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Can President Trump Win?

Posted on Wednesday, January 3, 2024
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

AMAC Exclusive – By Dr. Sebastian Gorka

President of the United States Donald Trump

I’m not really a social animal. 

I love being with my family, our three dogs, and staying home. Whilst I’m not quite at the level of Jean-Paul Sartre’s “Hell is other people,” I am very satisfied not to “be seen” with the “beautiful people,” or otherwise hobnobbing. But sometimes my wife will challenge my hermitic tendencies and drag me out to see people. 

And so it was that we spent a surprisingly delightful several hours at my former publisher’s Christmas party. Why “delightful” given my misanthropy? Because there was no small talk involved. I can’t abide small talk. In fact, I only spoke to three people the whole night. 

I spent at least the first 40 minutes speaking to my host about the trials and travails of being a Conservative book publisher. At one point I felt a tad awkward, seeing he was the host and it was a big party with other people for him to talk to, but I didn’t let my monopolizing the host get to me because the conversation was so delightful as it was with a great Christian man who loves our country and who has raised an amazing family. 

Then my second interlocutor was a German novelist who knew of my Hungarian background and therefore regaled me with his experience recently of traveling in the nation of my forefathers. 

He gushed over Viktor Orban and his defense of classic Conservative values. I felt it my duty – having worked for Orban in the 1990s as one of his National Security Advisers when ran a small opposition party – to disabuse my fellow party-goer of his unfettered belief in the Prime Minister of Hungary. 

For whilst he originally stood up to the Soviet occupational forces in 1989 and today resists the Socialism of the European Union, Orban has allowed power to corrupt him and is geopolitically in bed with the world’s largest Communist dictatorship today. I know it was a Christmas party, held at a time of joy and peace to all, but I cannot stand Conservatives in America praising a regime they know so little about so I did my duty to tell the Truth about a man who should not be held up as a role model for our movement. Then came my last conversation of the night. 

It was with a gentleman I have seen at mass ever since we moved to America 15 years ago but never had the opportunity to really talk to. He knew I had worked in the White House for President Trump but didn’t know what I do today, so I told him about my daily radio show, America First, and my weekly TV show The Gorka Reality-Check on Newsmax. Then we talked about my former boss, the President, and my fellow parishioners only had 2 questions for me. 

The man I was talking to is a great pro-life proponent, and he wanted me to tell him whether or not President Trump is actually on the side of the unborn. 

Honestly, I find Conservatives asking me this question rather strange. I was born a cradle-Catholic 53 years ago and I believed I would go to my grave with Roe v. Wade on the books. It is now dead and more than 30,000 babies have already been saved. How did that happen? Because a man called Donald John Trump nominated three Associate Justices to the highest court in the land, stood by them as the Left attempted to destroy them, and after they were confirmed, they struck down a law that has facilitated mass murder for half a century. Oh, and that man is also the only President in history to address the March for Life in person. So, yes, he believes and is more pro-life than any political leader based solely on his actual achievements. His second question? Can President Trump win? 

Well, he did win already. And in quite a remarkable way. Without ever having run for President before, in fact, without ever having run for any public office, Donald Trump ran against a member of a political dynasty and defeated Hilary Clinton. Then, shockingly, despite being smeared for 4 years incessantly, as a a bigot, “Russian colluder,” a white supremacist, and an antisemite, the President garnered 10 million more votes the second time around, increasing significantly his share of the black and Hispanic vote, and only lost in an election where tens of millions of ballots were mailed out under the cover a Chinese virus and less than legal means were used to subvert the probity of the ballot, and the Democrats admitted it

So the answer should be rather, can Biden stay in office? 

With the war in Europe, War in the Middle East, rising inflation, 7% mortgage rates, expensive gasoline, 8 million illegals that we know of, and rampant crime in Democrat cities, surely we simply have to raise the question Ronald Reagan asked Americans in 1980 “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?” 

If only it were so simple. 

If the election were today, Biden would lose. The Left knows that. And that is why they are trying to remove him illegally from primary ballots and why he is facing hundreds of years in prison on false charges from New York to Atlanta and DC. 

Of course, President Trump can win. Will they let him is the real question.  

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.

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1 year ago

I guess we’re assuming the elections will somehow be fair…

1 year ago

Anybody who would vote for a 2nd term of Jackass Joe is certifiably NUTZ !!!
Yesterday, I paid $2.99 for a 89 cent cup of coffee. A 39 cent bagel now costs $1.

