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Big Brother Biden Is Watching

Posted on Friday, April 29, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive – By Tammy Bruce

That guy you hear yelling “I warned you!” is George Orwell from the beyond. This as the Biden administration announced the establishment of a “Disinformation Board,” which is nothing less than a “Ministry of Truth,” a concept featured in Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984.”

For the Democrats, it seems they consider Orwell’s masterpiece not as the warning against fascism as he meant it but as a template for what’s to become. 

His novel’s “Ministry of Truth” was charged in part with making sure public discussion conformed with party narrative. We’re now told Biden’s new “Disinformation Board,” a unit within the massive national security apparatus of the  Department of Homeland Security, is to combat “misinformation” and “disinformation.” In other words, opinions, facts, investigations, and journalism threatening the Marxist and woke Democratic Party agenda.

Orwell regularly warned the world about the real nature of fascism as it began to consume Europe in the early and mid-20th century. In “1984” he wrote: 

“In the end, the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable—what then?”

So far, the Democrats have given us “anti-racist” racists, “anti-fascist” fascists, and “anti-misinformation” propagandists. Of course, they couldn’t resist becoming the “anti-lying” liars.

For Orwell, the mottos displayed on the “1984” ministries building were “WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. And IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.” Perhaps DHS Secretary Mayorkas will be tempted to make “TRUTH IS DISINFORMATION” the new DHS motto. 

After all, he keeps telling us, “The southern border is closed,” despite every fact, including our own eyes, confirming the opposite. Biden keeps telling us that the economy is strong, crime is down, and everything in China is fine, just fine.

The first of many reasons why this remarkable announcement especially matters is it is clearly a reaction to Elon Musk buying Twitter.

No doubt the Democrats took for granted that they would be in perpetual and total control of social media’s power as Town Square. They were likely thrilled with the impact of Twitter management interference with the 2020 election and expected to be able to continue to control the conversation and, in large part, the future of this country by suppressing information.

This new board confirms exactly how much they relied on Twitter and the platform’s willingness to smash and silence anyone who dared to challenge the status quo. No doubt, they now hope that using federal law enforcement will be the new mechanism with which they can intimidate the media to comply with the suppression of information they decide is threatening to their stranglehold on power.

There’s been much discussion about the woman already appointed to head this monstrosity. But think about: What kind of person would be willing to lead a commission meant to control speech by punishing and silencing offenders? Of course, she’s a menace, anyone leading it would be. What our focus must be on is rejecting the premise itself as inherently un-American and wholly unconstitutional.

These are the same people who told us the Hunter Biden laptop was a fraud and product of Russian disinformation. We now know that was a lie. They tell us there are 57 genders, and if you contradict that, you will be canceled from society. They used social media and Big Tech to insist that the COVID-19 vaccine would “stop the virus,“ which was false. Those who challenged the notion that cloth masks could “stop the virus,” now acknowledged as not true, were censored, smeared, and cancelled. They still insist the southern border is closed, and the economy is just fine. 

This is not entirely surprising considering the open and well-known collusion between the Democrats, the Biden administration, and social media to suppress a whole variety of discussions, people, and issues both prior to and during the 2020 presidential election.

After enjoying big tech and Twitter doing the government’s bidding by censoring and silencing anyone who challenged the orthodoxy, the Democrats realized that the jig was up.

The Democrat political machine that is obsessed with making it too dangerous to speak about scientific and factual truths has decided to federalize the Old Twitter strategy of thought policing the nation. Clearly this cannot stand.

The Democrats do not mean well. What they are doing is not constitutional, and the “disinformation board” is a serious attempt to eventually criminalize vocal opposition. It must be fought immediately as the threat to national security and our constitutional order that it truly is. 

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Skip Ratcliff
Skip Ratcliff
2 years ago

This scares the hell out if me, and I continue to struggle to understand those who cannot see this for what it is: Nazi Germany in the making. Has the American “experiment” failed so soon? How can good, hardworking people see this misinformation board as a positive step? I’m stunned.

