Democrat-run states are instituting a host of left-wing laws at the beginning of 2024 targeting several cultural and political issues.
States like California, Michigan, Illinois, Washington and Colorado are enacting laws pushing LGBTQ issues on their residents, as well as various restrictions to residents’ behavior that attempt to limit emissions or damage to the environment. Blue states are also targeting gun rights and expanding protections for illegal aliens.
California is initiating a new law on Jan. 1 that will fine major retailers if they don’t sell “gender-neutral” children’s toys in their stores. These items would have to be clearly marked and sectioned, and stores that refuse to comply will face a $250 penalty for the first violation and a $500 penalty for every subsequent offense.
This law also pertains to “any product designed or intended by the manufacturer to facilitate sleep, relaxation, or the feeding of children, or to help children with sucking or teething.”
“Let retailers decide what’s best for their customers and what their clientele want, but the last thing we need is for the state legislature in California to decide [what parents buy for their children],” Republican California Sen. Melissa Melendez told Fox News. “We don’t need the government trying to co-parent with us.”
Also starting in 2024, a new law in the Golden State will ban the sale of any gas-powered lawnmowers, leaf blowers, chainsaws or yard care equipment. Tens of thousands of workers in California who relied on such equipment for their businesses will be most affected by the new rule; concerns also exist over the efficacy and cost of electric-powered alternatives, according to The Sacramento Bee.
“The people most affected are going to be the Latinos that don’t have a big business,” Fulgencio Vazquez, a landscaping manager in Sacramento, told the Bee. Another landscaping small business owner, Rafael Guzman, told the Bee that big businesses would be the “only ones” to survive the new law, and noted that landscaping jobs with electric-powered equipment would take longer “because the machines don’t have the same potential.”
The law comes alongside a massive push in California to promote electric vehicles and the phase out gas-powered household appliances. California seeks to be completely reliant on green energy and 100% carbon neutral by 2045, according to Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office.
California is also instituting a new law on Jan. 1, 2024, that will ban employers from asking employees about their marijuana consumption outside of the workplace. It would also prevent employers from penalizing employees if they test positive for cannabis use, unless they are deemed actively high at work.
In 2024, Michigan will expand its civil rights act to prevent discrimination on the basis of “gender identity,” according to the bill text. The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that state justices must use the “preferred pronouns” of attorneys in their courtrooms starting on Jan. 1.
The judges who dissented against the ruling said that the courts should not intertwine politics with legal practices.
“This is a fluid political debate into which our judicial branch of state government should not wade, let alone dive headfirst and claim to have resolved,” Justice Brian Zahra wrote in his dissent. “Such hubris has no place within the operation of a judicial branch of state government.”
Michigan is also issuing multiple new restrictions on gun and firearm rights going into the new year. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and lawmakers signed legislation to expand background checks for gun sales, restrict gun ownership for individuals convicted of domestic violent misdemeanors and institute “red flag” policies that would allow courts to remove guns from individuals that the courts deem as a safety risk to themselves or others.
Similar to California lawmakers, Whitmer signed the Clean Energy and Climate Action Package Act in November which seeks to make the state 100% carbon neutral by 2040; the act goes into effect starting on Feb. 27, 2024.
The act would require all of the state’s utilities to increasingly source from green energy, like solar and wind power, or from nuclear, hydrogen, and natural gas. Whitmer claims that Michigan’s new green energy laws will save the state’s residents approximately $145 a year on utility expenses, but residents can actually expect to pay thousands more in supplemental energy costs per year under the green energy plan, according to think-tank Mackinac Center.
In Illinois, a new law going into effect on Jan. 1 will allow non-citizens to become police officers and sheriffs, so long as they are deemed “legally authorized” to work in the United States. This would include individuals who are in the U.S. under green card status as well as individuals on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) list, according to The Associated Press.
“To the Left, citizenship is meaningless,” Republican Presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said in July during a criticism of Illinois’ new law. “No illegal alien should have authority over any American citizen. It is a sad commentary on the state of America that this is even a debate.”
Landlords in Illinois will be required under state law to rent or sell property to noncitizens and illegal aliens beginning on Jan. 1. Illegal immigrants will also be allowed to obtain a standard driver’s license starting in mid-2024, according to a separate bill.
Beginning on Jan. 1, Illinois will shut off state funding for public and school libraries that ban books for political reasons, including books that promote LGBTQ+ ideology, making it the first state to enact such a law, according to state Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s office. Parents and lawmakers alike have expressed concern that some of the books in question contain sexually explicit content that should not be promoted to children.
In Colorado, a new law will go into effect beginning on Jan. 1 banning certain single-use plastics, following in the footsteps of other blue states that have enacted similar legislation. These include plastic bags, such as those found at a grocery store, as well as Styrofoam cups and takeout containers, which are typically less expensive than paper or biodegradable alternatives, according to packaging company Swiftpak.
“The Democrat-led plastics ban, is an anti-business attack on the restaurant industry, schools, and struggling families,” the Colorado House GOP said of the law when it was initially introduced.