FaNae O
FaNae O
1 year ago

Well said! Thank you. I hope he can but with so much corruption, the chances are slim. I love America and hate to see so many people trying to destroy it.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

I hope President Trump can win because this country can’t afford another four years of President Joe Biden. Biden is an even worse president than Jimmy Carter and i didn’t think that was possible. As for the question whether they will let him win, the answer to that is no because they’re doing whatever they can to remove him from the ballot by any means necessary.

1 year ago

I put it this way: TRUMP CAN’T LOSE! I shouldn’t yell, because I don’t have a lot of money to donate, but that’s another point. All of this money being spent on campaigns when people can’t pay their rent, and Biden is giving millions to Ukraine, and in paying out over the top for ILLEGAL immigrants. They are not “migrants”, but ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. That is the reason, among others, that Trump can’t lose.

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

It will depend on the turnout in North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. If we can win five of these states, we will win the election.
(We might even sneak in by winning four of them.)

1 year ago

I am not a pessimistic person, but I knew something was up when Schumer said on about the 2020 election. On election night it will seem like president Trump would win by a landslide, but by morning Biden would win by a landslide. Well the time magazine article about how they saved their democracy. The really big lie about it being the most honest election ever. They call it the election deniers that are the enemies of this country.. we are a republic not a democracy. Not to leave out the icing on the cake, 2000 mules. They even had them locked up for a while. So the question. Will he win????? They will pull out all the stops, because they fear him. Why else would they pull all the stops to impeach, try to convict him on fraudulent charges, try to stop him from being on the ballot because of the insurrection charges, ( when they even destroyed evidence that proved he was anything but a resurrectionist). They will pull out all stops again because they can’t afford to loose their democracy. I will vote because I only have one some states all the millions of illegals can vote and will vote who do you think they will vote for. So it’s a toss up about who will win. I’m not so sure he can win. Even if he was running against Hitler and he had a d behind his name he would be hard to beat. Probably the one flat holds epsteins list has all the judges and money people in their arsenal because they own them. I think it’s time we started to pray hard!!!! Because they are preying hard. And because of that we could win. United we stand, divided we fall. God help us.

1 year ago

Can Trump win the Presidency? The establishment Democrats and Deep State believe so. Otherwise why would they demonize him and his family? Why are they doing everything they can to try to keep him off the ballot in certain states? They truly fear Donald Trump and how he dismantle everything they have on their radical, anti-American agenda.

S Richardson
S Richardson
1 year ago

I don’t think he would have a year ago mainly, due to age. He has some die-hard fans, me included due to his accomplishments, not his personality. Now, however, he could win all out because of the current Gov’t going after him, both Republican and Democrats, just so we can’t reelect him. They are so afraid that he will be reelected and the media and the ones who have their hands in foreign pockets cant control him like they do Biden or Obama or Clinton and they will be outted. He has garnered alot of people behind him due to the way he is being bullied. Most don’t like him personally, but they will be hanged if they let the Govt or media control what they think or how they act. I say keep it up guys. You’re getting him reelected by your mouth and actions. People who never would have voted for him before and never did. It is finally coming out how well the Country did under his administration, even with the butt brains he put in some offices. Make no mistake , he was in control and other Countries knew he was a man of his word so they backed off. He did put America first and people had money in their pockets and were not afraid to walk down the street because bad guys weren’t given carte blanch.

1 year ago

He will win.

1 year ago

Not only can President Trump win , he MUST Win.
Without President Trump,America ,Faith,Family and Freedom ALL fail!
Anyone with eyes,a God given brain and an ounce of common sense can recognize the immorality, corruption, unconstitutional, hateful destruction of OUR COUNTRY by the marxist democrat party, rinos and so far ,unaccountable Washington bureaucrats!
Elect a LEADER – President Trump!