2 years ago

I fear the Dems are so bold only because they know they will control the vote counting in the upcoming (and future) election(s). They once concealed what they are and what they stand for, but now everything is out in the open and everyone (that cares to know) knows. The only conclusion I can reach is that they know they will be counting the votes and their hold on power is not threatened.

2 years ago

Comrade President Jackass Joe “Lyin” Biden “Promised” to be “Moderate” yet he’s the most radical incompetent to
“serve” in the White House! . . . He doesn’t need to be impeached, he needs to be brought up on charges of TREASON!

Rick B.
Rick B.
2 years ago

There is a reason why freedom of speech was the very first protection in the Bill of Rights. Without it, the rest of those amendments were subject to “cancellation without notice” by the thought police. The way things have been up until now, you were free to say or write anything you wanted (except “fire” in a theater, or “Hi, Jack!” in an airport). If you were wrong, you were called out by those who knew better, and if you were maliciously wrong, you were punished through a slander or libel law suit. The new and better Biden way is to punish by fiat, subjectively declaring certain statements to be mis or disinformation, without benefit of any judicial oversight (a judge and jury of peers). This act will not be carried out by the judicial branch, but by some nameless bureaucrat in the executive branch, who will purport to know the unvarnished truth absent any bias or political leaning. Yeah, right.

2 years ago

Why isn’t the Congress/Senate bringing treason charges against the current democratic platform in our government including the President, Vice President and Speaker of the House, etc., who are spewing lies/untruths relative to our Constitution and they should be TRIED FOR TREASON! They are undermining our government as set up by our forefathers, and our Constitution that has served our country well for centuries!!! We are losing our freedoms people and we better wake up this country to that fact! I realize the Democrats control the House and the Senate and that is the main reason for treason charges not being investigated or filed against many of the current Democratic party and the people supposedly running our government! The biggest issue right now is the disinformation campaign that Biden is starting with the lunatic who is going to be running it, and it is unconstitutional! We need to vote them out of office and quickly! Do your best people to get everybody you know out to vote to get the idiots out of office in our country! We need to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Close the borders of our country, make people come in the proper and correct way, continue with the Keystone pipeline and make us energy independent, stop all the foolishness in our government today, and get the people out of our government who have their own personal agendas and who are not working for USA citizens!! There are too many Socialists, Communists, Fascists, and Marxists in our government today! VOTE THEM OUT!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

With their economic policies, propensity to lie, and spy on Americans, it’s more like “1984” melded with “Atlas Shrugged”… “1984 Shrugged”. Now all we need is some “soma” and a shot of “Victory Gin” to wash it down in this “Brave New World”.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

DICTATOR Beijing biden doesn’t know where he’s at or what he’s talking about or who he’s talking to and has to NAP every 15 minutes. But in between NAPS he continues SELLING OUT the United States and has continued to commit ESPIONAGE and TREASON at same time. SWAMP QUEEN pelosi lost her mind a long time ago and flaps her arms living in FANTASY WORLD. Feinstein has no idea who she is talking to or what was just said like DICTATOR Beijing biden.
Communist harris is just plain STUPID with a STUPID Laugh.
CRYING Schumer hides when he makes STUPID remarks.
Then you have the rest of the SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST liberals howling at the moon saying ANYTHING to fit their FASCIST narrative backed by Communist News Network and those other LOSER stations msnbc, abc, nbc, cbs, and TikTok, and FASCISTBOOK.
And let’s not forget the LOUDMOUTH LOSERS-AOC and Maxine Waters whose mouths are so BIG they could…
Make sure you check your wallet because under them you WON’T have a WALLET or FREEDOM.

2 years ago

… the Warren Commission 2.0.1, our bold, decisive, fearless leader, President Joseph Biden, has commissioned a brand new federal agency in dedication, to the cover-up his election rigging folly –

Jack Thomas
Jack Thomas
2 years ago

As I noted in an Internet post elsewhere only a couple of days ago, we cannot permit the woke minority to have majority control over the future direction of our country. This includes the flow of information and public discourse on issues that matter to Americans, regardless of their political views. Free speech must be respected and preserved. That won’t happen if “We, the People” allow an unconstitutional, Orwellian initiative like Biden’s newly formed “Misinformation Governance Board” to be implemented, albeit without congressional oversight as was recently reported on cable TV news.

