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Condemner-in-Chief – Disgraceful

Posted on Monday, September 5, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

In what world does a President get up and condemn those who love America – who have fought and died for this Nation, believe earnestly that the Bill of Rights is real, who want only to work, raise their kids, respect police, end homicides, political violence, drug trafficking, inflation, and illegal immigration? Only in a world wildly out of touch with America, Biden’s world. His Philadelphia speech was a disgrace.

In what world do those who advocate for honor, honestly, government accountability, lower taxes, free speech, freedom to think, write, pray as they wish, to defend their homes, lives, and families, to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures – get twisted into a “threat to democracy?” Only in a world where words have no meaning, Biden’s world.

Put differently, how can a President– struggling to stay coherent, unable even to remember what he said – go before the Nation and demonize those who oppose his objectively anti-American ideas, like rewriting and erasing history, desecrating monuments, allowing political violence, and tearing down statues (what Bolsheviks in Soviet Russia and fascists in 1930s Italy and Germany both did)?

How can he describe as “extremists,” “semi-fascists” (whatever that means), and “a threat to democracy” those who peacefully resist federal take-over of local economies, property rights, school boards, their children’s education, America’s culture, hard work, individual responsibility, safe streets, protected borders, symbols like our flag and anthem, and redefining words in biology, history, and law?

Who in their right mind – let alone a president – would give a speech that flies in the face of more than half the nation’s sincerely held beliefs, uncontested history, case law around free speech, free exercise of religion, peaceful opposition to government, gun rights, civil rights, and idealistic heights?

Who would condemn those who just want federal laws fairly and consistently enforced, laws that protect Supreme Court Justices, protect citizenship and the border, protect against violent political riots, protect citizens against homicides, car jackings, drug trafficking, intimidation, and public corruption?

The world could not be more backward – another word twisted by Biden in a stunningly hate-filled speech. “Backward” is when a republic’s leaders forget the Founder’s views on freedom (and fears of government), views shared by Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and George HW Bush, most who have ever led this nation.

“Backward” is where you slide – and fast – when a republic’s leaders pretend individual liberties do not matter, people’s will does not matter, words do not matter, truth does not matter, accountability in government and public corruption do not matter – or when a former president of the opposing party is targeted while crimes by former presidential candidates of the ruling party go unanswered, and the president’s family escapes fair administration of justice, lining their pockets with money from China.

Does that not sound more like Public Corruption 101, places like Marcos’ Philippines, Samper’s Colombia, Fujimori’s Peru, Castro’s Cuba, Maduro’s Venezuela, Putin’s Russia, Xi’s China – than this “land of the free and home of the brave,” this precious, once-in-all-humanity nation, America?

To be clear: Mr. Biden is as far off as “off” gets. “We the People,” are not words, we are the Nation. To borrow from Jimmy Stewart, in the epic It’s a Wonderful Life, Mr. Biden needs to remember, like the oppressive Mr. Potter, “this rabble you’re talking about… they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community” – and in this gloriously free and proud nation.

They pay for your fancy planes and homes, paid your salary all your life, pay for your mic, and pay for your mistakes, Mr. President. They pay with their calloused hands, weary minds, troubled kids, endless work, with their families, and with their lives.

These people you condemn are the ones who defend this nation with their hearts, muscles, minds, and lives, defend our borders and streets. They are the ones whose money you are spending, freedoms you are offending, lives and rights you blithely undervalue.

They are the ones you left in Afghanistan, abandoned, and lied about, who must pay for your follies, things like vote-pandering loan forgiveness and other giveaways, inflation, high interest rates, unending overreach. They pay at the pump, pay with incalculable stress.

Bluntly, having worked in the Reagan and Bush 41 White Houses, you dishonored the People’s House, made puppets of US Marines, put on a scare show worthy of no one. That Philadelphia speech was an unmitigated disaster, a presidential blunder, a full-throated condemnation – inspired by some twisted idea that attacking patriotic, liberty-loving Americans would help you.

Wrong. Most Americans are more than disappointed. They are disgusted with the behavior of this White House, Justice Department, and Congressional leadership – dismayed, betrayed, upset, and now finding themselves condemned by a doddering demagogue. They DO want to “Make America Great Again” – as well they should. That was not the speech of a Commander-in-Chief, more like a Condemner-in-Chief. Historically, morally, and politically, that speech was disgrace.

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Dale M
Dale M
2 years ago


Janice Kesner
Janice Kesner
2 years ago

You nailed it on the head!!!!