1 year ago

One thing we all have to remember. Anything and everything that’s been against Trump, has either been invented by or put in place by the crats. This is the party that hasn’t said one word against Biden and his disaster open border. Will there be another $400 million given to certain states to help sway or out right buy the outcome?? The crats will stop at nothing.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Clean election is the answer

1 year ago

Please Democrat voters. I was one of you as well. I seen what has been going on with my own 2 Eyes and NEED you to realize that our party is not the same AT ALL!!! There is only Good

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Good article, in thinking about candidates for President of the United States of America I do believe it makes sense to consider the good qualities that some people have – even if they are not running for President. It makes sense to do that because it enables more room for ideas to expand – ideas of a political nature should be able to expand rather than be limited to a small range of thought on the matter of who is going to be managing the Country while living in that large White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington , District of Columbia. Two people who have the qualities needed to be President are Senator Rand Paul and Kari Lake. Those qualities include a high level of intelligence, good character , a genuine sense of patriotism , and the same kind of way of communicating that Ronald Reagan had. Truth was at the root of what President Reagan was all about, and it always was apparent in his way of speaking and in the way he presented himself in office as well as in personal , or private life, family life . I have been a Reagan Conservative since 1980, Kari Lake and Rand Paul would be great in the President ,Vice President positions – either Paul for President with Lake as Vice President or Lake for President with Paul as Vice President . Something to think about, it adds some good thought to the topic to think about possibilities like that.

David Shores
David Shores
1 year ago

Keep your eyes on Nikki Haley as the elite love the rino and shes basically biden in heels. She will be the one they push for president!

1 year ago

If not by cheating, the Democrat Communist will use some other way to stop Trump. If they do, it’s over , expect .

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

The Real question is WHY won’t Republicans, conservatives, and freedom-loving patriots fight back? Why are we “milk-toast” when it comes to standing for what’s right instead of allowing loud-mouthed leftists to shout us down like wimps? IF we don’t stand up to them and fight for above-board elections with NO mail-in ballots except for overseas military or verified health issues, and requiring photo ID to vote In Person, we will be in a complete gov’t autocracy by 2030.

1 year ago

Now the MSM is reporting that DJT received 8 million from the Chinese. He received 8 million from dignitaries staying at his hotels! Yes . . . the Chinese, and others need somewhere to rest when they’re in Washington DC, New York , etc. These so called journalists make these lies up, informed by our government what to spew to the public. I’m sick of a steady diet of lies. States banning DJT from the ballot. I can’t wait until tomorrow what our fearless leader is going to say about MAGA voters, and this so called insurrection. Folks . . . . We are living in the twilight zone.

1 year ago

Thank you for sharing this! I am with you! I am sad that Trump lost. I will vote for him next time. Ed

1 year ago

Can Trump win? Hell yes he can win! I believe he is our modern day king Jeroboam 2.

David Shingledecker
David Shingledecker
1 year ago

Just look south into the banana republics and what has gone on there to realize the democrat party is following in their footsteps with respect to politics. There is no reason to believe they will deviate from that course seeing how far they’ve gone so far.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Something should be said about the question in the title of this article – I did not write anything about my opinion of ” Can President Trump win ? ” I have mixed feelings about Donald Trump being President – he certainly has better qualities than the current President, I believe he improved during his time as President , but as I mentioned in the comment earlier , it is good to think about the matter giving all possible consideration to those people who have ideas that will guide this Nation in the right direction. With respect for the values that are found in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights of the Constitution. With respect for truth and liberty .

1 year ago

I have read several of the comments made, and cringe at the thought of another 4 years under an administration like we currently have. I don’t see anyone other than President Trump who would stand up to the deep state and the evil that is taking place in our country but he cannot do it alone. Every believer in the Lord Jesus must pray that God will intervene and cast the evil out of America. God did it in the Bible and He can do it again! We must remain faithful to Him (2 Chronicles 7:14) and pray for America and Pres. Trump. We are called together “for such a time as this”!

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

President Trump can regain the presidency if We the People do not allow anti-American factions to prevent him from running and if we can somehow curb the immense amount of voter fraud that has occurred in elections over the past decade. We must not allow mass mail in voting to occur and we must insist on voter ID from anyone casting a vote.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
1 year ago

Who in their right mind would even think about voting for Biden? It would be pure insanity. If Biden/Obama win again would are done as a republic. Election fraud and uninformed voters could be our undoing. Sad.

1 year ago

Yes Trump can win but as Dr. Gorka said, “but will they let him”. Personally I will vote for him

1 year ago

The American citizens will not abide another stolen election, the climate with most of us is that we are in desperate straights, so something will blow, something will give, we pray it’s a God intervention that is preferable, but you see, we all are from pioneering people who have dreams for a better life while the years go ticking by too fast. No Americans will not abide another stolen election. The deep state has already tried assassinating Trump more than 18 times we know of, they can’t kill him because he is called by God to stand against the horrific wicked ones who want to control the world, but they won’t until we are gone, plain and simple, because God protects His own. That’s just the way it is.