Gloria P. Sterling
Gloria P. Sterling
2 years ago

The warning was NOT taken seriously by very many of us.

2 years ago

What are the suggestions on how to proceed combating the establishment of this new disinformation board?

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 years ago

let me get this right: the party that brought us the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the claim that the Hunter Biden laptop from hell story was Russian disinformation, the borders are secure, the PolitiFact lie of the year (“If you like your plan, you can keep it” -President Barack Obama), etc. is the same party deciding what is and is not disinformation that should be called out and we’re supposed to trust them? Does anyone else find this ridiculous?

2 years ago

Anyone who votes for a demoncRAT in November does not deserve to live. At the very least, such a person should be institutionalized.

2 years ago

The anti-racist racist comment is particularly personal to me. When I pointed out the fact that limiting the choice of Supreme Court appointees to only back women was racist, my liberal friends insisted that I was racist!!

2 years ago

What are the 57 genders?

2 years ago

I agree with the writer, but how do we fight this? In my opinion, an article that has arguments in it needs to have support on how to ACCOMPLISH the desired effect ==> the abolishment of fascism.

United we stand — Divided we fall…perhaps that where the push-back needs to start.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

Can anyone say, NAZI GESTAPO!!

If there is no longer ANYONE who can stand up and do what our Constitution allows for the citizens of this country to do, to form Militia’s to arrest all those in support of the traitors and the traitors themselves, to hold them, and then once all are accounted for have them tried for treason and executed; if none of our elected officials will do what needs to be done, then we as a nation are finished.
When ‘all’ stand before the Lord on Judgement Day, the prayers of the saints will be answered.
May God have mercy on our souls!

2 years ago

Atlas Shrugged is another good story. Ayn Rand nailed what’s going on today back in 1957. 1984 was required reading in HS back in the 70’s.

2 years ago

… better watch out. Democrats are coming to get you. They want to pave to the way shut you up, so their LGBTQ stalwarts stand a fair chance, at making a grab for your children –

2 years ago

To quote Winston Churchill: If you’re not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you’re not a conservative at forty you have no brain.

2 years ago

And of course, Obama is calling for more censorship from the media “to protect democracy”. He is no longer content to run things from behind the scenes, he craves the limelight. If we do not demand that our elected representatives put a stop to this NOW, we deserve what is coming.

Bill Blake
Bill Blake
2 years ago

Biden is clueless… it’s Obama. He needs to be exposed and stopped!

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
2 years ago

Doublethink is a skill that is essential to serving in the Biden Administration…”DOUBLETHINK… knowing the TRUTH, while telling CAREFULLY CONSTRUCTED LIES.”

2 years ago

The salary of the Truth Czar last year was equal to the total salaries of all 100 US senators

2 years ago

All of this happening today, I blame all on the people that voted for Biden because they didn’t like President Trump but the man was getting things done in the four years he was there. Now people have no one to blame but themselves. What scare me most are all the fake votes from people who are not allowed to vote, plus the dead vote, and all the stuff ballots that the Facebook, Twitter put out there.

2 years ago

I will say what I want , if they don’t like it. They can come get me. With the country going down down the toilet. I really have no hold back left.

David Neal
David Neal
2 years ago

Yes!!! This is a great article and speaks truth! Read it and digest it well. I agree that we must stand, “immediately” and fight this attempt to criminalize vocal opposition!

David Maddox
David Maddox
2 years ago

If the 1st Amendment goes down, this country goes down with it.