2 years ago


Denise Robbins
Denise Robbins
2 years ago

Agree completely!

2 years ago

Very well written piece! Biden and his “handlers’ are described with a high level of accuracy!!

Ann G.
Ann G.
2 years ago

Hitler condemned the Jewish people in speeches he gave in Germany. He passed on his hate for them to the German people through his speeches. Biden is doing the same condemnation speeches about Republicans in America.

2 years ago

When TYRANNY becomes LAWREBELLION becomes DUTYThomas Jefferson

Sgt Pops
Sgt Pops
2 years ago

Thanks for this article AMAC. That thanks is coming from a 78 year old former US Army Sergeant who served in Vietnam. It also comes from one very hard headed Republican and Trump supporter. I have no love for Joe BiteMe, especially after the botched Afghanistan withdrawal and it’s aftermath. That goes double for each of the times he checked his watch while 13 Flag Draped Coffins were marched past his sorry xxx.

2 years ago

I never thought I would see a worse President than Carter. Carter was in over his head, but he was smart enough not to tar and feather half the country. Biden is far worse. He seems to do something disgraceful every week. Nothing he does surprises me anymore. I can’t wait to vote in 2024.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Biden’s latest speech was so horribly full of lies and deceit that he is both extremely hateful and treasonous. Biden slandered tens of millions of good, patriotic Americans who value a secure country and a strong military. Biden made horrible accusations that are totally unfounded, because he can’t objectively criticize all of his weaknesses without making himself look like a total failure, which he is. Joe Biden is creating a vicious world of false blame to help protect himself from rational scrutiny. However, his efforts to bully and emotionally whip those Americans who have the common sense to support a “Make America Great Again” will only make it even more obvious to more Americans that Biden and his supporters have totally failed the USA and its people.

Jacqueline McNutt
Jacqueline McNutt
2 years ago

Amen and Amen!!

D. B.
D. B.
2 years ago

This article describes perfectly the depths of of disgust our own government holds for “We the people”.Sadly, even those citizens that see constitutionalists in the same light as Biden does, do not realize he and his government holds them with the same contempt. Liberals will not see it until it’s too late.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
2 years ago

One million bravos!

2 years ago

Doesn’t anyone in Washington DC (or in the USA for that matter), think that it’s time to IMPEACH this illegitimate president other than me?

2 years ago

Great story. We all know it’s all Biden can do to read his speeches from the teleprompter! Just read at another source that “historian” Jon Meachem either writes, edits or reviews all of Bidens speeches. Thus, we get a speech on Thursday which Biden refutes on Friday. However, all his staff says “oh yes, he really means it”! So who is running this country anyway?

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Words do not exist in any in any language to describe the creature and those who manipulate him

2 years ago

Nevermind Impeachment, The Jacka**-in-Chief ONLY DESERVES to be brought up on charges of TREASON, FOUND GUILTY and appropriately PUNISHED!

2 years ago

Trump did not help matters any this week when he stated: If I run & am elected in 2024 , I might pardon all of the Jan 6th rioters that are treated so unfairly. He should not condone the thugs that attacked the Capitol police . Also, Republicans are getting way too radical in attacks on their own party members if they do not vote 100% partisan with them. Thank heaven for RINO people who stand up for what is best for America.

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

He didn’t say that! It’s the Republicans fault! Well the prior Administration…….
BWHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!! What a idiot!

Paul Revere
Paul Revere
2 years ago

Can’t wait to see what the dumbest electorate in the history of the free world will do in November. Frankly, I’m not as optimistic as most Republican pundits. Half the voters, in addition to being dumb, are also selfish & brainwashed. How many will see the light & depart from the flock, while the rest of the dutiful & dependant sheep follow their manipulative Demoncrat ???? masters into the abyss? God Bless America! ????????

2 years ago

1) Biden simply reads whatever is put up on the teleprompter. Everyone writing about Biden wants to ignore the fact that the man has early to mid-stage dementia. I’ve seen lots of people exactly like Biden with the disease. They are like little children obeying what their wives or husbands telll them to do, without understanding much or any of what they are doing. That is why the day after his speech, he turned around and claimed he didn’t call all MAGA Republicans and half the country a threat to the country the night before. Time to drop the political correctness of dancing around the fact our POTUS is mentally unfit to hold office and start writing the plain truth in articles. It doesn no one any favors to ignore the obvious situation we are faced with.

2) Watch the movie “V for Vendetta” for the scene of the old man lit in the same red light as Biden was using. Whoever was hired by the White House to choreograph the staging for Biden’s speech lifted both the look and tone directly from that movie.