1 year ago

DONALD J. TRUMP is still my PRESIDENT not that other SH*T FOR BRAINS nobiden….impeach them so they cannot run for office….

John F
John F
1 year ago

IF Trump is convicted of any crime he is currently charged with, the same poll that places him only 2-4 points above Biden, he will lose the centrist vote and the election. We need a resounding and overwhelming victory. Not one that can be questioned either way.

1 year ago

Trump WILL win. Just remember what all the communist/democrats did to this nation. California and Newsom will now pay for illegal health care! The illegal voting has to be next. How long do the communist/democrats think this country can support all the freebies? We are technically bankrupt now. They are on a fast track to hand us over to the globalists. If our Constitution is in shreds and we cannot support our own military, it’s over. NEVER give up your right to vote and never let the evil forces convince you they have won.

1 year ago

If you’re not gonna post my comments, what’s the purpose of me belonging to a AMAC

1 year ago

Well done. While Biden was speaking yesterday, he was trying – however unconvincingly – to incite hatred of Trump and MAGA. He is angry about January 6 and cares more about that than the foreign wars and chaos at the border and major cities. Is he trying to show that he can rev up a crowd too?

Stephen Maio
Stephen Maio
1 year ago

He can , and it will most likely be for the 3rd time. The question is will our MSM our courts and the average man and woman in America back him IN THE STREETs if necessary, when he does win thats the question

1 year ago

We already know the Dems will cheat to win. They seem to have an unending bag of tricks to pull from. It’s like a football game, in which you have the first quarter to figure out the opponents moves, and then find a way to counter them. Too bad we can’t just sack Biden for good!

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
1 year ago

I hope not. My concerns have to do with Today not Yesterday. His age is an impediment, he now speaks not off the cuff but via teleprompter. When he goes off message, he is disconnected from the real world, makes disconnected comments and sounds borderline demented. He isn’t the man he was in 2016 and will only get worse as time catches up with him. For the good of our country, he should immediately step away from the primary and call it a day while offering some assist to whoever garners the brass ring. We need youth not another basement dweller or octogenarian in the White house. We need someone who has intimate knowledge of the day to day operations of government, the military, and the strength and convictions required to put this train back on the tracks. We need not just a Republican but a true conservative who can serve two terms, has no baggage and the youth and stamina to maneuver through the day to day trials and tribulations of this , the toughest job on the planet.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

MAGA Votes
No 2020 election fraud
Other side : Lawfare on Trump issues

Greg Takemoto
Greg Takemoto
1 year ago

Beijing Biden has stated that he considers the 11 million known criminal invaders to be American citizens. With the strategic placement of these criminals in DemonRat districts devoid of voter ID laws the writing is on the wall for another steal aka coup. What can we do to assure a fair election by American Citizens?

1 year ago

Donald Trump can win if the process is run in a fair way. We know that is not what happened last time around. Those currently in power are throwing anything but the kitchen sink at him to keep him from running again. Of course they have a corrupt media on their side to help them. If they publish lies to us, we must believe them right? That is what they count on. Those of you who are told to hate Trump should listen to what he says directly so you do not get a biased edited version of what he says. You will see the difference immediately. We need to save ourselves from the stupidlity that is taking over our country.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
1 year ago

I voted for Trump twice and would again just to keep the Democrats out of the White House. BUT, I sure wish we could move onto another Republican who would implement the same policies Trump had but without the moral/ immoral baggage.

1 year ago

Nancy Pelosi has already promised the Commiecrat Party that the 2024 election will be, like 2020 election, stolen. “It will be much easier now that we know how to do it, and we will be totally supported by the courts and mainstream news media.” Sad, so sad. When the peoples’ vote means nothing, it will be the end of the United States.

1 year ago

We had a Coup de ta in 2020 election. “President” Donald Trump IS the valid president of the United States; however, the marxists, freemasons, CCP, great reset nutcases, dominion voting systems, useful idiots at the ballot box stole that election. Notice, the democrats don’t have debates. Neither were there democrat debates during the 2020 election season–biden was hiding in his basement with his plandemic mask. THE ELECTIONS ARE ALREADY RIGGED FOR 2024!. Election Integrity is gone! 13 million illegals now in our country?! Plan on gruesome newsom (CA-nancy pelosi nephew) and michelle obama in 2024!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

I almost expect to see Dark Brandon and his evil minions, Congressional democrats, presiding over solemn ceremonies at “Ground Zero” on the Capitol steps today so we can all “remember how democracy almost died” on January 6th. Followed by 30 seconds of silence on CNN and MSNBC.