Will Smith
Will Smith
2 years ago

I’m so sick and tired of the double standerds the far left has taken this, it amazes me how they lie their asses off but when we call them out on it were the one who are wrong. Just like this food shortage crap, you have a bunch of food where houses and food processing plants that are all of a sudden burning down or planes crashing in to them. Well it’s only obvious that the democrackheads are behind this Biden all ready opened his mouth about it yet they will denie the whole thing and if any one says something about it were wrong. Wake up America

2 years ago

Just another civil rights infringement lawsuit for sleepy Joe and his puppet master Obama. They are gonna find out that trying to suppress America is not going to work out so well for thwm

2 years ago

The book, 1984, is a view of control. Remember the lead in for the television program Outer Limits when they, ‘took control of your television set’. Well, 1984 is the truth about the Marxist Bible and how ignorance is the key to government corruption of control forcing people to conform at both a physical and emotional level. The process of socialist control is best outlined in another work from George Orwell, ‘Animal Farm’. This is where ignorance is fully controlled and truth has no reality in fact. It’s best for all, in control, to work harder for success. However, who realizes the benefits of any success and who is bearing to brunt of the work. I think this sums it up for the radical left: “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL, BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS”. The Woke rule is hate, there is no other word for them. MAGA; however, isn’t a Trump slogan as much as it is a statement of principal and dedication to the only successful way of life framed in freedom, America. That means that freedom of speech is primary to truth in facts. If somehow the left can prevent you from speaking your mind, the reason is gone, you can no longer learn the truth by exchanging facts and ideas. Truth is the one fundamental where the left is totally blocked. Elon Musk responded to the left yesterday about free speech and regurgitate their lies, stated facts: Trump and Russian (Lie), No Hunter Biden laptop (Lie), I will get all Americans out of Afghanistan (Lie), Mask Mandates are science (Lie), l have never been involved with Hunters business dealings (Lie), Billions in free money won’t cause inflation (Lie), More free money will prevent a recession (Lie), and the worst Lie yet, we didn’t leak a document, said to be from the Supreme Court, to sway attention from all the Democrat failures (Lie), and hundreds more!

2 years ago

We did it to ourselves…apathetic voting In the past led the way for fraudulent Voting which Enabled the criminals to Inherit and control…President Trump As commander in Chief….Should have called a national meeting In congress to halt this overthrow Of America…We would have nipped this in butt And the constitution and Bible Would be forever…and our Enemies and traitors to the gallows

Henry McElroy
Henry McElroy
2 years ago

In order for We The Sovereign American People (WTSAP) en masse to Rule of Lawfully and Effectively STOP these types of Tyrannies again in WTSAP’s American Republic and NOW REGAIN & KEEP & SUSTAIN it again –since no one else is– PURSUANT Minimally to 1- & 2- following. (Yes, there are many other such Rule of Lawfare Mandates justifying Lawful Direct Action.)   We simply have to remember, “FREEDOM ISN”T FREE” and follow minimally our Rule of Lawfare Mandates in:
1- Benjamin Franklin’s 1789 warning, “If you can KEEP it.” and
2- Rule of Law Mandates for WTSAP en masse to take NECESSARY Active Lawful Direct Actions –when no one else is– in the second paragraph of WTSAP’s 1776 Declaration of Independence.
May God Almighty, The Great Legislator and Architect of the Universe PILOT our every thought and actions through the labyrinth of destructive evil currently afoot in our Republic. This evil is exemplified by things like the Marxist “Disinformation Board” and other evils spewing forth from the Democratic Party agenda and fully condoned by the current POTUS’ Administration. God Almighty’s PILOTING is also important when we consider joining with other like-minded groups and individuals like AMAC to STOP these evils in their tracks. No one else is stopping it. Therefore, it is left up to We The Sovereign American People, the Self-Governors of our Self-Governing Republic, God Speed

gender ideology, male and female symbols
donald trump
dog and bird watching Trump on TV
MALIBU, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 16: A view of a hillside car and home (L) destroyed in the Palisades Fire on January 16, 2025 in Malibu, California. Multiple wildfires which were fueled by intense Santa Ana Winds have burned across Los Angeles County leaving at least 27 dead with over 180,000 people having been under evacuation orders. Over 12,000 structures have been burned in the Palisades and Eaton Fires. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

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