Washington state will add further restrictions to existing gun laws on Jan. 1 requiring potential buyers to wait 10 days before purchasing any class of firearm. Washington will also join California in banning employers from asking employees about cannabis use, or discriminating against them should they test positive for consumption.
The offices of Newsom, Whitmer, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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Reprinted with permission from Conservative Daily News by Jake Smith.
These are not “laws”, but are satanic doctrines of perverse minds.
Do the voters in these states realize that their elected officials are screwing over the poor and middle class they purport to support? Every one of the new laws makes it harder on their citizens financially, not easier. All in their sick and twisted virtue signaling. To the best of my knowledge all of these states are in the tank for money anyway. Guess it’s good that there are all of the red states to move to, though only if the people are legal.
They won’t stop until they turn these millions of illegals into legal Democratic voters.
This is how the Marxist Democrats look to stay in power, everybody living off the government being paid for by hardworking Americans. Pure MARXISM, like Russia!
I’ll assume there will be an onslaught on legal challenges to these new “laws” that infringe upon our God given rights as Americans.
This message is to the author of this article and to all those who write about the fiscal atrocities of democratic politicians, the systematic elimination of our God-given rights that are detailed in our constitution by democratic politicians, and all the selfish money-grabbing rules, laws, lies, in-actions, and other job-performance neglect by democratic politicians, do not forget Minnesota. Do not forget the libertarians, the republicans, the pro-law democrats, and the majority of the people living and working outside of Minneapolis and St. Paul. This is an incomplete list of the harm that Minnesota democratic politicians did in 2023;
Wow , it looks to me as though DEMOCRAT States are FORCING citizens to either give up their freedom or to pay more in taxes .
These so-called laws do nothing for the people but to enact their power over us!
Anyone who has worked around forklifts has a vested interest in knowing if the person operating the lift is stoned or even still high from the night before. Thats just one example. Where i live there are dumptrucks aplenty. These behemoths are often driven like sports cars. Its not stepping on someone’s rights frivolously to question the drivers thc level.
Merit is not required to become a sheriff. No learning. Juan or Osama coming in over the border can be patrolling your neighborhood soon. Your nurse or dr can be high on weed but he can’t be fired because when he or she is tested and isn’t high they can stay. I feel so much better knowing this don’t you? I would have to think twice before I would go in for surgery. They are going too far to regulate everything. They decide if a teething ring for your teething baby is okay. All a plan to make lousy parents so they can take over raising them. Like ole Joe says we can do a much better job than the parents. They are not raising them they want to mold them, control them from cradle to the grave. Pretty soon they will make a rule when you can go the bathroom. After that when you can exhale. You know to clean up the environment we are putting out too much Carbon Dioxide. Genocide by executive order. They are not done yet. They have a lot more on their agenda what they will do to the average American. When they are done with them, they will come for the blacks and Hispanics. Hitler was a weakling compared what the New World Order has planned. Can someone explain to me why anyone would vote for Ole Joe?
of course they all see the writing on the wall. democrats are goign to get slaughtered in November and they have to enact their bs now and hope it does not get cut by the new leadership in a year.
Only the moronic 20% are still loyal democrats.
Election integrity is the one most critical issue in our constitutional republic. Why is a 15% minority controlling the government? The silent majority does not support their actions! Polling shows that 80% of the people support picture ID for voting. So how did Michigan voters approve universal mail in voting?? Was it “rigged”? A person in Muskegon, MI dropped off 10,000 voter registration applications when less that 4,000 people in that community of voter age were not registered. How did a happy Republican state vote Democratic? Or for several days of early voting? I grew up with paper ballots and we knew election results the next day! Unless it was very close. Whitmer cancelled her three top challengers in the last election, saying voters signatures (according to her staffer), for getting on the ballot were fraudulent. Never heard of that happening anywhere before! She forced more people to die in nursing homes than governor Cuomo of New York, after what he said was wrong! She let her HHS secretary, who knew about the deaths, quietly leave with a 6 figure severance pay.
The nutjobs aren’t waiting around . The spineless Republicans aren’t pushing back . Anyone with an once of brains leave those state’s and let them rot .
Americans don’t have a God given right to anything now. It is now a Government given right. Yes, I am cynical and I admit it.
To force more Exodus from Blue States
California’s crime rate is about to increase even more and their population shrink even more.
Well here it is again, we just can`t fix Libatard stupidity
Tell the people in Colorado about, once they get done screwing us over with New Laws, they are going to feed us to the Wolves!
Illegals can become Police over American citizens????? WTF are these democrats smoking?
California doesn’t need insane asylums… it IS one! I moved in 1987 because it was getting loony but now is worse.
ALL these marxist democrat party politicians who are enacting policies to destroy America, promote immoral, unconstitutional behaviors and target legal normal Citizens – MUST BE REMOVED!!
This scum is not worthy to work for Citizens and their behavior is treason!