Anna Angeline Angel Bakos
Anna Angeline Angel Bakos
1 year ago

Despite supporting another Trump win, I believe we should be asking questions about Trump’s platform should he win!
Americans need clear & specific answers about the issues. For example: Does he believe we should eliminate a department of education? Dies he believe that all public schools should be equally funded?
(We know disparity between inner city & affluent suburban schools.This needs to be changed. Parental rights: exactly what do they include?
Reading of medical information being denied to parents- who gave any schools or physician the ability to deny parents such information?

I want to know where the authority lies when a parent requests a course curriculum & is denied because an administrator says it’s ‘against policy!

What are a parent’s rights when they are told that the local or state school board has a rule against sharing such information?
Parents should not have to hire legal assistance to gain access to what their taxes pay for! These are situations actually happening today & I want to know exactly what Trump & any candidate believes z& actions any candidate sill take!
I want answers that are clear & specific to the challenges Americans are fighting & dealing with. I want to know what the leading candidate will support!
Trump’s family has no experience with such problems.They may seem trivial to him & his advisers.
I want answers about what American can do to prevent & take back lands owned by China on our continent!
I want to learn how we can safeguard zoning that is increasingly being removed from local control.
I am not hearing discussion about these issues from our legislators at local, state or national levels.
I need to hear & read commitments regarding these issues because their positions will affect the greater good!

1 year ago

It’s going to be hard for trump to win. I don’t watch or read any mainstream media. The only time I see anything on television is when I am going from channel to channel. All day yesterday the “new” networks were all piling on, slinging mud and BS lies like never before.

1 year ago

In a fair and honest election there is no possible way President Trump would not prevail
im 75 years old and I will not ever put up with the next 4 years of my life being run by the scum of the earth that are in office now
the despicable scumbag we call our president now can only campaign on trying to scare people by call the honorable president Trump a hitler type when in actuality it is scumbiden that is destroying America and scumbiden doesn’t even have the intelligence to do it alone scumbiden gets all his directions from the nigger president scumbagObama and his cronies Scumbiden couldn’t possibly campaign on his passed 4 years of his accomplishments he has none
sorry to be so blunt but the term nigger needs to be brought back
UNDERSTAND I DONOT USE IT TO DESCRIBE BLACK PEOPLE. There are many people who are niggers people like up chuck Schumer, Hilary the bitch Cuntin ,the sniveling weasel Mayorkas ,the useless merrick garland who wouldn’t no right from wrong if his life depended on it, Adam the scum butt schiff
and of course people who are black like the cunt letitia the loud mouth James
No if Mr Trump or at least a republican with similar views and ideas don’t get the presidency back and it falls back into the hands of this low life scum sucking shit spewing organization called the Democratic Party I sincerely hope someone has the balls to rally up this country’s military and not just drain the swamp but kill every last one of them and then America will be GREAT AGAIN

1 year ago

NO! If the corrupt DOJ even “allows” him to run for office the Deep State/NWO/Globalists will never allow him to win. I.E. 2020!

Martha Henriod
Martha Henriod
1 year ago

My prayer is that the liberal voters will be so disenfranchised with Biden that they won’t bother to vote, or they will vote for a third party. Will they cheat? Yes, but hopefully not so overt and “over the top”.

Lee Scalf
Lee Scalf
1 year ago

I have a question ⁉️ ???? who’s going to stop this coming up Election from being Crooked on the Voting System Again??? In my Lifetime never have I’ve seen such a Crooked Government agencies be against the American ???????? People until the Obama, Hillary and Biden Regime and some Republicans too ?? This year is going to be a FREE for ALL, because they the Regime does not want TRUMP ???????? to win , because he will expose and take them DOWN!? Is this All Correct ????

1 year ago

It does matter if he wins. The deep state will never surrender. We will see chaos in another impeachment.

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Drug and medical costs - healthcare. Pills spilling out of a medicine cup onto hundred dollar bills, with a hundred dollar bill rolled up in a pill bottle, a concept showing the cost of healthcare.
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 28: U.S. President Donald Trump takes a question from a reporter before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump spoke about his contentious Oval Office meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.

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