3) The more the American people continue to make excuses for all the damage Biden and the Democrats are doing to this country instead of demanding real change now, the more Biden and the Democrats will push their advantage towards completely wiping the republic from existence and replacing it with a socialist democracy. We’re barely 20 months into Biden’s term and look at the long list of terrible policy decisions that have been made. Does anyone seriosly think there will be much to save of this country by the time the 2024 elections roll around? I certainly don’t based on what I’ve seen in other countries that have adopted the same disastrous policies as being implementede here.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
2 years ago

biden walks like a robot

2 years ago

Joe Biden is just disgusting because he has a child like mind reading whatever his party tells him to say. Our adversaries know Biden is a push over and a extremely weak President.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Condemner in Chief is right, and he is a disgrace we as Americans deserve better, he is what you get as a result of NO voter I.D. The sad thing is it will continue and only get worse if we don’t have control of our Elections that as conducted are open to fraud and abuse. But the Democrats have half the country believeing that voter I.D. is racist, that in itself is a racist thought, because that’s the same as saying Minorities and poor people aren’t smart enough to get a Driver’s License, Fly on Airplanes, Buy Alcohol.
Joe Biden is a disgrace, and it will only get worse with over 2 years left and the accelerated rate of decline, he says one thing one day and the next day says he never said it. When is he going to give an order to one of the Childern (Cabinet) in his administation that causes a War, Economic Total Collapse, or National Disaster. He says that Republicans are a threat to Democracy, we are not a Democracy we are a Republic, Joe Biden is a Threat to our very existence.
The Republicans are not a threat to this country, we are a threat to the Democrats total and unfettered control of our Nation, Under Republican control I never lost one Constitutional Right or Civil Liberty.
God Save America!

2 years ago

If you watched the History channel’s ”Coliseum” our government right now is parallel with what went on between Caesar and the Senate. Caesar(Biden) ignores his Senate and the rule of law and is probably INSANE.

2 years ago

In what world? The one where the election was compromised(STOLEN) and the POS thinks they got away with it.

Ken Westenkirchner
Ken Westenkirchner
2 years ago

This is very well written..let’s make sure the fidiot Biden, and his corrupt

2 years ago

Absolutely brilliant & right to the point! Mr. Charles always writes well, with common sense & easy to understand. This piece deserves an award for honest journalism!

2 years ago

I reserve my anger for the robots who continue to support this shell and dont kid yourself, there are probably the same number who voted him in because their feelings were hurt by trump. They’re the comfortable dem robots with fat teacher pensions and other govt largesse who still watch cnn and listen to npr in the car. Hey zombies! There wont be cars if your party doesnt have its wings trimmed, pronto.

2 years ago

He was merely interested in himself and ingratiating himself to those he had on stage and in the audience. Nothing he said was substantive or of any value to what is REALLY going on in our country. He and his cronies are delusional. I wanted to ask, “who are you trying to convince, me or yourself?” Sheesh!

2 years ago

As far as I am concerned, Joe Biden is the worst person ever elected into the office of the President of the United States of America, and the only president who actually hates Americans, all Americans!If you have followed his, and his parties activites, you’ve seen him turn on any democrate who wants to represent, fairness, truth, compassion, and common sence. Biden is all about hate and driving fear to further separate nearly 150 million Americans, who are made up of all faiths, ethnicities and color, with open slander!I can only do a couple of things to return his slander. One, is to vote; and to vote out every represenative, regardless of party, who has supported Biden or any of his parties haters, presently in office or running for office. Two, identify every donner and their affiliates who funded Biden and any of his parties haters and then stop doing any business with them. Alone, my effort would make little difference, but he slandered 150 million Americans. Whether you use standard math, or new math, if 150 million people stop buying your products or services, that represents business growth or failure. I have a few friends who are democrate supporters; however, after Biden’s hate speech they told me they will be voting as well, however; not for any of the democrate represenative who supported Biden. No More Hate and No More Biden. “Let’s Go Branden”!

2 years ago

Spend all the money until the dollar is just unwanted trash. Hate the rich. If yes, give everyone 10 billion dollars. That will immediately make multimillionaire impoverished. C’mon you stingy turd. Okay, it will kill the dollar menu but then who cares? Grandparents on S.S.? F em they had chance and accepted years of political corruption.

2 years ago

Demand the government give everyone 10 billion dollars. That will tickle your fancy knowing that such an action will impoverish multi-millionaires. Sure it will hurt the elderly but you haven’t cared before so why start now?

