor and economic recovery. Vote in patriotic leadership who want America to succeed and its citizens to prosper. Stop the total destruction of freedom by those who use the virus to control and destroy our nation. It is easy to use fear to control a brainwashed populace. Fear is the weapon all socialist use to takeover a free nation. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Chi, and all other dictators start with mind control by the central government and once the process as started only freedom loving people will survive.

Wayne Sluiter
Wayne Sluiter
4 years ago

The republican party is almost as bad as the democratic communist party!

4 years ago

Have we already forgotten about the fraudulent 2020 election results? What makes us think the 2022 elections if conducted in similar 2020 fashion with mail in ballots and fraudulent electronic voting systems that the results are going to change? At some point we the people have to stop and hold our elected officials accountable… wait our country doesn’t believe in accountability – sorry I had a cognitive thought. My apologies won’t happen again…

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

Even setting aside the deliberated deniers, there are not enough people yet sick of all of the hypocrisy. The Democrats are so arrogant that it will not be long before they show their hand to everyone including those clinging to hope.

4 years ago

Rino governors will and are facing a similar fate. We see how worthless rinos and rats are as well and realize they are worthless eunuchs.
RINO—-republican in name only.
RATS—-republican against trump.
All weak,spineless and useless. (unless you need a useful idiot.

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