2024 will be the Election that throws them out!
Those who choose to do evil and restrict the freedoms of the people
will receive their just reward before the Creator God
who knows their evil ways. The wages of sin and evil
doers will be given death never to live again. Those who love
the Creator God will be given eternal life and live happy
forever with their Lord. There will never be any evil there.
No protesting no riots, for all will love their Lord for His great
sacrifice to save them and there will never be any one who has
hate in their hearts. It will be a perfect life with perfect people
who will be loving caring people always. Never doing any wrong
acts of behavior. I look forward to that coming life. to see my Lord
and talk to him face to face.
looks like another great year for the dems.
This country is going to hell in a handbasket. It’s time to get rid of ALL the demokrats.
Gender-neutral toys are called “sticks”.
These useless pieces of self serving garbage are forgetting THEY work for US!
Time for We the People to send them a RESOUNDING reminder in 2024!
Naturally those demoncrap governors aren’t going to respond. They have no way to justify these new totalitarian, communistic laws. Hopefully when the lawsuits start flying the courts will ultimately agree that this new CRAP is unconstitutional, and they will get struck down.
I, unfortunately, have the misfortune of living in Illinois which is controlled by the Chicago democrats. If it wasn’t for the job and for family, I would move. Just may anyway….
I can guess which states will be losing middle class taxpayers starting this year.
And don’t forget that, in addition to “no cash bail” (AKA Open Jail Door) while Illinois’ ban on assault weapons went into effect in 2023, a key provision took effect on New Year’s Day. That provision requires individuals who “owned assault weapons, high-capacity magazines and other devices” listed in HB 5471 to register those devices. This includes anything that even looks like an “assault weapon” – whatever that is.
Great. Now Dems. and lefties wonder why a In surection. We bdont need a Govt. yoak around our necks. Kyle L.
Free men Do Not ask permission to bear Arms
The course of history shows that a Government that grows, Liberty Decreases
The Government you elect is the Government you deserve
Democracy is 51%of the people taking away the Rights of the other 49%
When the government is No longer of the People, By the People, For the People. It is the Duty of The People to Abolish said Government.
Quit Fearing the Government Tyrants. We Do Not Work for the Government.
Tyranny of the a Few.. Cowardice of the Many.. Stop waiting for someone else to fix it..
just saying !
Hopefully Newscum will be voted out this year. But if my gas powered riding mower happens to break down and I need a new one…I will go to Nevada and buy another one. Screw him I am so sick of him and his liberal, stupid rules. He is nothing but a control freak.
Overreach by any state. Do not comply.
Welcome to Cuba, where fifteen, twenty-five and even 35 year old lawn equipment is still being used! I use ‘Ereplacementparts.com’ for my small engine parts. And folks will wonder why their lawncare (if they can afford such a thing) bill(s) goes up by 50% soon. STUPID voters……
These people that are in political power are Marxist through and though. They care not what The Citizens think, they care not for the the law of the land which is The Constitution of The United States. They are ruining America for the globalist gain and elitist. What is it going to take for those whom have been brain washed to think this is the way. These Marxist could care less whether you die tomorrow or not. They are too busy importing non citizens to fulfill their goal. Why do you think there is no real push to curb the crime and mass murder problem in the inner cities? All part of the plan of eventually taking over all by force. Everyone will live in misery except for the elitist. Wake up because it’s coming
Braindead..see democrats.
These CA legislators are killing their own state. How can its citizens put up with this. A lot of them aren’t- witness the mass exodus.
Regarding CA.Since there’s NO SUCH THING as gender neutral, not sure what actually would qualify as a gender neutral toy. As far as the marijuana issue, that always been bogus as drug testing has NEVER been used to prove impairment. It was ALWAYS a political issue.
Most of my problems in life have been due to unfair laws and government regulations.
Well, where are the GOP politicians that should be opposing this aberration? We are acting as if a dictatorship were already inplace and the only thing citizens can do is cry about it. This is simply appalling.
Where’s the “not on my watch” crew?
Glad to live in Texas
Socialism at its finest. Undermining the Judeo-Christine values, which made this country one of laws, standards and requirements. Joe Stalin would be proud.
Gee, I wonder if we are going to have to pee blue in order to be allowed to live a life of restricted freedom.
What these state ligislators are not aware of is that they are enacting laws that will over time ruin their state and take them down along with it. They are led by a spirit of corruption and evil.
This country is on a downhill slide and it is picking up speed. Only a minority is concerned so we are going to see a continued deterioration of society. Our children and grandchildren are not going to enjoy the life we had. Unbelievable!!
should there be a law against legislating while stoned? this proves it’s happening in blue states….
These governors taking a page from MSM’s playbook of parroting? These states are all enacting basically the same types of laws, sounding an awfully low alike, and pretty much all going into effect Jan 1st except for one in Feb.
Is this the new or latest onslaught by the Democrat ‘establishment’ against individual freedom of choice and freedoms in general? Sounds like it.