James J
James J
2 years ago

chilly jilly you pathetic disgusting low life. you parade this cognitive stupid sick lying old, wasted wax dummy around like a pet. you have no shame.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

We are supposed to pray for our leaders and the Bible says vengeance is the Gods. So here is my prayer: Oh lord please take your vengeance on the corrupt, power mad and demented leadership in Washington DC?
Can I have an Amen?

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Thank you so much RBC… A 100% truthful condemnation from the other night’s ” Presidential Nightmare Speech “… Myself along with the 75 million plus of American citizens, all of whom voted for Donald J. Trump the 2nd time for his overwhelming win as a direct result of the very people this installed in-cognitive little old man whom calls ALL of us MAGA patriots ” Domestic Terrorists ” for voting for Trump, BOTH times…
Mt favorite paragraph you left here & it does indeed serve as an excellent reminder for everyone to think back on as it is nicely interwoven into this well crafted story… ” Does that not sound more like Public Corruption 101, places like Marcos’ Philippines, Samper’s Colombia, Fujimori’s Peru, Castro’s Cuba, Maduro’s Venezuela, Putin’s Russia, Xi’s China – than this “land of the free and home of the brave,” this precious, once-in-all-humanity nation, America? ”
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

I couldn’t have said it better myself Mr. Charles . This is why “ WE THE PEOPLE “ are going to take back the majority in the house, and senate come November . This is a nightmare come true for this country . All you mentioned above is unbelievable, but has happened. This has to be the wake up call for all Americans. Democrats, and Republicans. Conservatives, and Liberals, and Independents. How can we let this disaster continue? YOU MUST VOTE THIS NOVEMBER !!!

2 years ago

Great article!!! No more need be said!!!

Kim L.
Kim L.
2 years ago

Thank you, Mr. Charles.

Kathleen S
Kathleen S
2 years ago

I wish the GOP had a stronger leader than Sen. McConnell who should have been in front of cameras decrying this feeble attempt to galvanize anyone in either party! McConnell seems disinterested at best in trying to better position the GOP for winning elected offices across the country this November! He should be leading the Party via press conferences, extolling the platform and how it’s best for America as whole, appearing on news broadcasts and/or any other way he can keep GOP highlights in the forefront! Biden is simply doddering and ripe for chastisement and criticism. Our press is obviously biased in Dem favor but there are still plenty of opportunities for the GOP to do better messaging before it’s too late!

John Samples
John Samples
2 years ago

I can proudly say that I did not vote for Biden. I knew better. Those of you who did should be ashamed of yourselves.

2 years ago

Mr Charles, I believe that you just reminded joe biden and his anti American, anti God fearing comrades what America and it’s citizens stand for and it has nothing to do with the tyranny that they are trying to push on us. Thank you and I don’t believe anyone could make it any clearer than what you just stated

2 years ago

Mr Charles…your statements are so true. I never would have thought that a sitting president would stoop so low as old Joe has. He keeps forgetting too that we are a Republic. He has done just about everything to set up our beloved Republic for failure…sold us out by allowing the Chinese Government to purchase land…taken away good jobs from our citizens beginning with the pipeline fiasco and letting iron fencing rust at the border. He may not always know what he is preaching but that’s only part of his daily hours. He is still the nasty JB who has tried in the past to end Social Security. I’m 85 and my mind is active enough to remember. He is trying to divide the citizens even more than any politicians of the past. His whole administration is made up of opportunists…greedy…and stupid individuals. I’m truly fed up!

2 years ago

A hateful speech from a hateful man……

2 years ago


2 years ago

Joe Biden is nothing but a mindless puppet. I always thought that capitalism was the best for our country to grow and prosper, but it also needs morality, concern for our fellow citizens and honesty. To many of our leaders have turned this into a game of monopoly for their benefit, not the country’s. It starts with the loss of religion that inspires morality, kindness towards our fellow citizens and decency and direction in our lives.

2 years ago

It was probably a good time for Joe to come out of the closet and show his real colors. Most of us don’t care for either party. But I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to Make American Great Again. This is a personal dislike between Biden and Trump, that Biden just labeled everyone not on his side as 100% anti-American, a fascist, a racist, a white supremist – so now you know….

2 years ago

And we’re sending this oaf to the Queen’s funeral!! He’s supposed to represent us…. Disgusting. Think of the $$$ he’s spending on the trip. OUR $$! Thank heavens the Queen won’t be able to see him……

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